WiX: Replace sub directory on upgrade - wix

I'm using WiX to install some program v1.0 which brings its own JRE 8.x, located in a sub directory jre/. Now I'm upgrading my program to version 1.1, which is based on an 11.x JRE. My MajorUpgrade is
<MajorUpgrade Schedule="afterInstallExecute" DowngradeErrorMessage="A newer version of [ProductName] is already installed."/>
Update 1: I'd like to keep afterInstallExecute because there are a
couple of files I'd like to keep.
So what's the WiX way to replace that/any sub directory completely?
I tried to just replace JRE 8 with JRE 11. Turns out this leaves existing files in place, especially jre/lib/ext/. But as updating a JRE from below v9 to v9+ requires that folder not to exist, the JVM refuses to start after the upgrade
so I tried to mark all files within the jre/-sub dir with RemoveFile ... On='install' (source), hoping installing the new files would remove the old files, but that did not work
finally instead reusing jre/ I put all my JRE 8 files in sub directory jre-8u181/ and JRE 11 files in jre-11.0.2_7/, hoping WiX recognizes "oh, I do not need sub dir jre-8u181/ any longer, so I can delete it". Doesn't work either.
Update 2: The JRE folder is included via
<Directory Id='foo_jre_32' Name='jre'>
<?include jre32.wxi ?>
with jre32.wxi being a rather long, auto-generated list like
<Component Id='_6387aee1c48be620fded05f509eb61ef' Guid='*'>
<File Id='_e566fc2d9d74ea7a1249736056b2a2e4' Source='foo\jre\THIRDPARTYLICENSEREADME.txt' Name='THIRDPARTYLICENSEREADME.txt' DiskId='1' />
<Component Id='_0dcaf4ce39ea5a8ab63704e6e8e23514' Guid='*'>
<File Id='_9e93e8a3fced0b6549171fc677dad65c' Source='foo\jre\README.txt' Name='README.txt' DiskId='1' />
<Component Id='_2fa36d02341dba40d7dd8dabc21aa506' Guid='*'>
<File Id='_3654927acd82cae7b37fb9b7c92a6615' Source='foo\jre\release' Name='release' DiskId='1' />
<Directory Id='_9b3d18d11d414dfb14909186a8ebb330' Name='lib'>
<!-- ... -->

Change attribute to Schedule="afterInstallValidate" (or remove the attribute, because this is the default).
This causes Windows Installer to completely remove the existing version before installing the new version of the product. You can now remove the folder simply by omitting it from your new version.
This scheduling of Major Upgrade is what I recommend in general. It gives you the least headaches because the new version installation will always start "fresh", without remains of the old version (unless there are user-modified files). Sure this will be somewhat slower than Schedule="afterInstallExecute", but a correct installation is more important than an installation that is 2 seconds faster.
See also documentation of MajorUpgrade element.

I think I've found it, thanks to #tom-blodget: I include the JRE folder as a set of Directory and Component/File. The File have a Guid, which is fixed (I need them to be reproducible across our build systems to allow references to them). I didn't update them for the new JRE folder m( Now I do, plus I install the JRE folders (old and new one) to different target folders (option #3 in my initial question). Thanks again!


How to remove desktop shortcut when MSI minor upgrade is get uninstalled?

