Images are not showing after installing the .apk of my app on notch android devices - react-native

I'm facing this particular problem on my react-native app. Images are not showing on signed apk but its showing on build apk for notch android devices. Everything is working fine on non-notch android devices.
I'm fetching images from REST api and showing them on ImageBackground tag.
I've already tried SafeAreaView tag in my code

You should add your images in drawable folder (Android)
Note : if you add images in js folder debug build images will show for release signed apk it will not work


Generated Apk stuck at Splash Screen Expo - React Native

I have managed to produce an apk file using eas build -p android --profile preview on Expo. During the development, I was able to go past the splash screen and view the home screen. But after installing the apk file, I get stuck at the splash screen. Please help

Expo Camera - Development Build "This app is missing NSCameraUsageDescription"

I'm using the command expo run:ios to build my app on the phone using Expo's development build. I am also using the expo-camera component. However, when I navigate to the page with the camera, I get the following error from Expo.
"This app is missing NSCameraUsageDescription, so video services will
fail. Add this entry to your bundle's Info.plist"
What I've tried
I've tried adding "NSCameraUsageDescription" as a key in app.json as a child of "ios" > "infoPlist" > "NSCameraUsageDescription." However, I noticed the Info.plist generated in ios/expo/ still does not contain NSCameraUsageDescription.
I've also tried deleting the ios folder and rebuilding the project, but the problem still exists.

Issue when building react-native app vie expo

I try to build react-native expo project..
1.with eas build: -- when I download the builded .apk on a real device doesn't want to fetch any information I have error handling with alert ! And only the alert is showing
2.With expo build:android .. builds 20 minutes it says the build fails but still produce downloadable .apk when I download it on a real device now fetching works and we come to the point where the user must press a button and give permission to location to navigate to other screen where is map with directions from Google Directions API, but when you press the button and give permission its like the app freezes and won't navigate to the other screen...

React Native icons disappear once bundle aws-sdk

I am using the Expo38 Bare workflow. (expo eject)
My app works fine on a simulator and a real iPhone device (MX 11), however, when archiving the app and upload it to Apple Store. All icons disappeared but they display fine on the simulator and run on a real iPhone device.
After a couple of days of investigation, I built an initial expo project like following,
expo init
expo eject
react-native bundle AWS-SDK and other js files
Xcode archive
Upload it to Apple store
Icons display fine, however, when I add "var AWS = require('aws-sdk/dist/aws-sdk-react-native');"
The icons are gone. If I took off the above line code, the icons are back.
It might be the way you installed the library. Use npm ..... --save or its equivalent.

Expo Android apk crashes when playing lottie animation

I recently updated expo clients (both android and ios) of my phone and only the android version crashed after trying to play lottie animation (using dangerzone). Animations work fine in ios and also it did work in android before i update the apk.
I dont get any error message when the app crash, i only get system message saying "app crashed". Anyone know how to fix this?