Flowable - Change deployment key - flowable

I would like to change my deployment key but it's not working. Following docs, this is what has to be done:
repositoryService.setDeploymentKey(deploymentId, key);
but the key doesn't change for my deployment. Also, neither the method for changing the category (that is analogous) is working. Any idea why?
After deploying an xml file, I simply perform a GET request to get all deployments, then I try to change one of them. I copy the deploymentId and then call setDeploymentKey with the deploymentId and the new key I want to set. Then I check if it's changed by doing a new GET request to get all deployments and the deployment still has the old key. No trace of the new one.


ActorSystem.Create() ignores config

I am trying to instantiate an actor system with non-default behaviour (e.g. clustering or remoting) but no matter what I do the ActorSystem always ends up with default configuration. The config object and settings object appear correct (e.g. actor.provider == cluster) but the actual run-time object always has defaults.
I've tried constructing the config many different ways. With App.config cdata and by manually parsing a config file with ConfigurationFactory and passing it in to Create. I had the problem with 1.4.3 and with 1.3.17.
I downloaded the Akka source code and debugged it. Stepping through the Create method I found that the root HoconObject's items dictionary contains 2 entries with the key "akka". One entry is mine, the other looks like a fallback. The getter method resolves the fallback.
I guess there is some weird string formatting happening...
[Update] There seems to be confusion about what is actually happening. Here is a screen-shot of what HoconObject looks like when it works:
In the screen-shot you can clearly see a single entry in the Items dictionary for "akka" that is set to "provider=cluster", which isn't the default and is coming from the config file. The previous screen-shot shows 2 entries, one of which is "provider=cluster" and the other is clearly the default that Akka injects. Both key = "akka". The bug causes Akka to select the default rather than the override.
I understand that Hocon allows overrides from defaults but that isn't what's happening. Again, if you look at the source code for HoconObject you'll see the screen-shot is of a plain .Net dictionary called 'Items' and the TryGetValue is the .Net implementation... not a Hocon implementation.
This is obviously a parsing bug that cases Akka to behave incorrectly and throw no exceptions.
I don't have enough reputation to post my question as a comment.
Do you have a code I can use to replicate the problem? A code snippet of how you build your config would be fine.
I downloaded the Akka source code and debugged it. Stepping through the Create method I found that the root HoconObject's items dictionary contains 2 entries with the key "akka". One entry is mine, the other looks like a fallback. The getter method resolves the fallback.
Yes, this is the actual behavior of a HoconValue. a HoconValue is a list of value fragments that will be converted into a proper data type when you call the appropriate getter function. For example, the HoconValue instance that you see in your debug session is actually 2 HoconObject fragments, and the proper merged object can be retrieved by calling the GetObject() function of that HoconValue instance.

How can I run some code in the event that a watched folder does not exist?

I have a Mule 4 flow that uses the [File] On New or Updated File event source. This element is configured to wait for file changes within a specific folder.
When I deploy my flow, and the deployed application does not have access to the specified folder, a log message is generated and the flow terminates. However, I'd like to add some additional processing in this case. (I'd like to log a message to an alternative event log).
I tried adding an On Error Propagate element to the flow, but this is not triggered when the error occurs - I think this is because the error is a system error rather than a messaging error.
If I could add a step before the On New or Updated File element, then I could check for the existence of the folder, and execute that extra code there - but I see no way to do that either.
Well, I was able to do something that "works". I created another flow that runs on a (long) timer, which runs immediately and checks for the existence of the folder by attempting to list its contents. If that fails, then the On Error ... block of that flow is reached, because in this case the error is treated as a messaging error rather than a system error.
Not an ideal solution, but a solution nonetheless.
May I suggest that you monitor folder which should contain none existing folder?
For exmple you want to monitor /one/two/three/abc.txt. three does not exist. Watch two for new and updated files.

