how to fix the problem regarding crashing of session in google colab after using available RAM even after using small dataset - crash

My session in google colab is continously crashing showing "Your session is crashed after using available RAM" even after using small dataset.
test size = 999892
train size = 2999892
I am searching for the solution to this problem but unable to find one.
corpus = []
for i in range(0, 299989):
SentimentText = re.sub('[^a-zA-Z]', ' ', dataset1['SentimentText'][i])
SentimentText = re.sub('<[^<]+?>', ' ', dataset1['SentimentText'][i])
tokenizer = RegexpTokenizer(r'\w+')
SentimentText = tokenizer.tokenize(SentimentText)
SentimentText = ' '.join(SentimentText)
X_train = cv.fit_transform(corpus)
from sklearn.feature_extraction import text
X_train = text.TfidfTransformer().fit_transform(X_train)
X_train = X_train.toarray()
y_train = dataset.iloc[:, 1].values
after executing the third part the error is displayed of session crashing..

Try turning on the GPU from the edit menu and select notebook settings. In the hardware accelerators select GPU. This will increase the size of the RAM.


How to use FasterRCNN Openimages v4?

I can't seem to find any documentation on how to use this model.
I am trying to use it to print out the objects that appear in a video
any help would be greatly appreciated
I am just starting out so go easy on me
I am trying to use it to print out the objects that appear in a video
I interpret that your problem is to print out the name of the found objects.
I don't know how you implemented where you got Fast RCNN trained on OpenImages v4. Therefore, I will give you the way with the model from Tensorflow Hub. Google Colab. AI Hub
After some digging around and a LOT of trial and error I came up with this
import tensorflow as tf
import tensorflow_hub as hub
import time,imageio,sys,pickle
# sys.argv[1] is used for taking the video path from the terminal
video = sys.argv[1]
#passing the video file to ImageIO to be read later in form of frames
video = imageio.get_reader(video)
dictionary = {}
#download and extract the model( faster_rcnn/openimages_v4/inception_resnet_v2 or
# openimages_v4/ssd/mobilenet_v2) in the same folder
module_handle = "*Path to the model folder*"
detector = hub.load(module_handle).signatures['default']
#looping over every frame in the video
for index, frames in enumerate(video):
# converting the images ( video frames ) to tf.float32 which is the only acceptable input format
image = tf.image.convert_image_dtype(frames, tf.float32)[tf.newaxis]
# passing the converted image to the model
detector_output = detector(image)
class_names = detector_output["detection_class_entities"]
scores = detector_output["detection_scores"]
# in case there are multiple objects in the frame
for i in range(len(scores)):
if scores[i] > 0.3:
#converting form bytes to string
object = class_names[i].numpy().decode("ascii")
#adding the objects that appear in the frames in a dictionary and their frame numbers
if object not in dictionary:
dictionary[object] = [index]

Speed up generation of USE(universal sentence encoder) embeddings

I am working on a semantic similarity problem using universal sentence encoder. The dataset contains abstracts of scholarly articles. The mean length is around 1500. There are ~300k records in data and it will take quite long to generate USE embedding for all of them. I am looking for ways to optimize this. Currently, generating embedding for 10k rows of data took ~15 mins.
from tqdm import tqdm
use_module_url = ""
model = hub.load(use_module_url)
print ("module %s loaded" % use_module_url)
def embed(input):
return model(input)
def get_features(texts):
if type(texts) is str:
texts = [texts]
return embed(texts)
def data_iterator(data):
chunk_list = []
for x in tqdm(range(0, len(data), 1000)):
if x+1000 > len(data):
return chunk_list
data = df['text'][:10000].values
data_processed = list(map(process_text, data))
Here, I want to speed up the generation of USE embeddings for my data. I am experimenting in kaggle kernel and have turned on the GPU. The GPU utilization doesn`t go beyond 2-3% & CPU utilization was ~120%
chunk_list = data_iterator(data_processed)
for i in tqdm(chunk_list):
BASE_VECTORS_tmp = get_features(i)
Time taken
CPU times: user 16min 48s, sys: 2min 59s, total: 19min 47s
Wall time: 15min 13s
Probably you had not installed GPU version of tensorflow, or had some CUDNN version mismatch. Normally USE uses GPU a lot.

