How can I connect REST API (Java) from QlikView? - qlikview

I want to connect REST API from QlikView and create chart/table view based on the JSON response from the REST call.
Instead of connecting MySQL datasource and database Is it possible to connect REST API and get the JSON and then generate chart/table view?

yes you need to download and install Qlikview Rest connector from downloads in Qlikview support page
Here is direct link to latest version 2.11


How can I connect a community connector (apps script) to a GA4 property so that it functions like it did with Advanced services and UA?

I am currently trying to connect a community connector (apps script) to GA4 in order to retrieve data and modify it before sending it to data studio. I have done this for Universal Analytics properties easily with advanced services; However, Since the Advanced services Analytics option does not work for GA4 properties I have been looking into retrieving data from analytics using fetchUrl. I am wondering if this is the best/only way to connect to GA4?
I have received input for my current code (basic fetchUrl code) which suggested that I would need to access the cloud api for authentication. Now I am wondering if I actually have to do these extra steps to connect to a google source from app script? The reason why I am unsure is because supermetrics has a GA4 connector which does not require any extra steps and of course connects to a GA4 property with a simple authentication method. I would like to essentially create that same connection in app script. Any advice would also be appreciated.
Also I would love to hear if there is any information on when we can expect advanced services to work for GA4.
Currently you will need to use the new Google Analytics Data API (GA4), however in this moment it is an early preview version of the API and is subject to change.
I don't know what the supermetrics plugin does specifically, however i recommend to link the automatic export of GA4 data in BigQuery and connect to it.
Google has not released any deadline for the release of this advanced service. I believe that before this it will have to make this whole new system stable since every week it undergoes updates and adjustments.

How to configure IBM MobileFirst Platform 8.0 analytics console REST API maximum search result?

Why is the Elasticsearch REST API for search and view data via port 9500* returning only 10 records? Is there a maximum number that controls this?
Since analytics is based on the elasticsearch, to the query you need to add the additional parameter &size=100000 to the url.

Connecting Google Adwords with QlikView 11 without using the QVSource Connector

I'm working on a project to connect Google Adwords with QlikView 11, i want to know if there's another way to do that without using the QVSource Connector which is not free.
I did some research and i found Adwords API, but i don't know how to use it.
If you have an idea please help me.
Thank you,
You need OAuth2 to authenticate against Adwords. Qlikview support only very simple authentication method (against web sites). Also QV doesn't support data in JSON format.
For this reasons you are unable to connect to Adwords directly from QV. You will need some tool/service that connect and extract the data in format the QV can load.
QVSource is working on this principle. Taking the authentication, extraction and transformation (if needed) of the data to csv format.
So you need to go with QVSource or write an app that will "link" QV with Adwords.

IBM Worklight JSON Store with Sync using HTTP Adapter

How to load data from database on load of the application?
How to push data to database?
The sample given by IBM Worklight helps to load data from JSON store, but how to use HTTP Adapter to fetch data and load?
Read the documentation and look at the JSONStore getting started modules and code samples.
How to load data from database on load of the application?
Use load. You can also do it with WL.Client.invokeProcedure or jQuery.ajax and then call add with the response data.
How to push data to database?
Use push or get the documents with local-only changes with getPushRequired and use WL.Client.invokeProcedure or jQuery.ajax to send data back to the backend.
All the methods linked above have examples. You should be able to figure out how to adapt those examples to your needs.

How to add custom field in salesforce leads through rest api?

I am currently working on an application which is implementing REST api. I have done all the authentication part and received all the info needed. Now I want my application to push the leads into the customer's account. But the lead fields can be customized and different customer use their different custom fields, so any1 can suggest me how to add that custom field in my form which will be pushed to the customer's salesforce account.
You can use the describe resource in the REST API to obtain the metadata about the Load object, including all the fields.
You can use the list of fields to drive your form, and to control what you subsequently POST to /services/data/v20.0/sobjects/lead to create the new lead.
Here's the link to the REST API pilot docs incase you haven't seen them
No idea if the REST API supports describe() calls, they're a way of querying for all metadata about table (columns, their types etc). In normal webservice API this info can be found at
the Metadata REST API was put on hold by Salesforce, so there is no REST API for Metadata (there is some limited support in the Tooling REST API, but not enough to create an object).