I'm stuck with this seemingly easy problem, but I can't wrap my head around it. I've tried solving this using the formulae given on the Wikipedia article on circular segments, but I must be missing something, so I kindly ask for you help.
We're in 2D. I have a point mass whose orientation is known. It is moving forward (and can only move forward, not laterally) with a fixed (and known) velocity. I also have a point target whose position relative to my point mass is known. I would like to know the angular velocity required for my point mass to hit the target.
For anyone who cares, the solution appears to be
angular speed = Sin(ArcTan2(dx, dy) * 2) * (speed / dz)
where dx and dy are the target's coordinates relative to the point mass.
So I have my game, made with SpriteKit and Obj-C. I want to know a couple things.
1) What is the best way to make scroll-views in SpriteKit?
2) How do I get this special kind of scroll-view to work?
The kind of scroll-view I'd like to use is one that, without prior knowledge, seems like it could be pretty complicated. You're scrolling through the objects in it, and when they get close to the center of the screen, they get larger. When they're being scrolled away from the center of the screen, they get smaller and smaller until, when their limit is met, they stop minimizing. That limitation goes for getting bigger when getting closer to the center of the screen, too.
Also, I should probably note that I have tried a few different solutions for cheap remakes of scroll views, like merely adding the objects to a SKNode and moving the SKNode's position relative to the finger's, and its movement . . . but that is not what I want. Now, if there is no real way to add a scroll-view to my game, this is what I'm asking. Will I simply have to do some sort of formula? Make the images bigger when they get closer to a certain spot, and maybe run that formula each time -touchesMoved is called? If so, what sort of formula would that be? Some complicated Math equation subtracting the node's position from the center of the screen, and sizing it accordingly? Something like that? If that's the case, will you please give me some smart Math formula to do that, and give it to me in code (possibly a full-out function) format?
If ALL else fails, and there is no good way to do this, what would some other way be?
It is possible to use UIScrollViews with your SpriteKit scenes, but there's a bit of a workaround involved there. My recommendation is to take a look at this github project, that is what I based my UIScrollView off of in my own projects. From the looks of it, most of the stuff you'd want has actually been converted to Swift now, rather than Objective-C when I first looked at the project, so I don't know how that'll fare with you.
The project linked above would result in your SKScene being larger than the screen (I assume that is why it would need to be scrolled), so determining what is and is not close to the center of the scene won't be difficult. One thing you can do is use the update loop in SpriteKit to constantly update the size of Sprites (Perhaps just those on-screen) based on their distance from a fixed, known center point. For instance, if you have a screen of width and height 10, then the midpoint would be x,y = 5,5. You could then say that size = 1.0 - (2 * distance_from_midpoint). Given you are at the midpoint, the size will be 1.0 (1.0 - (2 * 0)), the farther away you get, the smaller your scale will be. This is a crude example that does not account for a max or min fixed size, and so you will need to work with it.
Good luck with your project.
Alright, I'll go a bit out of my way here and help you out with the equation, although mine still isn't perfect.
Now, this doesn't really give you a minimum scale, but it will give you a maximum one (Basically at the midpoint). This equation here does have some flaws though. For one, you might use this to find the x and y scale of your objects based on their distance from a midpoint. However, you don't really want two different components to your scale. What if your Sprite is right next to the x midpoint, and the x_scale spits out 0.95? Well, that's almost full-sized. But if it is far away from the midpoint on the y axis, and it gives you a y scale of, say 0.20, then you have a problem.
To solve that, I just take the magnitude or hypotenuse of the vector between the current coordinate and the coordinate of the current sprite. That hypotenuse gives me an number that represents the true distance, which eliminates the problem with clashing scale values.
I've made an example of how to calculate this inside Google's Go-Playground, so you can run the code and see what different scales you get based on what coordinate you plug in. Also, the equation used in there is slightly modified, It's basically the same thing as above but without the maxscale - part of the front part of the equation.
Hope this helps out!
Embedding Attempt:
see this code in play.golang.org
Currently I manage to get the direction degrees using below code:
d = Math.Atan2(Math.Sin(long2 - long1) * Math.Cos(lat2), _
Math.Cos(lat1) * Math.Sin(lat2) - Math.Sin(lat1) * Math.Cos(lat2) * Math.Cos(long2 - long1))
Dim direction As Double = (RadToDeg(d) + 360.0) Mod 360
which, in my case let say I got 250.65°
I assign each of the direction values from 0 to 360 to its particular image from imageList which loaded in the pictureBox. (currently I have 36 compass images with different arrow direction, each represent 10 degrees)
When my device is pointed to the north, the arrow image is showing the correct direction, but when when I rotate the device (pointed to anywhere which is not north), the arrow image doesn't change, means it is not showing the correct direction anymore.
So my question is, is it possible to know in which direction the gps device is pointed?
