Kotlin: smart cast with multiple types - kotlin

I'm building a CST to AST mapper for antlr so I have tons of *Context classes that I need to map to their coresponding AST nodes.
I have ANTLR-produced classes and my mapper methods:
// Demo data:
open class Super
class Sub0: Super
class Sub1: Super
// Mappers:
fun map(a: Super) = println("Super")
fun map(a: Sub0) = println("Sub0")
fun map(a: Sub1) = println("Sub1")
Then, I'd like to use it as following:
listOf(Super(), Sub0(), Sub1()).forEach {
when (it) {
is B, is C -> { print('*'); map(it) }
else -> map(it)
I'd expect it to be smart-casted to either Sub0 or Sub1 and call the correct map, that however gives:
Which indicates that it chose the right path but didn't do the auto-cast.
This approach works but gets really long as you have more and more SubX's:
when (it) {
is Sub0 -> {
is Sub1 -> {
else -> map(it)
I know I could use some black-magic in form of reflection and iterate over all map(X)s and then use some "clever trick" to choose the right one, but I'd rather not. ;)

The smart cast does not work because the code inside the when branch is B, is C -> map(it) is type-checked only once. It is not compiled to two different sets of instructions, for one type and the other. The compiler needs to infer a single type for it that will work in both cases.
Neither of Sub0 and Sub1 can be chosen for the type of it, because choosing one of them does not cover the other. So the compiler chooses the least common supertype of Sub0 and Sub1, which is Super. Then the call to map is resolved with statically-known type Super for it.
So indeed, splitting the branches so that only a single type is mentioned in the branch conditions is the way you can fix this.


Generic variance type parameter(Kotlin)

I do not fully understand how variance in Generics work. In the code below the classes are as follows Any -> Mammals -> Cats. Any is the supertype, there is a parameter called from in the copy function
From what I understand about the out and in keywords, out allows reference to any of it's subtype, can only be produced not consumed.
in allows reference to any of it's supertype, can only be consumed not produced.
However in the copytest function we are instantiating the function copy. I gave it a catlist1 argument in the from parameter. Since the parameter has an out keyword wouldn't it mean that we can only input parameters that are a subtype of catlist2?
To top of my confusion I have seen many conflicting definitions, for instance , In Kotlin, we can use the out keyword on the generic type which means we can assign this reference to any of its supertypes.
Now I am really confused could anybody guide me on how all of these works? Preferably from scratch, thanks!
class list2<ITEM>{
val data = mutableListOf<ITEM>()
fun get(n:Int):ITEM = data[n]
fun add(Item:ITEM){data.add(Item)}
fun <T> Copy(from: list2<out T>, to:list2<T>){
fun copytest(){
val catlist1 = list2<Cat>()
val catlist2 = list2<Cat>()
val mammallist = list2<Mammal>()
I think maybe you're mixing up class-declaration-site generics and use-site generics.
Class-declaration-site generics
Defined at the class declaration site with covariant out, it is true you cannot use the generic type as the type of a function parameter for any functions in the class.
class MyList<out T>(
private val items: Array<T>
) {
fun pullRandomItem(): T { // allowed
return items.random()
fun addItem(item: T) { // Not allowed by compiler!
// ...
// Reason:
val cowList = MyList<Cow>(arrayOf(Cow()))
// The declaration site out covariance allows us to up-cast to a more general type.
// It makes logical sense, any cow you pull out of the original list qualifies as an animal.
val animalList: MyList<Animal> = cowList
// If it let us put an item in, though:
// Now there's a horse in the cow list. That doesn't make logical sense
cowList.pullRandomItem() // Might return a Horse, impossible!
It is not logical to say, "I'm going to put a horse in a list that may have the requirement that all items retrieved from it must be cows."
Use-site generics
This has nothing to do with the class level restriction. It's only describing what kind of input the function gets. It is perfectly logical to say, "my function does something with a container that I'm going to pull something out of".
// Given a class with no declaration-site covariance of contravariance:
class Bag<T: Any>(var contents: T?)
// This function will take any bag of food as a parameter. Inside the function, it will
// only get things out of the bag. It won't put things in it. This makes it possible
// to pass a Bag of Chips or a Bag of Pretzels
fun eatBagContents(bagOfAnything: Bag<out Food>) {
eat(bagOfAnything.contents) // we know the contents are food so this is OK
bagOfAnything.contents = myChips // Not allowed! we don't know what kind of stuff
// this bag is permitted to contain
// If we didn't define the function with "out"
fun eatBagContentsAndPutInSomething(bagOfAnything: Bag<Food>) {
eat(bagOfAnything.contents) // this is fine, we know it's food
bagOfAnything.contents = myChips // this is fine, the bag can hold any kind of Food
// but now you cannot do this
val myBagOfPretzels: Bag<Pretzels> = Bag(somePretzels)
eatBagContentsAndPutInSomething(myBagOfPretzels) // Not allowed! This function would
// try to put chips in this pretzels-only bag.
Combining both
What could be confusing to you is if you saw an example that combines both of the above. You can have a class where T is a declaration site type, but the class has functions where there are input parameters where T is part of the definition of what parameters the function can take. For example:
abstract class ComplicatedCopier<T> {
abstract fun createCopy(item: T): T
fun createCopiesFromBagToAnother(copyFrom: Bag<out T>, copyTo: Bag<in T>) {
val originalItem = copyFrom.contents
val copiedItem = createCopy(originalItem)
copyTo.contents = copiedItem
This logically makes sense since the class generic type has no variance restriction at the declaration site. This function has one bag that it's allowed to take items out of, and one bag that it's allowed to put items into. These in and out keywords make it more permissive of what types of bags you can pass to it, but it limits what you're allowed to do with each of those bags inside the function.

