Type mismatch involving three types that must be identical - idris

This compiles:
data ThreeEq : a -> b -> c -> Type where
Same3 : (x : a) -> ThreeEq x x x
allSameS : (x, y, z : Nat) -> ThreeEq x y z -> ThreeEq (S x) (S y) (S z)
allSameS k k k (Same3 k) = Same3 (S k)
But with one small change to Same3, it no longer compiles. Can anyone explain why?
data ThreeEq : a -> b -> c -> Type where
Same3 : x -> ThreeEq x x x
allSameS : (x, y, z : Nat) -> ThreeEq x y z -> ThreeEq (S x) (S y) (S z)
allSameS k k k (Same3 k) = Same3 (S k)
Here's the error message:
- + Errors (1)
`-- Amy2.idr line 5 col 0:
When checking left hand side of allSameS:
When checking an application of Main.allSameS:
Type mismatch between
ThreeEq x x x (Type of Same3 _)
ThreeEq k y z (Expected type)
Type mismatch between

Here is the difference
data ThreeEq : a -> b -> c -> Type where
Same3 : (x : a) -> ThreeEq x x x
^ ^
| |
| Type
Here, Same3 Z builds a value of type Three Z Z Z.
data ThreeEq : a -> b -> c -> Type where
Same3 : x -> ThreeEq x x x
And now, Same3 Z builds a value of type Three Nat Nat Nat.


Why doesn't cong typecheck in Idris 2

I'm writing a function to test propositional equality of Nat, and it typechecks in Idris 1.
sameNat : (n : Nat) -> (m : Nat) -> Maybe (n = m)
sameNat Z Z = Just Refl
sameNat (S n) (S m) = case sameNat n m of
Just e => Just (cong e)
Nothing => Nothing
sameNat _ _ = Nothing
But it doesn't typecheck in Idris 2 (0.4.0) and I got this error.
Error: While processing right hand side of sameNat. When
unifying n = m and Nat m e -> :: ?x ?xs n m e.
Mismatch between: n = m and Nat m e -> :: ?x ?xs n m e.
It typechecks when I write a specific version of cong and use it.
cong' : n = m -> S n = S m
cong' Refl = Refl
Why doesn't this typecheck and how can I make it typecheck?
The type signature of cong changed:
Idris 1:
cong : (a = b) -> f a = f b
Idris 2:
Prelude.cong : (0 f : (t -> u)) -> a = b -> f a = f b

Idris Type mismatch that occurs even from template

Testing out an "easy" example of identity types, mod equality, but transitivity proof wont type check, even from the template. More than a fix, I want to know why?
Here's a snippet of the minimal problem
data ModEq : (n:Nat) -> (x:Nat) -> (y:Nat) -> Type where
{- 3 constructors
reflexive: x == x (mod n),
left-induct: x == y (mod n) => (x+n) == y (mod n)
right-induct: x == y (mod n) => x == (y+n) (mod n)
Reflex : (x:Nat) -> ModEq n x x --- Needs syntatic sugar, for now prefix
LInd : (ModEq n x y) -> ModEq n (x+n) y
RInd : (ModEq n x y) -> ModEq n x (y+n)
{----- Proof of transitive property. -----}
isTrans : (ModEq n x y) -> (ModEq n y z) -> (ModEq n x z)
{- x=x & x=y => x=y -}
isTrans (Reflex x) v = v
isTrans u (Reflex y) = u
{- ((x=y=>(x+n)=y) & y=z) => x=y & y=z => x=z (induct) => (x+n)=z -}
isTrans (LInd u) v = LInd (isTrans u v)
isTrans u (RInd v) = RInd (isTrans u v)
{- (x=y=>x=(y+n)) & (y=z=>(y+n)=z) => x=y & y=z => x=z (induct) -}
isTrans (RInd u) (LInd v) = isTrans u v
The type mismatch is in the last line, even though from the comment line I really cannot tell why logically its wrong. Here's the error:
48 | isTrans (RInd u) (LInd v) = isTrans u v
| ~~~~~~~
When checking left hand side of isTrans:
When checking an application of Main.isTrans:
Type mismatch between
ModEq n (x + n) z (Type of LInd v)
ModEq n (y + n) z (Expected type)
Type mismatch between
plus x n
plus y n
Not only am I confused by how LInd v got assigned the (wrong seeming) type ModEq n (x+n) z, but I point out that when I simply try the "type-define-refine" approach with the built in template I get:
isTrans : (ModEq n x y) -> (ModEq n y z) -> (ModEq n x z)
isTrans (RInd _) (LInd _) = ?isTrans_rhs_1
And even this wont type-check, it complains:
40 | isTrans (RInd _) (LInd _) = ?isTrans_rhs_1
| ~~~~~~~
When checking left hand side of isTrans:
When checking an application of Main.isTrans:
Type mismatch between
ModEq n (x + n) z (Type of LInd _)
ModEq n (y + n) z (Expected type)
Type mismatch between
plus x n
plus y n
The issue is that the compiler isn't able to deduce in your last case that y = {x + n}. You can give it this hint, though:
isTrans : (ModEq n x y) -> (ModEq n y z) -> (ModEq n x z)
isTrans (Reflex _) v = v
isTrans u (Reflex _) = u
isTrans (LInd u) v = LInd $ isTrans u v
isTrans u (RInd v) = RInd $ isTrans u v
isTrans (RInd u) (LInd v) {n} {x} {y = x + n} = ?isTrans_rhs
Which gives you the following goal for isTrans_rhs:
x : Nat
n : Nat
u : ModEq n x x
z : Nat
v : ModEq n x z
isTrans_rhs : ModEq n x z
and thus, you can conclude with isTrans (RInd u) (LInd v) {n} {x} {y = x + n} = v

