which selenium jar is compatible with Mozilla Firefox version 59.0.2 (32-bit) - selenium

Previously I was using Selenium version 2.53 with Firefox version 40.0.1. But now Firefox is updated and I am trying to do with updated version.
So, respond me about "which Selenium JAR is compatible with Mozilla Firefox version 59.0.2 (32-bit)"

As per best practices you must adopt any one from the below mentioned configurations:


Which firefox version is compatible with selenium webdriver 3.6.0? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Which Firefox browser versions supported for given Geckodriver version?
(2 answers)
Closed 3 years ago.
I'm using Protractor to fulfill my automation needs, The IDE that I'm using is VS code. I was able to run my automation scripts against Chrome, But when it comes to firefox most of my test cases are getting failed. It seems like some compatibility issue to me. Can anyone help me to fix this?
Here are the details of the versions that I currently have on my machine:
Selenium web driver version: 3.6.0
Firefox version: 57.0
Gecko driver version: 0.19.0
I have tried installing firefox version 47.0, But it didn't work. It seems that selenium web driver couldn't connect
According to GeckoDriver documentation
Selenium users must update to version 3.11 or later to use geckodriver
Gecko driver version: 0.19.0 supports Firefox versions from 55 to 62 inclusively
So I believe you have to play with the webdriver-manager, theoretically it should be possible to automate any desktop/mobile browser version given you use matching Selenium Standalone Server / driver / client

JMeter WebDriver Sampler doesn't work with latest Firefox version

I use JMeter WebDriver Sampler (JMeter v4.0) for Chrome Driver (where I specify the path to chromedriver in jp#gc - Chrome Driver Config), and it works.
Now I want to try with latest Firefox Browser (FF Quantum v59.0), but it doesn't work. FF browser is opened but it doesn't go further, ex WDS.browser.get('http://jmeter-plugins.org') is not executed.
It seems JMeter WebDriver Sampler doesn't catch up with geckodriver and changes of FF. I google it, but I don't find any info on this regard. Does anyone know any update on this? Is there any workaround? Thanks
You should look at JMeter Firefox Driver Config plugin restrictions:
the latest Firefox version may not work with the latest WebDriver set. The table below describes the version of Firefox that is compatible with JMeterPlugins:
Current version is compatible only with version 26 of Firefox
Also firefox jmeter addon is not compatible
This add-on is not compatible with your version of Firefox.
Not compatible with Firefox Quantum
The jmeter firefox driver config is only compatible with firefox 26, 33 and the latest is 45 and 46.
You cannot use the version of firefox which is greater than 46.0
Did you add the geckodriver file path in environment variable "Path". If not try that. I am using latest firefox with Jmeter Webdriver and is working for me.
Computer Properties - Advance System Settings - Environment Variables - Path (Add File Path without File name)

Can i launch firefox with selenium 3.3.0 version without geckodriver

I need launch Firefox browser with selenium 3.3.0 version.
Is any way to launch without geckodriver ?
For Selenium 2.x later versions it is mandatory to use gecko-driver for Firefox browser. If you don't want to use gecko-driver use selenium 2.x(2.53) version

Version compatibility between selenium-server-standalone.jar and chromedriver?

What is the version compatibility between chromedriver and selenium-server-standalone.jar?
In other words, does latest version of chromedriver work with latest version of selenium-server-standalone.jar?
The Chrome Driver itself is tied more to the version of Chrome available on the execution Node (where the browser is actually spawned and a test is ran).
If you refer to the release notes, you'll see how the driver versions map to the various releases of Chrome itself.
The practice I have in place is as follows:
I match my Selenium dependency (C#/Java language bindings) to the version of the selenium-server I run either locally or on my Grid.
When I deploy a version of my test project that upgrades the Selenium dependency, I simply upgrade all my Grid VM's to the matching version (using JSON Node config really helps here, since all I have to do is stop the service, swap the jar, and relaunch with my JSON configs).
Firefox Driver is built into Selenium, so no upgrade management there. IE Driver has (at least historically) matched the minor version number of Selenium (for example, current IE Driver is 2.48.0 while Selenium is at 2.48.2), so I typically upgrade my IE driver whenever I upgrade my Selenium version. The version of Chrome Driver I employ on any given Node will then correspond to whatever version of Chrome that particular Node has installed, though in my own case, this is typically the most recent version.
In short, it's more important to match the version of Chrome Driver to the version of Chrome under which you are testing.
To add my 2 cents, chromedriver acts as the "bridge" between Chrome and the Selenium jar, so on one side you have the protocol and interface (WebDriver) that is backward compatible and on the other you have dependency on browser's releases which isn't. So compatibility wise #tim-slifer's answer is sufficient (except that now Firefox also has a driver).
However, when consuming the selenium-server-standalone.jar, you consume a binary. So versioning wise, keeping up to date with the Selenium releases is simply to have fixes to new issues that rise with time - some of which related to the compatibility between chromedriver and Chrome.
So yes and no, there is some compatibility between the 2, although an old jar and bindings can work just fine with new browsers.

Selenium Grids jars compatibility with Firefox versions

I am currently working on Selenium Grid to automate cross platform functionality and using selenium-server-standalone-2.31.0.jar. When i am using Firefox 22.0 it is working properly but not supporting Firefox 27.0. I have tried with selenium jar version 2.37 ,2.38 and 2.39 but the issue still exists. Which version of selenium-server-standalone jar supports latest Firefox versions ?
I was trying on Firefox 27.0. Selenium grid doesnt support it. I just tried on other browser versions and it's working.