How do I sum a column based on two conditions, one based on field value, the other based upon retrieved record's values? - sql

I have a list like the one below from which I'm looking to aggregate the sum in the "amount" column for a given company. The trick of the matter is that I want to include family members of employees of the company. Those relations are kept by the ID to the right and will differ by the 12th character (if the family in question only has one member, then the 12th character is a space).
My question is, what is the most efficient way to get the amount for all employees of ABC Inc, including family members. I believe that this will require first one query for all employees of ABC Inc, then another for their family members by using the resulting list from query one.
Is this the most efficient way to do this? My table is extremely large (over 10GB of flat data), and thousands of such queries will be required, so efficiency is important.
The code I'm using thus far to get the data without family members is:
select ID, Name, Company_Name, sum(Amount) from indivs
where Orgname ='APC Inc' --or Employer like '%APC Inc%'
group by ID, Name, Company_Name
However, this only gives me the amounts from the direct employees.
What would be the next step to add the amounts for family members?

I think you want:
select sum(amount)
from t
where exists (select 1
from t t2
where = 'APC Inc.' and
left(, 11) = left(, 11)
For performance, you can create a computed column and index:
alter table t add id11 as (left(id, 11)) persisted;
create index idx_company_id11 on t(company, id11);
Then phrase the query as:
select sum(amount)
from t
where exists (select 1
from t t2
where = 'APC Inc.' and
t2.id11 = t.id11


Why use many columns in GROUP BY and HAVING clause in these examples

Given the schema here I'm trying to understand and solve the below 3 sql queries as I'm confused:
1- Present a table giving the names of the countries with ≥ 50% urbanization
rates, their urbanization rates, and their per capita GDP. Note that
urbanization rate is the percentage of population living in cities. Do not
count cities with NULL values for population.
SELECT, round(sum(city.population)/country.population, 3) AS urban, round(gdp/country.population, 3) AS gdppc
FROM city
INNER JOIN country ON code = country
INNER JOIN economy ON code =
WHERE city.population IS NOT NULL
GROUP BY, country.population, economy.gdp
HAVING round(sum(city.population)/country.population, 3) >= 0.5
In the above query, Why I need to include country.population and economy.gdp in the GROUP BY? If I tried using just in the GROUP BY I get an error saying I should include the others.
2- Show organizations that have as members all the European countries with over 50 million people?
FROM organization
INNER JOIN (SELECT organization
FROM country
INNER JOIN encompasses
ON code =
INNER JOIN ismember
ON code =
WHERE population > 50000000 AND continent = 'Europe'
GROUP BY organization
HAVING count( = (SELECT count(*)
FROM country
INNER JOIN encompasses
ON code = country
WHERE population > 50000000 AND continent = 'Europe'))
AS innerQuery
ON abbreviation = innerQuery.organization;
Why I need the HAVING Part above?
3- Insert a new organization called “Tivoli” and a trigger that says if Germany joins “Tivoli” then so too must the UK and France. Insert Germany into the “Tivoli” organization. Confirm proper behavior.
I tried the below script but it's not working, any advice please?
do $$
IF(NOT EXISTS ( SELECT 1 FROM organization WHERE organization."name" = 'Tivoli' AND = 'D' ))
INSERT INTO organization VALUES ('Tivoli','Tivoli organization',NULL,'F',NULL,NULL);
INSERT INTO organization VALUES ('Tivoli','Tivoli organization',NULL,'GB',NULL,NULL);
end $$
You used country.population and economy.gdp in the select, outside of aggregate functions ( COUNT(), AVG() and SUM() ), and you have a GROUP BY. Everything that you select has to be in GROUP BY or inside of aggregate functions.
Because you were asked to show organizations that have ALL of 50mil + people countries. With HAVING, you check if that organization has the right amount of countries.
organization."name" = 'Tivoli'
It's supposed to be :
First of all, you should limit a question to one only, not 3. But here are some pointers for all 3:
In the above query, Why I need to include country.population and economy.gdp in the GROUP BY? If I tried using just in the GROUP BY I get an error saying I should include the others.
This is a requirement. A group by alone would work (in Postgres 9.1+) only if the other two fields are known to be functionally dependent on But probably is not the primary key of the country table, so in theory it is possible to have two records in that table with the same name, but different population.
The rule is as follows:
When GROUP BY is present, it is not valid for the SELECT list expressions to refer to ungrouped columns except within aggregate functions or if the ungrouped column is functionally dependent on the grouped columns, since there would otherwise be more than one possible value to return for an ungrouped column. A functional dependency exists if the grouped columns (or a subset thereof) are the primary key of the table containing the ungrouped column.
This is implemented since version 9.1.
Why I need the HAVING Part above?
Because a condition on an aggregate (count in this case) can only be performed after grouping, and can thus not be expressed in the where clause. In this case the having clause makes sure that the organisation is not only present in some big EU Member States, but all big EU Member states.
I tried the below script but it's not working, any advice please?
Without a proper database schema, it is not possible to provide you with the correct SQ, but from the ERD diagram it seems that the organization table does not have a country field. Instead the ismember table connects organizations with countries. You would only insert one organization, but several ismember records (one per Member State involved)
It is better also to name the fields in your insert statement, so it is clear which value corresponds to which field.

