Adapting an existing keras model with multiple inputs to tensorflow federated - tensorflow

I'm trying to apply federated learning to an existing keras model that takes two inputs. When I call tff.learning.from_compiled_keras_model and include a dummy batch, I get this error: ValueError: Layer model_1 expects 2 inputs, but it received 1 input tensors. Inputs received: [<tf.Tensor 'packed:0' shape=(2, 20) dtype=int64>].
The model accepts two numpy arrays as inputs, so I defined my dummy_batch as:
x = tf.constant(np.random.randint(1,100, size=[20]))
collections.OrderedDict([('x', [x, x]), ('y', x)])
I dug around a little bit and saw that eventually, tf.convert_to_tensor_or_sparse_tensor gets called on the input list (in the __init__ for _KerasModel), and that returns a single tensor of shape (2,20), instead of two separate arrays or tensors. Is there some other way I can represent the list of inputs to avoid this issue?

The TFF team just pushed a commit that should contain this bugfix; this commit should be what you want. See in particular the change in tensorflow_federated/python/learning/ added test case should have been a repro of your issue, and it now passes.
You were right to call out our call to tf.convert_to_tensor_or_sparse_tensor; now we use tf.nest.map_structure to map this function call to the leaves of the passed-in data structure. Note that Keras does some extra input normalization as well; we decided not to duplicate that logic here.
This change won't be in the pip package until the next release, but if you build from source, it will be available now.
Thanks for this catch, and pointing to the right place!


Tensorflow Saving Error (from Tensorflow Example)

I am trying to use the Basic Text Classification example from Tensorflow on my own dataset. Training and verification have gone well and I am to the point in the tutorial for exporting the model. The model compiles and works on an array of strings.
After that, I'd like to save the model in h5 format for use in other projects. At this point, the tutorial refers you to save and load keras models tutorial.
This second tutorial essentially says to do this:'path/saved_model.h5')
This fails with
ValueError: Weights for model sequential_X have not yet been created. Weights are created when the Model is first called on inputs or build() is called with an input_shape.
So next I attempt to do this:, max_features))'path/saved_model.h5')
There are several errors with this:
ValueError: Tensor conversion requested dtype string for Tensor with dtype float32: <tf.Tensor 'Placeholder:0' shape=(None, 45000) dtype=float32>
TypeError: Input 'input' of 'StringLower' Op has type float32 that does not match expected type of string.
ValueError: You cannot build your model by calling build if your layers do not support float type inputs. Instead, in order to instantiate and build your model, call your model on real tensor data (of the correct dtype).
I think this essentially means the input I defined to pass into defaults to float and needs to be string. I think I have two options:
Somehow define my input layer to be string, which I cannot see how to do. This feels like the correct thing to do.
Use However I am not sure how to 'call my model on real tensor data' because tensors can't be strings and that is the input to the network.
I've seen one other person with this issue here, with no solution other than to rebuild the model in functional style with mixed results. I am not sure of the point of rebuilding in the functional style since I don't fully understand the problem.
I'd prefer to have the TextVectorization layer built into the final model to simplify deployment. This is exactly the reason the docs give for doing this in the example in the first place. (The model will save without it.)
I am a novice with this so I might be making a simple mistake. How can I get this model to save?

Why is "step" argument necessary when predicting using data tensors? what does this error mean?

I am trying to predict() the output for a single data point d, using my trained Keras model loaded from a file. But I get a ValueError If predicting from data tensors, you should specify the 'step' argument. What does that mean?
I tried setting step=1, but then I get a different error ValueError: Cannot feed value of shape () for Tensor u'input_1:0', which has shape '(?, 600)'.
Here is my code:
d = np.concatenate((hidden[p[i]], hidden[x[i]])).resize((1,600))
hidden[p[i]] = autoencoder.predict(d,steps=)
The model is expecting (?,600) as input. I have concatenated two numpy arrays of shape (300,) each to get (600,), which is resized to (1,600). This (1,600) is my input to predict().
In my case, the input to predict was None (because I had a bug in another part of the code).
In official doc, steps refer to the total number of steps before stopping. So steps=1 means make predictions on one batch instead of making prediction on one record (single data point).
-> Define value of steps argument,
d = np.concatenate((hidden[p[i]],
hidden[p[i]] = autoencoder.predict(d,steps=1)
If you are using a test data generator, it is good practice to define the steps, as mentioned in the documentation.
If you are predicting a single instance, no need to define the steps. Just make sure the argument (i.e. instance 'd') is not None, otherwise that error will show up. Some reshaping may also be necessary.
in my case i got the same error, i just reshaped the data to predict with numpy function reshape() to the shape of the data originally used to train the model.

