Which firefox version is compatible with selenium webdriver 3.6.0? [duplicate] - selenium

This question already has answers here:
Which Firefox browser versions supported for given Geckodriver version?
(2 answers)
Closed 3 years ago.
I'm using Protractor to fulfill my automation needs, The IDE that I'm using is VS code. I was able to run my automation scripts against Chrome, But when it comes to firefox most of my test cases are getting failed. It seems like some compatibility issue to me. Can anyone help me to fix this?
Here are the details of the versions that I currently have on my machine:
Selenium web driver version: 3.6.0
Firefox version: 57.0
Gecko driver version: 0.19.0
I have tried installing firefox version 47.0, But it didn't work. It seems that selenium web driver couldn't connect

According to GeckoDriver documentation
Selenium users must update to version 3.11 or later to use geckodriver
Gecko driver version: 0.19.0 supports Firefox versions from 55 to 62 inclusively
So I believe you have to play with the webdriver-manager, theoretically it should be possible to automate any desktop/mobile browser version given you use matching Selenium Standalone Server / driver / client


IEDriver Server doesn't provide any response when running using Selenium Java

I recently upgraded the IE Driver server to version 32- bit. When I run my test case it launches the browser but never shows any error or responds.
Selenium Version - 3.141.59 IE Version:
IE Webbrowser after launching:
Below Capabilities added:
NOTE: If I use IEDriver - it is working fine.
When using Selenium and iedriverserver it is recommended to use the latest version of the major releases. As an example,
Incase you are using Selenium Version - 3.141.59 ideally you should be using iedriverserver v3.150.2.0
Incase you are using Selenium Version - 4.0.0 ideally you should be using iedriverserver v4.0.0.0

Selenium compatibility [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Which Firefox browser versions supported for given Geckodriver version?
(2 answers)
How to work with a specific version of ChromeDriver while Chrome Browser gets updated automatically through Python selenium
(8 answers)
What is the correct IEDriverServer version to use with IE 11 through Selenium
(1 answer)
Closed 3 years ago.
I'm facing lots of issues in finding out compatibility for Selenium driver, chrome driver & IE driver with the latest versions (installed in my system) of chrome and IE browsers. I've installed 80.0.3987.106 chrome driver to support my Chrome browser (80). But, its extremely flaky. It keeps on failing all the tests. I tried various other options ( Chromeoptions), but nothing works. Can someone suggest which chrome browser should I use ( and where to download it) and whats the compatible selenium driver and Chrome driver ? Same thing for IE and Firefox, if possible. Really appreciate your help. Thank you.

which selenium jar is compatible with Mozilla Firefox version 59.0.2 (32-bit)

Previously I was using Selenium version 2.53 with Firefox version 40.0.1. But now Firefox is updated and I am trying to do with updated version.
So, respond me about "which Selenium JAR is compatible with Mozilla Firefox version 59.0.2 (32-bit)"
As per best practices you must adopt any one from the below mentioned configurations:

Use most recent browser version with JMeter Selenium Webdriver

Im trying to use JMeter with the Selenium WebDriver plugin to do some testing. I know that it requires Firefox v. 26, however I find this to be pretty useless given that testing on anything besides the most recent browser version is pointless, as that is what users will be using.
Using the current WebDriver plugin with Firefox v 50 results in the 'browser.get()' not working. Is there a way to get the plugin to work with Firefox 50?
The latest Selenium/WebDriver Support plugin available via JMeter Plugins manager as of now is version 1.4.0. It comes with selenium-firefox-driver-2.52.0
It means any browser supported by Selenium 2.52.0 will be supported
Looking into Selenium Changelog Selenium 2.52.0 supports Firefox 45 which is an ESR release according to Mozilla FAQ:
I don't know where did you get the information regarding Firefox 26, I would recommend upgrading to Firefox 45 which should be supported till June 2017 and hopefully JMeter Plugins maintainers will upgrade Selenium libraries to version 3 by that time.
In general WebDriver will be always behind the browsers development so you will have to live with the supported versions.
JMeter Plugins Forum
The WebDriver Sampler: Your Top 10 Questions Answered

Not able to open firefox from selenium webdriver

I am getting the below error when i am running the selenium script.
org.openqa.selenium.firefox.NotConnectedException: Unable to connect to host on port 7055 after 45000 ms. Firefox console output:
fTime":1409733904986}}},{"name":"winreg-app-user","addons":{"{e4f94d1e-2f53-401e-8885-681602c0ddd8}":{"descriptor":"C:\\ProgramData\\McAfee Security Scan\\Extensions\\{e4f94d1e-2f53-401e-8885-681602c0ddd8}.xpi","mtime":1396607774000}}},{"name":"app-profile","addons":{"fxdriver#googlecode.com":{"descriptor":"C:\\Users\\kishna\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\anonymous3395727590319882631webdriver-profile\\extensions\\fxdriver#googlecode.com","mtime":1409812670363,"rdfTime":1409812670181}}}]
1409812670931 addons.xpi-utils DEBUG Opening XPI database C:\Users\kishna\AppData\Local\Temp\anonymous3395727590319882631webdriver-profile\extensions.json
1409812670931 addons.xpi DEBUG New add-on fxdriver#googlecode.com installed in app-profile
You are using selenium version that doesn't support Firefox version 32.
And since currently there is no selenium java package version that claiming support for Firefox 32, you need to downgrade your browser. In your case, downgrade it to Firefox 28, which is listed as supported by selenium 2.42.2.
See also similar problem here:
selenium and web2py from killer-web-development.com doesn't work
Also see:
Where can I find a definitive Selenium WebDriver to Firefox Compatibility Matrix?
Documentation confusion: what version of Firefox does Selenium support?
Is Selenium 2.42.2 webdriver compatible with Firefox 27.0.1?
Please upgrade to 2.43.1 [http://www.seleniumhq.org/download/]. The new version works for FF32.
You can follow link below in the future for check supported versions FF vs. WebDriver.
I use it if I want to update browser or webdriver library.
LINK: http://selenium.googlecode.com/git/java/CHANGELOG