Change Key of HttpContext.Request.Query item in ASP.NET Core

I am trying to work around a issue with a 3rd party filter. My current plan is to put a filter in front of that filter to "fix" the query string so it does not error out.
I made an ActionFilterAttribute and added it into the filter list. It is running fine. I am adding my logic in the OnActionExecuting method.
The first item of context.HttpContext.Request.Query has a Key that is a json structure. I need to change that Key to be {}.
Problem is that both context.HttpContext.Request.Query and context.HttpContext.Request.QueryString are read-only.
How can I alter the context.HttpContext.Request.Query or the context.HttpContext.Request.QueryString?
EDIT - The Underlying Problem:
BreezeJS did a minimal level upgrade to support .NET Core. In this upgrade, part of the code expects that every call that has any parameters to return an IQueryable (QueryFns.cs Line 32). From reading the code it seems like this is an error (the calling function (the actual filter) seems to just expect null to be returned not an Exception.)
Either way, this makes moving to .NET Core very hard.
I considered my other options and if this fails, I will continue to pursue them:
Submit a pull request to fix the issue: The project has not accepted any pull requests in over a year and a half. So it seems unlikely my request will be taken.
Fork my own branch: I would rather not have to create and maintain a separate version with my own build and publishing pipeline.
Find a way to make the Breeze filter ignore the call when the result is not an IQueryable: I am currently looking into this one. (This question.)
Find a way to send my call from the client differently so that breeze ignores calls that do not return IQueryable: The return type of the call is owned by the service. And this is an issue with the service. I would rather not have to have tight coupling between the service and the client such that the client is crafting workarounds for service filter issues.

Quickly-editable config file, not visible to public visitors?

I am in the middle of working with, and getting a handle on Vuejs. I would like to code my app in a way that it has some configurable behaviors, so that I could play with parameter values, like you do when you edit your Sublime preferences, but without having to compile my app again. Ideally, I would want a situation where I could have my colleagues be able to fiddle with settings all day long, by editing a file over FTP maybe, or over some interface....
The only way I know how to do it now, is to place those settings in a separate file, but as the app runs in the client, that file would have to be fetched via another HTTP request, meaning it's a publicly readable file. Even though there isn't any sensitive information in such a configuration file, I still feel a little wonky about having it public like that, if it can be avoided in any way...
Can it be avoided?
I dont think you can avoid this. One way or another your config file will be loaded into the vuejs application, therefore being visible to the end user (with some effort).
Even putting the file outside of the public folder wouldnt help you much, because then it is unavailable for HTTP to request the file. It would only be available to your compile process in this case.
So a possible solution could be to have some sort of HTTP request that requests GET example.com/settings and returns you a JSON object. Then you could have your app make a cookie like config_key = H47DXHJK12 (or better a UUID https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Universally_unique_identifier) which would be the access key for a specific config object.
Your application must then request GET example.com/settings (which should send the config_key cookie), and your config object for this secret key will be returned. If the user clears his cookies, a new request will return an empty config.

How to store Application Messages for a .NET Website

I am looking for a method of storing Application Messages, such as
"You have logged in successfully"
"An error has occurred, please call the helpdesk on x100"
"You do not have the authority to reset all system passwords" etc
So that "when" the users decide they don't like the wording of messages I don't have to change the source code, recompile then redeploy - instead I just change the message store.
I really like the way that I can easily access strings in the web.config using keys and values.
However as I could have a large number of application messages I didn't want to use the web.config directly. I was going to add a 2nd web config file and use that but of course you can only have one per virtual directory.
Does anyone have any suggestions on how to do this without writing much custom code?
In your Web.config, under appSettings, change it to:
<appSettings file="StringKeys.config">
Then, create your StringKeys.config file and have all your keys in it.
You can still use the AppSettings area in the main web.config for any real application related keys.
Put the strings in an xml file and use a filewatcher to check for updates to the file
Put the strings in a database, cache them and set a reasonable expiration policy
You can use ResourceManager class. See "ResourceManager and ASP.NET" article at http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa309419(VS.71).aspx