Special Kind of ScrollView - objective-c

So I have my game, made with SpriteKit and Obj-C. I want to know a couple things.
1) What is the best way to make scroll-views in SpriteKit?
2) How do I get this special kind of scroll-view to work?
The kind of scroll-view I'd like to use is one that, without prior knowledge, seems like it could be pretty complicated. You're scrolling through the objects in it, and when they get close to the center of the screen, they get larger. When they're being scrolled away from the center of the screen, they get smaller and smaller until, when their limit is met, they stop minimizing. That limitation goes for getting bigger when getting closer to the center of the screen, too.
Also, I should probably note that I have tried a few different solutions for cheap remakes of scroll views, like merely adding the objects to a SKNode and moving the SKNode's position relative to the finger's, and its movement . . . but that is not what I want. Now, if there is no real way to add a scroll-view to my game, this is what I'm asking. Will I simply have to do some sort of formula? Make the images bigger when they get closer to a certain spot, and maybe run that formula each time -touchesMoved is called? If so, what sort of formula would that be? Some complicated Math equation subtracting the node's position from the center of the screen, and sizing it accordingly? Something like that? If that's the case, will you please give me some smart Math formula to do that, and give it to me in code (possibly a full-out function) format?
If ALL else fails, and there is no good way to do this, what would some other way be?

It is possible to use UIScrollViews with your SpriteKit scenes, but there's a bit of a workaround involved there. My recommendation is to take a look at this github project, that is what I based my UIScrollView off of in my own projects. From the looks of it, most of the stuff you'd want has actually been converted to Swift now, rather than Objective-C when I first looked at the project, so I don't know how that'll fare with you.
The project linked above would result in your SKScene being larger than the screen (I assume that is why it would need to be scrolled), so determining what is and is not close to the center of the scene won't be difficult. One thing you can do is use the update loop in SpriteKit to constantly update the size of Sprites (Perhaps just those on-screen) based on their distance from a fixed, known center point. For instance, if you have a screen of width and height 10, then the midpoint would be x,y = 5,5. You could then say that size = 1.0 - (2 * distance_from_midpoint). Given you are at the midpoint, the size will be 1.0 (1.0 - (2 * 0)), the farther away you get, the smaller your scale will be. This is a crude example that does not account for a max or min fixed size, and so you will need to work with it.
Good luck with your project.
Alright, I'll go a bit out of my way here and help you out with the equation, although mine still isn't perfect.
Now, this doesn't really give you a minimum scale, but it will give you a maximum one (Basically at the midpoint). This equation here does have some flaws though. For one, you might use this to find the x and y scale of your objects based on their distance from a midpoint. However, you don't really want two different components to your scale. What if your Sprite is right next to the x midpoint, and the x_scale spits out 0.95? Well, that's almost full-sized. But if it is far away from the midpoint on the y axis, and it gives you a y scale of, say 0.20, then you have a problem.
To solve that, I just take the magnitude or hypotenuse of the vector between the current coordinate and the coordinate of the current sprite. That hypotenuse gives me an number that represents the true distance, which eliminates the problem with clashing scale values.
I've made an example of how to calculate this inside Google's Go-Playground, so you can run the code and see what different scales you get based on what coordinate you plug in. Also, the equation used in there is slightly modified, It's basically the same thing as above but without the maxscale - part of the front part of the equation.
Hope this helps out!
Embedding Attempt:
see this code in play.golang.org


How can I render 19451 circles on Rect Native map efficiently?

I have 19451 points exported by coordinates in a JSON file. I am trying to render them in an efficient way on the map with circles. How can I achieve this? It is the first time I am using https://github.com/react-native-maps/react-native-maps with expo, so I am not that experienced in using maps services. I don't even know where to start from. I was thinking of something like rendering the points dynamically, based on whether one point is to be found in the region of the map that is currently shown on the screen, although I have no idea how to actually achieve this. The first thing I tried was to obviously render them at once: it takes ages and it is very buggy!
You have several options:
Use some kind of clustering when there are multiple circles in the same area, for example when you're zoomed out. Have a look at react-native-maps-clustering. Performance wise is decent enough but it may lag on older devices.
When you go over a zoom level you can limit the number of circles you draw, I guess they overlap anyways. When your limit has been reached, you can display some warning to let the user know that the number of circles was limited and he should zoom in. From my experience, drawing max 50 custom markers was the upper limit to avoid lag on older devices. With circles, that limit might be different.
Manually filter your data and decide whether the circle belongs to the current viewport (visible part of the map) or not.
Some code would help me to give you some more hints.

Detecting what percent of an drawn image has been "erased"

Let's say I have a solid, irregularly shaped (but enclosed) shape on screen in iOS (one colour). I then want to "erase" portions of that shape by dragging my finger around like you would in a typical kids colouring app, erasing with a fixed brush size where I touch the screen.
I could easily accomplish all this with something like an image mask and touch detection however, as a requirement, I also need to determine the rough percentage of the shape that remains.
For example I need to know when 50% of the random enclosed shape has been "erased".
What's the best way of approaching this problem? Are there any existing iOS compatible libraries that can handle it? I'm thinking that I would need to keep track of a ton of polygons and calculate all the overlaps but it seems like there must be a solution to this problem.
EDIT: I have done research into this problem however tracking all the polygons manually and calculating all their positions and area overlaps seems overly complicated. I was simply wondering if anyone else has run into a similar issue and found a better solution.
you will need to first know the fixed space of the image view. then you will need to know the percentage of blank space when the new image is loaded. pixel
double percentageFilledIn = ((double)nonBlankPixelCount/totalpixels);
After you get that value you will need to use that percentage as your baseline for the existing percentage
your new calculation will look like this.
double percentageOfImageLeft = ((double)nonBlankPixelCount/totalpixels/percentageFilledIn);
this calculation will likely be processor intensive. I would only calculate sparingly.
Since this post is not about code and more about login I will let you determine your logic for detecting non blank pixels.
here is how to find a pixel color.
How to get Coordinates and PixelColor of TouchPoint in iOS/ObjectiveC
Good luck.