How can I use a Generics with inheritance in Kotlin

I am trying to understand Generics here and am struggling. I have a simple code that looks like
interface A {
interface B {
class C : A, B {
fun <T: A> changeVal() : T {
return C()
And I get the following error Type mismatch: inferred type is C but T was expected. What am I getting wrong?
You've written a function that says "Name me a subclass of A. I'll return an instance of that subclass." This signature is a lie, since you always return C(), which is a C instance, not a T for all T subclasses of A.
Generics establish a "for all" relationship. The caller is always the one who decides what the generic instantiates to, not the callee. In your case, you simply want to return A.
fun changeVal() : A
The feature you're trying to use is called existential typing, and it's not something that's available in Kotlin. In Haskell (with appropriate compiler extensions), the signature might look something like
data AContainer where
AVal :: forall a. a -> AContainer
changeVal :: AContainer
changeVal = ...
but Kotlin does not have this feature. In fact, this is exactly what subtyping in an OOP language is meant to do: it says "I have an object that has these features, but I don't know anything concrete about it". So you don't need generics to express this pattern.

Kotlin Interface method abstraction

I'm exploring the Substitution principal and from what I've understood about the principal is that a sub type of any super type should be passable into a function/class. Using this idea in a new section of code that I'm writing, I wanted to implement a abstract interface for a Filter like so
interface Filter {
fun filter(): Boolean
I would then imagine that this creates the contract for all classes that inherit this interface that they must implement the function filter and return a boolean output. Now my interpretation of this is that the input doesn't need to be specified. I would like it that way as I want a filter interface that guarantee the implementation of a filter method with a guarantee of a return type boolean. Does this concept even exists in Kotlin? I would then expect to implement this interface like so
class LocationFilter {
companion object : Filter {
override fun filter(coord1: Coordinate, coord2: Coordinate): Boolean {
TODO("Some business logic here")
But in reality this doesn't work. I could remove remove the filter method from the interface but that just defeats the point of the whole exercise. I have tried using varargs but again that's not resolving the issue as each override must implement varargs which is just not helpful. I know this may seem redundant, but is there a possibility to have the type of abstraction that I'm asking for? Or am I missing a point of an Interface?
Let's think about it a little. The main point of abstraction is that we can use Filter no matter what is the implementation. We don't need to know implementations, we only need to know interfaces. But how could we use Filter if we don't know what data has to be provided to filter? We would need to use LocationFilter directly which also defeats the point of creating an interface.
Your problem isn't really related to Kotlin, but to OOP in general. In most languages it is solved by generics/templates/parameterized types. It means that an interface/class is parameterized by another type. You use it in Kotlin like this:
interface Filter<in T> {
fun filter(value: T): Boolean
object LocationFilter : Filter<Coordinate> {
override fun filter(value: Coordinate): Boolean {
fun acquireCoordinateFilter(): Filter<Coordinate> = LocationFilter
fun main() {
val coord: Coordinate = TODO()
val filter: Filter<Coordinate> = acquireCoordinateFilter()
