360 3D Product Image Rotation using React Native - react-native

We're trying to find out if a 360 3D image rotation package for React Native exists for both Android and iOS. (or if it's straight forward without)
e.g. http://www.voidcanvas.com/demo/28823deye/ (thats just a jQuery example)
We're aware that there's things like React 360, and Google VR - however these put YOU in the center of the 360 environment, rather than putting an image sequence in the center - and letting you rotate the object.

currently react native doesn't have such things but you can use webview inside react native and use a javascript library to achive that. or you can implement yours with react native gesture handler


Is there a way to change the Apple Watch face from a React Native application?

The point of the React Native app is to have an image shown, and use that particular image to set it as a Watch Face?

How to show a 360 degree image in react native, in an expo managed workflow

I'm trying to implement a modal in which I show the user a 360 degree image and he can move the image freely, the problem is the only library I found for this, https://github.com/lightbasenl/react-native-panorama-view, can not be used in an expo managed workflow. I also found this old post How to show 360 images in the react native, but the answer is very old and I can't seem to make it work.

React native Library to take bitmap

I am Working on react native camera library to taking bitmap.
For example, when we capture a image it return image path, height, width etc.
Instead of these i need bitmap.
The best way to achieve what you're looking to do is likely going to be to use the Native UI Components API for iOS and Android to implement a custom native image view that applies the effects you are looking for.
React Native doesn't give the option of accessing access the raw bitmap data of the React Native (aka. RCTImage) component.

OnTouchListener for React Native

I'm looking for a method in React Native in which I can move an object by simply listening to the events KEY_DOWN, KEY_UP and KEY_MOVE. And as I move my finger on the component (KEY_MOVE), the position of the component moves along the X axis as per the new X axis I have. In Android (Java), I just did that part by doing this.setX(motionEvent.getX())
Since I'm migrating from Native Android to React Native, I'm having a little trouble making this work. Any help is appreciated.
You can use the PanResponder to get the touch events and then you can use the Animated API to get do the animations to move the view.
See https://moduscreate.com/animated_drag_and_drop_with_react_native/ for a full example.

How to react to SVG events in React Native?

Prelude to the Question:
I am planning to create a super simple SVG editor in React Native, with the following features:
add a new circle to the SVG
resize the circle
move the circle around
remove the circle.
What is not clear, how can I react to SVG events in React Native. (Is an SVG event the same as a DOM event (for React Native) ?)
I Googled "svg editor react native", "svg react native events" and I found:
https://github.com/magicismight/react-native-svg, it seems that it does not have support for events.
https://github.com/brentvatne/react-native-svgkit , also, does not support events yet (has it as plan though).
The Question:
If the user taps or drags the circle in an SVG, how can I react to that event in React Native?
Further Googling indicates that SVG is not supported in React Native (yet).
Would it be easier to just use SVG + ReactJS + Cordova to accomplish this goal (i.e. write a simple SVG editor using React and deploy it to a mobile phone)?
After some more Googling, it seems that http://reapp.io/ is the simplest way to go.
https://github.com/magicismight/react-native-svg, it seems that it does not have support for events.
It sure does, e.g.
<Circle cx={10} cy={10} r={20} onPress={()=>{console.log('pressed')}}/>
Check the PanResponder example for more complex touch handling such as dragging.
After some more googling, it seems that http://reapp.io/ is the simplest way to go.
But from what I can tell that isn't React-Native, right?