My customer wants to see some "version number" in file name of the program's desktop shortcut. For example: "Foobar 10.lnk" or "Foobar 12.lnk".
Therefore, we have the following snippet in one of our .WXS files:
<DirectoryRef Id="DesktopFolder">
<Component Id="..." Guid="...">
<Shortcut Id="...." Name="Foobar_10" ... />
<RegistryValue ... />
Every time we release a new version, we update that .WXS file. There's no issues in this scheme while we are producing major upgrades, because our major upgrades first uninstall existing product, and then install new version.
But now we have to release a minor upgrade. And put "Foobar 10.1.lnk" file into the "Desktop" directory. We have, therefore, one MSI file for version 10, another one for version 10.1 and MSP patch to upgrade the product from version 10 to version 10.1.
According to Changing the Product Code it's legitimate to add or remove new shortcuts using a minor upgrade:
The update can add, remove, or modify the ... shortcuts of components that are not shared by two or more features. ... If the update removes resources, it should also update the RemoveFile and RemoveRegistry tables to remove any unused files, registry keys, or shortcuts that have already been installed.
Had we install the MSP file with shortcut snippet from above, we would end up with two shortcuts in the "Desktop" directory: Foobar_10.lnk and Foobar_10.1.lnk due to transformation applied to the Shortcut table. Therefore, according to the article I already mentioned, we have to update the RemoveFile table:
<DirectoryRef Id="DesktopFolder">
<Component Id="..." Guid="...">
<Shortcut Id="...." Name="Foobar_10.1" ... />
<RemoveFile Id="..." Name="Foobar_10.lnk" On="install" />
<RegistryValue ... />
Now, if one installs that MSP file onto already installed ``Foobar version 10'', he/she gets single .LNK file inside the "Desktop" directory -- Foobar_10.1.lnk.
So far so good.
But if one removes that minor upgrade using the system's "Control panel" (minor upgrade only, therefore, reverting back to ``Foobar version 10''), he/she gets two shortcuts again: Foobar_10.1.lnk "remained" from MSI+MSP, and Foobar_10.lnk created by the CreateShortcuts action from the transformed-back Shortcut table.
My main question is: how I can remove file Foobar_10.1.lnk when the MSP minor upgrade is get uninstalled? What actions/properties should I "check" to catch such un-installation?
By the way, I tried to get log from un-installation of a minor upgrade, but I failed to uninstall an upgrade using the command line. For example, this:
msiexec -uninstall {valid-patch-guid-here} -package foobar.msi
ends up with the maintenance mode for 'foobar.msi'. Both the following commands:
msiexec /I {valid-product-code-guid} MSIPATCHREMOVE={valid-patch-guid}
msiexec -package {valid-product-code-guid} -uninstall {valid-patch-guid}
give the same (these commands are from Uninstalling Patches).
I can remove a minor upgrade using "Control panel" only. Therefore, I can't get un-installation log. Without it I can't see what happens during that process. I know it's a bad idea to ask two question at once, but may be anyone knows how to remove a patch using the command line?
I found a solution -- ``Transitive components''. A minor upgrade: a) adds new transitive component for a shortcut (on the "Desktop" and/or in the "Start menu") with condition evaluated to 'true', and b) modifies conditions of existing "shortcut components" to be evaluated to 'false'.
Inspired by "Minor upgrade fails on removing files" topic on SO. Thanks christopher-painter#.

Make Wix to not uninstall common dll

I have Wix project in which I need a common used dll library to be installed if it's absent.
If this dll exists I should not overwrite it.
So, when I set DefaultVersion="" this dll is not overwritten if it exists, its ok. But when I delete app, the dll is beeing removed. How do I prevent removing dll in the case when it existed before installation?
I don't want to make it permanent because it should be removed if it didn't exist before installation.
<Component Id="myLib.dll" Permanent="no" Directory="Shared_Dir">
<File Name="myLib.dll" KeyPath="yes"
Add reference to WixUtilExtension and xmlns:util="http://schemas.microsoft.com/wix/UtilExtension" attribute to Wix element in your code.
Define <Property Id="Dll_Installed" Value="false"/> in Product element.
Add child <Condition>NOT Dll_Installed</Condition> to component myLib.dll.
Add that somewhere in your code:
DefaultVersion attribute is not necessary.
The feature you are describing is reference counting. The Windows Installer reference counts with Components. Components are identified by their GUID.
So the normal way to address this requirement is to put the File in a Component and make sure the GUID of the Component is stable. The WiX Toolset should do exactly that automatically if if you do not specify the Component/#Guid attribute.
So the default behavior should just work for you.
The only other piece of the puzzle is the Windows Installer will install the latest version of a file. If the file version is the same or less the file will not be installed but will be reference counted.
Based on the details in the question it seems like you should be just fine with:
<Component Directory="Shared_Dir">
<File Source="mySource\myLib.dll" />
One might ask why the Windows Installer use Components to reference count files. We'll, it allows you to group other resources, like registry keys, together and control their install as a unit. Much more important if you are installing COM servers than plain old files.

Patch (minor upgrade) creation issues with MSM (merge modules)

