Why is "step" argument necessary when predicting using data tensors? what does this error mean? - tensorflow

I am trying to predict() the output for a single data point d, using my trained Keras model loaded from a file. But I get a ValueError If predicting from data tensors, you should specify the 'step' argument. What does that mean?
I tried setting step=1, but then I get a different error ValueError: Cannot feed value of shape () for Tensor u'input_1:0', which has shape '(?, 600)'.
Here is my code:
d = np.concatenate((hidden[p[i]], hidden[x[i]])).resize((1,600))
hidden[p[i]] = autoencoder.predict(d,steps=)
The model is expecting (?,600) as input. I have concatenated two numpy arrays of shape (300,) each to get (600,), which is resized to (1,600). This (1,600) is my input to predict().

In my case, the input to predict was None (because I had a bug in another part of the code).

In official doc, steps refer to the total number of steps before stopping. So steps=1 means make predictions on one batch instead of making prediction on one record (single data point).

-> Define value of steps argument,
d = np.concatenate((hidden[p[i]],
hidden[p[i]] = autoencoder.predict(d,steps=1)

If you are using a test data generator, it is good practice to define the steps, as mentioned in the documentation.
If you are predicting a single instance, no need to define the steps. Just make sure the argument (i.e. instance 'd') is not None, otherwise that error will show up. Some reshaping may also be necessary.

in my case i got the same error, i just reshaped the data to predict with numpy function reshape() to the shape of the data originally used to train the model.


How do I explicitly split a Dataset tuple in Tensorflow's functional API into two separate layers from just one input layer?

The input to my model is a BatchDataset object called dataset_train, and it is batched to yield (training_data, label).
For some of the machinery in my model, I need to be able to split the Dataset tuple inside the model and independently access both the data and the label. This is a single input model with multiple outputs, so I am using Tensorflow's Functional API. For the sake of reproducibility, I am working with timeseries, so a toy dataset would look like this:
time = np.arange(1000)
data = np.random.randn(1000)
label = np.random.randn(1000)
training_data = np.zeros(shape=(time.size,2))
training_data[:,0] = time
training_data[:,1] = data
dataset_train = tf.keras.utils.timeseries_dataset_from_array(
data = training_data,
targets = label,
batch_size = batch_size,
sequence_length = sequence_length,
sequence_stride = 1,
Note: Sequence Length and batch_size are additional semi-arbitrary hyperparameters that are not important for the purposes of this question.
How do I split apart the Dataset in Tensorflow's Functional API into the training data element and the label element?
Here is pseudocode of what I am looking for:
input = Single Input Layer that defines something capable of accepting dataset_train
training_data = input.element_spec[0]
label = input.element_spec[1]
After that point, my model can perform it's actions on training_data and label independently.
First Solution I tried:
I first started by trying to define two input layers and pass each element of the dataset tuple to each input layer, and the act on each input layer independently.
training_data = tf.keras.Input(shape=(sequence_length,2))
label = tf.keras.Input(shape = sequence_length)
#model machinery
model = tf.keras.Model(
inputs = [training_data, label],
outputs = [output_1, output_2]
#model machinery
history = model.fit(dataset_train, epochs = 500)
The first problem I had with this is that I got the following error:
ValueError: Layer "model_5" expects 2 input(s), but it received 1 input tensors. Inputs received: [<tf.Tensor 'IteratorGetNext:0' shape=(None, None, 2) dtype=float64>]
This is a problem, because if I actually pass the model a dictionary of datasets (nevermind that this isn't supported) then I introduce a circular dependency where in order to use model.predict, it expects labels for the inputs to model.predict. In other words, I need the answers to get the answers. Because I need to pass it only a single Dataset to prevent introducing this circular dependency (tensorflow implicitly assumes that the second element in a Dataset is the label, and doesn't require Datasets with labels for model.predict), I decided to abandon this strategy for unpacking the Input layer directly within the functional API for the model.
Second Solution I tried:
I thought maybe I could unpack the Dataset using the .get_single_element() method in the following code excerpt
input = tf.keras.Input(shape = (sequence_length, 2))
training_dataset, label = input.get_single_element()
This gave the following error:
AttributeError: 'KerasTensor' object has no attribute 'get_single_element'
I then thought the problem was that because the symbolic tensor wasn't of type Dataset, I needed to define the input layer to expect a Dataset. After reading through the documentation and spending ~9 hours messing around, I realized that tf.keras.Input takes an argument called type_spec, which allows the user to specify exactly the type of symbolic tensor to create (I think - I'm still a little shaky on understanding exactly what's going on and I'm more than a little sleep deprived, which isn't helping). As it turns out there's a way to generate the type_spec from the dataset itself, so I did that to make sure that I wasn't making a mistake in generating it.
input = tf.keras.Input(tensor = dataset_train)
training_dataset, label = input.get_single_element()
Which gives the following error:
AttributeError: 'BatchDataset' object has no attribute 'dtype'
I'm not really sure why I get this error, but I tried to circumvent it by explicitly defining the type_spec in the Input layer
input = tf.keras.Input(type_spec: tf.data.DatasetSpec.from_value(dataset_train))
training_dataset, label = input.get_single_element()
Which gives the following error:
ValueError: KerasTensor only supports TypeSpecs that have a shape field; got DatasetSpec, which does not have a shape.
I also had tried to make the DatasetSpec manually instead of generating it using .from_value earlier and had gotten the same error. I thought then it was just because I was messing it up, but now that I've gotten this error from .from_value, I'm beginning to suspect that this line of solutions won't work because DatasetSpec implicitly is missing a shape. I might also be confused, because performing dataset_train.element_spec clearly reveals that the dataset does have a shape, so I'm not sure why Tensorflow can't infer from it.
Any help in furthering either of those non-functional solutions so that I can explicitly access the training_data and label separately from an input Dataset inside the Functional API would be much appreciated!

