<BEA-160228> AppMerge failed to merge your application - weblogic

Got this dreaded <BEA-160228> & ToolFailureException when deploying spring-boot 2.x app on weblogic 12.1.x multiple times. Solved one with some package guesswork in <wls:prefer-application-packages>, but got another again each time we add new dependencies.
I know there's some thread asking this already, but it's usually very specific to each dependencies, i need different perspective on this.
Is there a way to debug/analyze what happened inside weblogic AppMerge process?
So we could exactly pinpoint what library caused this.
I've tried enabling debug deployment options, but didn't see any clue on the logs


IntelliJ Remote Debug does not work at times

I am using IntelliJ for development and remote debugging of my OSGI code. Most of the time it works. However, at times I am facing the below issue.
IntelliJ connects and the code stops when running; however, I do not see any values at my breakpoint.
Once I could resolve this problem by removing a swap file. Another possibility is a slow resync between my memory and file values.
I restarted my OSGI service and it seems to have resolved the issue. Any details on the internals will be useful.

AppDomain unloaded issue with service bus version 2.6.5

We have multiple projects that are making use of the service bus library. We are currently using v2.6.5 at the moment and we've been getting several warnings for unit tests that calls to the code in the library. This is the warning message:
System.AppDomainUnloadedException: Attempted to access an unloaded AppDomain. This can happen if the test(s) started a thread but did not stop it. Make sure that all the threads started by the test(s) are stopped before completion.
And we would get it everytime we invoke this method: TopicClient.CreateFromConnectionString(connectionString, topicName)
This warning will not appear if we use the built-in Visual Studio test runner (2012/2015) and it would appear if we opt to use the MSTest runner via the .runsettings file.
It will also not appear if I update my service bus to version 3.0.0 and above but that is not possible because we were having a separate issues with them so the only option now is the stick to version 2.6.5 and try to fix those warnings.
Any idea what could be wrong? If you guys need additional information I'm happy to come up with a simple project that is able to reproduce the warning.

This class does not support SAAJ 1.3

In trying to call a webservice from a portlet from Glassfish to a webservice hosted remotely on weblogic we are getting this error:
Caused by: java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: This class does not support SAAJ 1.3
at weblogic.webservice.core.soap.SOAPHeaderImpl.addHeaderElement(SOAPHeaderImpl.java:178)
I added the webservicesclient.jar from WebLogic to the portlet WAR file.
How is the best way to handle this problem?
EDIT: Adding webservicesclient.jar was the wrong thing to do. I removed the jar file and that fixed the problem. The underlying problem was also fixed with a restart.
Answered my own question. See edit in the question:
EDIT: Adding webservicesclient.jar was the wrong thing to do. I removed the jar file and that fixed the problem. The underlying problem was also fixed with a restart.

bootstrap server. Error in iPhone SDK

Can anyone help for the following ERROR:
Couldn't register com.india.XXX with the bootstrap server. Error: unknown error code.
This generally means that another instance of this process was already running or is hung in the debugger.
here m using xcode 4.1 and i have same project folders in my local desk.
When ever i open multiple projects with the same name its showing the above error.
Thanks in advance.
Some of the fixes that the links Saif contain may work for some, but not for me.
I have a very simple solution without restarting that will usually get you through the day.
When you get this error, before you do anything else, build for the other device (if you are running a universal application).
When you build for the other device, it kind of "overwrites" the process that creates this error. Once the other device is up and running, immediately build for the device that created the error. This will work most if not all the time, and will save you time digging through the multitude of fixes you will find in the other links.
I tried almost all of the fixes found there and none of them worked in my case. This works, but you should check your appDelegate for any bugs in your willEnter/didEnter (and other related methods).

Code build in Mac 10.4.4 is not working in 10.3.9?

I have build cocoa application in 10.4.4 using (mac10.3.9sdk xcode version:2.2.1,universal binary), but when im trying to invoke the application in 10.3.9 the application is not getting invoked.
Can you please tell me what would be the probable mistakes or reasons of its not getting invoked???or How can i trouble shoot the issue?
which version of xcode should i use in 10.3.9 so that i can debug the code, can someone please provide the corresponding link?
The runtime failure could be for any number of reasons: missing libraries or frameworks, compiled with the wrong settings etc.
Probably your first port of call should be console.app if you are trying to run this on another machine that does not have the development tools installed. It will probably give you some clues as to why the application isn't starting up.