How to change response format of App Services in ASP.NET Boilerplate (ASP.NET Core)? -

I want to change app service's response content-type from application/json to application/xml. One solution I come across is this but it didn't explain how to configure ABP and use Xml Formatter. Can anyone please explain how to configure ABP for this package i.e Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Formatters.Xml. Simply installing this package and configuring startup.cs file with services.AddMvc().AddXmlSerializerFormatters() didn't work. I think ApplicationCoreModule has to be configured. Btw My app service is returning a list of objects.
Here are the images of Results when I execute API in Swagger:
Request Image
Response Image


Mule 4 Anypoint Studio download file from external api

I will need to create a flow in Anypoint to download a .gz file from an external API source(through OAuth). I have created a listener -> Request -> Write flow. But I don't see the file saved in my local after I called the API. I have hardcoded Bearer token in the header and raw parameters in body, everything looks good. It doesn't show any error but when I tried to debug it and I'm seeing output and payload both are empty. I'm able to download the gz file with Postman. Am I in the right direction? I saw someone was using outbound endpoint but it is not showing in Mule 4.
Is there any way I can see what the external API returned(Success or failed)? And the content? Please advise.
Many thanks.
Update 1:
Mule Flow
Added the Flow and the Debugging message. I have simplified the flow and just tried to make the POST rest call with Bearer token. It should return a json response. But still getting an empty response. Do we know what's that java.util.LinkedHashMap thing? Thanks.
Update 2:
Request Body
Request Header
XML Configuration:
XML Flow
You can add loggers to the application to trace the execution.
You could also enable HTTP wire logging to print requests/responses in the log too. To enable it you have to set the package org.mule.service.http.impl.service.HttpMessageLogger to DEBUG in the log4j2.xml or in the Runtime Manager console. Detailed instructions available at this KB article.

Any alternatives to aspnet-request:serverVariable when using NLog with .Net Core?

As stated on the NLog GitHub the ${aspnet-request:serverVariable=String} layout renderer is not supported in .Net Core.
The documentation doesn't provide alternatives to many of the variables available under serverVariable.
My question is, are there any alternatives? Like to access remote address, server name, port etc? Or do I just have to write a bunch of custom layout renderers documented here and dependency inject all the stuff by hand?
For ASP.NET Core there as many new layout renders. The reason is that the API of ASP.NET Core is very different and the server variables can't be read like in ASP.NET (so non-core)
There are currently 13 layout renders for ASP.NET Core that renders a part of the request.
${aspnet-request} - ASP.NET Request variable.
${aspnet-request-contenttype} - ASP.NET Content-Type header (Ex. application/json)
${aspnet-request-cookie} - ASP.NET Request cookie content.
${aspnet-request-form} - ASP.NET Request form content.
${aspnet-request-headers} - ASP.NET Header key/value pairs.
${aspnet-request-host} - ASP.NET Request host
${aspnet-request-ip} - Client IP.
${aspnet-request-method} - ASP.NET Request method (GET, POST etc).
${aspnet-request-posted-body} - ASP.NET posted body / payload
${aspnet-request-querystring} - ASP.NET Request querystring.
${aspnet-request-referrer} - ASP.NET Request referrer.
${aspnet-request-url} - ASP.NET Request URL.
${aspnet-request-useragent} - ASP.NET Request useragent.
See also
If you need something else, you could indeed create a custom renderer. If you need the http request you could use:
AspNetLayoutRendererBase.Register("aspnet-request-myrenderer", (logevent, httpcontext, config) => ... );
You need to reference the NLog.Web.AspNetCore package for that.

WebApi Core 2.2 OData resource/path not found

I'm using WebApi Core 2.2. The Microsoft OData Client is adding a new parent record plus a subrecord (Deal+DealFee) from a WPF application. I'm hosting in IIS on Windows 10.
When I call container.SaveChanges(), it successfully calls the service to add the parent Deal record, but then it does a SECOND POST operation to this url (this is generated by the MS odata client lib):
POST http://localhost/mysite/odata/Deals(14)/DealFees
(note this includes the ID 14 which was just generated when adding the Deal)
This is two separate POSTs from the MS odata client lib, not a "deep insert" apparently. However, this results in a 404 (NotFound), which I can observe in Fiddler. The following urls DO work perfectly:
It seems like either the WebApi Core 2.2 service is not handling the POST to /Deals(14)/DealFees path, OR /Deals(14)/DealFees isn't a valid odata Uri? Is this kind of path generally supported in OData?
I don't know. Can anyone shed some light on what's going on?
Deep insert is not supported in WebAPI OData as of now. To me, it seems like the client is updating the resource set and the resource set for the navigation with two separate post requests and the reason you are getting a 404 is that there is no action mapped to the second request URI in the service.
The service can support this either by introducing a PostToDealFeesFromDeals controller action with default OData routing convention or use attribute routing to map the action for such requests.
If the action already exists then it might be that the first request did not finish creating the new record and the second request was fired, hence 404.

How to ignore ResponseWrapper in ASP.NET Core Web API response

I have an web api project in .net core and in Startup there is configured to use a response wrapper "
But this format is applied for all the api methods in my project...
I want an api method in my solution that sends another format response , for example a simple xml. I want to know how to ignore that Response wrapper that is applied for all methods? Is there any decorator for that method ?
I solved my issue.
I had built a custom decorator for methods that is able to modify header response.
In the Response wrapper I succeded to manage and to modify the response

WCF - JSONP Content-Length Issue

Web Service needed to calculate values and send results back as json. These calls are to be made cross-domain so I'm using jsonp. The problem I'm having occurs both on the same domain and cross-domain.
I'm having an issue getting back json data from a WCF Service. While on my local machine it works fine, but when on the server the response from the service is cut short (if I run it through Visual Studio on the server though, it's fine).
The content length seems to be set as the length of my response before wrapping it in the jquery callback function (example data below).
Local: jQuery151017220264650085249_1309423933796({"d":"[\"Flat\",\"Terrace\",\"Semi\",\"Detached\",\"Bungalow\"]"});
Local: jQuery151017220264650085249_1309423933797({"d":"[\"New build\",\"2000 to 2010\",\"1990 to 2000\",\"1970 to 1990\",\"1950 to 1970\",\"Pre 1950\"]"});
Live: jQuery1510246237260361726_1309424024004({"d":"[\"Flat\",\"Terrace
Live: jQuery1510246237260361726_1309424024005({"d":"[\"New build\",\"2000 to 2010\",\"1990 to 2000\",\"1970 to
To wrap the json response with the callback function I had to use a httpmodule I found on the net.
The server uses IIS 7.5, locally i'm just using Visual Studio. (Some kind of IIS configuration?)
Right, hopefully I've provided enough information, if not let me know.
So if anyone has any idea how I could fix this issue it would be greatly appreciated.
You don't need to use an HTTP Module to wrap the response in JSONP - this feature is available in WCF 4.0. You can set the property CrossDomainScriptAccessEnabled in WebHttpBinding, and if the request comes from a different domain (and it has a ?callback=FunctionName) parameter, the response will be wrapped in FunctionName(...).