Return values of #All of functions in podio calculation fields - podio

I have 5 contacts connected to a company, and i am trying to sort out the ones that does not have an email with the code below.
var mailArray = #All of Email with nulls
var temp = new Array()
for (var i = 0; i < mailArray.length; i++) {
if (mailArray[i].value == null) {
else {
temp.join(" ")
Right now i am just pushing the strings to make sure that the flow is correct, it however returns
null null null null null
when it should return
null correct correct null null
since the second and third contact has emails. Can anyone help me or give me a hint, as how to use the return value of the #All of function.

I just want to make sure what you are referring to on the emails. Is it an email field in the contacts app, or is it a text field that is called 'email'? If you are using an email field, then the value at your [i] index is actually another object and not just a string yet. Although it doesn't matter if you are just checking for something existing, but personally I'd like to know which contacts do have emails in the output.
If it is just a text field, then you have a problem with the conditional statement. It should be === instead of ==, but I would personally just rewrite it as !mailArray[i].
I'd recommend changing your output to be a markdown table for legability. Here's the code I ended up with:
var mailArray = #All of Email text with nulls
var nameArray = #All of Name with nulls
var temp = new Array()
var table = "Email | Contact \n --- | --- "
for (var i = 0; i < mailArray.length; i++) {
if (!mailArray[i].value){// !== null) {
table +="\n"+ mailArray[i] + " | " + nameArray[i]
else {
table +="\n"+ mailArray[i] + " | " + nameArray[i] + "\n"
temp.join(" ")
write = table
And this outputs the following table (made 3 contacts, 2 with emails and one without):


Convert Salesforce IDs from 15 digit to 18 digit using sql code/function

We are currently pulling in data from SalesForce to SQL Database tables. There are 2 custom fields on different objects that were created for the Lead ID and a look up for which event/task is linked (this can be an account id, contact id, or lead id). Both of these are pulling over the 15 digit ID.
I am trying to find out if there is any SQL code or a SQL function that will allow me to convert that 15 digit to an 18 digit ID.
I need to have that 18 digit ID to join back to the other objects.
We have already tried using the CASESAFEID(Id) function in SalesForce, but with the API that was already set up and the visibility levels our particular ETL is not showing that field. Also, we would need to get a consultant to mess with the look up column.
I would like to take the 15 digit ID and convert it to the 18 digit code. If the SalesforceID is 0035000002tAzbu, how do I get the converted 18 digit value to be 0035000002tAzbuACC. I need to get that last 3 digits using SQL query or SQL function.
you could write a custom function in your sql database.
e.g. in snowflake, you can make a function like this
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION dw.my_schema.f_sfdc_ch15_to_ch18("txt" string)
RETURNS string
AS '
if ( txt == undefined || txt == "" || typeof txt == "undefined" || txt == null) {
return ;
} else {
var id15, id18;
if (txt.length == 18) {
return txt;
} else if (txt.length == 15) {
id15 = [txt.trim()];
} else {
return "";
for ( var x=0; x < id15.length; x++ ) {
var s = "";
for ( var i=0; i<3; i++) {
var f = 0;
for (var j=0; j<5; j++) {
var c = id15[x].charAt(i*5+j);
if (c>="A" && c<="Z") {
id18 = id15[x]+s;
return id18.toString();
and use it like this
select dw.my_schema.f_sfdc_ch15_to_ch18(id15) from mytable;
This value can be computed. Check out this flowchart.

multiple search in domino documents

In the onclick event of a button , I would like to search for a notes document , with multiple conditions with ssjs.
I have a form with a few fields. Now I would like to find a notes document where field a="123" and field b="456" field c="789" and field d >"A123456" , and then I would like to read the contents of field e.
If it was the search in a view I would use something like :
var tmpArray = new Array("");
var cTerms = 0;
if(viewScope.fong != null & viewScope.fong != "") {
tmpArray[cTerms++] = "(FIELD Site = \"" + viewScope.fong + "\")"
if(#Text(viewScope.sDate) != null & #Text(viewScope.sDate) != "") {
tmpArray[cTerms++] = "(FIELD StartDate = \"" + #Text(viewScope.sDate) + "\")"
qstring = tmpArray.join(" AND ").trim();
viewScope.queryString = qstring;
return qstring
If I only had 1 condition I would have used #DbLookup (and still how select documents >"A123456"?)
What's the best way of dooing this in ssjs ?
tried with FTSearch , but it seems in the searchkey "FIELD d > A123456" , doesn't seem to work
var dc = db.FTSearch("FIELD a=123 and FIELD b =456 and FIELD d =A123456");
seems to work but
var dc = db.FTSearch("FIELD a=123 and FIELD b =456 and FIELD d >A123456"); doesn't. It gives error : Exception occurred calling method NotesDatabase.FTSearch(string) null
If you want to use comparison operators > and <, then you need to use the NotesDatabase.Search method instead of FTSearch. Search is slower and can't access data in non-summary (i.e., rich text) fields, but it has all the same capabilities that you can use in a view selection formula.