How to refactor complicated SQL query which is broken

Here is the simplified model of the domain
In a nutshell, unit grants documents to to a customer. There are two types of units: main units and their child units. Both belong to the same province, and to one province may belong multiple cities. Document has numerous events (processing history). Customer belongs to one city and province.
I have to write query, which returns random set of documents, given a target main unit code. Here is the criteria:
Return 10 documents where the newest event_code = 10
Each document must belong to a different customer living in any city of the unit's region (prefer different cities)
Return the Customers newest Document which meets the criteria
There must be both document types present in the result
Result (customers chosen) should be random with each query
If there's not enough customers, try to use multiple documents of the same customer as a last resort
If there aren't enough documents either, return as much as possible
If there's not a single instance of another document type, then return all the same
There may be million of rows, and the query must be as fast as possible, it is executed frequently.
I'm not sure how to structure this kind of complex query in a sane manner. I'm using Oracle and PL/SQL. Here is something I tried, but it isn't working as expected (returns wrong data). How should I refactor this query and get the random result, and also honor all those borderline rules? I'm also worried about the performance regarding the joins and wheres.
CURSOR c_documents IS
WITH documents_cte AS
SELECT d.document_id AS document_id, d.create_dt AS create_dt,
FROM documents d
JOIN customers c ON (c.customer_id = d.customer_id AND
c.province_id = (SELECT region_id FROM unit WHERE unit_code = 1234))
WHERE exists (
FROM event
where document_id = d.document_id AND
event_code = 10
AND create_dt =
SELECT MAX(create_dt)
FROM event
WHERE document_id = d.document_id)
SELECT * FROM documents_cte d
WHERE create_dt = (SELECT MAX(create_dt)
from documents_cte
WHERE customer_id = d.customer_id)
How to correctly make this query with efficiency, randomness in mind? I'm not asking for exact solution, but guidelines at least.
I'd avoid hierarchic tables whenever possible. In your case you are using a hierarchic table to allow for an unlimited depth, but at last it's just two levels you store: provinces and their cities. That should better be just two tables: one for provinces and one for cities. Not a big deal, but that would make your data model simpler and easier to query.
Below I am starting with a WITH clause to get a city table, as such doesn't exist. Then I go step by step: get the customers belonging to the unit, then get their documents and rank them. At last I select the ranked documents and randomly take 10 of the best ranked ones.
with cities as
c.region_id as city_id,
o.region_id as province_id
from region c
join region p on p.region_id = c.parent_region_id
, unit_customers as
select customer_id
from customer
where city_id in
select city_id
from cities
select region_id
from unit
where unit_code = 1234
) in (city_id, province_id)
, ranked_documents as
row_number(partition by customer_id order by create_dt desc) as rn
from document
where customer_id in -- customers belonging to the unit
select customer_id
from unit_customers
and document_id in -- documents with latest event code = 10
select document_id
from event
group by document_id
having max(event_code) keep (dense_rank last order by create_dt) = 10
select *
from ranked_documents
order by rn, dbms_random.value
fetch first 10 rows only;
This doesn't take into account to get both document types, as this contradicts the rule to get the latest documents per customer.
FETCH FIRST is availavle as of Oracle 12c. In earlier versions you would use one more subquery and another ROW_NUMBER instead.
As to speed, I'd recommend these indexes for the query:
create index idx_r1 on region(region_id); -- already exists for region_id = primary key
create index idx_r2 on region(parent_region_id, region_id);
create index idx_u1 on unit(unit_code, region_id);
create index idx_c1 on customer(city_id, customer_id);
create index idx_e1 on event(document_id, create_dt, event_code);
create index idx_d1 on document(document_id, customer_id, create_dt);
create index idx_d2 on document(customer_id, document_id, create_dt);
One of the last two will be used, the other not. Check which with EXPLAIN PLAN and drop the unused one.

