Attributes of tables in VS by coding with C# - sql

I have this table:
Please, don't mind because it's on my native language and it doesn't matter..
Those are all attributes in table but when I go to Visual StudioS and try to use some of this I get this one:
I see all "normal" attributes in VS but where is those FK attributes?
I need them to compare few ones and get values?
I can't use it from name of other tables [dot] attribute etc...
like for example:
I need this: table1.ID == table2.ID
and not this: table1.ID == table1.table2.ID
Where or what is FK attribute in VS that is shown in SQL table ??
public void setParametri(int desID)
foreach (desavanje d in DM_Class.dc.desavanje)
if (d.desavanjeID == desID)
this.naziv_des = d.naziv_des;
this.datum_po = d.datum_pocetka.ToString();
this.datum_zav = d.datum_kraja.ToString();
this.cijena = d.cijena_des;
//foreach (klijenti k in DM_Class.dc.klijenti)
// if(k.klijentID == //WHAT TO PUT HERE TO COMPARE VALUE klijentID from tables klijenti with FK value in table desavanje)
// this.klijent = k.Ime + ' ' + k.Prezime;
//ON THIS LINE I'M GETTING ERROR - Object reference not set to an instance of an object. but why?
//I have data on that field in DB ?
//this.grad = d.mjesto_desavanja.gradovi.naziv_grada.ToString();
//this.mjesto = d.mjesto_desavanja.naziv_objekta;
//this.organizator = d.organizator.Ime + ' ' + d.organizator.Prezime;
//this.tip = d.tip_desavanja.vrsta_des;
this.klijent = d.klijenti.Ime + ' ' + d.klijenti.Prezime;
//this.status = d.status_desavanja.naziv_statusa;
//this.br_gost = d.specifikacija_desavanja.br_osoba;
If is there other solution to get values for attributes I'm willing to try it without using another foreach loop?

Ok, I managed this.. I've used a linq query to generate data that I need and in that queries I've compared needed ID's and finally get some working stuff.


Sales Order Confirmation Report - SalesConfirmDP

I am modifying the SalesConfirmDP class and trying to add the CustVendExternalItem.ExternalItemTxt field into a new field I have created.
I have tried a couple of things but I do not think my syntax was correct i.e I declare the CustVendExternalItem table in the class declaration. But then when I try to insert CustVendExternalItem.ExternalItemTxt into my new field, it does not populate, I guess there must be a method which I need to include?
If anyone has any suggestion it would be highly appreciated.
Thank you in advance.
private void setSalesConfirmDetailsTmp(NoYes _confirmTransOrTaxTrans)
DocuRefSearch docuRefSearch;
// Body
salesConfirmTmp.JournalRecId = custConfirmJour.RecId;
if(_confirmTransOrTaxTrans == NoYes::Yes)
if (printLineHeader)
salesConfirmTmp.LineHeader = custConfirmTrans.LineHeader;
salesConfirmTmp.LineHeader = '';
salesConfirmTmp.ItemId = this.itemId();
salesConfirmTmp.Name = custConfirmTrans.Name;
salesConfirmTmp.Qty = custConfirmTrans.Qty;
salesConfirmTmp.SalesUnitTxt = custConfirmTrans.salesUnitTxt();
salesConfirmTmp.SalesPrice = custConfirmTrans.SalesPrice;
salesConfirmTmp.DlvDate = custConfirmTrans.DlvDate;
salesConfirmTmp.DiscPercent = custConfirmTrans.DiscPercent;
salesConfirmTmp.DiscAmount = custConfirmTrans.DiscAmount;
salesConfirmTmp.LineAmount = custConfirmTrans.LineAmount;
salesConfirmTmp.CurrencyCode = custConfirmJour.CurrencyCode;
salesConfirmTmp.PrintCode = custConfirmTrans.TaxWriteCode;
if (pdsCWEnabled)
salesConfirmTmp.PdsCWUnitId = custConfirmTrans.pdsCWUnitId();
salesConfirmTmp.PdsCWQty = custConfirmTrans.PdsCWQty;
**salesConfirmTmp.ExternalItemText = CustVendExternalItem.ExternalItemTxt;**
if ((custFormletterDocument.DocuOnConfirm == DocuOnFormular::Line)
|| (custFormletterDocument.DocuOnConfirm == DocuOnFormular::All))
docuRefSearch = DocuRefSearch::newTypeIdAndRestriction(custConfirmTrans,
salesConfirmTmp.Notes = Docu::concatDocuRefNotes(docuRefSearch);
salesConfirmTmp.InventDimPrint = this.printDimHistory();
Well, AX cannot guess which record you need, there is a helper class CustVendExternalItemDescription to deal with it:
boolean found;
str externalItemId;
[found, externalItemId, salesConfirmTmp.ExternalItemText] = CustVendExternalItemDescription::findExternalItemDescription(
The findExternalItemDescription method returns more information than you need here, but you have to define variables to store it anyway.
Well, the steps to solve this problem are fairly easy and i will try to give you a step by step approach how to solve this problem.
1) Are you initialising CustVendExternalItem properly? Make a record of the same and initialise it as Jan has shown above, then debug your code and see if the value is being initialised in your DP class.
2)If your value is being initialised correctly, but it is not showing up in the report design there can be multiple issues such as:
Overlapping of text boxes.
Insufficient space for the given field
Some report parameter/property not being set correctly which causes
your value not to show up on the report.
Check these one by one and you should end up arriving towards a solution