An Idris proof about `mod`

I was trying to write a proof in Idris regarding the following subtraction-based mod operator:
mod : (x, y : Nat) -> Not (y = Z) -> Nat
mod x Z p = void (p Refl)
mod x (S k) _ = if lt x (S k) then x else helper x (minus x (S k)) (S k)
where total
helper : Nat -> Nat -> Nat -> Nat
helper Z x y = x
helper (S k) x y = if lt x y then x else helper k (minus x y) y
The theorem I wanted to prove is that the remainder as produced by "mod" above is always smaller than the divider. Namely,
mod_prop : (x, y : Nat) -> (p : Not (y=0))-> LT (mod x y p) y
I constructed a proof but was stuck by a final hole. My full code is pasted below
mod : (x, y : Nat) -> Not (y = Z) -> Nat
mod x Z p = void (p Refl)
mod x (S k) _ = if lt x (S k) then x else helper x (minus x (S k)) (S k)
where total
helper : Nat -> Nat -> Nat -> Nat
helper Z x y = x
helper (S k) x y = if lt x y then x else helper k (minus x y) y
lteZK : LTE Z k
lteZK {k = Z} = LTEZero
lteZK {k = (S k)} = let ih = lteZK {k=k} in
lteSuccRight {n=Z} {m=k} ih
lte2LTE_True : True = lte a b -> LTE a b
lte2LTE_True {a = Z} prf = lteZK
lte2LTE_True {a = (S _)} {b = Z} Refl impossible
lte2LTE_True {a = (S k)} {b = (S j)} prf =
let ih = lte2LTE_True {a=k} {b=j} prf in LTESucc ih
lte2LTE_False : False = lte a b -> GT a b
lte2LTE_False {a = Z} Refl impossible
lte2LTE_False {a = (S k)} {b = Z} prf = LTESucc lteZK
lte2LTE_False {a = (S k)} {b = (S j)} prf =
let ih = lte2LTE_False {a=k} {b=j} prf in (LTESucc ih)
mod_prop : (x, y : Nat) -> (p : Not (y=0))-> LT (mod x y p) y
mod_prop x Z p = void (p Refl)
mod_prop x (S k) p with (lte x k) proof lxk
mod_prop x (S k) p | True = LTESucc (lte2LTE_True lxk)
mod_prop Z (S k) p | False = LTESucc lteZK
mod_prop (S x) (S k) p | False with (lte (minus x k) k) proof lxk'
mod_prop (S x) (S k) p | False | True = LTESucc (lte2LTE_True lxk')
mod_prop (S x) (S Z) p | False | False = LTESucc ?hole
Once I run the type checker, the hole is described as follows:
- + Main.hole [P]
`-- x : Nat
p : (1 = 0) -> Void
lxk : False = lte (S x) 0
lxk' : False = lte (minus x 0) 0
Main.hole : LTE (Main.mod, helper (S x) 0 p x (minus (minus x 0) 1) 1) 0
I am not familiar with the syntax of Main.mod, helper (S x) 0 p x (minus (minus x 0) 1) 1 given in the idris-holes window. I guess (S x) 0 p are the three parameters of "mod" while (minus (minus x 0) 1) 1 are the three parameters of the local "helper" function of "mod"?
It seems that it's time to leverage an induction hypothesis. But how can I finish up the proof using induction?
(Main.mod, helper (S x) 0 p x (minus (minus x 0) 1) 1)
can be read as
Main.mod, helper - a qualified name for helper function, which is defined in the where clause of the mod function (Main is a module name);
Arguments of mod which are also passed to helper - (S x), 0 and p (see docs):
Any names which are visible in the outer scope are also visible in the
where clause (unless they have been redefined, such as xs here). A
name which appears only in the type will be in scope in the where
clause if it is a parameter to one of the types, i.e. it is fixed
across the entire structure.
Arguments of helper itself - x, (minus (minus x 0) 1) and 1.
Also below is another implementation of mod which uses Fin n type for the remainder in division by n. It turns out to be easier to reason about, since any value of Fin n is always less than n:
import Data.Fin
%default total
mod' : (x, y : Nat) -> {auto ok: GT y Z} -> Fin y
mod' Z (S _) = FZ
mod' (S x) (S y) with (strengthen $ mod' x (S y))
| Left _ = FZ
| Right rem = FS rem
mod : (x, y : Nat) -> {auto ok: GT y Z} -> Nat
mod x y = finToNat $ mod' x y
finLessThanBound : (f : Fin n) -> LT (finToNat f) n
finLessThanBound FZ = LTESucc LTEZero
finLessThanBound (FS f) = LTESucc (finLessThanBound f)
mod_prop : (x, y : Nat) -> {auto ok: GT y Z} -> LT (mod x y) y
mod_prop x y = finLessThanBound (mod' x y)
Here for convenience I used auto implicits for proofs that y > 0.

