I'm trying to setup a demo where a user can get notification about what's going on in his workspace.
I've shaped this model with a notification feed of type notification and a workspace feed of type flat
Both user and workspace are identified in the getstream world by their IDs
The user's notification feed follows his workspaces's workspace feed.
Server side:
const client = stream.connect(apiKey, secret, appId)
const feed = client.feed('notification', userId).follow('workspace', workspaceId, (r, e) => console.log("result: ", r, "error: ", e))
Then in the app I want to subscribe to notification feed to get new notifications in realtime and also retrieve the last 5 notifications to show them in a dropdown (facebook style):
const streamClient = stream.connect(apiKey, token, appId)
notificationFeed = streamClient.feed('notification', userId)
subscription = notificationFeed.subscribe(handleNewEvents)
notificationFeed.get.get({mark_seen: true, limit: 5})
This last get Request is rising a 403 error:
{"detail":"You don't have permission to do this","status_code":403,"code":17,"exception":"NotAllowedException","duration":"0.10ms"}
what can be the reason?
did you see the tutorial on this? https://getstream.io/docs/#notification-system
Note Step 3 and creating the readonly token. Is that what's missing?
I generated a new client token for the app and this fixed the error
When sending a multicast message to FCM...
const message = {
notification: {
title: messageTitle,
body: messageBody,
tokens: tokenArray,
I'm receiving this error.
messaging/registration-token-not-registered - Requested entity was not
According to this post, I should then remove the token.
Here's what I'm confused about though. When I run getToken() on my client device, it's still showing this same token.
getToken(messaging, { vapidKey: "MY_VAPID_KEY"}).then(token => console.log(token))
Is there like a registration step that I'm missing? I don't understand why the client is using this as the current token but FCM thinks it's unregistered.
So my solution was I reset the browser cache and notification permissions. My browser then generated a new token which is working.
Kind of strange though is on the first call of getToken() after clearing and refreshing, it sent a request to delete the token after failing a check with isTokenValid(), and then the delete itself failed so my token remained registered and is now working. No idea what's going on there.
I'm using Stripe Connect Express (new to it, following this STRIPE API DOCS). I am currently trying to create the AccountLink after successfully creating the Stripe Express Account.
However, I am not able to create the AccountLink as I'm getting an error when creating the AccountLink since the account.refresh_url and account.return_url appear to be undefined
exports.onCreateAuthUser = functions.auth.user().onCreate(async (user) => {
// Set your secret key. Remember to switch to your live secret key in production.
// See your keys here: https://dashboard.stripe.com/account/apikeys
const strip = require('stripe')('sk_test_key_input_here');
const account = await strip.accounts.create({
type: 'express',
let refURL = account.refresh_url
let retURL = account.return_url
console.log("account log stuff -->", account, retURL, refURL, account.uid, account.userId, account.userRef, account.user, account.id, account.ref, account.pushId, account.customer_id)
const accountLinks = await stripe.accountLinks.create({
account: account.id,
refresh_url: refURL,
return_url: retURL,
type: 'account_onboarding',
The console.log prints:
account log stuff --> undefined undefined undefined undefined undefined acct_1IbJSgPMwPhmaSsD undefined undefined undefined
Does anyone know why these attributes are undefined... and how I may fix it or what's wrong?
The return and refresh URLs aren't URLs generated by Stripe, they are URLs you provide to Stripe so they can redirect your users to your website.
The return_url is where Stripe will redirect your user when they've finished the onboarding flow.
As for the refresh_url:
The URL the user will be redirected to if the account link is expired, has been previously-visited, or is otherwise invalid. The URL you specify should attempt to generate a new account link with the same parameters used to create the original account link, then redirect the user to the new account link’s URL so they can continue with Connect Onboarding. If a new account link cannot be generated or the redirect fails you should display a useful error to the user.
When watching for changes to a collection of events on a given calendar, how often do I need to make a watch request?
Where would I put my code to make a watch request? Does it only need to be done once?
My code below gets an access token and makes a post to create a watch channel, however I'm not sure where to host the code or how often I need to run it:
let { google } = require("googleapis");
let functions = require("firebase-functions");
let privatekey = require("./config.json");
let axios = require("axios");
let jwt = new google.auth.JWT(
const token = await jwt.authorize();
let headers = {
"Access-Control-Allow-Origin": "*",
"Content-Type": "application/json;charset=UTF-8",
Authorization: token.token_type + " " + token.access_token
let data = {
id: randomId,
type: "web_hook",
address: "https://rguc-calendars.firebaseapp.com/notifications",
params: {
ttl: 3600
{ headers }
.then(function(response) {
// success
.catch(function(error) {
// error
push notifications
The Google Calendar API provides push notifications that let you watch
for changes to resources. You can use this feature to improve the
performance of your application. It allows you to eliminate the extra
network and compute costs involved with polling resources to determine
if they have changed. Whenever a watched resource changes, the Google
Calendar API notifies your application.
