How to get Bootstrap panel working with ngx-bootstrap - ngx-bootstrap

I am trying to add a bootstrap panel to ngx-bootstrap + angular 7 web application, somehow I am not getting the styling.
Here is an example I am trying in stackblitz
I have added bootstrap css file in index.html.
Here is code sample

panel is not available in Bootstrap 4.
If you need panel, better use Bootstrap 3.
else you can give a try to card in Bootstrap 4.


CKeditor 4 and vuejs – blur and focus only for last editor at the page

guys. I have a small project, where i need to use Ckeditor 4 with VueJS 2.
So i downloaded all scripts from official website, but have a big problem: blur and focus event works only with last editor at the page.
Here my code, where i trying to initialize editor at the page.
#blur="logEvent('blur', $event)"
I tried to debug official ckeditor-vuejs port, and saw that each time my editor have same name.

How do I use Angular UI Grid (native to AngularJS) in an Angular 8 project

I am trying to use the Angular UI Grid in my Angular 8 project. Looking online i can't seem to find anywhere which tells me how to configure it properly.
I know that Angular UI grid is native to AngularJS. But is it possible to implement this into a TS project? I need the table in various different components.
Any help would be great!! :)
You can use ag-grid,mat-table,ngx-datatable instead of angular UI grid.

Bootstrap buttons for DataTables

Im In need of assistance when it comes to implementing Bootstrap buttons in a DataTable where the purpose is to toggle the columns with these buttons.
This is how it looks like by default in the DataTables design, what I am trying to do is to use the Bootstrap design instead and also place the buttons to the left of the table which seem rather impossible...
If you have any suggestions please feel free to discuss it!
Check This
Bootstrap 3
This example shows DataTables and the Buttons extension being used with the Bootstrap framework providing the styling. The DataTables / Bootstrap integration provides seamless integration for DataTables to be used in a Bootstrap page.

Bootstrap Modal Events Not Firing with Joint.js

I've noticed when trying to used the Bootstrap Modal events (i.e. '') they don't fire when I'm using the Joint.js library. Is there a work-around for this?
I had the same issue and it was because I was using joint.all.js which has a version of jQuery already included (thus causing me to have two references to jQuery on the same page). I removed jQuery from this js file and my Bootstrap modal worked fine.

Angular-Kendo + Bootstrap Integration?

I am looking for the demo/examples where we have support for the angular-kendo and bootstrap together. I went through the kendo labs also but I was not able to find anything useful regarding the angular-kendo and bootstrap integration.
I checked the responses of the question : Using Angular, Kendo, bootstrap 3 components.
Anything more specific would definitely help.
Thank you.
Here is the link that shows kendo and bootstrap working together. I personally used this demo to learn a plenty about kendo ui.
Hmm, not sure if it's what you wanted, but I recently created a boilerplate project using requires + angular + angular/ui-bootstrap + angular-kendo-ui + angular/ui-router.
I have a header bar using the bootswatch cosmo theme of bootstrap. The default view page have some alerts on it just for demonstration purposes. View3 currently have a kendo drop down list also just for demonstration purpose.
I plan to continue develop it into a showcase of anuglar-kendo-ui, but at least the project structure is already setup and you can do whatever you want with it.
Here is the git:
Let me know:)