How to know when IMFTransform is finished with Input Sample? - com

I'm trying to decode a h.264 stream using Windows Media Foundation. I'm slowly wading through the API, and one thing I cannot seem to figure out is how to know when the IMFTransform is finished using a IMFTransform provided by ProcessInput. The documentation says "the MFT stores the sample and holds a reference count on the IMFSample pointer." Ignoring the fact that this is absolutely horrendous, how are you supposed to determine when it's actually done, given that you cannot get the reference count of a com_ptr so far as I am aware. You can technically call AddRef and the Release, using what Release returns, but per the documentation the value returned is meant to be used for "testing purposes only". So what is the correct way of determining this?


Too Few Observation Sequences while training new voice for MarryTTS

I'm trying to build a new voice for MaryTTS in German for a while now, but didn't succeed so far. I followed a tutorial ( and tried to understand each step. No matter what I do, I get stuck at step 14 (HMMVoiceMakeVoice), the error being:
ERROR [+2121] HInit: Too Few Observation Sequences
which usually means, that the tested phone (en9 in this example) is not found within my data set.
After changing the locale, the same error happend on the phone "de27" as Nikolay Shmyrev pointed out.
I doubt that though, since I use about 500 Audio files, which have a length of at least 5 sec, so a total well over an hour of footage.
In fact, I skipped the "en9" phone, since I don't know what exactly is represented by it. The next one to fail was "oI", which I located manually about ten times in the first few audio files.
I think it has to do with the automatic labeling to not work properly (step 2-4), but I don't know, what I can do, to get a better result?
Edit: I uploaded all the files I get until this step, which can be inspected on this shared google drive. Note, that I could not, for copyright reasons, upload the wav folder. In the logs directory, you can find the logs after each step. I couldn't find any problems there, but maybe someone will.
I do not completely understand the structure of the generated data, but I thought changing the MARYBASE/mary/trickyPhones.txt and running the make tools again would be enough to change the map name from "tS" to "Z" which sounds about the same in German. But the HMMVoiceMakeVoice still results in the same output.

libtls: select() and tls_read() working together

I want to add an ssl support to an old chat application I wrote years ago. I did a lot of reading on OpenSSL and LibreSSL and I decided to try a new libtls API. I think developers did a really great job on this one.
I found it to be very easy to use - almost no changes to my existing code where required. But here is one thing I need to figure out now:
Back in a day, I was using select() to monitor sockets and recv() to read a data. This was easy, because both of those functions are working on file descriptors.
Now, with libtls, function tls_read() requires a tls context as a first argument. This means I need to search the list of clients to get an appropriate tls context every time I have a descriptor ready to be read. This is not that hard but maybe someone knows a better solution? I will appreciate all comments and code samples.
Unless I'm misreading the documentation, it seems to me that if you create the sockets yourself, and then use tls_connect_fds/tls_connect_socket/tls_accept_fds/tls_accept_socket afterwards, you'll have normal file handles available you can trivially use with select()/poll()/etc. You'd still need to keep around some sort of file descriptor to context mapping to actually issue the tls_read/tls_write once you were ready, but that's just your choice of linked list or hashtable, depending on what language you're using and what stdlib you have available.