Proper rotation with changing x/y coordinates

I'm trying to make a little archer game, and the problem I'm having has to do with 2 pixels in particular, I'll call them _arm and _arrow. When a real archer is pulling back an arrow, he doesn't immediately pull the arrow back as far as his strength allows him, the arrow takes a little bit of time to be pulled back.
The _arm's angle is equal to the vector from a point to where the user touched on the screen. The rotation is perfect, so the _arm is good. The _arrow needs to be on the same line as _arrow, they are 1 pixel wide each so it looks as though the _arrow is exactly on top of the _arm.
I tried to decrement from the x/y coordinates based on a variable that changes with time, and I set the _arrow's location equal to the _arm's location, and tried to make it look like the _arrow was being pulled back. however, if you rotated, the x/y would mess up because it is not proportional on the x and y axis, so basically _arrow will either be slightly above the arm or slightly below it depending on the angle of the vector, based on touch.
How could I used the x/y position of _arm and the vector of touch to make the arrow appear as though it was being pulled back by a small amount, yet keep the arrow on top of the _arm sprite so that it's position would be similar to the arm, but slightly off yet still on top of the _arm pixel at all times. If you need anymore info, just leave a comment.
I'm not sure I've fully understood, but I'll have a go at answering anyway:
To make the arrow move and rotate to the same place as the consider adding the arrow as a child of the arm. You can still render it behind if you like by making its z is less than one: [arm addChild:arrow z:-1]
To then make the arrow move away from the arm as the bow is drawn, you then just set the position of the arrow with respect to the arm.
The problem I do see with this solution however is that this grouping of the sprites may be a little unusual after the arrow leaves the bow. Here you probably don't want the arrow to be a child of the arm as the coordinate systems are no longer related.
Even though they're sure what I "suggested would have solved [the] problem" here is the
Poster's solution
I had to get the x and y coords of the arm based of angle, then I got the sin/cos of a number that was based of the same angle as the arm and subtraced from that.

On-the-fly Terrain Generation Based on An Existing Terrain

This question is very similar to that posed here.
My problem is that I have a map, something like this:
This map is made using 2D Perlin noise, and then running through the created heightmap assigning types and color values to each element in the terrain based on the height or the slope of the corresponding element, so pretty standard. The map array is two dimensional and the exact dimensions of the screen size (pixel-per-pixel), so at 1200 by 800 generation takes about 2 seconds on my rig.
Now zooming in on the highlighted rectangle:
Obviously with increased size comes lost detail. And herein lies the problem. I want to create additional detail on the fly, and then write it to disk as the player moves around (the player would simply be a dot restricted to movement along the grid). I see two approaches for doing this, and the first one that came to mind I quickly implemented:
This is a zoomed-in view of a new biased local terrain created from a sampled element of the old terrain, which is highlighted by the yellow grid space (to the left of center) in the previous image. However this system would require a great deal of modification, as, for example, if you move one unit left and up of the yellow grid space, onto the beach tile, the terrain changes completely:
So for that to work properly you'd need to do an excessive amount of, I guess the word would be interpolation, to create a smooth transition as the player moved the 40 or so grid-spaces in the local world required to reach the next tile over in the over world. That seems complicated and very inelegant.
The second approach would be to break up the grid of the original map into smaller bits, maybe dividing each square by 4? I haven't implemented this and I'm not sure how I would in a way that would actually increase detail, but I think that would probably end up being the best solution.
Any ideas on how I could approach this? Keep in mind it has to be local and on-the-fly. Just increasing the resolution of the map is something I want to avoid at all costs.
Rewrite your Perlin noise to be a function of position. Then you can increase the octaves (and thus the detail level) and resample the area at a higher resolution.

Get size of an expanding circle in a CABasicAnimation at any point in time

I would like to know how I can get the diameter (or radius) of an expanding circle animation at a at any point in time during the animation. I will end up stoping the animation right after I get the size as well, but figure I couldn't stop and remove it form the layer until I get the size of the circle.
For an example of how the expanding circle animation is implemented, it is a variation on the implementation shown in the addGrowingCircleAtPoint:(CGPoint)point method in the answer in the iPhone Quartz2D render expanding circle question.
I have tried to check various values on the layers, animation, etc but can't seem to find anything. I figure worse case I can attempt to make a best guess by taking the current time it is into its animation and use that to figure where it "should" be at based on its to and from size states. This seems like overkill for what I would assume is a value that is incrementing someplace I can just get easily.
I have tried several properties on the Presentation Layer including the Transform which never seems to change all the values are always the same regardless of what size the circle is at the time checked.
Okay here is how you get the current state of the an animation while it is animating.
While Rob was close he left out two pieces of key information.
First from the layer.presentationLayer.subLayers you have to get the layer you are animating on, which for me is the only sub layer available.
Second, from this sub layer you cannot just access the transform directly you have to do it by valueForKeyPath to get transform.scale.x. I used x because its a circle and x and y are the same.
I then use this to calculate the size of the circle at the time of the based on the values used to create the Arc.
I assume what you're trying to get to is the current CATransform3D, and that from that, you can get to your circle size.
What you want is the layer.presentationLayer.transform. See the CALayer docs for details on the presentationLayer. Also see the Core Animation Rendering Architecture.