Tensorflow Saving Error (from Tensorflow Example)

I am trying to use the Basic Text Classification example from Tensorflow on my own dataset. Training and verification have gone well and I am to the point in the tutorial for exporting the model. The model compiles and works on an array of strings.
After that, I'd like to save the model in h5 format for use in other projects. At this point, the tutorial refers you to save and load keras models tutorial.
This second tutorial essentially says to do this:
This fails with
ValueError: Weights for model sequential_X have not yet been created. Weights are created when the Model is first called on inputs or build() is called with an input_shape.
So next I attempt to do this:
model.build((None, max_features))
There are several errors with this:
ValueError: Tensor conversion requested dtype string for Tensor with dtype float32: <tf.Tensor 'Placeholder:0' shape=(None, 45000) dtype=float32>
TypeError: Input 'input' of 'StringLower' Op has type float32 that does not match expected type of string.
ValueError: You cannot build your model by calling build if your layers do not support float type inputs. Instead, in order to instantiate and build your model, call your model on real tensor data (of the correct dtype).
I think this essentially means the input I defined to pass into model.build defaults to float and needs to be string. I think I have two options:
Somehow define my input layer to be string, which I cannot see how to do. This feels like the correct thing to do.
Use model.call. However I am not sure how to 'call my model on real tensor data' because tensors can't be strings and that is the input to the network.
I've seen one other person with this issue here, with no solution other than to rebuild the model in functional style with mixed results. I am not sure of the point of rebuilding in the functional style since I don't fully understand the problem.
I'd prefer to have the TextVectorization layer built into the final model to simplify deployment. This is exactly the reason the docs give for doing this in the example in the first place. (The model will save without it.)
I am a novice with this so I might be making a simple mistake. How can I get this model to save?

Adapting an existing keras model with multiple inputs to tensorflow federated

I'm trying to apply federated learning to an existing keras model that takes two inputs. When I call tff.learning.from_compiled_keras_model and include a dummy batch, I get this error: ValueError: Layer model_1 expects 2 inputs, but it received 1 input tensors. Inputs received: [<tf.Tensor 'packed:0' shape=(2, 20) dtype=int64>].
The model accepts two numpy arrays as inputs, so I defined my dummy_batch as:
x = tf.constant(np.random.randint(1,100, size=[20]))
collections.OrderedDict([('x', [x, x]), ('y', x)])
I dug around a little bit and saw that eventually, tf.convert_to_tensor_or_sparse_tensor gets called on the input list (in the __init__ for _KerasModel), and that returns a single tensor of shape (2,20), instead of two separate arrays or tensors. Is there some other way I can represent the list of inputs to avoid this issue?
The TFF team just pushed a commit that should contain this bugfix; this commit should be what you want. See in particular the change in tensorflow_federated/python/learning/model_utils_test.py--the added test case should have been a repro of your issue, and it now passes.
You were right to call out our call to tf.convert_to_tensor_or_sparse_tensor; now we use tf.nest.map_structure to map this function call to the leaves of the passed-in data structure. Note that Keras does some extra input normalization as well; we decided not to duplicate that logic here.
This change won't be in the pip package until the next release, but if you build from source, it will be available now.
Thanks for this catch, and pointing to the right place!

How to correct shape of Keras input into a 3D array

I've a Keras model that when I fit fails with this error
> kerasInput = Input(shape=(None, 47))
> LSTM(..)(kerasInput)
> model.fit(realInput, ...)
ValueError: Error when checking input: expected input_1 to have 3 dimensions, but got array with shape (10842, 1)
When looking at my input I found it has a shape of (10842, 1) but for each row it's actually a list of list. I can verify with
> pd.DataFrame(realInput[0]).shape
(260, 47)
How I could correct my input shape?
When trying with keras Reshape layer, the creation of the model fails with:
Model inputs must come from `keras.layers.Input` (thus holding past layer metadata), they cannot be the output of a previous non-Input layer. Here, a tensor specified as input to your model was not an Input tensor, it was generated by layer reshape_8.
Note that input tensors are instantiated via `tensor = keras.layers.Input(shape)`.
The tensor that caused the issue was: reshape_8/Reshape:0
You can use numpy.expand_dims method to convert the shape to 3D.
import numpy as np
Reshape layer keras
Use the third parameter as 1
# Something Similar to this
X_train = np.reshape(X_train,(X_train.shape[0],X_train.shape[1],1))
Edit: Added np.reshape method
Refer this repository: https://github.com/NilanshBansal/Stock_Price_Prediction/blob/master/Stock_Price_Prediction_20_days_later_4_LSTM.ipynb
As I said before in the comments. You will need to make sure to reshape your data to match what LSTM expects to receive and also make sure the input_shape is correctly set.
I found this post quite helpful when I struggled with inputting to an LSTM layer. I hope it helps you too : Reshape input for LSTM

xgboost.train probability output needed

XGBClassifier outputs probabilities if we use the method "predict_proba", however, when I train the model using xgboost.train, I cannot figure out how to get probabilities as output. Here is a chunk of my code:
dtrain=xgb.DMatrix(X_train, label=y)
param = {'max_depth':2, 'eta':1, 'silent':1, 'objective':'binary:logistic'}
xgboost.train() returns a xgb.Booster object. The xgb.Booster.predict() call returns probabilities in the case of a classification problem instead of the expected labels, if you are used to the .predict()methods of sklearn models. So modelXG.predict(dtest) call will give you want you need.