Register the domain of your receiving URL.
For example, if you plan to use https://example.com/notifications as your receiving URL, you need to register https://example.com.
Set up your receiving URL, or "Webhook" callback receiver.
This is an HTTPS server that handles the API notification messages that are triggered when a resource changes.
Set up a notification channel for each resource endpoint you want to watch.
A channel specifies routing information for notification messages. As part of the channel setup, you identify the specific URL where you want to receive notifications. Whenever a channel's resource changes, the Google Calendar API sends a notification message as a POST request to that URL.
Once you have set up the watch google will notify you when ever there is a change you wont have to call it again.
I have created custom telegram notification very similar to email notifications. The problem is that it works for hosts and most of the services but not for all of them.
I do not post the *.sh files in scripts folder as it works!
In constants.conf I have added the bot token:
const TelegramBotToken = "MyTelegramToken"
I wanted to manage telegram channels or chat ids in users file, so I have users/user-my-username.conf as below:
object User "my-username" {
import "generic-user"
display_name = "My Username"
groups = ["faxadmins"]
email = "my-username#domain.com"
vars.telegram_chat_id = "#my_channel"
In templates/templates.conf I have added the below code:
template Host "generic-host-domain" {
import "generic-host"
vars.notification.mail.groups = ["domainadmins"]
vars.notification["telegram"] = {
users = [ "my-username" ]
template Service "generic-service-fax" {
import "generic-service"
vars.notification["telegram"] = {
users = [ "my-username" ]
And in notifications I have:
template Notification "telegram-host-notification" {
command = "telegram-host-notification"
period = "24x7"
template Notification "telegram-service-notification" {
command = "telegram-service-notification"
period = "24x7"
apply Notification "telegram-notification" to Host {
import "telegram-host-notification"
user_groups = host.vars.notification.telegram.groups
users = host.vars.notification.telegram.users
assign where host.vars.notification.telegram
apply Notification "telegram-notification" to Service {
import "telegram-service-notification"
user_groups = host.vars.notification.telegram.groups
users = host.vars.notification.telegram.users
assign where host.vars.notification.telegram
This is all I have. As I have said before it works for some services and does not work for other services. I do not have any configuration in service or host files for telegram notification.
To test I use Icinga web2. Going to a specific service in a host and send custom notification. When I send a custom notification I check the log file to see if there is any error and it says completed:
[2017-01-01 11:48:38 +0000] information/Notification: Sending reminder 'Problem' notification 'host-***!serviceName!telegram-notification for user 'my-username'
[2017-01-01 11:48:38 +0000] information/Notification: Completed sending 'Problem' notification 'host-***!serviceName!telegram-notification' for checkable 'host-***!serviceName' and user 'my-username'.
I should note that email is sent as expected. There is just a problem in telegram notifications for 2 services out of 12.
Any idea what would be the culprit? What is the problem here? Does return of scripts (commands) affect this behaviour?
There is no Telegram config in any service whatsoever.
Some telegram commands may fail due to markdown parser.
I've encountered this problem:
If service name has one underscore ('_'), then parser will complain about not closed markdown tag and message will not be sent
So my GCM push message works if I use this test link
Here's the response
{ "multicast_id":7724943165862866717,
"results":[{"message_id":"0:1418649384921891% 7fd2b314f9fd7ecd"}]}
However if I push using my own service using node push service using the toothlessgear/node-gcm lib
https://github.com/ToothlessGear/node-gcm I get a success message on the server but no msg makes it to the client
{ multicast_id: 5130374164465991000,
success: 1,
failure: 0,
canonical_ids: 0,
results: [ { message_id: '0:1418649238305331%7fd2b3145bca2e79' } ] }
I also tried the same message using pushwoosh and push woosh doesn't work either. How come I'm getting a success message on the server, but no push is received on the client on the latter two services. Is there some sort of ip configuration that I need to do, or some sort of certificate? I've used the same google api server key which is open to all ips on all 3 of these services.
Why does the response show success on the latter but no msg gets received on the client?
Node service server side code
var gcm = require('node-gcm');
// create a message with default values
var message = new gcm.Message();
// or with object values
var message = new gcm.Message({
collapseKey: 'demo',
delayWhileIdle: true,
timeToLive: 3,
data: {
key1: 'message1',
key2: 'message2'
var sender = new gcm.Sender('insert Google Server API Key here');
var registrationIds = ['regId1'];
* Params: message-literal, registrationIds-array, No. of retries, callback-function
sender.send(message, registrationIds, 4, function (err, result) {
So the pushes were correctly being sent, my issue was with the cordova plugin on the client which requires that the android payload for "message" or "title" be set. The sample php just coincidentally was setting the message property and that's why it worked.
Updating the code to add the following to the data
data: {message:'test'}
works correctly