Memory leak when running universal-sentence-encoder-large itterating on dataframe

I have 140K sentences I want to get embeddings for. I am using TF_HUB Universal Sentence Encoder and am iterating over the sentences(I know it's not the best way but when I try to feed over 500 sentences into the model it crashes).
My Environment is:
Ubuntu 18.04
Python 3.7.4
TF 1.14
Ram: 16gb
processor: i-5
my code is:
version 1
I iterate inside the tf.session context manager
embed = hub.Module("")
df = pandas_repository.get_dataframe_from_table('sentences')
with tf.compat.v1.Session() as session:
sentence_embedding = None
for i, row in df.iterrows():
sentence = row['content']
embeddings = embed([sentence])
sentence_embedding =[i, 'embedding'] = sentence_embedding
print('processed index:', i)
version 2
I open and close a session within each iteration
embed = hub.Module("")
df = pandas_repository.get_dataframe_from_table('sentences')
for i, row in df.iterrows():
sentence = row['content']
embeddings = embed([sentence])
sentence_embedding = None
with tf.compat.v1.Session() as session:
sentence_embedding =[i, 'embedding'] = sentence_embedding
print('processed index:', i)
While version 2 does seem to have some sort of GC and memory is cleared a bit. It still goes over 50 items and explodes.
version 1 just goes on gobbling memory.
The correct solution as given by arnoegw
def calculate_embeddings(dataframe, table_name):
sql_get_sentences = "SELECT * FROM semantic_similarity.sentences WHERE embedding IS NULL LIMIT 1500"
sql_update = 'UPDATE {} SET embedding = data.embedding FROM (VALUES %s) AS data(id, embedding) WHERE {}.id ='.format(table_name, table_name)
df = pandas_repository.get_dataframe_from_sql(sql_get_sentences)
with hub.eval_function_for_module("") as embed:
while len(df) >= 0:
sentence_array = df['content'].values
sentence_embeddings = embed(sentence_array)
df['embedding'] = sentence_embeddings.tolist()
values = [tuple(x) for x in df[['id', 'embedding']].values]
pandas_repository.update_db_from_df('semantic_similarity.sentences', sql_update, values)
df = pandas_repository.get_dataframe_from_sql(sql_get_sentences)
I am a newbee to TF and can use any help I can get.
Your code uses tf.Session, so it falls under the TF1.x programming model of first building a dataflow graph and then running it repeatedly with inputs being fed and outputs being fetched from the graph.
But your code does not align well with that programming model. Both versions keep adding new applications of (calls to) the hub.Module to the default TensorFlow graph instead of applying it once and running the same graph repeatedly for the various inputs. Version 2 keeps going into and out of tf.Sessions, which frees some memory but is very inefficient.
Please see my answer to "Strongly increasing memory consumption when using ELMo from Tensorflow-Hub" for guidance how to do it right in the graph-based programming model of TensorFlow 1.x.
TensorFlow 2.0, which is going to be released soon, defaults to the programming model of "eager execution", which does away with graphs and sessions and would have avoided this confusion. TensorFlow Hub will be updated in due course for TF2.0. For a preview close to your use-case, see