Using saved model for prediction in tensorflow

I use this code to restore my model, but I don't know how to predict after restoring it, which function can I use? I'm a beginner in tensorflow, I have no idea to which parameters or function will be saved.
In the meta model:
sess = tf.Session()
saver = tf.train.import_meta_graph("/home/MachineLearning/model.ckpt.meta")
print("Model restored with success ")
x_predict,y_predict= load_svmlight_file('/MachineLearning/to_predict.csv')
x_predict = x_valid.toarray()[] ,feed_dict ) #i don't know how to use predict function
These are the results:
Model restored with success
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 23, in <module>[] ,feed_dict )
NameError: name 'feed_dict' is not defined
You're almost there. Tensorflow is simply a math library. Your graph is a collection of math operations with the associated dependencies (e.g. a graph, DAG specifically).
When you loaded the graph and associated variables (weights) you loaded all the definitions. Now you need to ask tensorflow to compute some value in the graph. There are lots of values it could compute, the one you want is often named logits (a typical name for the output layer of a neural network). But note that it could be named anything (especially if this isn't a neural network model), you need to understand the model. You might also want to compute an operation named accuracy which is defined to compute the accuracy of a particular batch of inputs (again depends on your model).
Note that you will need to provide tensorflow with whatever it needs to perform these computations. There is generally a placeholder where you pass in your data (and during training a placeholder for your labels which you don't need for prediction because none of the operations you will ask tensorflow to compute depend on it).
But you will need to get references to these various operations (logits, and accuracy) and placeholders (x is a typical name). Since you loaded your graph from disk you don't have the references (note that an alternative way of loading the model is to re-run the code that builds the model, which gives you easy access to the references you need).
In order to get the right references you can look them up by name. Here's how you would get a list of all the operations:
List of tensor names in graph in Tensorflow
Then to get a specific OP (operation) by name:
How to get a tensorflow op by name?
So you'll have something like this:
logits = tf.get_default_graph().get_operation_by_name("logits:0")
x = tf.get_default_graph().get_operation_by_name("x:0")
accuracy = tf.get_default_graph().get_operation_by_name("accuracy:0")
Note that the :0 is an index added to all names in tensorflow to avoid duplicate names. Now you have all the references you need and you can use to perform a specific computation, providing the input data, and OPs you'd like to have computed:[logits, accuracy], feed_dict={x:your_input_data_in_numpy_format})
The names of these elements will vary in your implementation, I've used the most common names. If they weren't given pretty names it'll be hard to identify them and you'll need to look through the original code that produced the graph. In fact if they weren't named properly looking them up by name is so painful that it's probably better to just re-run the code that produced the original graph rather than import the meta graph. Notice that saver.restore only restores the actual data, import_meta_graph is the optional piece which can be replaced by simply re-building the graph programmatically.

Tensorflow: difference get_tensor_by_name vs get_operation_by_name?