I am facing issues with patches (minor upgrade) installation (updates) with MSM (merge modules).
I am creating MSI (test.msi) with texst.wxs. And inside text.wxs referring to app.msm file (there is a folder app, which contains so many folders and files. And harvesting this folder and making app.msm file)
Below are steps for making app.msm file.
heat dir "app" -gg -sfrag -template:module -srd -ke -var var.source -out app.wxs
candle -dsource=app app.wxs
light app.wixobj
Below is snippet of test.wxs file
<Directory Id='TARGETDIR' Name='SourceDir'>
<Directory Id='ProgramFilesFolder' Name='PFiles'>
<Directory Id='Config' Name='Config'>
<Component Id='APP_CLIENT' Guid='*'>
<Component Id='Manual' Guid='*'>
<File Id='Manual' Name='Manual.pdf' DiskId='1' Source='Resources/Manual.pdf'
<Shortcut Id="startmenuManual" Directory="ProgramMenuDir"
Name="Instruction Manual" Advertise="yes" />
<Directory Id='exmp_REPO' Name='!(loc.Merge_FolderTitle)'>
<Merge Id="LocalRepository" Language="1033" SourceFile="app.msm" DiskId="1"/>
<Component Id='exmp_REPOSITORY' Guid='*'>
<RemoveFolder Id='exmp_REPO' On='uninstall' />
<Feature Id='Complete' Display='expand' Level='1' ConfigurableDirectory='MYAPPPATH'>
<ComponentRef Id='Manual'/>
<ComponentRef Id='App_CLIENT'/>
<ComponentRef Id='exmp_REPOSITORY'/>
I am able to make major upgrade with my test.wxs by using app.msm (merge module). But not able to make patch with successful installation. Patch install (update) is reflecting in version change in the "Programs and Features" and showing in "View Installed updates". The manual changes also are reflecting with patch update. But whatever the changes in "app" (which are created app.msm and referred in test.wxs) folder are not reflecting.
I have used 2 approaches for making patch, which are mentioend in below urls
1) http://wixtoolset.org/documentation/manual/v3/patching/patch_building.html
2) http://wixtoolset.org/documentation/manual/v3/patching/wix_patching.html
Please help in this regards.
First, I would advise to find out, whether the built patch contains the correct files or not. If not, you have a build problem, that the msm is not updated. If yes, you have most likely a problem with the content of the msm which may be not consistent with it's predecessor (especially GUIDs, table primary keys, etc.).
You can find out and see the content of the patch without installing with tools like Orca and Insted which you can search and download.
Second, using merge modules is highly complicating things, especially for patches, and of limited usefulness, if they are your own and you use them only once. Msms are primarily made for situations, where you need the .msm at least for 2 different MSI packages. I have seen a handfull of problems using merge modules in patches with other tools, BTW. I have no special experience here with WiX+patches+MSMs, but, it's as I said.
Last, but not least, you will have to choose, if you really want to keep this complexity in the future. As I remember, there are other possibilities in WiX to modularize / encapsulate parts of your software.
You can check the versions of files in merge modules and MSI files by opening them with Orca and looking in the File table. Or open the MSI file with Orca and then Transform=>View patch to see changes.
It may be obvious, but a binary versioned file will be replaced by a file with a higher file version. I mention because there is a belief out there that somehow "new" files replace "old" files, and that's wrong. Versions matter.
Generally you need to install a patch with an msiexec command that specifies REINSTALL=ALL REINSTALLMODE=omus. Double-clicking an MSP file will not necessarily just work unless you've arranged for it to do this internally with a custom action that sets them when PATCH is set.
The patch will not work if you break component rules. A common mistake is to remove a component during a patch, and that will result in an "advertised" update that doesn't actually update anything. In a verbose log look for SELMGR entries and text about removal of components is not supported. Setting the MSIENFORCEUPGRADECOMPONENTRULES property to 1 will fail the patch if you've done this.
If a file has no version whether it's overwritten depends on the replacement rules here, and there's some difference if the file is hashed or not:
Also: how do you know the patch isn't working? If you have no file versions then you can't know if a file has been replaced unless you look very carefully. You cannot trust the dates because Windows changes timestamps when a file is installed. You really need to build binary files with file versions because everything like patches, hotfixes, service packs etc will use them to replace binary files. Otherwise for data files use file hashing.
I see several potential problems here, maybe even in addition to the other answers:
when you heat up files for your merge modules -gg autogenerates new component guids. This will not work with patches, since it'll basically add a bunch of new components (new guids each time!!). Also, you'll remove components this way, which is something you shouldn't do and which cannot be done easily, unless you still include the original merge module. And then you'll end up with path problems.
The tutorial for wix patching uses wixpdb files for diffing the original and the updated installer. With wixpdb files, merge modules will not be patched, irrespective of whether files changed in them or not. You will need to do administrative installations and then diff on the msi itself. You'll still have problem #1.
your wxs snippet is bad. At least the xml element is never correctly closed. Your Feature also has a MergeRef somewhere?
Some tips:
you can view what your patches do with a program called Orca. Open the original msi, then just drag your msp patch file on top of it.
rather don't use merge modules, they complicate things. You can also use heat to generate a fragment which you then simply include into your wix project.
use the wix patching approach (Patch element, not the PatchCreation element). It's easier, but you have the same control
don't autogenerate guids if you plan to update those autogenerated components with a patch. It won't be a problem with major upgrades :)
Just one important issue of a number of potential reasons while files are not updated correctly: You write, in your .msm is a high number of unversioned files, like .xml, etc.
Important rule:
EVERY unversioned file which is changed on the PC AFTER the first MSI install not by the MSI engine itself (e.g. you edited a config.xml file or so), will be normally NEVER updated by MSI again, not by patch and not by Major Upgrade. (With normally I mean, you have to take special actions, like uninstalling or especially specifying those files as socalled companion files).