TensorFlow example, MemoryError while run

I'm trying to run for learning, but I get an error message:
File "C:\Users\natlun\AppData\Local\Continuum\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\tensorflow\contrib\learn\python\learn\datasets\", line 72, in load_csv_without_header
data = np.array(data)
I use CPU installation of TensorFlow and Python 3.5. Any ideas how to solve the problem?? Other scripts using a csv-file for input work fine.
I was having the same issue. And after many hours of reading and googling (and seeing your unanswered question), and just comparing the example with other examples that do run, I noticed that
dbpedia = tf.contrib.learn.datasets.load_dataset(
'dbpedia', test_with_fake_data=FLAGS.test_with_fake_data, size='large')
should just be
dbpedia = tf.contrib.learn.datasets.load_dataset(
'dbpedia', test_with_fake_data=FLAGS.test_with_fake_data)
Based off of what I've read about numpy, I'd bet the "size='large'" parameter causes an over allocation to a numpy array (which throws the memory error).
Or, when you don't set that parameter perhaps the input data is truncated.
Or some other thing. Anyway, I hope this helps others attempting to run this useful example!
--- Update ---
Without "size='large'" the load_dataset functions appears to create smaller training and test data sets (like 1/1000 the size).
After playing around with the example I realized I could manually load and use the whole data set without getting the memory error (assume it is saving the whole data set as it appears).
# Prepare training and testing data
##This was the provided method for setting up the data.
# dbpedia = tf.contrib.learn.datasets.load_dataset(
# 'dbpedia', test_with_fake_data=FLAGS.test_with_fake_data)
# x_trainz = pandas.DataFrame([1]
# y_trainz = pandas.Series(
# x_testz = pandas.DataFrame([1]
# y_testz = pandas.Series(
##And this is my replacement.
x_train = []
y_train = []
x_test = []
y_test = []
with open("dbpedia_data/dbpedia_csv/train.csv", encoding='utf-8') as filex:
reader = csv.reader(filex)
for row in reader:
with open("dbpedia_data/dbpedia_csv/test.csv", encoding='utf-8') as filex:
reader = csv.reader(filex)
for row in reader:
x_train = pandas.Series(x_train)
y_train = pandas.Series(y_train)
x_test = pandas.Series(x_test)
y_test = pandas.Series(y_test)
The example seems to now be evaluating the whole training data set. But, the original code will probably need to be run once to get/put the data in the correct sub-folders. Also, even while evaluating the whole data set little memory is used (just a few hundred MB). Which, makes me think that the load_dataset function is broken in some way.

Code order influences the final result

I encountered a problem that the code order influences the final result. At first, the code works. After I move one line, tensorflow generates an error.
For example,
working version:
probs = net.get_output()
label_node = tf.placeholder(tf.int32, name='label_node')
top_1_op = tf.nn.in_top_k(probs, label_node, 1)
top_5_op = tf.nn.in_top_k(probs, label_node, 5)
threads = image_producer.start(session=sess, coordinator=coordinator)
for (labels, images) in image_producer.batches(sess):
top_1_result, top_5_result =[top_1_op, top_5_op],
feed_dict={input_node: images, label_node: labels})
Non-working version:
threads = image_producer.start(session=sess, coordinator=coordinator) # move here
probs = net.get_output()
label_node = tf.placeholder(tf.int32, name='label_node')
top_1_op = tf.nn.in_top_k(probs, label_node, 1)
top_5_op = tf.nn.in_top_k(probs, label_node, 5)
for (labels, images) in image_producer.batches(sess):
top_1_result, top_5_result =[top_1_op, top_5_op],
feed_dict={input_node: images, label_node: labels})
Tensorflow generates an error
"tensorflow.python.framework.errors.NotFoundError: FeedInputs: unable to find feed output label_node:0".
As you can see, tensorflow should be able to find "label_node:0". Actually, tensorflow cannot find top_1_op and top_5_op either.
The content of image_producer.start is something similar to:
op_A = ...
queue_runner = tf.train.QueueRunner(queue_B, [op_B] * num_concurrent)
t = queue_runner.create_threads(session, coord=coordinator, start=True)
A more strange thing is that in the non-workable version, after I add two lines in image_producer.start, the code works again. For example, image_producer.start becomes
op_C = ... # new # new
op_A = ...
queue_runner = tf.train.QueueRunner(queue_B, [op_B] * num_concurrent)
t = queue_runner.create_threads(session, coord=coordinator, start=True)
Does anyone have an idea about possible causes of this problem? Or any idea about how to debug this?
It sounds like you are suffering from a bug that was fixed after TensorFlow 0.9.0 was released. In that version (and earlier) TensorFlow suffered from a race condition that could lead to unrecoverable errors if you modified the graph after queue runners (or other threads calling had started. The only workaround in version 0.9.0 is to start
the queue runners (i.e. the image_producer in your code) after the graph has been completely constructed.