An error occurred while starting the application -

I developed a web api with cosmos db .
full code link
i got the following error.
please help me to find what am i doing wrong .

From the error , it looks like your cosmosdb account uri is wrong. Make sure to have a meaningful url, rather than having it with an id,
Something like,
instead of something with decimals.(as it hard to parse)
And do not push your secret keys to your repo.
i see the problem is in the line
Document document = await client.ReadDocumentAsync(UriFactory.CreateDocumentUri(DatabaseId, collectionId, id));
you need to pass the partitionKey while you query the data.

1- make sure you have the right end-point and key
2- In cosmosDB account blade -> Firewalls and virtual networks -> make sure you are allowing the ip of server that hosts your app to access the cosmos account, In case you have your web app in azure ,check the options [Accept connections from within public azure datacenters]
Just a side note regarding this code in your DocumentDbRepository
for a better code just use
instead of using the one you are using in Line 33
This code need some refactoring


How to store custom user data on Netlify Identity?

I've been using Netlify for storing 100% of my app (both frontend and backend) for the last three months. So far, so good.
The only problem now is that I need to store a custom property for each user (say, the phone number), and apparently Netlify Identity doesn't support this (only email, name and roles
I don't want to change the whole app to migrate to another hosting provider just for this detail (actually, I can't, it's for a client and I just don't have time), because it works great, but at the same time I need it.
Can you think of any workaround to this? The less "hackish", the better, but I understand that I'm going beyond the intended use of Netlify Identity.
So it actually does look like Netlify's GoTrue API has a specific endpoint for updating custom user data. After a user is created, you can update metadata by including it as "data" within an authenticated PUT request to /user.
PUT /user
"data" {
"custom_key": "value",
See for more info.
There are dozens of ways to do this, so I'll talk about two generally applicable ways now:
the most "generally capable" one is probably using lambda functions: . This lets you run dynamic code, such as "store to database hosted elsewhere" or "email to our office manager to update a spreadsheet" or even "commit to our closed git repo so it's available in-code" (last one is probably a worst practice, but is possible). You can similarly use a function to read that data back out without exposing API tokens (code example:
you could have the data gathered via a form submission ( I'd probably use to receive a notification of the form submission ( Zapier can of course connect to just about anything on the planet :) . Getting the data back out if you want to show it in your UI is a bit more of a challenge, but you could use the above mentioned functions if you need to connect to some private data store to pull it out. Or for an MVP, just not show it, only let people enter/update it ;)

Informatica using URI based REST API

I'm having real trouble getting Informatica PowerCenter or Developer to call a URI based REST API and I'm doing it for something simple (JIRA's API). Basically I want to call JIRA's worklog REST API which is a different URL for a list of issue ids and write it to our DB.
Informatica PowerCenter supports only HTTP transformation which is only a simple GET. Unfortunately the latest version is still stuck in the 'old' query type URL building where they append inputs into search strings. E.g. if I have a "key" input field with value "ABC-1" and the URL is jira/rest/api/2/search it would actually build the URL on the fly into jira/rest/api/2/search?key=ABC-1. While some of JIRA's API works this way, some use the URI way e.g. jira/rest/api/2/ABC-1/worklog which requires embedding the value into the URI. There's no way I can get this to work :-
if I do jira/rest/api/$key/worklog it still converts the URI into jira/rest/api/$key/worklog/?key=ABC-1 so $key does not get replaced
even if i pre-build the URI outside the mapping it's not feasible as the URI needs to be dynamic to the list of JIRA keys and anyway because it appends ? at the end JIRA throws an error (because ? is a reserved key word for this API)
HTTP transformation does not support NTLMv2 authentication which our company's JIRA instance may upgrade to shortly
Last resort is to use a Java transformation in which Informatica has quite little value add. This also means I need to somehow pass in the JIRA user password for authentication which is a separate challenge (versus just storing as a HTTP connection)
Informatica Developer supports REST Web Consumer Transformation but has similar limitations with only building query type URL. Even worse I can't even dynamically build the URL since it's fixed to the HTTP connection object URL.
Am I straight outta luck?
I got the query and here I would like to answer about this. I can write here only points and it might be you won’t be able to understand that thing properly. So Here I am putting link of blog where the task "how to informatica read rest api is mentioned in detail step by step with video tutotial. Some examples are also there. Feel free to visit
Hope it will help.