Why doesn't equality involving “minus” typecheck in Idris?

Why won't the following typecheck:
minusReduces : (n : Nat) -> n `minus` Z = n
minusReduces n = Refl
Yet this will typecheck fine:
plusReduces : (n : Nat) -> Z `plus` n = n
plusReduces n = Refl
minus n doesn't reduce because minus is defined with pattern matching on the first argument:
total minus : Nat -> Nat -> Nat
minus Z right = Z
minus left Z = left
minus (S left) (S right) = minus left right
So you'll need to split your Z and S n cases as well:
minusReduces : (n : Nat) -> n `minus` Z = n
minusReduces Z = Refl
minusReduces (S k) = Refl

Tell dependent function in conditional statement branch that condition is true

I have a function with a type signature (x, y : SomeType) -> (cond x y) = True -> SomeType. When I check the condition in if-then-else/case/with statement, how do I pass to the function in a corresponding branch the fact, that condition is true?
You can use DecEq to make this easy:
add : (x, y : Nat) -> x + y < 10 = True -> Nat
add x y _ = x + y
main : IO ()
main =
let x = S Z
in let y = Z
in case decEq (x + y < 10) True of
Yes prf => print (add x y prf)
No _ => putStrLn "x + y is not less than 10"
But you shouldn't.
Using booleans (via = or So) can tell you that something is true, but not why. The why is very important if you want to compose proofs together or break them apart. Imagine if add called a function which needed x + y < 20 - we can't just pass our proof that x + y < 10 = True because Idris knows nothing about the operation, just that it's true.
Instead, you should write the above with a data type which contains why it's true. LTE is a type which does that for less-than comparisons:
add : (x, y : Nat) -> LTE (x + y) 10 -> Nat
add x y _ = x + y
main : IO ()
main =
let x = S Z
in let y = Z
in case isLTE (x + y) 10 of
Yes prf => print (add x y prf)
No _ => putStrLn "x + y is not less than 10"
Now, if add called a function which needed a LTE (x + y) 20 we can write a function to widen the constraint:
widen : a `LTE` b -> (c : Nat) -> a `LTE` (b + c)
widen LTEZero c = LTEZero
widen (LTESucc x) c = LTESucc (widen x c)
This is not something we can easily do with just booleans.