DataContext.ExecuteQuery<object> returns object {}

I'm trying to write function for selecting optional columns in linq(columns that may not exist). The problem is in linq like this:
using (DataDataContext db = new DataDataContext()){
var collection = from t in table
select new
Nonoptional = t.A;
Optional = IsInDB("table","B") ? t.B : -1; //this is optional column
Unfortunately, this won't work because the fragment near Optional will be translated to case statement and error arises that column not exists.
So i decided to "cover" it with function:
using (DataDataContext db = new DataDataContext()){
var collection = from t in table
select new
Nonoptional = t.A;
Optional = IsInDB("table","B") ? OptionalColumnValue<int>("table","B","id_table",t.id_table) : -1; //this is optional column
I want this function to be universal. It should work like that" If there is no value or column is nullable and value is null then return default value for type.
I came up with something like this:
//table,column - obvious,id_column - PK column of table, id - id of currently processing record
public static T OptionalColumnValue<T>(string table,string column,string id_columm,int id) T t = default(T);
DataDataContext db = new DataDataContext();
IEnumerable<object> value = db.ExecuteQuery<object>("select " + column + " from " + table + " where " + id_columm + " = " + id.ToString());
List<object> valueList = value.ToList();
if (valueList.Count == 1)//here is the problem
t = (T)valueList.First();
return t;
When there is null value db.ExecuteQuery return something like object{}. I'm assuming this is "empty" object,with nothing really in there. I was thinking about checking for "emptiness" of this object( BTW this is not DBull).
When i realised that this is no way either with concrete value in this column(it cannot cast it to return correct type), then I tried db.ExecuteQuery<T>. Then concrete value - OK, null - Exception.
I thought, maybe Nullable<T> as return value. Nop, because string also can be T.
I don't know what to do next. Maybe there's another solution to this problem.

Why can I not use Continuation when using a proxy class to access MS CRM 2013?

