Sed/Awk: how to find and remove two lines if a pattern in the first line is being repeated; bash - awk

I am processing text file(s) with thousands of records per file. Each record is made up of two lines: a header that starts with ">" and followed by a line with a long string of characters "-AGTCNR". The header has 10 fields separated by "|" whose first field is a unique identifier to each record e.g ">KEN096-15" and a record is termed duplicate if it has same identifier. Here is how a simple record look like:
>ASILO303-17|Dip|gs-Par|sp-Par vid|subsp-NA|co
>ASILO326-17|Dip|gs-Goe|sp-Goe par|subsp-NA|c
>CLT100-09|Lep|gs-Col|sp-Col elg|subsp-NA|co-Buru
Now I am triying to delete repeats, like duplicate records of "ACRJP458-10" and "PMANL2431-12".
Using a bash script I have extracted the unique identifiers and stored repeated ones in a variable "$duplicate_headers". Currently, I am trying to find any repeated instances of their two-line records and deleting them as follows:
for i in "$#"
unset duplicate_headers
duplicate_headers=`grep ">" $1 | awk 'BEGIN { FS="|"}; {print $1 "\n"; }' | sort | uniq -d`
for header in `echo -e "${duplicate_headers}"`
sed -i "/^.*\b${header}\b.*$/,+1 2d" $i
#sed -i "s/^.*\b${header}\b.*$//,+1 2g" $i
#sed -i "/^.*\b${header}\b.*$/{$!N; s/.*//2g; }" $i
The final result (with thousands of records in mind) will look like:
>ASILO303-17|Dip|gs-Par|sp-Par vid|subsp-NA|co
>ASILO326-17|Dip|gs-Goe|sp-Goe par|subsp-NA|c
>CLT100-09|Lep|gs-Col|sp-Col elg|subsp-NA|co-Buru

$ awk -F'[|]' 'NR%2{f=seen[$1]++} !f' file
>ASILO303-17|Dip|gs-Par|sp-Par vid|subsp-NA|co
>ASILO326-17|Dip|gs-Goe|sp-Goe par|subsp-NA|c
>CLT100-09|Lep|gs-Col|sp-Col elg|subsp-NA|co-Buru
To run it on multiple files at once would be this to remove duplicates across all files:
awk -F'[|]' 'FNR%2{f=seen[$1]++} !f' *
or this to only remove duplicates within each file:
awk -F'[|]' 'FNR==1{delete seen} FNR%2{f=seen[$1]++} !f' *


Delete everything before and after a string using sed

I have data in a file in below form :--
The symbol ":=" was substituted for "QUERY" to continue.
SQL> _id : MS
itm : 4
it : NO
PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
I want to delete everything before _id and after ------ .
To delete everything before _id I used following sed
sed '/_id/,$!d' 1.txt
It deletes the row before _id but doesnt delete SQL> .
Similarly I used below sed to delete all everything after ------ but it doesnt delete the rows below it
sed 's/\------.*/------/' 1.txt
Can someone help me where I am doing wrong ? What I need is :--
_id : MS
itm : 4
it : NO
Using sed
$ sed -n '/_id/,/------/{ s/.*_id/_id/; /------/q; p}' 1.txt
_id : MS
itm : 4
it : NO
How it works:
This tells sed not to print unless we explicitly ask it to.
This selects a range of lines that start with a line containing _id and end with a line containing ------. For those lines the commands in curly braces are executed.
On the line that contains _id, this removes everything before _id.
On the line that contains ------, this tells sed to quit.
For lines that reach this command, this tells sed to print the line.
Using awk
$ awk -v RS='------' '/_id/{sub(/.*_id/, "_id"); print}' ORS="" 1.txt
_id : MS
itm : 4
it : NO
How it works:
-v RS='------'
This set ------ as the record separator.
/_id/{sub(/.*_id/, "_id"); print}
For any records that contain _id, we remove everything before _id and print the current record.
This sets the output record separator to the empty string.

print whole variable contents if the number of lines are greater than N

How to print all lines if certain condition matches.
echo "$ip"
this is a sample line
another line
one more
last one
If this file has more than 3 lines then print the whole variable.
I am tried:
echo $ip| awk 'NR==4'
last one
echo $ip|awk 'NR>3{print}'
last one
echo $ip|awk 'NR==12{} {print}'
this is a sample line
another line
one more
last one
echo $ip| awk 'END{x=NR} x>4{print}'
Need to achieve this:
If this file has more than 3 lines then print the whole file. I can do this using wc and bash but need a one liner.
The right way to do this (no echo, no pipe, no loops, etc.):
$ awk -v ip="$ip" 'BEGIN{if (gsub(RS,"&",ip)>2) print ip}'
this is a sample line
another line
one more
last one
You can use Awk as follows,
echo "$ip" | awk '{a[$0]; next}END{ if (NR>3) { for(i in a) print i }}'
one more
another line
this is a sample line
last one
you can also make the value 3 configurable from an awk variable,
echo "$ip" | awk -v count=3 '{a[$0]; next}END{ if (NR>count) { for(i in a) print i }}'
The idea is to store the contents of the each line in {a[$0]; next} as each line is processed, by the time the END clause is reached, the NR variable will have the line count of the string/file you have. Print the lines if the condition matches i.e. number of lines greater than 3 or whatever configurable value using.
And always remember to double-quote the variables in bash to avoid undergoing word-splitting done by the shell.
Using James Brown's useful comment below to preserve the order of lines, do
echo "$ip" | awk -v count=3 '{a[NR]=$0; next}END{if(NR>3)for(i=1;i<=NR;i++)print a[i]}'
this is a sample line
another line
one more
last one
Another in awk. First test files:
$ cat 3
$ cat 4
$ awk 'NR<4{b=b (NR==1?"":ORS)$0;next} b{print b;b=""}1' 3 # look ma, no lines
[this line left intentionally blank. no wait!]
$ awk 'NR<4{b=b (NR==1?"":ORS)$0;next} b{print b;b=""}1' 4
NR<4 { # for tghe first 3 records
b=b (NR==1?"":ORS) $0 # buffer them to b with ORS delimiter
next # proceed to next record
b { # if buffer has records, ie. NR>=4
print b # output buffer
b="" # and reset it
}1 # print all records after that