how to create a list template in SharePoint online using VS 2013

I am going to create some declarative items in SPO using VS. I know how to create it through UI by I want to create programmatically. As I did some research, there are 3 ways.
First is through SP hosted App(add-in) then give manage permission on host web to create some list on its parent site.
Here is the article:
This approach is not good because App web shouldn't apply any change on its host web.
Second is through Sandbox solution. Once I try to create a sandbox solution using SPO site URL, I will receive an error which said connecting to a remote site is not possible through VS. So I have to enter a local SP URL to create a sandbox solution. then I should create list template declaratively and deploy it and publish it to my SPO environment. Here is the article which explain steps:
The problem that I have with this approach is I don't have access to my managed metadata columns which are located in SPO once I am developing list template in my local development machine.
Third approach is creating List or content type or template in App web which is not my case. This has been explained in this article:
The problem here is, I want to have that template in my site (host site) not in App web site (sub site)
My question is: I want to provide some list template in my SPO environment by using VS 2013. what is the best approach for doing that? and how can I do that? Please give me an step by step instruction.
Thank you
You definetly want to go the App(Add-in) way. It is possible and in many cases prefereble to set up your lists on the host web and then just use the app web for a user interface, or if you don't want to utilize it at all: Just let the add-in do the heavy lifting in creating lists, columns and content types.
The important thing here is that you specify in your code that you want the lists to be created on the Host Web and not the App Web. For this to work you need to include a permission request in your app. When installed, the app will ask the user installing it if it can have permission to the host web. This is done by setting the relevant scope in your AppManifest.xml file, and then you set it under Permission: [your scope] - [permission level] You can read more about this at this resource:
Then something like this code will allow you to create a list on your hostweb. Keep in mind that this list will still be available on the host web even if you remove your app.
oApp.install.addList = function (listName) {
var listCreationInfo = new SP.ListCreationInformation();
var myNewList = hostcontext.get_web().get_lists().add(listCreationInfo);
var dfd = $.Deferred();
context.executeQueryAsync(function () {
var listCreated = true;
console.log("[" + listName + "]" + " added to hostweb");
if (listCreated) dfd.resolve();
}, oApp.onFail
return dfd.promise();
I also wrote about creating certain types of columns on your list at my blog. Feel free to check that out here:

How can I obtain an API-key for my Fusion Tables

Yep, newbie question here, but it's bothering me for some days now, trying to read all the docs on google developer site, but I'm spinning in circles.
I've created a Fusion Table and set the access to 'public' and got an ID.
According to Goolge I should have an API key to access the data from a REST-call. Google suggests:
Go to the Google Developers Console.
Select a project, or create a new one.
In the sidebar on the left, expand APIs & auth. Next, click APIs. In the list of APIs, make sure the status is ON for the Fusion Tables API.
In the sidebar on the left, select Credentials.
I can do that all I've got an API-key, but how does this relates to the Fusion Table I've created? Can I use that API key for
this is really simple API key give the ability to do the most of mysql request type SELECT,INSERT,UPDATE,DELETE using GET and POST also PUT request , for GET you can use the navigator for that but the most effective way for your case is the use of curl librairie for php or jaira for java ... so you can send post or put request with a simple script.
So, what you can do with fusion table is automating the process of manipulating data and the option to share those data with someone else.
Edit: procedures changed since this post. Your mileage may vary
Head to the Google Developers Console
Create a project
Under Explore other services click "Enable APIs and get credentials like keys"
Search for Fusion Tables
Enable Fusion Tables API as a service under APIs & Auth --> APIs
You probably want the browser key. Grab the API key.
Happy Mapping...
API-keys are not related to specific Fusion Tables, they are related to projects.
You may use the key to request data from any public and downloadable FusionTable(not only your own Tables ), the key basically is used to identify your project(google-account) .
So when you have problems with requesting data from a public table, check if the table is downloadable too(click on the table-name on top-left->reuse access->allow downloads ).

PayPal - 10001 internal error: timeout processing request Express Checkout

I have a problem with the Express Checkout. I tried all the solution provided in the web but I cannot make it work!
I'm using VB 2012 for Web and ASP.NET. I built a cart in the web site and try to integrate PayPal Express Checkout (for now using the test account in Sandbox).
When I click on the PayPal button it shows me the error:
10001 Internal Error: Timeout processing request
Debugging the application I found that the problem is when he try to make the call:
Using myWriter As New StreamWriter(objRequest.GetRequestStream())
End Using
Catch e As Exception
End Try
Where strPost is the following:
What could be wrong?
I really need help..​Any and all help is appreciated.
Thanks in advance!
This error could simply mean there's an issue with the PayPal sandbox servers, or it could mean you have a problem with your request. I was able to successfully hit the sandbox with SetExpressCheckout just now, though, so I'm guessing it must have something to do with your request.
One thing I see right away is that you won't be able to use localhost in your ReturnURL and CancelURL because at the time that gets used it will be running from PayPal's server. As such, "localhost" will be their server, not yours, and the redirect won't work. You'll need to use your own public IP address or setup a domain of some sort to point to your test server. That could be what their server isn't liking.
Another thing I notice is that you're just using the value 36 for your amounts. PayPal documentation specifies you need to use two decimal places on amount values, so you need to make sure and pass 36.00 instead.
The next thing I notice, which is probably what's causing your problem, is that one of your parameter names is invalid: [L_PAYMENTREQUEST_0+_NAME]
You need to get that + out of there. I bet that'll fix your issue, but I'd still get those other things fixed up, too.