Docusaurus sidebar isn't rendering my front matter - docusaurus

Basically, a single file out of all them in my project is not working w/ its front matter, and the sidebar and title are showing the file id (just its dir) instead of the title I set it
I've copied pasted exact front matter from other files in which it works, and it just doesn't work
My front matter is this:
title: Mining Pools
and it renders:
I expected it to render the title properly, instead of making the id the title and all-around breaking

Deleting the file,yarn start-ing, then re-adding the file fixed it


Odoo : "t-call" issue with website editor

I am trying to include a t-call inside the homepage template in Odoo (between two sections). It works fine but when I open the editor the drageable areas around the other sections are not displaying. Is there a way to ignore the t-call part when the editor loads or is there a way around this?
I have tried using dynamic templates but I would like to avoid the loading time when the page loads and render the page on the server.
I have also tried adding various classes or attributes on the tags surrounding the call but nothing seems to work.

Reusable Pentaho dashboard side-bar

I have added a side bar like this one onto a CDE dashboard.
Now the sidebar needs to be on every page listed on the menu.
What is the best way to go about this?
I could copy it on every single dash board - it works but it's not great especially if I need to change stg ex-post.
Create an "index" page with the side bar and an iframe to display the "sub" dashboards?
Create a widget (I tried but no success so far)
Custom component?
I think I solved the problem by using jquery load like these guys did.
Include another HTML file in a HTML file

Images appear on one page, but not on another page that uses almost the exact same code

I have searched everywhere for help on this, but the only answers I come up with are to the question of why an image won't show up at all. Here is my problem:
In my Rails CRM app, I created a scaffold for "Contacts." I purchased a template on ThemeForest that uses Bootstrap, and have copied all the CSS and javascript files into my Vendor directory. The template comes with a number of HTML files. I selected one and used it as my main Contacts List. I used the "" gem to display the contact list. This particular HTML file contains a number of images, mainly used for buttons. All the images display correctly on this page.
On my Edit Contacts page, I copied and pasted all of the HTML from the Contact List page, and inserted a Form For partial in place of the contact list table to display editable fields for a particular contact. At first, all of the images on this page did not work. I did some reading about the asset pipeline, and discovered that the image source should be "asset/image_name.png" instead of "images/image_name.png". (I had copied all my images to the assets/images folder.) I was puzzled why the images on the main contact list page would work, but the Edit page would not. Regardless, I did a find and replace for "/images/" and replaced it with "/assets/". This fixed about 2/3 of the images on the Edit Contacts page. The rest, I am still getting the following error as an example on Rails Server:
Started GET "/contacts/assets/icons/quickstats/user.png" for at 2012-08-15 23:40:42 -0700
ActionController::RoutingError (No route matches [GET] "/contacts/assets/icons/quickstats/user.png"):
This is the same error I got before I did the find/replace.
The problem is you are probably using "assets/blah.png" instead of "/assets/blah.png". This will work for root urls but not for anything deeper, eg. "/contacts/new".
Instead of typing the URL out, use the image_tag helper, which will take care of this stuff for you.

classic asp files include files

I have a classic asp application that uses an include file. The include file is a footer at the end of the page and works fine until the page is large and then the include file stop displaying.
Has anyone come across this?
If you end the response prior to the include directive, then the included file will not be displayed.
This could be caused by either (a) a Response.End or (b) an exception. Sometimes the exception won't be visible because it is within a non-visible element. View the page source to look for these and scroll to the end.
Check the 'long file' and see if either of these occurs.
Another possibility with very large files is that the file hasn't finished rendering the page. Make sure that the whole page has rendered.

adding "last edit time" to trac wiki pages

My organization has a sprawling wiki that isn't kept up to date very well. To reduce the danger of new people reading a page and not realizing how outdated it is, I'd like to modify the page header so that instead of
Page Name
at the top, it says something like
Page Name - last modified 5/8/10 by Joe
I see that Trac allows page templates, but if we haven't used those before, is there a 'blank' template I could alter to change all existing pages?
Unless you have changed something, Trac wiki pages should have a "Last Modified" entry in the top right-hand corner of each page. Hovering the mouse over different parts of the text will show you more details, like the user name of the last person to edit the page and a detailed timestamp of when the last edit was made. Is this different from the functionality that you are asking about?
You can put the following in site.html in the templates directory of your project directory:
<html xmlns=""
This file allows customizing the appearance of the Trac installation.
Add your customizations here and rename the file to site.html. Note that
it will take precedence over a global site.html placed in the directory
specified by [inherit] templates_dir.
More information about site appearance customization can be found here:
<div py:match="div[#id='wikipage']" py:attrs="select('#*')" once="true">
<h1>Last modified ${format_date(page.time)} by ${authorinfo(}</h1>
It doesn't add the last modified info into the title, but displays it before rendering the rest of the page. I don't think you can add it to the title without changing the code of how wiki formatting is rendered.
If you want the last modified date to be more visible, you can use the LastModifiedMacro. I'm fairly sure you could insert it into all existing pages with a simple script that read/writes to wiki table in the database, but I've never done anything like that myself. Take a look at the Database Schema, though keep in mind there may be a better way to do this through the Trac API.