Creating a timetable with SQL (calculated start times for slots) and filtering by a person to show them their slots - sql

I'm working in iMIS CMS (iMIS 200) and trying to create an IQA (an iMIS query, using SQL) that will give me a timetable of slots assigned to people per day (I've got this working); but then I want to be able to filter that timetable on a person's profile so they just see the slots they are assigned to.
(This is for auditions for an orchestra. So people make an application per instrument, then those applications are assigned to audition slots, of which there are several slots per day)
As the start/end times for slots are calculated using SUM OVER, when I filter this query by the person ID, I lose the correct start/end times for slots (as the other slots aren't in the data for it to SUM, I guess!)
Table structure:
ContactID ContactName
1 Steve Jones
2 Clare Philips
3 Bob Smith
4 Helen Winters
5 Graham North
6 Sarah Stuart
AppID FKContactID Instrument
1 1 Violin
2 1 Viola
3 2 Cello
4 3 Cello
5 4 Trumpet
6 5 Clarinet
7 5 Horn
8 6 Trumpet
AudDayID AudDayDate AudDayVenue AudDayStart
1 16-Sep-19 London 10:00
2 17-Sep-19 Manchester 10:00
3 18-Sep-19 Birmingham 13:30
4 19-Sep-19 Leeds 10:00
5 19-Sep-19 Glasgow 11:30
SlotID FKAudDayID SlotOrder SlotType SlotDuration FKAppID
1 1 1 Audition 20 3
2 1 2 Audition 20 4
3 1 3 Chat 10 3
4 1 5 Chat 10 4
5 1 4 Audition 20
6 2 1 Audition 20 1
7 2 2 Audition 20 6
8 2 4 Chat 10 6
9 2 3 Chat 10 1
10 2 5 Audition 20
11 3 2 Chat 10 8
12 3 1 Audition 20 2
13 3 4 Chat 5 2
14 3 3 Audition 20 8
15 5 1 Audition 30 5
16 5 2 Audition 30 7
17 5 3 Chat 15 7
18 5 4 Chat 15 5
Current SQL for listing all the slots each day (in date/slot order, with the slot timings calculcated correctly) is:
[tblAuditionSlots].[SlotOrder] as [Order],
SUM([tblAuditionSlots].[SlotDuration]) OVER (PARTITION BY [tblAuditionDays].[FKAudDayID] ORDER BY [tblAuditionSlots].[SlotOrder] ROWS BETWEEN UNBOUNDED PRECEDING AND 1 PRECEDING) is null
CONVERT(VARCHAR(5), [tblAuditionDays].[AudDayStart], 108)
CONVERT(VARCHAR(5), Dateadd(minute, SUM([tblAuditionSlots].[SlotDuration]) OVER (PARTITION BY [tblAuditionDays].[FKAudDayID] ORDER BY [tblAuditionSlots].[SlotOrder] ROWS BETWEEN UNBOUNDED PRECEDING AND 1 PRECEDING), [tblAuditionDays].[AudDayStart]), 108)
+ ' - ' +
SUM([tblAuditionSlots].[SlotDuration]) OVER (PARTITION BY [tblAuditionDays].[FKAudDayID] ORDER BY [tblAuditionSlots].[SlotOrder] ROWS BETWEEN UNBOUNDED PRECEDING AND CURRENT ROW) is null
CONVERT(VARCHAR(5), [tblAuditionDays].[AudDayStart], 108)
CONVERT(VARCHAR(5), Dateadd(minute, SUM([tblAuditionSlots].[SlotDuration]) OVER (PARTITION BY [tblAuditionDays].[FKAudDayID] ORDER BY [tblAuditionSlots].[SlotOrder] ROWS BETWEEN UNBOUNDED PRECEDING AND CURRENT ROW), [tblAuditionDays].[AudDayStart]), 108)
END AS [Slot],
[tblAuditionSlots].[SlotType] AS [Type],
[tblContacts].[ContactName] as [Name],
LEFT JOIN tblAuditionDays ON tblAuditionSlots.FKAudDayID = tblAuditionDays.AudDayID
LEFT JOIN tblApplications ON tblAuditionSlots.FKAppID = tblApplications.AppID
LEFT JOIN tblContacts ON tblApplications.FKContactID = tblContacts.ContactID
iMIS, the CMS we're using, is limited by what you can create in an IQA (query).
You can basically insert (some) SQL as a column and give it an alias; you can add (non-calculated) fields to the order by; you can't really control the Group By (whatever fields are added are included in the Group By).
Ultimately, I'd like to be able to filter this by a Contact ID so I can see all their audition slots, but with the times correctly calculated.
From the sample data, for example:
Date Slot Venue Type Instrument
17-Sep-19 10:00 - 10:20 Manchester Audition Violin
17-Sep-19 10:40 - 10:50 Manchester Chat Violin
18-Sep-19 13:30 - 13:50 Birmingham Audition Viola
18-Sep-19 14:30 - 14:35 Birmingham Chat Viola
Date Slot Venue Type Instrument
19-Sep-19 11:30 - 12:00 Glasgow Audition Trumpet
19-Sep-19 12:45 - 13:00 Glasgow Chat Trumpet
Hopefully that all makes sense and I've provided enough information.
(In this version of iMIS [200], you can't do subqueries, in case that comes up...)
Thanks so much in advance for whatever help/tips/advice you can offer!


