How to record screen for browser in webdriverIO? - webdriver-io

I have been trying to record screen using different npm packages but I am unable to record the screen when the test is running on the browser.

Maybe it will help:
Also you can use Selenoid ( your tests will be running inside docker-containers. About video-recording:


React Native project not opening Metro Bundler in Browser

App is working fine. Also working fine on Emulator and my mobile phone. But the problem is that it is not showing this page on my browser. Open Image
I created this project in react native, Using following commands.
expo init DoneWithIt
choses a Manage workflow with blank template
When I type "npm start" in terminal (using VS code terminal)
it shows Open Image
It is not opening in browser like this
Open Image
Have you tried opening your browser manually at localhost and port 19000? Or simply press "w" in the same terminal after it starts so it opens for you the browser as you can see in the second image.
The Web UI is now deprecated in favor of a more advance terminal interface:
To me the "w" option is grey out but I can still run it and it will let me know that some dependencies are missing. I try to install them but it doesn't succeed. I guess just made sure that the Web UI will not work anymore.
You will see the below error if the 'w' option is grayed out or if the 'w' doesn't work,
It looks like you're trying to use web support but don't have the required dependencies installed.
Please install react-native-web#~0.18.9, react-dom#18.1.0, #expo/webpack-config#^0.17.2 by running:
npx expo install react-native-web#~0.18.9 react-dom#18.1.0 #expo/webpack-config#^0.17.2
If you're not using the web, please ensure you remove the "web" string from the platform's array in the project Expo config.
install the mentioned packages and re-start the app(npm start).
Enter w, this should work.
The reason why the application is not giving you the web browser ability is because you're missing some packages. Thus far this is the version that's support out there. Try and run this code below:
npx expo install react-native-web#~0.18.9 react-dom#18.1.0 #expo/webpack-config#^0.17.2

Unable to test against Safari using v1.18.0

I just updated to TestCafe v1.18.0 and I followed the upgrade guide. I am able to run tests against Chrome and Firefox, as the system correctly prompted me if I wanted to let TestCafe control these, but this is not happening for Safari, so I am unable to test against it. I don't see any way to manually add an entry in the Automation tab either.
Automation Tab entry for TestCafe Browser Tools
Edit: I managed to add it using the remote option for TestCafe and pasting the URL into Safari, but even after that, npx testcafe safari is unable to launch Safari. I'm using an M1 Mac and macOS Monterey 12.0.1
TestCafe 1.18.0 does have the Safari-related issue. It has already been fixed. Please update TestCafe to v1.18.1.

Nuxt ssr application render time test

I have a nuxt ssr application. I want to test render time of application. Are there any methods or tools for test that?
You can use Lighthouse on chrome, there is also a Firefox version too. First make sure you run the the app in build mode(npn run build > npm run start). Testing it in development mode will take too long and results will probably be inaccurate.
Go to the lighthouse tab in the inspect tool and click "generate report". It will produce a report like in the below picture. Click the "View Original Trace" button.
There you can see the render time and other benchmark results in detail.

Fullscreen Electron application on startup

I have created an application with Vue and Node in Electron. I run the application using command yarn run electron:serve. How can I get this application to start in full screen mode? Consider that even when the application is built, I want it to start it in full screen when .exe file is executed.
You can just use .maximize() on the main process. You can add conditions if you only want to use it in prod

Is there any way to keep state between restarting detox

i have the authorization in the app and i need to check the screens after sign in. Is there any way to do it?
Every detox runs, it will reinstall the app. So if you want to continue testing the app without reinstall every runs, you can add --reuse flag on detox command. It will reuse installed app on your test device/simulator. You can read more about this on Detox documentation here.