Edit: I'm using Honeywell Dolphin 6000 Scanphone device
The Honeywell Dolphin 6000 documentation doesn't mention a magnetometer or compass, so you're probably SOL. But, if it does have one, then you should be able to find methods to access it in the SDK
I recommend downloading and reviewing any APIs and documents that come with the SDK and look for references to the magnetometer or compass. Microsoft does not have standard APIs to access those sensors in Windows Mobile, so you will need the SDK from Honeywell to get that information.
If I am reading your question correct, it sounds like you are trying to determine a heading when your position is fixed and you are only rotating the device.
Unfortunately, what you are looking for is not possible with GPS.
Both the formula you are using and the GetPosition.Heading is a calculated heading based on sampling your current Latitude/Longitude and your previous Latitude/Longitude. So if you aren't moving in a direction (or moving extremely slowly), your current & previous Latitude/Longitude values will effectively be the same, which reduces that accuracy of the calculated heading.
The only reliable way to get a heading when your position is relatively fixed is to get a magnetic or gyroscopic compass, which some devices to have built in.
"how to know gps device point at which direction?"
by using GPS Intermediate Driver, GetPosition.Heading will give you the current direction you are heading.
As stated in the GPS_POSITION documentation,
"Heading, in degrees. A heading of zero is true north."
You must distinguish between the direction you are moving, that is called bearing or course.
And the direction you are looking or holding your device. (Think of you sitting in a bus that drives north (course = 0°), where you make a photo in direction west. heading = 270°)
A (consumer-) GPS receiver always returns only the course (or bearing), although some API unfortunatley call it heading sometimes.
To know the direction in wich you are holding your device while standing still, you have to use the magnetometer. Some modern smartphones, like iPhones or androids have that build into.
Additonal hint:
If your device has GPS, do NOT calculate the position via your or other formulas, better take the value from the GPS Api. This is much more acurate. The GPS chip does NOT only caluclate the direction by positional change, it also may use physical doppler shift.
I'm trying to bevel paths in core graphics. Has anyone done this already for arbitrary shapes and if so are they willing to share code?
I've included my implementation below. I use three variables to determine the bevel: CGFloat bevelSize, UIColor highlightColor, UIColor shadow. Note that the angle of the light source is always 135 degrees. I haven't finished implementing this yet, but here's essentially what I'm trying to do, split into two parts. Part one, generate focal points:
I find the bisectors for the angles between each adjacent lines in the path.
For arcs, the bisector is the line perpendicular to the line created by the two end points of the arc, originating from the mid-point. This should take care of the majority of situations in which an arc is used. I do not take the bisector of an arc and a line. The arc bisector should work fine in those cases.
I then calculate focal points based on the intersection of each adjacent bisectors.
If a focal point is within the shape it's used, otherwise it's discarded.
The purpose of generating the focal points is to 'shrink' the shape proportionally.
The second part is a little more complicated. I essential create each side/segment of the bevelled shape. I do this by drawing 'in' (by the bevelSize) each point of the original shape along radius of the line that extends from the nearest focal point to the point in question. When I have two consecutive 'bevelPoints', I create a UIBezierPath that extends along from the bevelPoints to the original points and back to the bevelPoints (note, this includes arcs). This creates a 'side/segment' I can use to fill. On straight sides, I simply fill with either the shadow or highlight color, depending on the angle of the side. For arcs, I determine the radian 'arc'. If that arc contains a transition angle (M_PI_4 or M_PI + M_PI_4) I fill it with a gradient (from shadow to highlight or highlight to shadow, which ever is appropriate). Otherwise I fill it with a solid color.
I've split out my answer (see below) into a separate blog post. I'm not longer using the implementation details you see above but I'm keeping it all there for reference. I hope this helps anybody else looking to use Core Graphics.
So I did finally manage to write a routine to bevel arbitrary shapes in core graphics. It ended up being a lot of work, a lot more than I originally anticipated, but it's been a fun project. I've posted an explanation and the code to perform the bevel on my blog. Just note that I didn't create a full class (or set of classes) for this. This code was integrated into a much larger class I use to do all my core graphics drawing. However, all the code you need to bevel most arbitrary shapes is there.
I've rewritten the code as straight c and moved it into a separate file. It no longer depends on any other instance variables so that the beveling function can be called from within any context.
I explain the code and process I used to bevel here: Beveling Shapes In Core Graphics
Here is the code: Github : CGPathBevel.
The code isn't perfect: I'm open to suggestions/corrections/better ways of doing things.
I'm looking over some sample code in a cocos2d project. I had previous built a project using Core Graphics (Quartz) where coordinate (0,0) is the upper left corner of the screen. In this project, if I use CGPointMake(0,0) it is in the lower left corner. I understand that the coordinate systems are different, but where exactly would a program specify which coordinate system to use? What is the setting or method that actually makes this switch?
There is no switch. If you want to work with Cocos2D, get used to its coordinate system origin being at the lower left corner of the screen.