SQL: how to average across groups, while taking a time constraint into account

I have a table named orders in a Postgres database that looks like this:
customer_id order_id order_date price product
1 2 2021-03-05 15 books
1 13 2022-03-07 3 music
1 14 2022-06-15 900 travel
1 11 2021-11-17 25 books
1 16 2022-08-03 32 books
2 4 2021-04-12 4 music
2 7 2021-06-29 9 music
2 20 2022-11-03 8 music
2 22 2022-11-07 575 travel
2 24 2022-11-20 95 food
3 3 2021-03-17 25 books
3 5 2021-06-01 650 travel
3 17 2022-08-17 1200 travel
3 19 2022-10-02 6 music
3 23 2022-11-08 70 food
4 9 2021-08-20 3200 travel
4 10 2021-10-29 2750 travel
4 15 2022-07-15 1820 travel
4 21 2022-11-05 8000 travel
4 25 2022-11-29 27 books
5 1 2021-01-04 3 music
5 6 2021-06-09 820 travel
5 8 2021-07-30 19 books
5 12 2021-12-10 22 music
5 18 2022-09-19 20 books
Here's a SQL Fiddle:!17/262fc/1
I'd like to return the average money spent by customers per product, but only consider orders within the first 12 months of a given customer's first purchase within the given product group. (yes, this is challenging!)
For example, for customer 1, order ID 2 and order ID 11 would be factored into the average for books(because order ID 11 took place less than 12 months after customer 1's first order for books, which was order ID 2), but order ID 16 would not be factored into the average (because 8/3/22 is more than 12 months from customer 1's first purchase for books, which took place on 3/5/21).
Here is a matrix showing which orders would be included within a given product (denoted by "yes"):
The desired output would look as follows:
books 22.20
music 7.83
travel 1530.71
food 82.50
How would I do this?
Thanks in advance for any assistance you can give!
You can use a subquery to check whether or not to include a product's price in the summation:
select o.product, sum(o.price)/count(*) val from orders o
where o.order_date < (select min(o1.order_date) from orders o1 where
o1.product = o.product and o.user_id = o1.user_id) + interval '12 months'
group by o.product
See fiddle

Function to get rolling average with lowest 2 values eliminated?

This is my sample data with the current_Rating column my desired output.
Date Name Subject Importance Location Time Rating Current_rating
12/08/2020 David Work 1 London - - 4
1/08/2020 David Work 3 London 23.50 4 3.66
2/10/2019 David Emails 3 New York 18.20 3 4.33
2/08/2019 David Emails 3 Paris 18.58 4 4
11/07/2019 David Work 1 London - 3 4
1/06/2019 David Work 3 London 23.50 4 4
2/04/2019 David Emails 3 New York 18.20 3 5
2/03/2019 David Emails 3 Paris 18.58 5 -
12/08/2020 George Updates 2 New York - - 2
1/08/2019 George New Appointments5 London 55.10 2 -
I need to use a function to get values in the current_Rating column.The current_Rating gets the previous 5 results from the rating column for each name, then eliminates the lowest 2 results, then gets the average for the remaining 3. Also some names may not have 5 results, so I will just need to get the average of the results if 3 or below, if 4 results I will need to eliminate the lowest value and average the remaining 3. Also to get the right 5 previous results it will need to be sorted by date. Is this possible? Thanks for your time in advance.
What a pain! I think the simplest method might be to use arrays and then unnest() and aggregate:
select t.*, r.current_rating
from (select t.*,
array_agg(rating) over (partition by name order by date rows between 4 preceding and current row) as rating_5
from t
) t cross join lateral
(select avg(r) as current_rating
from (select u.*
from unnest(t.rating_5) with ordinality u(r, n)
where r is not null
order by r desc desc
limit 3
) r
) r

