Draw shape from geodatabase using Arcgis JS - arcgis

I understood that ArcGIS JavaScript API is used to access and manipulate Services published via ArcGIS Server. Could i be able to retrive shape column from table in Enterprise Geodatabase and display on web using ArcGIS JS API? How can i approach it?


Call external WFS Stored Query in ArcMap for desktop

I have set up a WFS compatible service to provide geo data from my application. I am using a couple stored queries to provide Features via an HTTP GET request and returning XML.
I want to consume this using the ArcGis desktop app (ArcMap), but I cannot figure out how to do this. I can find how to consume a stored query from an ArcGIS server (Catalog -> GIS Servers -> Add ArcGIS Server). I am not using a GeoData database that I can publish through ArcGIS to be consumed this way. I am just providing the ability to request the data using a WFS GetFeature StoredQuery call and returning data in a WFS compatible format (and passes the schema validation).
My request I am testing looks like this:
Can I consume this using ArcMap do display my features on the map?
ArcMap doesn't play well with WFS out of the box:
To use WFS and GML content in ArcGIS for Desktop, you need to install the Data Interoperability extension and add an Interoperability Connection to the WFS service.
But assuming you are licensed for the extension and set up the interoperability connection, yes, you can consume it in ArcMap.

Can I run arcgis javascript code in Arcgis Desktop

Basically, what I am looking for is, I want to learn Arcgis javascript api. And I have Arcgis Desktop 10.3 Trial version installed on my pc. I have heard that javascript can be run only in Arcgis Server based web application. So is there any possibility to run this javascript code in Arcgis Desktop? If not, suggest me ideas on how to get a Arcgis Server Trial for practicing javascript api.
Thank you.
No, you cannot use ArcGIS Desktop to run Javascript api app. It is a web based sdk. You can simple run it on any browser. The main things is you would need ArcGIS Server Services to display data on the map.
To learn you dont need to have a server on your local, you can use arcgis online services. You can find more details on their website.
AS T Kambi, said you don't need server to start learning ArcGIS API for JavaScript. If you have a REST endpoint you can use that or peruse AGOL for a layer.
If you're really ambitious the API will also consume OGC Web Map Services, so you could create a Geoserver and publish your data as a WMS layer.
Check out the esri\layers section of the API Documentation
Explicit, you can't run javascript on arcgis desktop, ArcGis Javascript Api only need Api Rest y you can get it trough of examples for ArcGis.
Too other option mores easy is Create account developer in ArcGis under this link
No, you cannot use ArcGIS Desktop to run Javascript app. It is a web based SDK. You can simple run it on any browser. Also if your doesn't have access to internet you can use ArcGis SDK
for more information click below link

Create Azure Api App from Swagger meta data

I have created some APIs in API management layer, which are essentially proxies between the calling client and an underlying web api.
I did this by importing the swagger file of the underlying API, and then adding the newly created API to a Product, repeating this for each separate proxy that I needed. This means then that the underlying API could be called but not without the subscriber key of the product that the newly created API was attached to.
Is it possible to do something similar with API apps, i.e. creating API apps using just the swagger file from the underlying API in the azure portal, that act as proxies between the calling client and an underlying web api (as below)?
Do you mind expanding on why do you need to have API Apps acting as proxies?
I am not aware of such capability for API Apps specifically. There are Swagger-based code generation tools available, for example on http://swagger.io/open-source-integrations/. So perhaps you will be able to find something that would work for you.

MobileFirst configuration for mapping service ArcGIS

We are exploring IBM Mobilefirst capabilities with a mapping application. We are using Esri ArcGIS Mapping service.
Where can I find the available resources or sample tutorial to use Esri ArcGIS with IBM MobileFirst hybrid applications?
Not every available tool out there has guides for IBM Worklight/MobileFirst.
It looks like Esri ArcgGIS has a developer website.
You should start there: https://developers.arcgis.com/en/sign-up/?origin=developer
Read how to integrate it into applications.
If there are SDKs then you will need to integrate those like you would any other SDK - that is outside of the Worklight/MFP scope (the integration).
I would assume that if it an SDK, you could then add a Cordova plug-in that would allow you to access that SDK from your app, or even better you could use the Send Action feature to bridge between Web and Native and vice versa.
Adding native functionality to hybrid applications with Apache Cordova
Action Sender

Windows azure management portal not showing data and api option on creating mobile services.

all the tutorial videos of azure shows the data tab in mobile services but in real it is not present there.
When using the .NET backend, creating tables and custom APIs are done code first and you can't control them via the portal.
For tables start here: http://www.windowsazure.com/en-us/documentation/articles/mobile-services-dotnet-backend-windows-store-dotnet-get-started-data/
I don't see any tutorials up yet on the custom API path yet but I may have missed them.