"This site can’t be reached" shows when i type my vps ip in browser - ovh

I have bought a vps with debian linux operating system. I have webmin installed. my vps ip is ''. when i type my ip in the browser address bar and press enter, it says 'this site can't be reached'. I have checked, apache is installed.
I have checked apache and webmin/virtualmin is installed. I have created a virtual host using virtualmin.
it should show up apache2 page. but, its not showing.

It was happening because of firewall blocking the port number 80 and 445. below is the command to release the block over port 80.
sudo iptables -I INPUT -p tcp --dport 80 -j ACCEPT


Unable to use webmin outside my LAN: UBUNTU SERVER on VMWARE

I have a windows PC
I have installed Ubuntu server on my Vmware and switched to Bridge Network
Now I installed webmin
sudo service webmin start
with ssl=1
also done this
sudo iptables -A INPUT -p tcp -d 0/0 -s 0/0 --dport 10000 -j ACCEPT
I can access webmin from my computer and on my LAN
also via browser on any device on my wifi
But I cannot access this from outside network
But i cannot use this outside of my lan.
I can connect with ssh on my lan only
also done sudo ufw allow 10000
No answer on this
Enable port forwarding on your router. 192.168 is reserved for internal networks and cannot be routed across the Internet. Your router will have it's on external IP address and you will need to enable port forwarding so that when you hit externalIP:10000 it gets forwarded to
Of course, this will mean that Webmin is exposed to anyone on the Internet who wants to try to log in, so make sure you set strong passwords. You may want to consider locking it down so that only a subset of external IP's can connect as well.

How to configure ssh to listen to private network IP address?

I have a system with centOS 7 installed. And on the second system I have windows 10. Both the machines are connected to private network. Now, I want to access the centOS machine remotely over ssh.
I checked the IP address of my windows machine, and then I edited the
file on the centOS system, With the following entries
ListenAddress <Ip_address_of_window_machine>
But when I restart the ssh service using the following command
systemctl restart sshd.service
I get the following error
bind to port 22 on <ip-address> failed. cannot assign requested address
But when I configure entries like this
ListenAddress [::]
it works fine. But I want to bound my ssh to just particular iP-address
The ListenAddress configuration options tells sshd process to bind to a specific network interface on the server. If you want restrict access to a CentOS host then you need to use firewall. Though firewalld is the proper way to go (with zones and so on), old good iptables will do the job:
sudo iptables -A INPUT -p tcp -s a.b.c.d --dport ssh -j ACCEPT
sudo iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport ssh -j REJECT
Where a.b.c.d is the ip address of windows hosts.
NOTICE: By configuring firewall over the networks you can easily lock yourself out!

Centos 7, Vagrant with Virtualbox - Apache virtual hosts working on guest machine, on host showing "it works"

I have setup a working Centos 7 Apache virtual host website in vagrant with virtualbox configured with a mapped static ip address and shared folders (
when I ssh into the guest machine with the vagrant user (I have port forwarding working as well for ssh), I can curl the website and it returns the correct html.
ssh vagrant# -p 2222
curl localsite.dev
If I do the same thing and curl the direct static ip address, it also returns the correct html
ssh vagrant# -p 2222
When I access this site or ip address from the host machine from a browser the response is "It Works". I'm not sure where to start, because the logs are empty, it's obviously loading the correct server and the ping results are all successful. I'm not sure what code to post on here, because I'm confused as to what could cause this. I've followed like 100 guides, even line for line and it still doesn't work). Any ideas or where to start looking?
I added port forwarding to the NAT card (8080 host port - 80 guest port) in the Network settings for the virtual machine. Then in the hosts file I setup the domain to point to and in the browser I put in the address localsite.dev:8080 and finally it does load the site.

Accessing a CentOS 7 (minimal) server running on VirtualBox from outside

Is it possible to access my Apache server from outside the VirtualBox on Google Chrome browser? Its running on CentOS 7 on VirtualBox.
I have tried connecting to the ip address of the CentOS virtual machine but it didn't work. Its using 'Bridged Adapter' networking in the VM settings and i checked the ip address using the 'ip addr' command. Thanks.
Of course you can. Though you need to add a tunnel to allow access to your Centos 7 machine web service from the host machine.
For example, my VM's bridge IP address (the interface that connects to the world) is and its interface is enp0s3. Let's say I'm running the web service on my second interface, enp0s8 with IP on port 8000. Here's how you create the tunnel:
iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -p tcp -i enp0s3 --dport 80 -j DNAT --to-destination
services iptables save
That's it. You should be able to go to your host's Chrome browser and type in the url and be presented with your web service. If it's still not working I'd suggest looking into your iptables rules to see if any is blocking this traffic.

Running ssh on Amazon EC2 instance on port other than 22

I am not able to access Amazon EC2 instance via ssh as i am behind a firewall.
So, i thought of running ssh on port other than 22, like 80 or 443.
I tried starting Amazon EC2 instance via Web Management Console with following 'user data':
#!/bin/bash -ex
perl -pi -e 's/^#?Port 22$/Port 80/' /etc/ssh/sshd_config
service sshd restart || service ssh restart
The idea being that the above script would execute on instance startup and switch ssh from port 22 to port 80. (Ref: http://alestic.com/2010/12/ec2-ssh-port-80)
But ssh is still not accessible on port 80.
Apparently 'user data' script is not being executed on start up?
I can 'only' start stop instances via Web Management Console, not from command-line (being behind firewall)
Any ideas?
To connect to an AWS instance through ssh from a port different than default 22:
Open the security group of your instance so that it allows connections to that port from the source that you choose ( for any source).
In your instance:
It is a new instance you could use an user-data script like this one:
#!/bin/bash -ex
perl -pi -e 's/^#?Port 22$/Port 443/' /etc/ssh/sshd_config
service sshd restart || service ssh restart
Please note that this only works if you are launching a new instance:
User data scripts and cloud-init directives only run during the first boot cycle when an instance is launched.
If it is not a new Instance, edit the /etc/ssh/sshd_config file adding/changing Port 22 to the port that you want (i.e: Port 443) to connect through ssh and then do service ssh restart and you should be done.
Note: I did this with an Ubuntu instance, with another Linux instances may be slightly different.
The amazon firewall blocks all ports other than 22. You first have to enable port 80/443/whatever.
Go to "security groups" -> click on the group you chose for your instance, then on the "Inbound" tab.
There you can add your ports.
EDIT: If by chance you also installed apache or some other webserver, port 80 will be used and cannot be used by sshd. I do not know which operating system is installed on your server, but maybe some webserver is already included?
EDIT 2: As per the last comment, it seems nowadays all ports are blocked by default. So you will have to open port 22 if you need it. Wasn't the case eight years ago, but configurations change ;)
Here is what I came up with to run sshd on 443 and 22 having rhel8 on ec2
make sure your security groups allow connection from your network/ip to the desired ports (in my case 22 and 443)
tcp 443 #allow access to 443 from IP
tcp 22 #allow access to 22 from IP
Login to the EC2 and
#install semanage with
sudo yum install -y policycoreutils-python-utils
#delete 443 from http ports
sudo semanage port -d -t http_port_t -p tcp 443
#add 443 to ssh ports
sudo semanage port -m -t ssh_port_t -p tcp 443
Edit /etc/ssh/sshd_config
Port 22
Port 443
Restart sshd
sudo service sshd restart