So I have a standard service reference proxy calss for MS CRM 2013 (i.e. right-click add reference etc...) I then found the limitation that CRM data calls limit to 50 results and I wanted to get the full list of results. I found two methods, one looks more correct, but doesn't seem to work. I was wondering why it didn't and/or if there was something I'm doing incorrectly.
Basic setup and process
crmService = new CrmServiceReference.MyContext(new Uri(crmWebServicesUrl));
crmService.Credentials = System.Net.CredentialCache.DefaultCredentials;
var accountAnnotations = crmService.AccountSet.Where(a => a.AccountNumber = accountNumber).Select(a => a.Account_Annotation).FirstOrDefault();
Using Continuation (something I want to work, but looks like it doesn't)
while (accountAnnotations.Continuation != null)
using that method .Continuation is always null and accountAnnotations.Count is always 50 (but there are more than 50 records)
After struggling with .Continutation for a while I've come up with the following alternative method (but it seems "not good")
var accountAnnotationData = accountAnnotations.ToList();
var accountAnnotationFinal = accountAnnotations.ToList();
var index = 1;
while (accountAnnotationData.Count == 50)
accountAnnotationData = (from a in crmService.AnnotationSet
where a.ObjectId.Id == accountAnnotationData.First().ObjectId.Id
select a).Skip(50 * index).ToList();
accountAnnotationFinal = accountAnnotationFinal.Union(accountAnnotationData).ToList();
So the second method seems to work, but for any number of reasons it doesn't seem like the best. Is there a reason .Continuation is always null? Is there some setup step I'm missing or some nice way to do this?
The way to get the records from CRM is to use paging here is an example with a query expression but you can also use fetchXML if you want
// Query using the paging cookie.
// Define the paging attributes.
// The number of records per page to retrieve.
int fetchCount = 3;
// Initialize the page number.
int pageNumber = 1;
// Initialize the number of records.
int recordCount = 0;
// Define the condition expression for retrieving records.
ConditionExpression pagecondition = new ConditionExpression();
pagecondition.AttributeName = "address1_stateorprovince";
pagecondition.Operator = ConditionOperator.Equal;
// Define the order expression to retrieve the records.
OrderExpression order = new OrderExpression();
order.AttributeName = "name";
order.OrderType = OrderType.Ascending;
// Create the query expression and add condition.
QueryExpression pagequery = new QueryExpression();
pagequery.EntityName = "account";
pagequery.ColumnSet.AddColumns("name", "address1_stateorprovince", "emailaddress1", "accountid");
// Assign the pageinfo properties to the query expression.
pagequery.PageInfo = new PagingInfo();
pagequery.PageInfo.Count = fetchCount;
pagequery.PageInfo.PageNumber = pageNumber;
// The current paging cookie. When retrieving the first page,
// pagingCookie should be null.
pagequery.PageInfo.PagingCookie = null;
Console.WriteLine("#\tAccount Name\t\t\tEmail Address");while (true)
// Retrieve the page.
EntityCollection results = _serviceProxy.RetrieveMultiple(pagequery);
if (results.Entities != null)
// Retrieve all records from the result set.
foreach (Account acct in results.Entities)
// Check for more records, if it returns true.
if (results.MoreRecords)
// Increment the page number to retrieve the next page.
// Set the paging cookie to the paging cookie returned from current results.
pagequery.PageInfo.PagingCookie = results.PagingCookie;
// If no more records are in the result nodes, exit the loop.

How do I get a list of fields in a generic sObject?

I'm trying to build a query builder, where the sObject result can contain an indeterminate number of fields. I'm using the result to build a dynamic table, but I can't figure out a way to read the sObject for a list of fields that were in the query.
I know how to get a list of ALL fields using the getDescribe information, but the query might not contain all of those fields.
Is there a way to do this?
Presumably you're building the query up as a string, since it's dynamic, so couldn't you just loop through the fields in the describe information, and then use .contains() on the query string to see if it was requested? Not crazy elegant, but seems like the simplest solution here.
Taking this further, maybe you have the list of fields selected in a list of strings or similar, and you could just use that list?
Not sure if this is exactly what you were after but something like this?
public list<sObject> Querylist {get; set;}
Define Search String
string QueryString = 'select field1__c, field2__c from Object where';
Add as many of these as you need to build the search if the user searches on these fields
if(searchParameter.field1__c != null && searchParameter.field1__c != '')
QueryString += ' field1__c like \'' + searchParameter.field1__c + '%\' and ';
if(searchParameter.field2__c != null && searchParameter.field2__c != '')
QueryString += ' field2__c like \'' + searchParameter.field2__c + '%\' and ';
Remove the last and
QueryString = QueryString.substring(0, (QueryString.length()-4));
QueryString += ' limit 200';
add query to the list
for(Object sObject : database.query(QueryString))
To get the list of fields in an sObject, you could use a method such as:
public Set<String> getFields(sObject sobj) {
Set<String> fieldSet = new Set<String>();
for (String field : sobj.getSobjectType().getDescribe().fields.getMap().keySet()) {
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
return fieldSet;
You should refactor to bulkily this approach for your context, but it works. Just pass in an sObject and it'll give you back a set of the field names.
I suggest using a list of fields for creating both the query and the table. You can put the list of fields in the result so that it's accesible for anyone using it. Then you can construct the table by using result.getFields() and retrieve the data by using result.getRows().
for (sObject obj : result.getRows()) {
for (String fieldName : result.getFields()) {
If your trying to work with a query that's out of your control, you would have to parse the query to get the list of fields. But I wouldn't suggest trying that. It complicates code in ways that are hard to follow.