Asking sample code for ISO 8583 verifone vx520

I want to know the sample code for sending message to server and get back response to verifone vx520 terminal using ISO 8583.
As noted in a comment on your question, this is not a code sharing site, so such an open-ended question is a bit difficult to answer, but perhaps I can get you started on the right foot.
First of all, let me start by suggesting that if you have control over the terminal code and the server that it will be talking to, I suggest you NOT use ISO8583. Yes, it's an industry standard and yes, it communicates data efficiently, BUT it is much more difficult to use than, say, VISA-1 or XML, or JSON etc. That means you have more opportunities for bugs to creep into your code. It also means that if something goes wrong, it takes a lot more effort to try and figure out what happened and try and fix it. I have used all these protocols and others besides and I'll tell you that ISO8583 is one of my least favorite to work with.
Assuming you do not have a choice and you must use ISO8583 then it's worth noting that ISO8583 is nothing but a specification on how to assemble data packets in order to communicate. There is nothing special about the Vx520 terminal (or any other VeriFone terminal) that would change how you would implement it verses how you might do so on any other C++ platform EXCEPT that VeriFone DOES provide you with a library for working with this spec that you are free to use or ignore as you see fit.
You don't need to use this library at all. You can roll your own and be just fine. You can find more information on the specification itself at Wikipedia, Code Project, and several other places (just ask your favorite search engine). Note that when I did my 8583 project, this library was not available to me. Perhaps I wouldn't have hated this protocol so much if I had had access to it... who knows?
If you are still reading this, then I'll assume that ISO8583 is a requirement (or you are a glutton for punishment) and that you are interested in trying out this engine that VeriFone has provided.
The first thing you will need to do (and hopefully, you have already done it) is to install ACT as part of the development suite (I also suggest you head over to DevNet and get the latest version of ACT before you get started...). Once installed, the library header can be found at %evoact%\include\iso8583.h. Documentation on how to use it can be found at %evoact%\docs. In particular, see chapter 6 of DOC00310_Verix_eVo_ACT_Programmers_Guide.pdf.
Obviously, trying to include a whole chapter's worth of information here would be out of scope, but to give you a high-level idea of how the engine works, allow me to share a couple excerpts:
This engine is designed to be table driven. A single routine is used
for the assembly and disassembly of ISO 8583 packets. The assembly and
disassembly of ISO 8583 packets is driven by the following structures:
Maps One or more collections of 64 bits that drive packet assembly and
indicate what is in a message.
Field table Defines all the fields used
by the application.
Convert table Defines data-conversion routines.
Variant tables Optional tables used to define variant fields.
The process_8583() routine is used for the assembly and disassembly of ISO
8583 packets.
An example of using process_8583() is given elsewhere as follows:
#include "appl8583.h"
int packet_sz;
void assemble_packet ()
packet_sz = process_8583 (0, field_table, test_map, buffer, sizeof( buffer));
printf ("\ fOUTPUT SIZE %d", packet_sz);
void disassemble_packet ()
packet_sz = process_8583 (1, field_table, test_map, buffer, packet_sz);
printf ("\ fINPUT NOT PROCESSED %d", packet_sz);
To incorporate this engine into an application, modify the APPL8583.C
and APPL8583.H files so that each has all the application variables
required in the bit map and set up the map properly. Compile
APPL8583.C and link it with your application and the ISO 8583 library.
Use the following procedures to transmit or receive an ISO 8583 packet
using the ISO 8583 Interface Engine:
To transmit an ISO 8583 packet
1 Set data values in the application variables for those to transmit.
2 Call the prot8583_main() routine. This constructs the complete
message and returns the number of bytes in the constructed message.
3 Call write() to transmit the message.
To receive a message
1 Call read() to receive the message.
2 Call the process_8583() routine. This results in all fields being
deposited into the application variables.
3 Use the values in the application variables.

OS X Programmatically Set Default Output Device

I have been attempting to change which audio device my computer sends sound to. My end goal is to create a program that can make my laptop output to its built-in speakers even when headphones are plugged into the headphone jack.
I stumbled across this project, but the methods it uses (specifically AudioHardwareSetProperty) are deprecated. It also just doesn't work (it will say it changed the output device, but sound will still go to my headphones).
CoreAudio seems very poorly documented and I could not find ANY code online that did not use that function. I would go with the deprecated function if it did what I wanted, but it doesn't. I'm unsure weather it's broken or just doesn't do what I think it does, but that really doesn't matter in the end.
I attempted to look at the comments on AudioHardwareSetProperty but all I found was this in the discussion section:
Note that the value of the property should not be considered changed until the
HAL has called the listeners as many properties values are changed
asynchronously. Also note that the same functionality is provided by the
function AudioObjectGetPropertyData().
This is obviously not true, since I know for a fact that AudioObjectGetPropertyData is used for getting information about one specific audio device.
Is what I am trying to do possible with CoreAudio?

Detect USB - Insert/Remove - VB.NET on Windows CE 6.0

I'm becoming mad trying to figure out how to resolve this task. My goal is pretty easy, copy a file on the USB stick every time that it is inserted and then release the USB stick turning off the LED. What is the best way to solve it?
1) I found this article
but I can't translate it on VB.NET project.
2) Then I read that is enough to use RequestDeviceNotifications for block devices. But How can I do that in VB.NET?
I would like to avoid OpenNetCF if possible.
Thank you
Since you don't want to "use OpenNETCF" I assume that you don't want to use any libraries or capabilities not built in to the CF. We'll skip the argument of that silliness and the "value of your time" discussion and take that as a requirement.
What you need to do is:
Use P/Invoke to call CreateMsgQueue. That's going to give you back a Handle. You'll probably want to do CloseMsgQueue as well for completeness
P/Invoke RequestDeviceNotifications and pass it the handle returned from #1 above along with the DEVCLASS GUID value for the device notifications you want - probably STORE_MOUNT_GUID. Again, adding StopDeviceNotifications for completeness is a good idea.
At that point you'll get a message on the queue whenever a insert or remove happens. You then call ReadMsgQueue to get the DEVDETAIL data in the message.
Parse the DEVDETAIL and look at the fAttached member.
It'd take me a while to write that for you, so you'll need to do this on your own.
Start writing the project, find P/Invoke routines for the calls you need (like FindFirstFile and CreateProcess). On SO, have a look at Storage Card Problem In windows mobile and How to register form for WM_DEVICECHANGE message in windows mobile.
You are only going to be dead in the water if you can not find a particular call that you can't make.
As you work through your project, post (or search for) the actual problems you run into.
Otherwise, it sounds like you are asking someone to write the project and hand it to you.