How do I check if input is one word or 2 separated by delimiter "-"

I need help with the following ksh script:
ExpResult=`echo "$LoadString" | awk -F"-" '{print NF}'=2`
MinExp=`echo "$ExpResult" | tr -s " " | sed 's/^[ ]//g'| cut -d"-" -f1`
MaxExp=`echo "$ExpResult" | tr -s " " | sed 's/^[ ]//g'| cut -d"-" -f2`
I can get an input as two options : "50-100" or "50" (for example)
I have two questions:
How do I check if the input is "one word" or two words separated by delimiter "-"?
If the input is two words, how can I separate them?
Rather than call an external program to parse your input, you can use the internal case statement to validate input and parameter expansion features to convert your input, i.e.
# set a copy/paste value for $1
set -- 50-10
case "$1" in
*-* )
* )
echo min=$min ... max=$max
min=50 ... max=100
Try for non-pair
unset min max
set -- other values
case ...
echo min= ... max= ... singleNum=$singleNum
min= ... max= ... singleNum=other
Hopefully the case processing is self-explanatory, but the parameter expansion may require a little explanation.
The statement
says remove from the right side of the expanded value (50-100) anything starting at the last - until the end of the string. This leaves the value 50 remaining.
The reverse happens with
Says remove from the left side of the expanded value anything up to the first - char. This leaves the 100.
As there is only one - char in this string, you don't need to worry about the other versions of ${var##*-} which says remove all from the left until the last match of -, and the reverse ${var%%-*} , remove all from right (backwards) until the very first - char.
The fanatical minimalists will remind us that this can be done without a temporary variable, i.e.
min=${1%-*} ; max=${1#*-}
And the one-line fantasists can be satisfied with
case "$1" in *-* ) range="$1";min="${range%-*}";max="${range#*-}";;* ) singleNum="$1";;esac; echo min=$min ... max=$max .,, singleNum=$singleNum
you can try this;
MinExp=`echo "$LoadString" | awk -F"-" '{if (NF==2) print $1}`
MaxExp=`echo "$LoadString" | awk -F"-" '{if (NF==2) print $2}`
echo $MinExp
echo $MaxExp
user#host:/tmp/test$ ksh test.ksh 50-100

awk / split to return lines with a certain value in a certain column - create blocks of 100,000

I have a csv file where the third column is a number. Some of the entries don't have a value in this column.
I want to pull 100k blocks from the file, but only entries with a valid value for that column.
I could use split, but how do I make it check that column for a value?
$ cat test.txt
1,2,3,get me
4,5,,skip me
6,7,8,get me
9,10,11,stop before me
$ awk -F, '$3!="" && ++i<=2' test.txt
1,2,3,get me
6,7,8,get me
If your trying to verify whether or not the third field within a record has a value and output its contents if it does, you could try the following:
awk -F , '{ if($3 != ""){print $3} }'
This could also be written as:
awk -F , '$3 != ""{print $3}'

How to compare two strings of a file match the strings of another file using AWK?

I possess 2 huge files and I need to count how many entries of file 1 exist on file 2.
The file 1 contains two ids, source and destination, like below:
The file 2 contains the valid id list, which will be used to filter file 1:
What I am struggling to achieve is find a way to count how many entries in file one possess the entry in file 2. Only when both numbers in the same line
exist in file 2 will the line be counted.
On file 2:
11111111111111|22222222222222 — This will be counted because both entries exist on file 2, as well as 77777777777777|22222222222222 because both entries exist on file 2.
33333333333333|44444444444444 — This will not be counted because 33333333333333 does not exist on file 2 and the same goes to 55555555555555|66666666666666, the first does not exist on file 2.
So in the examples I mentioned in the beginning it should count 6, and printing this should be enough, better than editing one file.
awk -F'|' 'FNR == NR { seen[$0] = 1; next }
seen[$1] && seen[$2] { ++count }
END { print count }' file2 file1
1) FNR == NR (number of record in current file equals number of record) is only true for the first input file, which is file2 (the order is important!). Thus for every line of file2, we record the number in seen.
2) For other lines (which is file1, given second on the command line) if the |-separated fields (-F'|') number 1 and 2 were both seen (in file2), we increment count by one.
3) In the END output the count.
Caveat: Every unique number in file2 is loaded into memory. But this also makes it fast instead of having to read through file2 over and over again.
Don't know how to do it in awk but if you are open to a quick-and-dirty bash script that someone can help make efficient, you could try this:
-- split by pipe
while IFS='|' read -ra line; do
-- find 1st item in file2. If found, find 2nd item in file2
grep -q ${line[0]} "$file2"
if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
grep -q ${line[1]} "$file2"
if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
-- print line since both items were found in file2
echo "${line[0]}|${line[1]}"
done < "$file1"
bash file1 file2
Result using your example
$ time bash file1 file2
11111111111111 | 22222222222222
11111111111111 | 44444444444444
77777777777777 | 22222222222222
44444444444444 | 00000000000000
12121212121212 | 77777777777777
66666666666666 | 12121212121212
real 0m1.453s
user 0m0.423s
sys 0m0.627s
That's really slow on my old PC.