How do I return the column names of a LINQ entity

I am using LINQ to SQL queries to return data in my application. However I find it is now needful for me to return the column Names. Try as I might I have been completely unable to find out how to do this on the internet.
So if my LINQ entity table has the properties (Last_Name, First_name, Middle_Name) I need to return:
rather than the usual
You could certainly do it with some LINQ-To-Xml directly against the ".edmx" file or the embedded model resources in the compiled assembly.
The below query gets the field (not column) names. If you need the columns then just change the query to suit.
var edmxNS = XNamespace.Get(#"");
var schemaNS = XNamespace.Get(#"");
var xd = XDocument.Load(#"{path}\Model.edmx");
var fields =
from e in xd
.Elements(edmxNS + "Edmx")
.Elements(edmxNS + "Runtime")
.Elements(edmxNS + "ConceptualModels")
.Elements(schemaNS + "Schema")
.Elements(schemaNS + "EntityType")
from p in e
.Elements(schemaNS + "Property")
select new
Entity = e.Attribute("Name").Value,
Member = p.Attribute("Name").Value,
Type = p.Attribute("Type").Value,
Nullable = bool.Parse(p.Attribute("Nullable").Value),
Lets assume you're talking about the Contact Table in the assembly named YourAssembly in a Context called MyDataContext
Using Reflection against a Table
You can use reflection to get the properties like you would any type
var properties = from property in
select property.Name
foreach (var property in properties)
As shaunmartin notes this will return all properties not just Column Mapped ones. It should also be noted that this will return Public properties only. You'd need to include a BindingFlags value for the bindingAttr Parameter of GetProperties to get non-public properties
Using the Meta Model
You can use the Meta Model System.Data.Linq.Mapping to get the fields ( I added IsPersistant to only get the Column Mapped properties)
AttributeMappingSource mappping = new System.Data.Linq.Mapping.AttributeMappingSource();
var model = mappping.GetModel(typeof (MyDataContext));
var table = model.GetTable(typeof (Contact));
var qFields= from fields in table.RowType.DataMembers
where fields.IsPersistent == true
select fields;
foreach (var field in qFields)
Using Reflection from a query result
If on the other hand you wanted it from a query result you can still use reflection.
MyDataContextdc = new MyDataContext();
Table<Contact> contacts = dc.GetTable<Contact>();
var q = from c in contacts
select new
var columns = q.First();
var properties = (from property in columns.GetType().GetProperties()
select property.Name).ToList();
I stumbled upon this answer to solve my own problem and used Conrad Frix 's answer. The question specified VB.NET though and that is what I program in. Here are Conrad's answers in VB.NET (they may not be a perfect translation, but they work):
Example 1
Dim PropertyNames1 = From Prprt In Type.GetType("LocalDB.tlbMeter").GetProperties()
Select Prprt.Name
Example 2
Dim LocalDB2 As New LocalDBDataContext
Dim bsmappping As New System.Data.Linq.Mapping.AttributeMappingSource()
Dim bsmodel = bsmappping.GetModel(LocalDB2.GetType())
Dim bstable = bsmodel.GetTable(LocalDB.tblMeters.GetType())
Dim PropertyNames2 As IQueryable(Of String) = From fields In bstable.RowType.DataMembers
Where fields.IsPersistent = True
Select fields.Member.Name 'IsPersistant to only get the Column Mapped properties
Example 3
Dim LocalDB3 As New LocalDBDataContext
Dim qMeters = From mtr In LocalDB3.tblMeters
Select mtr
Dim FirstResult As tblMeter = qMeters.First()
Dim PropertyNames3 As List(Of String) = From FN In FirstResult.GetType().GetProperties()
Select FN.Name.ToList()
To display the results:
For Each FieldName In PropertyNames1
For Each FieldName In PropertyNames2
For Each FieldName In PropertyNames3
Please also read Conrad's answer for notes on each method!