How to include zero results when querying one single table?

I have a table called Apartments that has three columns: apartment_type, person, date. It includes the apartment type selected by a certain person and date. I need to count how many people picked each of the apartment types. Some apartment type have 0 population.
Here is my query:
SELECT apartment_type, COUNT(*) AS TOTAL
FROM Apartments
GROUP BY apartment_type
It works great, but it doesn't include apartment types with a value of 0. Please, help me to correct this query.
In case some appartment_type have 0 population - your table will not contain any record with that type - so you must add some join from another table, where all apartment types exists. Or use union to create all 0 populated entries.
Something like:
SELECT apartment_type, COUNT(*) AS TOTAL
FROM (SELECT * FROM Apartments UNION ALL SELECT apartment_type, 0 as person, 0 as date from SomeTableWithFullListOfTypes group by apartment_type) as tmp
GROUP BY apartment_type
I generally agree with Nosyara's answer, but I don't agree with his sample query with the union all. I'm not sure it works, and it's certainly too complicated.
As stated already, if you don't have a table with all the possible apartment types, create one. Then you can write your query using a simple left join:
select t.apartment_type, count(a.apartment_type) as total
from apartment_types t
left join apartments a
on a.apartment_type = t.apartment_type
group by t.apartment_type
Note how count(*) was replaced by count(a.apartment_type). That change is necessary to have an accurate count in the case where you don't have apartments for a certain apartment type.
SELECT apartment_type, COUNT(apartment.*) AS TOTAL
FROM apartment_type
left join apartment
on apartment_type.aparentment_type = apartements.apartment_type
GROUP BY apartment_type
Using a left join will give you everything from the left side of the join (so all your types) and anything from the right that matches.

Where are Cartesian Joins used in real life?