Creating a new calculated column in SQL

Is there a way to find the solution so that I need for 2 days, there are 2 UD's because there are June 24 2 times and for the rest there are single days.
I am showing the expected output here:
Primary key UD Date
1 123 2015-06-24 00:00:00.000
6 456 2015-06-24 00:00:00.000
2 123 2015-06-25 00:00:00.000
3 658 2015-06-26 00:00:00.000
4 598 2015-06-27 00:00:00.000
5 156 2015-06-28 00:00:00.000
No of times Number of days
4 1
2 2
The logic is 4 users are there who used the application on 1 day and there are 2 userd who used the application on 2 days
You can use two levels of aggregation:
select cnt, count(*)
from (select date, count(*) as cnt
from t
group by date
) d
group by cnt
order by cnt desc;

How to create an internal numbering of occurrences with SQL

How can I create a new column (inCount) with numbering of occurrences in a specific column?
Here is an example:
id name inCount
1 Orly 1
2 Ernest 1
3 Rachel 1
4 Don 1
5 Don 2
6 Ernest 2
7 Angela 1
8 Ernest 3
9 David 1
10 Rachel 2
11 Sully 1
12 Sully 2
13 Rachel 3
14 David 2
15 David 3
16 Kevin 1
17 Kevin 2
18 Orly 2
19 Angela 2
20 Sully 3
21 Kevin 3
22 Don 3
23 Orly 3
24 Angela 3
Don from id 5 is numbered 2 because Don appears in id 4 too.
Don from id 22 is numbered 3 due to the above preceding occurrences.
I use MS SQL SERVER 2008 R2 Express edition.
You could use partition by, like:
select row_number() over (partition by name order by id) as inCount
, *
from YourTable
order by
This should work
FROM table
EDIT: Added order by clause on the select in order to show results in same order indicated by OP. The ORDER BY in the ROW_NUMBER did not change the outcome, but I changed to id as it will keep the row_number correct for the sample data.

Retrieve top 48 unique records from database based on a sorted Field

I have database table that I am after some SQL for (Which is defeating me so far!)
Imagine there are 192 Athletic Clubs who all take part in 12 Track Meets per season.
So that is 2304 individual performances per season (for example in the 100Metres)
I would like to find the top 48 (unique) individual performances from the table, these 48 athletes are then going to take part in the end of season World Championships.
So imagine the 2 fastest times are both set by "John Smith", but he can only be entered once in the world champs. So i would then look for the next fastest time not set by "John Smith"... so on and so until I have 48 unique athletes..
hope that makes sense.
thanks in advance if anyone can help
I did have a nice screen shot created that would explain it much better. but as a newish user i cannot post images.
I'll try a copy and paste version instead...
ID AthleteName AthleteID Time
1 Josh Lewis 3 11.99
2 Joe Dundee 4 11.31
3 Mark Danes 5 13.44
4 Josh Lewis 3 13.12
5 John Smith 1 11.12
6 John Smith 1 12.18
7 John Smith 1 11.22
8 Adam Bennett 6 11.33
9 Ronny Bower 7 12.88
10 John Smith 1 13.49
11 Adam Bennett 6 12.55
12 Mark Danes 5 12.12
13 Carl Tompkins 2 13.11
14 Joe Dundee 4 11.28
15 Ronny Bower 7 12.14
16 Carl Tompkin 2 11.88
17 Nigel Downs 8 14.14
18 Nigel Downs 8 12.19
Top 4 unique individual performances
1 John Smith 1 11.12
3 Joe Dundee 4 11.28
5 Adam Bennett 6 11.33
6 Carl Tompkins 2 11.88
Basically something like this:
select top 48 *
from (
select athleteId,min(time) as bestTime
from theRaces
where raceId = '123' -- e.g., 123=100 meters
group by athleteId
) x
order by bestTime
try this --
select x.ID, x.AthleteName , x.AthleteID , x.Time
select rownum tr_count,v.AthleteID AthleteID, v.AthleteName AthleteName, v.Time Time, id
tr1.AthleteName AthleteName, tr1.Time time,min( id, tr1.AthleteID AthleteID
from theRaces tr1
where time =
(select min(time) from theRaces tr2 where tr2.athleteId = tr1.athleteId)
group by tr1.AthleteName, tr1.AthleteID, tr1.Time
having tr1.Time = ( select min(tr2.time) from theRaces tr2 where tr1.AthleteID =tr2.AthleteID)
order by tr1.time
) v
) x
where x.tr_count < 48