What is the path to yarn error log files? - npm

I'm migrating our gitlab CI script to yarn from npm and have the following line that saves npm error logs for 1 day:
expire_in: 1 day
- /root/.npm/_logs/
My question is, what is the corresponding path for yarn error logs?
I have found the following two docs for yarn but neither says anything about error logs and searching the yarn docs yield nothing.
Continuous Integration (https://yarnpkg.com/lang/en/docs/install-ci/#gitlab)
Migrating from npm (https://yarnpkg.com/en/docs/migrating-from-npm)

When there is a yarn error, a yarn-error.log file is created at the root directory of your project.
There seems to be no official documentation about this. But you can find the code here.


How to fix 404 error when installing npm package from GCP artifact registry with yarn?

I'm having an issue with installing an NPM package from GCP.
I was able to upload the package to the artifact registry of GCP by doing the following steps:
Login to my google account (gcloud auth application-default login)
gcloud artifacts print-settings npm \ --project=[my-project]\ --repository=[my-repo] \ --location=us-east1 \ --scope=#[my-scope]
Pasting the output of the previous step in the .npmrc file located in the root of the project.
Refreshing the access token to GCP (npx google-artifactregistry-auth ./.npmrc)
Run yarn publish
My .npmrc file looks like this:
However, when I try to install the package on another project by:
Executing steps 1-4 mentioned above
Run yarn add #[my-scope]/[my-package]
I get an 404 error.
Looks like yarn is looking for the package in the default registry:
error An unexpected error occurred: "https://registry.yarnpkg.com/#[my-scope]/#[my-pacakge]/-/#[my-scope]/[my-package]-0.0.1.tgz: Request failed \"404 Not Found\"".
I simply followed the steps mentioned in the installation instructions in GCP but somehow it's not working.
I encountered a similar issue in this post: Can't install a scoped package I published to a npm registry in GCP but this not the exact error I get.
I would appreciate any help regarding this issue.
Thanks in advance!
I just had this problem for a couple of days and the solution is simple, DO NOT USE YARN when publishing. That's it.
I don't know which part of yarn causes this but basically it ignores .npmrc resulting in the tarball to point to the wrong repository, you can check it if you run yarn info. So when publishing to GCP artifact registry one should use npm publish instead.
In both setting up authentication for npm and Managing Node.js packages, Obtaining an access token section the command used is
npx google-artifactregistry-auth
In the same section there is a note that explains how to add flags if you need to change the path of the .npmrc file.
Note: If you need to store your repository settings and credentials in .npmrc files other than the defaults, you can run the credential helper with additional flags.
--repo-config is the .npmrc file with your repository settings. If you don't specify this flag, the default location is the current directory.
--credential-config is the path to the .npmrc file where you want to write the access token. The default is your user .npmrc file.
Instead of:
npx google-artifactregistry-auth ./.npmrc
It could be written as
npx google-artifactregistry-auth --repo-config=pathto/.npmrc --credential-config=pathto/.npmrc
If you are not sure where your file is you can run npm config ls -l | grep config as explained here
Also check you are specifying the correct .npmrc path if it is different than the default registry as shown in Configuring npm and confirm you are trying to install a package from the Node.js package repository with the correct scope, package, tag or version to be completely explicit.

npm ci can only install packages with an existing package-lock.json or npm-shrinkwrap.json with lockfileVersion >= 1

