Reformat old raspbian install from SD card seems impossible - raspbian

So I have this old pi 1B+ and I thought, let' just clean this guy up. It's been serving me for a few years as SSH entry point to my other pies etc.
However I'm unable to get the thing re-partitioned, tried on windows machines using all sorts of tools, also made an ubuntu boot stick and tried gparted,...
Nothing seems to work. Whatever I do, it seems to work fine, but when I plug the ting back in, it's just back to bone stock. As if nothing had happened.
Is there maybe a way to wipe the whole thing while logged in to it?
Edit: it's not set to read-only mode either
The sd card has worked just fine before I pulled it out.


How to prevent vkAcquireWinrtDisplayNV to make process unkillable?

I was following the nvprosamples creating the direct display to prevent the OS to affect the usage of it as described in this nvidia sample:
[ddisplay sample][1] [1]:
This was approx one year ago, using Vulkan 1.1, everything was working fine.
After upgrade to 1.3 creation of the swapchain was not possible as it seemed that display was not made available for vulkan api anymore, _device->createSwapchainKHRUnique resulting to eErrorInitializationFailed.
This init error was possible to fix by adding the vkAcquireWinrtDisplayNV call which seems that in new version is somehow making the display available for swapchain (surface), same stuff was added to the new version of the nvidia sample.
The problem is that it seems that after the application finishes the monitor is still hanging in some vacuum, invisible for the OS anymore, the process of the application becomes hanging in the taskmanager, without posibility to kill it anyhow (niether admin forced task kill will work as it will state that no instance of the process is running). Even the computer is not possible to be restarted (as the restart screen hangs indefinitely). The Nvidia's sample is causing the same behaviour as mine app.
Is there any way to return the display back to the OS when application ends withou powering off and on the workstation?
I tried to use vkReleaseDisplayEXT on destruction, but without any success (it is also not used anywhere in the sample code if I am not blind).

Chrome OS bug - file select dialog (for uploads) 'stuck'

The best way to sum up the issue would be with a screenshot, but unfortunately my screenshots auto-save to downloads and so I can't upload them. What's happening is that when I enter the 'file select' dialog in trying to upload a file, it's automatically in the 'drive' folder and won't move to any other folder. I've tried restarting and resetting my machine, tried the upload process on a bunch of different platforms, tried using the other user account on my machine, tried updating my software, but none of these have made any difference. I can get into my downloads folder and open files from it fine outside of this context, and I can workaround by using the drag-and-drop to upload on platforms which have this feature, but otherwise I'm stuck.
I've googled extensively to see if anyone else is having this issue and have found this thread:!topic/chromebook-central/d7g9EEDsr8w but there's no helpful solution there (recommended a powerwash but the asker has already done this several times). I've also tried to find a solution with the help of my (programmer) employer, but no luck so he recommended asking here. It seems like it wouldn't be a hardware issue when I can still access the folder outside of this specific function, but if it were a problem with the running system it seems it would be happening across the board and therefore show up more in a google? If anyone has any suggestions I'd be very grateful as it's getting quite tiresome having to drag and drop things into Facebook messages to get them uploaded! The machine is less than a year old so if I can't find any solution I'll see about getting it replaced under warranty. Thanks in advance for any help, and please let me know if there's any key info I've left out!
Machine: Samsung Chromebook XE303C12
OS: Version 38.0.2125.110

Sandbox within vmware workstation, is it possible?

What I want to be able to do is that, run a vmware machine on workstation, windows xp or 7 for instance. But all the changes I make while I am running the machine e.g. create a file, install something etc, I don't want them to be written to the system/image. Instead it should act like even the image itself is sandboxed, and when I shut down the machine, the image stays the same.
Now, I know about the snapshots functionality, but I basically want to save the time that is expended while reverting an image, on every power down session. Instead it should be such that the changes aren't written to the image/system in the first place (and instead are done in something like memory or a temporary location etc), and thus there is no need to revert when the system is powered off.
Now, is this possible to achieve with just vmware workstation itself? if not than is it possible with some third party tool or something of the sort? if yes then specifically which tool? or if this is possible utilizing any other concepts, say ramdisks etc or anything at all really?
Any help at all is really appreciated!
If I understand your you correctly, defining the VM's disks as nonpersistant should help.

xperfview on a different computer

Most use cases I've seen with xperf involve using xperfview on the same computer. A remote record and play back for me don't seem to work well. Symbols are not resolved correctly. Is there a known issue with remote record and local play with xperf/xperfview?
Why do you try remote connection? if you use xperf -d to stop logging the ETL contains all metadata, so that the symbols can be loaded from any PC you want. Copy it from PC A to PC B and view the ETL there.
Now that the 8.1 version of WPT is out, the recommended way to record traces is not with xperf.exe but with wprui.exe. This makes trace recording much simpler and much less error prone. See this blog post for details:
And yes, you absolutely should be able to record traces on one machine and view them on another.

Subversion xib merge error

So I don't know all that much about subversion, but I use Versions svn to keep my Xcode projects synced between my laptop and desktop and this is the first issue I've had with it. I did a bunch of work on my laptop while away over the weekend and tried to sync when I got home; however, when I committed the changes from my laptop and updated on my desktop, something weird happened. The project opens up (on my desktop computer) but gives me the following error:
The document "ClassInputViewController.xib" could not be opened. Could not read archive.
along with about 50 merge conflicts on various lines of that xib. upon closer inspection of the files, I saw that 3 new files had been added during the update that weren't in the files from my commit on the laptop: ClassInputViewController.xib.mine, ClassInputViewController.xib.r101 and ClassInputViewController.xib.r102 that Versions says aren't under version control. If I delete these files, the merge conflicts in Xcode disappear but the main "Could not read archive" error still occurs. I know one simple solution to this would be to back up the project on my laptop, delete it from svn and add back in the working files, but I'd like to figure out how to fix this is case it happens again with a bigger project that wouldn't be so easy to do that with. Anyone know what to do in this situation?
oooh, I saw it many times. Best solution - it's just throw away the most unserious changes.