Make an RDF file refer to other RDF files - sparql

I have two ontologies ontology1.owl and ontology2.owl where the first depends on the second (ontology1.owl imports ontology2.owl).
I have an RDF file instance1.rdf that conforms to ontology1. instance1.rdf refers to individuals from instance2.rdf which conforms to ontology2.owl.
I have an application that employs instance1.rdf to do some specific logic. However, data from instance2.rdf are also required for the processing as instance1.rdf refers to individuals from instance2.rdf. Let's assume that all instances and ontologies are available on the web. For example:
The entry for my application should be instance1.rdf which the user should provide (or provide a link to it). However, it's not the user's responsibility to know the required instance2.rdf, it's rather the application responsibility and this can be known by encoding such dependency in instance1.rdf. Is there any elegant way to make instance1.rdf refer to instance2.rdf, so that my application knows where to retrieve instance2.rdf from and load it? The
I do not want to use owl:import. The reason is that both files instance1.rdf and instance2.rdf are RDF files, I do not want to use owl constructs here.
A possible workaround is that in instance1.rdf, I create a special property, e.g., dependsOn, and set the value of the property to the link to instance2.rdf, and handle the rest in my application. Is this straightforward?


Design / Architecture for many instances OOP (or another) implementation

We want to write an API (Python Library) which provides information about few systems in our company. We really aren't sure what is the best OOP approach to implement what we want, so I hope you'll have an idea.
The API will expose a series of tests for each system. Each system will be presented as a Class (with properties and methods) and all systems will inherit from a base class (GenericSystem) which will contain basic, generic info regarding the system (I.E dateOfCreation, authors, systemType, name, technology, owner, etc.) Each system has many instances and each instance has a unique ID. Data about each system instance is stored in different databases, so the API will be a place where all users can find info regarding those systems at once. These are the requirements:
We want each user to be able to create an instance of a system (SystemName Class for example) and to be able to get some info about it.
We want each user to be able to create multiple instances of a system (or of GenericSystem) and to be able to get info about all of them at once. (It must be efficient. One query only, not one for each instance). So we thought that we may need to create MultipleSystemNames class which will implement all those plural-approach methods. This is the most challenging requirement, as it seems.
We want that data will be populated and cached to the instances properties and methods. So if I create a SystemName instance and calls systemNameInstance.propertyName, it will run needed queries and populate the data into propertyName. Next time the user will call this property, the data will be immediately returned.
Last one, a single system class approach must be preserved. Each system must be presented as a sole system. We can later create MultiSystem class if needed (For requirement 2) but at it's most basic form, each system must be represented singly (I hope you understand what I mean).
The second and the fourth (2,4) requirements are the ones that we really struggle to figure out.
Should we use MultiSystemNames class for each class and also for GenericSystem (MultiGenericSystems)? We don't want to complicate the user and ourselves.
Do you know any OOP (or another) best practice clean and simplified way? Have we missed something?
I'm sorry if I added some unnecessary information but I really wanted to give you a feel about how we want things to be.
If you've reach so far or not, thank you!
System and instance represents exactly the same think but are used in different contexts. It doesn't matter how you store or retrieve them. So if you need a collection of System you just use native collection data structure (e.g List, Queue, Map in java). The operations related to System/List must be decoupled from POJOs. That means you implement them in services, repositories,etc.
How you store and retrieve the data must not have impact on how you design your data structures. You achieve performance by applying different techniques and/or using proper technologies e.g caching, using key-value stores or nosql databases, denormalize relational database tables and/or using indexes,etc

Is the format of the data held in kotlin.MetaData documented anywhere?

I'm interested to know what data is held in the MetaData annotation added to each Kotlin class.
But most fields give no more detail than
"Metadata in a custom format. The format may be different (or even absent) for different kinds."
Is there are reference somewhere that explains how to interpret this data?
kotlin.Metadata contains information about Kotlin symbols, such as their names, signatures, relations between types, etc. Some of this information is already present in the JVM signatures in the class files, but a lot is not, since there's quite a few Kotlin-specific things which JVM class files cannot represent properly: type nullability, mutable/read-only collection interfaces, declaration-site variance, and others.
No specific actions were taken to make the schema of the data encoded in this annotation public, because for most users such data is needed to introspect a program at runtime, and the Kotlin reflection library provides a nice API for that.
If you need to inspect Kotlin-specific stuff which is not exposed via the reflection API, or you're just generally curious what else is stored in that annotation, you can take a look at the implementation of kotlinx.reflect.lite. It's a light-weight library, the core of which is the protobuf-generated schema parser. There's not much supported there at the moment, but there are schemas available
which you can use to read any other data you need.
UPD (August 2018): since this was answered, we've published a new (experimental and unstable) library, which is designed to be the intended way for reading and modifying the metadata:

Implementing similar UseCases looks like code duplication

I have the following case. User can export several object types (transaction, invoice, etc) to external accounting system.
Export algorithm has steps:
fetch objects by some filter
export objects one by one to the accounting system (web service method per object type)
register the fact that given document was exported, so it wont be exported again
prepare summary for user (num of exported documents, error messages etc)
The algorithm is the same for all object types but there are some important differences which must be handled:
different types
different target web service method, different object to DTO mappings
different filters per object type
I've considered a few solutions:
don't treat the export algorithm as code duplication and implement an algorithm per object type. Export of any data to any external system may be described by such algorithm - does it mean that we should always have one general class to export anything to anywhere?:)
move the differences to strategies (one strategy interface to create abstraction for all differences) - I even implemented it.
use generics - unfortunately I'm coding in PHP and it's not possible
The question:
Is creating a separate export algorithm per object type a code duplication?
Maybe all of them should be treated as separate Use Cases?
If it's a duplication then what techniques to avoid it should I consider?
Description of my first implementation:
In first approach I defined an Exportable abstraction but I was not happy about it. Each object has completely different payload.
An Exportable interface defined only one method getId and it was used to register that object was exported (and thanks to that wont be exported again).
For this purpose the abstraction was fine, but the problem was moved to exportService which had to check the concrete instance to choose DTO mapper and endpoint. So the exportService broke SOLID.
None of the things you have described above are domain-specific logic (and in fact you don't even mention the problem domain in your question), so I don't think it really falls under domain-driven design. Because it's not domain-specific logic I wouldn't worry too much about code duplication, especially considering that the solution doesn't seem obvious.
Keep it simple and just write out each use case separately. If you find that there's common code that's easily refactored, do so after you get everything working smooth. Don't overthink it or add patterns before they are obviously necessary.

One large class compared to several small classes for a Cocoa Mac application

I have created an application, using ARC, that parses data from an online XML file. I am able to get everything I need using one class and one call to the API. The API provides the XML data. Due to the large xml file, I have a lot of variables, IBOutlets, and IBActions associated with this class.
But there are two approaches to this:
1) create a class which parses the XML data and also implements that data for your application
, i.e. create one class that does everything (as I have already done)
2) create a class which parses the XML data and create other classes which handle the data obtained from the XML parser class, i.e. one class does the parsing and another class implements that data
Note that some APIs that provide XML data track the number of calls/minute or calls/day to their service. So you would not want several classes calling the API, it would be better to make one request to the API which receives all the data you need.
So is it better to use several smaller classes to handle the xml data or is it fine to just use one large class to do everything?
When in doubt, smaller classes are better.
2) create a class which parses the XML data and create other classes which handle the data obtained from the XML parser class, i.e. one class does the parsing and another class implements that data
One key advantage of this is that the thing that the latter class models is separate from the parsing work that the former class does. This becomes important:
As Peter Willsey said, when your XML parser changes. For example, if you switch from stream-based to document-based parsing, or vice versa, or if you switch from one parsing library to another.
When your XML input changes. If you want to add support for a new format or a new version of a format, or kill off support for an obsolete format, you can simply add/remove parsing classes; the model class can remain unchanged (or receive only small and obvious improvements to support new functionality in new/improved formats).
When you add support for non-XML inputs. For example, JSON, plists, keyed archives, or custom proprietary formats. Again, you can simply add/remove parsing classes; the model class need not change much, if at all.
Even if none of these things ever happen, they're still better separated than mashed together. Parsing input and modeling the user's data are two different jobs; mashing them together makes them hard or impossible to reason about separately. Keep them separate, and you can change one without having to step around the other.
I guess it depends on your application. Something to consider is, what if you have to change the XML Parser you are using? You will have to rewrite your monolithic class and you could break a lot of unrelated functionality. If you abstracted the XML parser it would just be a matter of rewriting that particular class's implementation. Or what if the scope of your application changes and suddenly you have several views ? Will you be able to reuse code elsewhere without violating the DRY (Don't repeat yourself) principle ?
What you want to strive for is low coupling and high cohesion, meaning classes should not depend on each other and classes should have well defined responsibilities with highly related methods.

What functionality to build into business objects?

What functionality do you think should be built into a persistable business object at bare minimum?
For example:
a way to compare to another object of the same type
undo capability (the ability to roll-back changes)
The functionality dictated by the domain & business.
Read Domain Driven Design.
A persistable business object should consist of the following:
Often, you'll abstract the functionality to retrieve them into a repository that supports:
You could also wrap this type of functionality into collection classes (e.g. BusinessObjectTypeCollection), however there's a lot of movement towards using the Repository Pattern in Domain Driven Design to provide these type of accessors (e.g. InvoicingRepository.GetAllCustomers, InvoicingRepository.GetAllInvoices).
You could put the business rules in the New, Save, Update, Delete ... but sometimes you could have an external business rules engine that you pass off the objects to.
This is just one piece of an answer, but I would say that you need a way to get to all objects with which this object has a relationship. In the beginning you may try to be smart and only include one-way navigability for some relationships, but I have found that this is usually more trouble than it's worth.
All persistent frameworks also include finders, ways to do cascading deletes... sorts....
Once you start modeling, all business objects should know how to manage themselves. Whenever you find another class referring TO your business object too much, it's usually time to push that behavior into the business object itself.
Of the three things noted in the question, I would say that validation is the only one that is truly required. The others depend on the overall archetecture of the application.
Also, the business rules should be in the business objects.
Whether an object should do its own serialization is an interesting question. I have had great success in the past by having each object handle its own serialization, but I can also see merit in having a serialization module load and save the business objects just the same way as the GUI writes to and reads from the objects. Then your validation will protect against errors in the database or files too.
I can't think of anything else that is required in general.