val result = filter.filter(coord)
Filter is parameterized, meaning that we can have a filter for filtering strings (type is: Filter<String>), for filtering integers (Filter<Int>) or for filtering coordinates (Filter<Coordinate>). Then we can't use e.g. Filter<String> to filter integers.
Note that the code in main() does not use LocationFilter directly, it only knows how to acquire Filter<Coordinate>, but the specific implementation is abstracted from it.
Also note there is already a very similar interface in Java stdlib. It is called Predicate.
my interpretation of this is that the input doesn't need to be specified.
Where did you get that interpretation from?
You can see that it can't be correct, by looking at how the method would be called.  You should be able to write code that works for any instance of Filter — and that can only happen if the number and type of argument(s) is specified in the interface.  To use your example:
val f: Filter = someMethodReturningAFilterInstance()
val result = f.filter(coord1, coord2)
could only work if all implementations used two Coordinate parameters. If some used one String param, and others used nothing at all, then how would you call it safely?
There are a few workarounds you could use.
If every implementation takes the same number of parameters, then you could make the interface generic, with type parameter(s), e.g.:
interface Filter<T1, T2> {
fun filter(t1: T1, t2: T2): Boolean
Then it's up to the implementation to specify which types are needed.  However, the calling code either needs to know the types of the particular implementation, or needs to be generic itself, or the interface needs to provide type bounds with in variance.
Or if you need a variable number of parameters, you could bundle them up into a single object and pass that.  However, you'd probably need an interface for that type, in order to handle the different numbers and types of parameters, and/or make that type a type parameter on Filter — all of which smells pretty bad.
Ultimately, I suspect you need to think about how your interface is going to be used, and in particular how its method is going to be called.  If you're only ever going to call it when the caller knows the implementation type, then there's probably no point trying to specify that method in the interface (and maybe no point having the interface at all).  Or if you'll want to handle Filter instances without knowing their concrete type, then look at how you'll want to make those calls.
The whole this is wrong!
First, OOP is a declarative concept, but in your example the type Filter is just a procedure wrapped in an object. And this is completely wrong.
Why do you need this type Filter? I assume you need to get a collection filtered, so why not create a new object that accepts an existing collection and represents it filtered.
class Filtered<T>(private val origin: Iterable<T>) : Iterable<T> {
override fun iterator(): Iterator<T> {
TODO("Filter the original iterable and return it")
Then in your code, anywhere you can pass an Iterable and you want it to be filtered, you simply wrap this original iterable (any List, Array or Collection) with the class Filtered like so
acceptCollection(Filtered(listOf(1, 2, 3, 4)))
You can also pass a second argument into the Filtered and call it, for example, predicate, which is a lambda that accepts an element of the iterable and returns Boolean.
class Filtered<T>(private val origin: Iterable<T>, private val predicate: (T) -> Boolean) : Iterable<T> {
override fun iterator(): Iterator<T> {
TODO("Filter the original iterable and return it")
Then use it like:
val oddOnly = Filtered(
listOf(1, 2, 3, 4),
{ it % 2 == 1 }

