Does fabric crashlytics supports react native application with release apks.
i have added fabric crashlytics to my app but the errors are not showing original file name where the error occured.After doing some research i found that we have to generate source map while bundling.But i didn't find any working example on how to generate source map for android and ios.
I am implementing Stripe in my React Native (Expo) app. When testing it out with ExpoGO it works well, and so does the iOS build via Testflight. However, after building the app for Android it will crash whenever the CardFormField component (provided by Stripe) is rendered.
I have logged the errors in Sentry, and this is where it goes wrong:
Binary XML file line #5 in [censored]:layout/stripe_card_form_view: Error inflating class
IllegalArgumentException: The style on this component requires your app theme to be Theme.MaterialComponents (or a descendant).
I then found this, here:
In order to use CardForm component, you need to install and configure Material Components theme in your app.
I do however fail to find information on how I am expected to comply with this requirement using Expo. Do anyone have any ideas?
I am using:
expo 43.0.3
#stripe/stripe-react-native 0.2.2
App is built with eas
I use expo (not an ejected app)
Thanks in advance for any help.
With Expo you have a choice between managed vs. bare workflows. In order to access the build.gradle and styles.xml files to configure the Material Components theme you need to switch to a bare workflow. You need to use expo eject to create the native Android files in question.
I have installed a react-native app built with expo cli from playstore, I am migrating to react-native cli. I am not able to install the react-native cli build(signed with the same android key) over the existing expo build. I am getting the following error
App not installed, the package conflicts with an existing package by
same name
any solution will be greatly appreciated
Expo and React-native cli are two different things , as i am too implementing both in single app , after that my app start crashing so you can only use one cli at a moment .
here are the difference and merits -demerits of both .
React Native init:
You can add native modules written in Java/Objective-C (probably the only but the strongest one)
Needs Android Studio and X Code to run the projects
You can't develop for iOS without having a mac
Device has to be connected via USB to use it for testing
Fonts need to be imported manually in X Code
If you want to share the app you need to send the whole .apk / .ipa file
Does not provide JS APIs out of the box, e.g. Push-Notifications, Asset Manager, they need to be manually installed and linked with npm for example
Setting up a working project properly (including device configuration) is rather complicated and can take time
Setting up a project is easy and can be done in minutes
You (and other people) can open the project while you're working on it
Sharing the app is easy (via QR-code or link), you don't have to send the whole .apk or .IPA file
No build necessary to run the app
Integrates some basic libraries in a standard project (Push Notifications, Asset Manager,...)
You can eject it to Expo Kit and integrate native code continuing using some of the Expo features, but not all of them
Expo can build .apk and .ipa files (distribution to stores possible with Expo)
You can't add native modules (probably a game changer for some)
You can't use libraries that use native code in Objective-C/Java
The standard Hello World app is about 25MB big (because of the integrated libraries)
If you want to use: Face Detector, Ar Kit o Payments you need to eject it to Expo Kit
Ejecting it to Expo Kit has a trade-off of features of Expo, e.g. you cannot share via QR code
When ejecting to Expo Kit you are limited to the react native version that is supported by Expo Kit at that point in time
Debugging in Expo Kit (with native modules) is a lot more complicated, since it mixes two languages and different libraries (no official Expo support anymore)
And you can use any one which satisfies your applications requirement.
Hope it will make you understand the difference between these two Clis.
I have carefully followed the instruction from fabric ( to install crashlytics in my app. However I cannot select my app after the instruction since my app is not showing. I have tried most of the solution that has been given in this question here (Crashlytics in iOS won't proceed past "Build Your Project" in Fabric app)
But I still failed to get my app in fabric.
I am using react native to develop my app and using Xcode Version 10.2.1
Fabric/Firebaser here - If you've gone through all the necessary instructions, try cleaning your project first before building and running again to try to get your app up on your dashboard. And if you haven't seen it, here are some instructions specifically for setting up react native apps with Crashlytics: And make sure that if you haven't, set the Debug Information Format to DWARF with dSYM file for both debug and release as specified in that SO post you linked.
You can also see more debug information about Fabric if you set Fabric to debug mode in your initialization statement: Check to see if the settings requests are being made to Fabric or if there is anything unusual.
If you're still having trouble, reach out to support(at)fabric(dot)io with your app's bundle ID and support will be able to help you out more.
I am new to React Native and I know that there are two ways to develop native applications using react native
1- react native init --> need to compile the native cod
==> Result is Native Application for Android "Android SDK required" and Native Application for IOS "Xcode required"
2- create react native app --> no need to compile the native code !!
as CRNA uses Expo_SDK to access native API, but :
Is the result app is really native! or Expo Sdk is like Cordova but used by React and if result native, Expo claims that the result is native!, have they cloned both Android Sdk and Xcode for IOS or how does it work ?!
Expo apps are React Native apps which contain the Expo SDK. The SDK is a native-and-JS library which provides access to the device’s system functionality (things like the camera, contacts, local storage, and other hardware). That means you don’t need to use Xcode or Android Studio, or write any native code, and it also makes your pure-JS project very portable because it can run in any native environment containing the Expo SDK.
Expo also provides UI components to handle a variety of use-cases that almost all apps will cover but are not baked into React Native core, e.g. icons, blur views, and more.
Finally, the Expo SDK provides access to services which typically are a pain to manage but are required by almost every app. Most popular among these: Expo can manage your Assets for you, it can take care of Push Notifications for you, and it can build native binaries which are ready to deploy to the app store.
You should take a look at the Expo doc
Expo app is as native as React native. They do the following things so you don't need to setup Android / iOS SDK locally.
provide Expo App on Android/iOS
so you can build the js code and use Expo App to debug during the development.
provide build server
once you run expo build command, expo will upload the compiled js code and build Android/iOS file on their server. You can download the built file from their server.
You can eject from the Expo, setup Android / iOS SDK locally, and build the app as normal React Native app
Expo (and react-native) apps use native (android and ios) ui components to render the apps ui, like any native android or ios app would. Therefore they can be considered as native apps.
However your app logic is executed within a javascript thread an will communicate with the native threads (through the react-native bridge) to modify the native ui components. Since the bridge is completely asynchronous this should not affect the native ui performance of your application. If you want to understand the communication between js and native code it may be a good start to read this guide.
2- create react native app --> no need to compile the native code !!
With expo there is no need to compile native code, as expo already includes a "ready to use build" of react-native along with several other common react-native libraries. In an expo app this will be used together with your javascript bundle which than communicates through the react-native bridge with the already present native part.
They are basically just abusing the fact that you can inject different javascript bundles into a prebuilt react-native app. (as long as you are using only accessing a subset of the native functionality of that prebuilt app)
Note that Appcenters codepush uses the same functionality and their setup integration actually delivers a nice example how different javascript bundles can be loaded without touching the native part:
in ios AppDelegate.m this line is changed:
original react-native js-bundle loading which always resolves a static bundle
return [[NSBundle mainBundle] URLForResource:#"main" withExtension:#"jsbundle"];
js-bundle loading with codepush which can resolve to different js-bunldes
return [CodePush bundleURL];
Link to full codepush ios integration guide
I wanted to know how to integerate Crashlytics with ibm mobilefirst project
There are no special instructions to integrate Crashlytics with a MobileFirst Platform-based app.
If you've created a Native app, you have a native app and this is not related to MFP.
If you've created a Hybrid app, you need to open the generated project in Xcode and follow Crashlytics instructions (on how to integrate their SDK...) as you would with any other Xcode project.
You may encounter an error regarding SQLCipher. See here: sqlcipher framework not found when integrating Crashlytics in a Worklight application