I've seen users make all kinds of attempts to "fix" this, either by hacking around in the Cocos2D source code, or by overriding the setPosition property of all nodes only to find out that this isn't enough. I bet all of them have been running into lots of issues, including the fact that whenever you need to re-use someone else's code, you're faced with making the necessary coordinate system fixes to that code as well. It's a never-ending struggle that is really not worth spending any amount of time in.
Instead, rather than changing the code, change your perception. Get used to a different coordinate system and thinking in it. Way easier and much less trouble for the future. After all, all you really need to change in your head is that the sign of the Y coordinate has changed.
You will understand what I mean if you use graphic editing programs like Gimp or Photoshop. To edit a curve on those programs (which probably is Bezier Curve), we can click on the curve, drag the mouse and the curve is changed accordingly. I suspect all the things behind this mechanism are concerned with vectors, but I couldn't find any document mentioning how to do it. Could anybody tell me how I can do that? Thank you very much.
[edit] What I meant was to select-the-curve itself to change (edit) it (click on the curve, and drag the curve to edit it). In the usual way, we select the control points to change the curve. I know to change the curve, I need to edit the control points, but how do I interpret a change on a curve into a change into a change to control points?
There are a number of ways of accomplishing what you're seeing, depending on how you'd like it to behave. I'll explain some of the simpler methods of modifying a Bezier curve via point on curve manipulation.
The first thing to do is figure out the parameter value (t) where the user clicked on the curve. This is generally going to be an approximation. If you're doing pixel or sub-pixel rendering of the Bezier, then just record for every pixel what the t value was and use that. If you're tessellating into line segments, see which line segment is closest, find the t values of the two end points, and lerp the t value according to the distance along the line.
Once you have the t value, you can plug it into the Bezier curve equation. You'll end up with something of the form:
P = k0*P0 + k1*P1 + k2*P2 + k3*P3
where P is the point on the curve, P0, P1, P2, and P3 are the input control points, and k0, k1, k2, and k3 are constants for a given t. I'll call the k values 'contributions', or more specifically the contributions of control points to the point on the curve P(t). A nice property to remember is that k0+k1+k2+k3 = 1.
So, let's say you have a vector V = P' - P, where P' is the new position and P is the original position. We need to move some of the control points to get P' where it needs to go, but we have some flexibility about which of the control points we want to move. Any point with non-zero contribution can be used, or some combination.
Let's say the user clicks on the curve at t=0. In this case, only k0 is non-zero, so
P0 := P0 + V
will produce the correct result. This can also be written as
P0 := P0 + k0 * V
In the general case where all of the contributions are nonzero, you can apply the same transformation to each of the points, which will have the effect of a very smooth, spread-out deformation.
Another option is to simply move the control point with the maximum contribution the entire distance. I think the equation to use would be something like
Pmax := Pmax + 1/kmax * V
but either way it boils down to looking at the contributions at a given t value, and moving the control points so the new point lies in the desired location.
This approach is fairly general, and works for NURBS and most other splines, even surfaces. There is another method that's fairly common that uses Greville Abscissae, which pins as many points as possible, but in my experience it's too easy to get oscillation.
EDIT - In response to your question edit
In order to be able to select the curve itself to move the control points, I would suggest that Bezier curves are definitely not the way forward - you would have to solve the equation in reverse in order to find the right control point locations. You would also find that in some cases it's actually not possible to move the control points to make the curve go where you want.
If you were using B-Splines, then you could simply insert a new control point at the point on the curve closest to where the user has clicked, and then move the new control point. So, effectively, you'd be adding a new control point.
Original text
Assuming you already have an implementation of a bezier curve which, given a set of control points (typically three for Bezier but can be as many as you want) can produce a set of points to be joined with lines on the display device (typically you use the 0 >= u <= 1 parametric equation), then this is easy.
Your control points determine where the curve goes, so you simply need to implement selection feedback and drag/drop on those control points.
If you're looking for exact point matching, however, bezier curves are not ideal since they only pass through the first and last control points. And the more points you add to the curve, the less accurate they become.
B-Splines would be better, and variations of these are what you actually see in photoshop et al.
Dragging simply changes the control points of the Bezier curve, and the curve is recalculated accordingly. See Wikipedia for a good explanation on how they work.
Please clarify what you wish to do? Do you want to edit bezier curves in an application? Are you interested in the general maths behind it?
Normally you manipulate the control points that is used to generate the bezier curve.
OK, so let's assume that you have to use Bezier curves because you're using a rendering library that has them as a primitive. If you're absolutely married to the idea of using control points on the curve itself, you can just interpolate control points using the method outlined here: How to find control points for a BezierSegment given Start, End, and 2 Intersection Pts in C# - AKA Cubic Bezier 4-point Interpolation
In other words, for every set of 4 points on the curve, you would run the above algorithm and get the 4 control points needed to draw the cubic Bezier.
See github.com/bootchk/freehandTool for object models
A user drags. Project the drag onto nearest control point or arm between control points. Interpret the drag as rotation and or translation (transform) of said nearest control points. Note plural: nearest may be coincident control points( ends) of two segments, or control points of arm of bezier segment.