WiX: Make component upgradable, but not uninstallable

I am creating an installer using WiX (and I must say I really don't enjoy it, but that is less WiX's fault and more MSI's. And I absolutely applaud Rob Mensching's helpfulness here and elsewhere).
Is it possible to create a component such that it:
can be updated (via patches and major upgrades)
Files that have changed since install will not be uninstalled (it doesn't matter whether they're also not uninstalled if unchanged)
Ordinary file versioning rules apply when updating (that is, unversioned files that changed since install aren't updated, others are)
I am beginning to think this isn't possible. Marking a component as permanent means the component won't ever be uninstalled, which means it isn't updatable (at least not via major upgrade; how about patches?).
Marking a component NeverOverwrite won't prevent it from being uninstalled, even if the user has changed the unversioned keyFile (thus the user's work is deleted).
I appreaciate all definitive answers, even if they are negative.
I did not try it, but you probably can use a custom action to do this. See From MSI to WiX, Part 5 for an example. The Custom Action Type 38 example includes this:
<Directory Id="INSTALLDIR" Name="Minimal" LongName="MinimalInstallation">
<Component Id="Component1"
<File Id="ReadMe" DiskId="1" Name="Readme.txt" Source="Readme.txt" Vital="yes" KeyPath="yes" />
<!--RemoveFile Id="RemoveCopy" Name="ReadMe2.txt" On="uninstall" /-->
<CustomAction Id="CopyReadMe"
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
path = Session.Property("INSTALLDIR")
fso.CopyFile path & "ReadMe.txt", path & "ReadMe2.txt"
<Custom Action="CopyReadMe" After="InstallFinalize">Not Installed</Custom>
Here Readme.txt is installed, and using a vbscript custom action copied to ReadMe2.txt. If you do some version and/or modification date checking in vbscript, you can control yourself whether the ReadMe2.txt is overwritten or not. And without the RemoveFile, wix will not uninstall ReadMe2.txt, because it does not know the file exists.
For an upgrade it might be possibe to use a different custom action to copy ReadMe2.txt back to Readme.txt before installing. That way you can let wix handle the Ordinary file versioning rules to determine if Readme.txt can be updated. Then you don't have to add version handling to the vbscript.

Install a file regardless of version number with WiX

MyApp version 1.0 contained the file foo.dll. The version of this file was version 10.5.567. Now MyApp is version 2.0 and the version of foo.dll is 2.0.123. The version is LOWER than the old version. The vendor who wrote this dll decided to go backwards with the file version number. This is not a decision I can change.
How do I get WiX to always install this file?
The RemoveExistingProducts action is scheduled after the InstallFinalize action and also cannot be changed.
InstallShield had an 'always overwrite' flag but I don't think I can mimic this without changing the behavior of all files via a compiler switch. I do not want this. I just want to update THIS ONE file.
I have also tried
<RemoveFile Id="foo.dll" On="install" Name="foo.dll" />
But this did not work either. I end up getting 'Error 2753 The file foo.dll is not marked for installation' later.
It is really crazy this post is 10 years old and we also have this problem. The other approaches did not work for us.
How to solve it:
All files which should be copied regardless of their version, must be in their own component
Component element must have a unique Guid, not a *
Set KeyPath to no in the inner File element
<Component Id="cmpExample" Guid="{5ABE7229-C247-4CBA-B8DE-2C4968CD103E}" >
<File Id="fileExample" KeyPath="no" Source="$(var.TargetDir)\SomeExample.dll" />
I would recommend to aggregate all those component elements in a component group. And furthermore you can use XML Transformation to get rid of those files if you use heat.exe to harvest all your files.
With this solution you can copy the file, even if the installed file version is higher. And it still works as expected when a higher file version will be installed with your upgrade.
This isn't easy because it is against the standard behaviour of MSI-packages. When compiling, you have to set supress-file-options with -sf in light.exe. Then there are no file-informations from your files read. You can set DefaultVersion this version will be used.
I have also used RemoveFile in a solution, but i can say that it works. I have add it in same componente where i add the file.
<File DiskId="1" Id="fooDLL" Name="foo.dll" Vital="yes"
<RemoveFile Id='RemoveOldDLL' On='install' Name='foo.dll'/>
This is not a clean way, but to remove an old version it works for me.
I answered a similar question a while back:
Forcing an upgrade of a file that is modified during its initial installation
I think I would use a companion file to solve this problem, but you might get validation errors since the file in question is a dll and hence considered an executable. I believe it would still work, and reliably so.
Force always overwrite in Light.exe output with the "InstallShield trick":
XPath="/wixOutput/table[#name='File']/row/field[5]" InnerText=„65535.0.0.0“
One thing that could be worth trying is to set RemoveExistingProducts real early in the sequence. The MSI should then remove the old program first, then install the upgrade. This will solve your issue. e.g.
<RemoveExistingProducts After="CostFinalize" />