The answer here says that one returns an operation while the other returns a tensor. That is pretty obvious from the name and from the documentation. However, suppose I do the following:
logits = tf.add(tf.matmul(inputs, weights), biases, name='logits')
I am following the pattern described in Tensorflow Mechanics 101. Should I restore it as an operation or as a tensor? I am afraid that if I restore it as a tensor I will only get the last computed values for the logits; nonetheless, the post here, seems to suggest that there is no difference or that I should just use get_tensor_by_name. The idea is to compute the logits for a new set of inputs and then make predictions accordingly.
Short answer: you can use both, get_operation_by_name() and get_tensor_by_name(). Long answer:
When you call
op = graph.get_operation_by_name('logits')
... it returns an instance of type tf.Operation, which is a node in the computational graph, which performs some op on its inputs and produces one or more outputs. In this case, it's a plus op.
One can always evaluate an op in a session, and if this op needs some placehoder values to be fed in, the engine will force you to provide them. Some ops, e.g. reading a variable, don't have any dependencies and can be executed without placeholders.
In your case, (I assume) logits are computed from the input placeholder x, so logits doesn't have any value without a particular x.
On the other hand, calling
tensor = graph.get_tensor_by_name('logits:0')
... returns an object tensor, which has the type tf.Tensor:
Represents one of the outputs of an Operation.
A Tensor is a symbolic handle to one of the outputs of an Operation.
It does not hold the values of that operation's output, but instead
provides a means of computing those values in a TensorFlow tf.Session.
So, in other words, tensor evaluation is the same as operation execution, and all the restrictions described above apply as well.
Why is Tensor useful? A Tensor can be passed as an input to another Operation, thus forming the graph. But in your case, you can assume that both entities mean the same.

How do you create a dynamic_rnn with dynamic "zero_state" (Fails with Inference)

I have been working with the "dynamic_rnn" to create a model.
The model is based upon a 80 time period signal, and I want to zero the "initial_state" before each run so I have setup the following code fragment to accomplish this:
state = cell_L1.zero_state(self.BatchSize,Xinputs.dtype)
outputs, outState = rnn.dynamic_rnn(cell_L1,Xinputs,initial_state=state, dtype=tf.float32)
This works great for the training process. The problem is once I go to the inference, where my BatchSize = 1, I get an error back as the rnn "state" doesn't match the new Xinputs shape. So what I figured is I need to make "self.BatchSize" based upon the input batch size rather than hard code it. I tried many different approaches, and none of them have worked. I would rather not pass a bunch of zeros through the feed_dict as it is a constant based upon the batch size.
Here are some of my attempts. They all generally fail since the input size is unknown upon building the graph:
state = cell_L1.zero_state(Xinputs.get_shape()[0],Xinputs.dtype)
state = tf.zeros([Xinputs.get_shape()[0], self.state_size], Xinputs.dtype, name="RnnInitializer")
Another approach, thinking the initializer might not get called until run-time, but still failed at graph build:
init = lambda shape, dtype: np.zeros(*shape)
state = tf.get_variable("state", shape=[Xinputs.get_shape()[0], self.state_size],initializer=init)
Is there a way to get this constant initial state to be created dynamically or do I need to reset it through the feed_dict with tensor-serving code? Is there a clever way to do this only once within the graph maybe with an tf.Variable.assign?
The solution to the problem was how to obtain the "batch_size" such that the variable is not hard coded.
This was the correct approach from the given example:
Xinputs = tf.placeholder(tf.int32, (None, self.sequence_size, self.num_params), name="input")
state = cell_L1.zero_state(Xinputs.get_shape()[0],Xinputs.dtype)
The problem is the use of "get_shape()[0]", this returns the "shape" of the tensor and takes the batch_size value at [0]. The documentation doesn't seem to be that clear, but this appears to be a constant value so when you load the graph into an inference, this value is still hard coded (maybe only evaluated at graph creation?).
Using the "tf.shape()" function, seems to do the trick. This doesn't return the shape, but a tensor. So this seems to be updated more at run-time. Using this code fragment solved the problem of a training batch of 128 and then loading the graph into TensorFlow-Service inference handling a batch of just 1.
Xinputs = tf.placeholder(tf.int32, (None, self.sequence_size, self.num_params), name="input")
batch_size = tf.shape(Xinputs)[0]
state = self.cell_L1.zero_state(batch_size,Xinputs.dtype)
Here is a good link to TensorFlow FAQ which describes this approach 'How do I build a graph that works with variable batch sizes?':