Where are Cartesian Joins used in real life?
Can some one please give examples of such a Join in any SQL database.
just random example. you have a table of cities: Id, Lat, Lon, Name. You want to show user table of distances from one city to another. You will write something like
SELECT c1.Name, c2.Name, SQRT( (c1.Lat - c2.Lat) * (c1.Lat - c2.Lat) + (c1.Lon - c2.Lon)*(c1.Lon - c2.Lon))
FROM City c1, c2
Here are two examples:
To create multiple copies of an invoice or other document you can populate a temporary table with names of the copies, then cartesian join that table to the actual invoice records. The result set will contain one record for each copy of the invoice, including the "name" of the copy to print in a bar at the top or bottom of the page or as a watermark. Using this technique the program can provide the user with checkboxes letting them choose what copies to print, or even allow them to print "special copies" in which the user inputs the copy name.
CREATE TEMP TABLE tDocCopies (CopyName TEXT(20))
INSERT INTO tDocCopies (CopyName) VALUES ('Customer Copy')
INSERT INTO tDocCopies (CopyName) VALUES ('Office Copy')
INSERT INTO tDocCopies (CopyName) VALUES ('File Copy')
SELECT * FROM InvoiceInfo, tDocCopies WHERE InvoiceDate = TODAY()
To create a calendar matrix, with one record per person per day, cartesian join the people table to another table containing all days in a week, month, or year.
SELECT People.PeopleID, People.Name, CalDates.CalDate
FROM People, CalDates
I've noticed this being done to try to deliberately slow down the system either to perform a stress test or an excuse for missing development deliverables.
Usually, to generate a superset for the reports.
In PosgreSQL:
FROM generate_series(1, 12) month
department d
sales s
ON s.department =
AND s.month = month
GROUP BY, month
This is the only time in my life that I've found a legitimate use for a Cartesian product.
At the last company I worked at, there was a report that was requested on a quarterly basis to determine what FAQs were used at each geographic region for a national website we worked on.
Our database described geographic regions (markets) by a tuple (4, x), where 4 represented a level number in a hierarchy, and x represented a unique marketId.
Each FAQ is identified by an FaqId, and each association to an FAQ is defined by the composite key marketId tuple and FaqId. The associations are set through an admin application, but given that there are 1000 FAQs in the system and 120 markets, it was a hassle to set initial associations whenever a new FAQ was created. So, we created a default market selection, and overrode a marketId tuple of (-1,-1) to represent this.
Back to the report - the report needed to show every FAQ question/answer and the markets that displayed this FAQ in a 2D matrix (we used an Excel spreadsheet). I found that the easiest way to associate each FAQ to each market in the default market selection case was with this query, unioning the exploded result with all other direct FAQ-market associations.
The Faq2LevelDefault table holds all of the markets that are defined as being in the default selection (I believe it was just a list of marketIds).
SELECT FaqId, fld.LevelId, 1 [Exists]
FROM Faq2Levels fl
CROSS JOIN Faq2LevelDefault fld
WHERE fl.LevelId=-1 and fl.LevelNumber=-1 and fld.LevelNumber=4
SELECT Faqid, LevelId, 1 [Exists] from Faq2Levels WHERE LevelNumber=4
You might want to create a report using all of the possible combinations from two lookup tables, in order to create a report with a value for every possible result.
Consider bug tracking: you've got one table for severity and another for priority and you want to show the counts for each combination. You might end up with something like this:
select severity_name, priority_name, count(*)
from (select severity_id, severity_name,
priority_id, priority_name
from severity, priority) sp
left outer join
errors e
on e.severity_id = sp.severity_id
and e.priority_id = sp.priority_id
group by severity_name, priority_name
In this case, the cartesian join between severity and priority provides a master list that you can create the later outer join against.
When running a query for each date in a given range. For example, for a website, you might want to know for each day, how many users were active in the last N days. You could run a query for each day in a loop, but it's simplest to keep all the logic in the same query, and in some cases the DB can optimize the Cartesian join away.
To create a list of related words in text mining, using similarity functions, e.g. Edit Distance

How can I compare two tables and delete on matching fields (not matching records)

Scenario: A sampling survey needs to be performed on membership of 20,000 individuals. Survey sample size is 3500 of the total 20000 members. All membership individuals are in table tblMember. Same survey was performed the previous year and members whom were surveyed are in tblSurvey08. Membership data can change over the year (e.g. new email address, etc.) but the MemberID data stays the same.
How do I remove the MemberID/records contained tblSurvey08 from tblMember to create a new table of potential members to be surveyed (lets call it tblPotentialSurvey09). Again the record for a individual member may not match from the different tables but the MemberID field will remain constant.
I am fairly new at this stuff but I seem to be having a problem Googling a solution - I could use the EXCEPT function but the records for the individuals members are not necessarily the same from one table to next - just the MemberID may be the same.
* (replace with column list)
member m
tblSurvey08 s08
ON m.member_id = s08.member_id
s08.member_id IS NULL
will give you only members not in the 08 survey. This join is more efficient than a NOT IN construct.
A new table is not such a great idea, since you are duplicating data. A view with the above query would be a better choice.
I apologize in advance if I didn't understand your question but I think this is what you're asking for. You can use the insert into statement.
insert into tblPotentialSurvey09
select your_criteria from tblMember where tblMember.MemberId not in (
select MemberId from tblSurvey08
First of all, I wouldn't create a new table just for selecting potential members. Instead, I would create a new true/false (1/0) field telling if they are eligible.
However, if you'd still want to copy data to the new table, here's how you can do it:
INSERT INTO tblSurvey00 (MemberID)
FROM tblMember m
WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM tblSurvey09 s WHERE s.MemberID = m.MemberID)
If you just want to create a new field as I suggested, a similar query would do the job.
An outer join should do:
select m_09.MemberID
from tblMembers m_09 left outer join
tblSurvey08 m_08 on m_09.MemberID = m_08.MemberID
m_08.MemberID is null