This is the issue that I am facing when running the command npm ci to install dependencies in my GitHub Action file.
I am working on an expo managed app and using GitHub Actions as a CI for triggering builds whenever I push my code to developmemt branch.
Here's my build script:
- development
name: Install and build
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- name: Checkout
uses: actions/checkout#v2
persist-credentials: false
- name: Setup Node.js
uses: actions/setup-node#v1
node-version: 14.x
- name: Setup Expo
uses: expo/expo-github-action#v6
expo-version: 4.x
token: ${{ secrets.EXPO_TOKEN }}
expo-cache: true
- name: Install dependencies
run: npm ci
- name: Build on EAS
run: EAS_BUILD_AUTOCOMMIT=${{1}} npx eas-cli build --platform all --non-interactive
Here's the issue that I am facing Install dependencies step.
Run npm ci
npm ci
shell: /usr/bin/bash -e {0}
npm ERR! cipm can only install packages with an existing package-lock.json or npm-shrinkwrap.json with lockfileVersion >= 1. Run an install with npm#5 or later to generate it, then try again.
npm ERR! A complete log of this run can be found in:
npm ERR! /home/runner/.npm/_logs/2021-10-28T15_16_06_934Z-debug.log
Error: Process completed with exit code 1.
After a lot of research, I was able to figure out that this happens when you are not using npm install for installing dependencies. In my case, I was only using yarn for the dependencies so I was only having yarn.lock file and no package-lock.json file.
One way to resolve this was using npm install to install the dependencies, then you'll have a package-lock.json file and CI won't throw any error.
And the other way if you only want to use yarn, then you need to update that step in your eas-pipeline.yml file for installing the dependencies.
- name: Install dependencies
run: |
if [ -e yarn.lock ]; then
yarn install --frozen-lockfile
elif [ -e package-lock.json ]; then
npm ci
npm i
As I wasn't able to find any solution on StackOverflow and it is our first go-to place to look for any issue. So, I decided to write this answer here.
Here's the original answer: https://github.com/facebook/docusaurus/issues/2846#issuecomment-691706184
I had a similar error.
`npm ci` can only install packages when your package.json and package-lock.json or npm-shrinkwrap.json are in sync. Please update your lock file with `npm install` before continuing.
with bunch of missing dependency name following this error.
I would run npm ci locally and it would run successfully. However, it would give me the error above when npm ci is run in the CI pipeline and in my case it was because of the version difference of the Node.js installed in the environment that Jenkins pipeline is running in.
My local Node version was 16.x and in Jenkins container it was 12.x.
Upgrading it fixed.
Old post, but I found this while searching for this same error. In my case I did have a package-lock.json file in my root directory. However, when opening it, I realized that there was a JSON syntax error that slipped in during a previous merge conflict. After running npm i again the file was fixed. The npm ERR! The 'npm ci' command can only install with an existing package-lock.json wasn't a super helpful error in that case.
This same thing happened to me, and I couldn't figure it out for the longest time. It turns out that I had legacy-peer-deps=true set globally, and I had no idea.
This caused my npm install command to alter the package-lock.json in a way that broke the build on our CI server. I reset package-lock.json with the version from master, removed that npm config, and reinstalled. Everything worked fine after that.
For the people who has this issue on AWS Amplify. You might have to run npm install and commit the package-lock.json file, then deploy again.
If you're using pnpm, you install node dependencies via this step:
- name: Install Node.js dependencies
run: |
npm i -g pnpm
pnpm i
After battling with this issue for about 2 days, It's finally deploying successfully to Firebase Functions after deleting package-lock.json from both the src and src/functions folders.
This occurred because the package lock file was not generated with npm, despite the fact that the npm ci requires npm to install the packages.
And because npm requires package-lock.json, we get this error. To fix this error for GitHub actions, this what I did:
- run: yarn install --frozen-lockfile
- run: yarn lint
- run: yarn test:ci
Commit diff:
deleting deploy.json helped me, since the token is updated when overwritten
rm ~/.config/configstore/#vkontakte/vk-miniapps-deploy.json
but I have other services
This happens sometimes because of the version difference of the Node.js installed in the environment that the pipeline is running in.
To fixe this, I ran:
$ firebase init hosting:github
then type Y to set up workflow when asked to.
finally, add "npm i" as one of the scripts to run before deploying like this:
npm i && npm ci && npm run build
I was using npm package manager and migrated to yarn package manager removing package-lock.json file.
I had this configuration in my .circleci/config.yml file
- node/install-packages
changed to
- node/install-packages:
pkg-manager: yarn
In my case the problem were some 'extraneous' packages, concretely local path dependencies. After removing them from package.json the problem was solved.
I got the error message while running npm install instead of npm ci.
On package.json I change this :
"overrides": {
"trim-newlines": "^3.0.1"
to : `
"overrides": {
"trim-newlines": "^1.0.0"
That Work for me successfully.
I had a similar problem deploying to heroku. I simply deleted the existing package-lock.json file and then ran
npm install
Merging the new lock file fixed the deploy.
In my case, I had this error with npm ci while using Yarn. I eventually figured out the version of Node I was using wasn't supported.
I did the following:
node -v to confirm my node version (18.0.1)
nvm use 16.13.0
Delete the node_modules directory
Delete yarn.lock
Run yarn
Run yard add + package names
After this, the error no longer occurred and the app deployed correctly.

Gitlab NPM Registry Install 503

I have published a package to the Gitlab NPM registry and now I am attempting to install the package into another project.
When I run in terminal:
yarn add #org-name/project or npm i #org-name/project
I get (4x):
info There appears to be trouble with the npm registry (returned undefined). Retrying…
Then after the 4 attempts above in the terminal I get:
ResponseError: Request failed “503 Service Unavailable”
I have authed to Gitlab and the group as I was able to publish the package and followed each step here: https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/user/packages/npm_registry
Any ideas at all as to why I can publish but not download the same package from the same repo or any other repo??
Thank you so very much in advance!
The issue turned out to be a typo on my part. Le sigh.

Try to get the vuetify docs run local

I try to make the vuetify docs available on my mac local.
I followed the steps in this post: https://stackoverflow.com/a/51293026/15037167
cd /tmp/
git clone https://github.com/vuetifyjs/vuetify.git
cd vuetify/packages/docs
# option 1 - build and serve
yarn build
yarn start
# option 2 - run dev instance
yarn dev
Every thing works until the step "type: yarn dev".
error: Cannot find module '/vue/vuetify/node_modules/vuetify/dist/vuetify.js'. Please verify that the package.json has a valid "main" entry
I already had problems with the step "type yarn" but I solved this with downgrading node like mentioned in the linked post.
Any ideas?
It seem like you have to install vuetify. (Confuse why I need to install vuetify inside vuetify's source code).
Work around:
yarn add #nuxtjs/vuetify -D
# or
npm install #nuxtjs/vuetify -D

NPM not installing devDependencies on bitbucket pipeline?

I'm trying to setup my first Bitbucket pipeline which simply builds my application and deploys it to my FTP server using the following bitbucket-pipelines.yml
image: node:6.9.4
- step:
- node
- npm install
- npm test
- step:
- npm run build
- node deploy.js
The issue lies in the npm install because when bitbucket tries to run the npm run build command it says that rimraf (a npm package) is not found. rimraf however is listed in my devDependencies, all regular dependencies in my package.json are downloaded correctly.
There is no global variable set by my so the NODE_ENV could not be it right?
I had the same issue with gulp.
Gulp was in devDependencies and also specified in package.json as script but still it said npm ERR! missing script: gulp
The documentation says to install it globally, so there might be a related issue with your package.
I had this same issue. For me, the problem was that the version of Node on my local development device was different from the version of Node in the bitbucket-pipelines.yml file.
To fix it, I went into bitbucket-pipelines.yml and changed this line:
image: node:10.15.3
to this:
image: node:14.15.0