SQLite with Android Studio, return all records selected by 2 arguments

let's assume that i have a table with columns such as:
1 abcd hs:hd:sd -60
2 abcd hs:hd:po -68
There are about 5000 records with the same SSID, slighltly different BSSID and the LEVEL values. My device is scanning the nearest environment for WiFi networks, therefore I know their MAC address and level of RSSI. I pick 3 with the highest value od RSSI.
First thing I would like to know if it is possible to search through the database to get all the records with the LEVEL value equal or close to 60, for instance 59,58,61.
Secondly, is there a way to query the database to return all the records with the same MAC addresses and RSSI values as from the 3 best scan result? If so, how would that query look like?
EDIT: Thanks for all the answers. What I'm trying to do now is to compare 3 scans with records stored in database with getRequiredData function. I would like to pass 2 parameters to this function, mac address and level and find records with same value for both parameters. The rawQuery seems to be fine, code is compiling but the app is crashing with the first scan. I cant find the cause of it, is it because my logic of getting these parameters is wrong or does it have something to do with query?
public Cursor getRequiredData(String mac, int level){
SQLiteDatabase db = this.getWritableDatabase();
Cursor res = db.rawQuery("SELECT BSSID, RSSI FROM TABLE_NAME WHERE BSSID =? AND RSSI=?", new String[] {mac, level});
return res;
scan part:
class WifiReceiver extends BroadcastReceiver {
public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) {
sb = new StringBuilder();
Comparator<ScanResult> comparator = new Comparator<ScanResult>() {
public int compare(ScanResult o1, ScanResult o2) {
return (o1.level>o2.level ? -1 : (o1.level==o2.level ? 0 : 1));
lista = wifiManager.getScanResults();
Collections.sort(lista, comparator);
for (int i = 0; i < lista.size(); i++) {
scanResult = wifiManager.getScanResults().get(i);
sb.append(new Integer(i + 1).toString() + ". " + (lista.get(i)).SSID + " " + (lista.get(i)).BSSID + " " + (lista.get(i)).level + "\n");
boolean isInserted = myDb.insertData(lista.get(i).SSID.toString(), lista.get(i).BSSID.toString(), lista.get(i).level);
if (isInserted = true)
Toast.makeText(MainActivity.this, "Data inserted", Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();
Toast.makeText(MainActivity.this, "Data not inserted", Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();
for (int i=0; i<4; i++)
scanResult = wifiManager.getScanResults().get(i);
match = myDb.getRequiredData(lista.get(i).BSSID.toString(), lista.get(i).level);
Log.i("match values: ", DatabaseUtils.dumpCursorToString(match));
Here is what match contains:
2018-12-10 16:36:26.334 13347-13347/com.example.maciek.wifiscann I/match values:: >>>>> Dumping cursor android.database.sqlite.SQLiteCursor#e1a86d1
0 {
1 {
2 {
3 {
4 {
5 {
To get the 3 rows with the closest values to 60 in column LEVEL:
For the 2nd part of your question, you should provide sample data of the table. Edit:
From the sample data that you posted I don't see a column RSSI, but if it exists in the table then the SELECT statement is ok.
Change the 2nd parameter of rawQuery() to:
new String[] {mac, String.valueOf(level)}
because level is int.
In onReceive() you use myDb. I don't know how you initialize it.
If the app crashes you must copy the log, the part that identifies the problem and post it.
First thing I would like to know if it is possible to search through
the database to get all the records with the LEVEL value equal or
close to 60, for instance 59,58,61.
SELECT * FROM your_table WHERE level BETWEEN 59 AND 61;
where your_table is the respective table name.
Note if levels are negative (as per example data) then BETWEEN requires the lowest value first so it would be BETWEEN -61 AND -59.
Secondly, is there a way to query the database to return all the
records with the same MAC addresses and RSSI values as from the 3 best
scan result? If so, how would that query look like?
SELECT * FROM your_table WHERE your_mac_address_column = 'the_mac_address_value' AND RSSI = 'the_rssi_value' ORDER BY LEVEL DESC LIMIT 3
Note the above assumes that the MAC address is stored in a column (if NOT then cannot be done unless the mac address can be correlated to a column).
Assumes best LEVEL is lowest so -1 is better than -60 (if not then use ASC instead of DESC)
Again your_table, your_mac_address_column, the_mac_address_value and the_rssi_value would be replaced accordingly with actual values (note that strings should be in single quotes).