Extension function from a generic interface

Consider the following interface
interface EntityConverter<in A, out B> {
fun A.convert(): B
fun List<A>.convert(): List<B> = this.map { it.convert() }
I want to use it in a spring boot application where specific implementations get injected so that the extension function becomes usable on the type.
However this doesn't work. The compiler does not resolve the extension function.
Note that you're defining extension functions that are also member functions of the EntityConverter type. You should take a look at this part of the doc for information about how this works.
Essentially, in order to use them, you need 2 instances in scope:
the dispatch receiver (an instance of EntityConverter<A, B>)
the extension receiver (an instance of A or List<A>, where A matches the first type parameter of the EntityConverter in scope)
You can use with() to bring the EntityConverter in scope so you can use convert on your other instances using the usual . syntax:
val converter = object : EntityConverter<Int, String> {
override fun Int.convert() = "#$this"
val list = listOf(1, 2, 3)
val convertedList = with(converter) {
println(convertedList) // prints [#1, #2, #3]
Now you have to decide whether this kind of usage pattern is what makes most sense for your use case. If you'd prefer more "classic" calls without extensions (converter.convert(a) returning a B), you can declare your functions as regular methods taking an argument instead of a receiver.
Bonus: functional interface
As a side note, if you add the fun keyword in front of your EntityConverter interface, you can create instances of it very easily like this:
val converter = EntityConverter<Int, String> { "#$this" }
This is because your converter interface only has a single abstract method, making it easy to implement with a single lambda. See the docs about functional interfaces.
I'm not sure if you can mention extension functions as a part of interface, because it's like static functions.
I'd recommend to put "common" function in interface with A typed parameter. Then just put extension method for list nearby.
interface EntityConverter<in A, out B> {
fun convert(a: A): B
fun <A, B> EntityConverter<A, B>.convert(list: List<A>): List<B> = list.map { convert(it) }
I wasn't aware about possibility of inheritance of extension methods in Kotlin. And about its overriding as well. So my answer could be just an alternative of using extension methods.

Can you concatenate statements at run-time in Kotlin?

I am trying to interface with TeamCity using Kotlin-DSL
In this section of the TC Kotlin guide there is a rather odd looking part where it seems like it causes statements to become concatenated on the fly.
It first defines these:
val linux = Requirements() {
contains("os.name", "linux")
val oracle = Requirements() {
equals("db.name", "oracle")
val java6 = Requirements() {
contains("env.JAVA_HOME", "1.6")
Then does this with those definitions:
buildType {
requirements(linux + oracle + java6)
I know that the above section of code is equivalent to
buildType {
requirements {
contains("os.name", "linux")
equals("db.name", "oracle")
contains("env.JAVA_HOME", "1.6")
So I suppose what my question boils down to is what is the return type of the 'Requirements' function that can just be concatenated together? My guess is it is some sort of statement/ function wrapper and Kotlin lets you concatenate these as you go, and the function signature looks like this:
fun Requirements(init: (a: String, b: String) -> UnknownTypeA) : UnknownTypeB
For anyone who is confused when reading this in the future, the calls to Requirements are actually an object initialisation via the Requirements constructor. I do inevitably feel embarrassed for not picking up on this (The casing of the name should have been hint enough!) but I'm making this edit to make it clear to people that it is not a function. Thank you to Hotkey for pointing that out.
First, note that Requirements accepts a function into its constructor. Without knowing what is the type of that function, let's assume it's Context.() -> Unit (a function with receiver of Context, accepting no arguments and returning Unit).
Now, we can naturally overload the plus operator for the Requirements type, so that it returns another Requirements instance that has a function that applies both functions from the operands.
You could do that in your own code in the following way:
class Requirements(val check: Context.() -> Unit)
operator fun Requirements.plus(other: Requirements) =
Requirements { check(); other.check() }