sqlite / websql: separate queries produce different results than join queries

I have a very simple db that has two tables, one to store a user's auth (username and pw) and one to store preferences. Currently when my app initializes, it checks for settings first and then auth. But I want to grab it all at once. The way the app is designed, there is only ever 1 record in either table, so I don't use WHERE clauses in my queries.
The problem is, when I do queries separately, they give different results than if I join them.
Consider this scenario: a user logs in, sets some settings and then logs out. In may app this causes the auth table to be cleared but the settings remain intact.
Sign-out query (just clears auth table)
db.transaction(function(tx) {
tx.executeSql('DELETE FROM userdata');
}, errorDB);
However this outputs "0 rows found":
db.transaction(function(tx) {
tx.executeSql('SELECT USERDATA.*, PREFS.* FROM USERDATA, PREFS', [], function (tx, results) {
var len = results.rows.length;
console.log(len + " rows found.");
for (var i=0; i<len; i++){
console.log("Row = " + i + " ID = " + results.rows.item(i).id + " Data = " + results.rows.item(i));
}, errorDB);
}, errorDB);
Whereas this outputs a row:
db.transaction(function(tx) {
tx.executeSql('SELECT * FROM PREFS', [], function (tx, results) {
var len = results.rows.length;
console.log(len + " rows found.");
for (var i=0; i<len; i++){
console.log("Row = " + i + " ID = " + results.rows.item(i).id + " Data = " + results.rows.item(i));
}, errorDB);
}, errorDB);
Even if there is no auth shouldn't the join query find the prefs data? What's going on here?
When you list two tables A and B in the FROM clause, you get a cross join, which returns A×B records.
So if one table is empty, the result will be empty, too.
To ensure that you have a record even for an empty table, add another record with UNION ALL, then use LIMIT 1 return the first record.
For example,
will return either a single record with the name/password, or a single record with two NULL values.
To join that with the other table, use a subquery:

Attributes of tables in VS by coding with C#

I have this table:
Please, don't mind because it's on my native language and it doesn't matter..
Those are all attributes in table but when I go to Visual StudioS and try to use some of this I get this one:
I see all "normal" attributes in VS but where is those FK attributes?
I need them to compare few ones and get values?
I can't use it from name of other tables [dot] attribute etc...
like for example:
I need this: table1.ID == table2.ID
and not this: table1.ID == table1.table2.ID
Where or what is FK attribute in VS that is shown in SQL table ??
public void setParametri(int desID)
foreach (desavanje d in DM_Class.dc.desavanje)
if (d.desavanjeID == desID)
this.naziv_des = d.naziv_des;
this.datum_po = d.datum_pocetka.ToString();
this.datum_zav = d.datum_kraja.ToString();
this.cijena = d.cijena_des;
//foreach (klijenti k in DM_Class.dc.klijenti)
// if(k.klijentID == //WHAT TO PUT HERE TO COMPARE VALUE klijentID from tables klijenti with FK value in table desavanje)
// this.klijent = k.Ime + ' ' + k.Prezime;
//ON THIS LINE I'M GETTING ERROR - Object reference not set to an instance of an object. but why?
//I have data on that field in DB ?
//this.grad = d.mjesto_desavanja.gradovi.naziv_grada.ToString();
//this.mjesto = d.mjesto_desavanja.naziv_objekta;
//this.organizator = d.organizator.Ime + ' ' + d.organizator.Prezime;
//this.tip = d.tip_desavanja.vrsta_des;
this.klijent = d.klijenti.Ime + ' ' + d.klijenti.Prezime;
//this.status = d.status_desavanja.naziv_statusa;
//this.br_gost = d.specifikacija_desavanja.br_osoba;
If is there other solution to get values for attributes I'm willing to try it without using another foreach loop?
Ok, I managed this.. I've used a linq query to generate data that I need and in that queries I've compared needed ID's and finally get some working stuff.