Is It Possible To Handle Packet Loss, Sending Media Stream? - webrtc

Using WebRTC via Chrome browser.
WireShark detected packet loss for sending media stream(video, audio).
I want to know way to control sending buffer, or release packet loss.
I couldn't search anything about sending buffer.
Without using DataChannel.


Does vp9 handle packet loss or I have to handle manually?

I am capturing my screen in real-time and encoding them using the vp9 codec (using JNI). encoded frames are I-frame or P-frame. then I divide them into chunks (sub-frames) and send them to the network. But at receiving end there has been some natural packet loss and even a single miss of sub-frames causing the inability to reconstruct corresponding I/P - frames. I tried to simulate (randomly throwing out some sub-frames) the same thing locally and the same things happened. Doesn't VP9 codec has some built-in packet loss handling? If so, how to enable them and how can it perform well to a certain percentage?
And if there is no built-in packet loss handling Do I have to implement FIR or FEC manually? and where to follow?
Thanks in advance.
Common way to send video stream is RTP protocol based on UDP, among other libs WebRTC also uses this transport under hood. Each encoded frame before sending is packetized, i.e. splitted to one or several RTP packets. In this context term "packet loss" means RTP packet loss. These losses are handled by sender peer using RTCP Receiver Reports from the other peer: the sender can retransmit lost packets. So, such reconstruction is not related to VP9 or any other specific codec.
As vp9 is a entropy coding, even a single packet missing causes inability to reconstruct the I/P frame. Even inability to reconstruct I frame cause inability to construct all subsequent & dependent P frame's. As I am using raw vp9 I have to implement any kind of retransmission or redundancy.
There is a concept of error_resilient packet or golden frame which can be called as budget version of I-frame which I need to send at certain interval from sender so that the I frame & subsequent P
frame's will have some resiliency (I tried it and failed generating golden frame from encoder by enabling the parameter, maybe I will have to generate it myself).

How to display MJPEG stream transmitted via UDP in a Mac OS-X application

I have a camera that sends mjpeg frames as UDP packets over wifi that I would like to display in my max os-x application. My application is written in objective-c and I am trying to use the AVFoundation classes to display the live stream. The camera is controlled using http get & post requests.
I would like the camera to be recognized as a AVCaptureDevice as I can easily display streams from different AVCaptureDevices. Since the stream is over wifi, it isn't recognized as a AVCaptureDevice.
Is there a way I can create my own AVCaptureDevice that I can use to control this camera and display the video stream?
After much research into the packets sent from the camera, I have concluded that it does not communicate in any standard protocol such as RTP. What I ended up doing is reverse-engineering the packets to learn more about their contents.
I confirmed it does send jpeg images over UDP packets. It takes multiple UDP packets to send a single jpeg. I listened on the UDP port for packets and assemble them into a single image frame. After I have a frame, I then created an NSImage from it and displayed it in an NSImageView. Works quite nicely.
If anyone is interested, the camera is an Olympus TG-4. I am writing the components to control settings, shutter, etc.

WebRTC lowest possible latency

I have a simple UDP streaming protocol that takes RAW H264 video frames and sends them instantly from server side to the client side.
Using this protocol I can get near network RTT latency (no packet resending and I don't care about packet loss), so if I have 20 ms latency from server to the client I can make a video frame to be ready from encoder output to the client side (ready to be decoded) in... let's say 30 ms.
My question is:
Is WebRTC (over UDP) capable of going down to this kind of latencies?
Not taking into account encoding and decoding times, what is the
lowest latency possible I can get with WebRTC for the protocol layer?
I don't know if this kind of latencies will require my own protocol to be more deeply developed or I may go to something more generic like WebRTC for my video server development in order to instantly be supported by every web browser.
WebRTC can have the same low latency as regular SIP/RTP stacks.
WebRTC stack vendors does their best to reduce delay.
For recording and sending out there is no any delay. The stack will send the packets immediately once received from the recorder device and compressed with the selected codec. Some codec's (and some codec settings) might introduce some delay here to enable some features such as FEC.
Regarding the receiver side:
In optimal circumstances the stack should not delay the playback of the packets, so they can be display as soon as they arrive.
However in sub-optimal circumstances (with network delays or packet loss) the stack will introduce a jitter buffer. The lower is the network quality, the higher will be the jitter buffer length.
So, to achieve the lowest delay, you might have to do the followings:
choose a codec with the smallest processing time
remove FEC and disable any other settings which might cause additional delays
remove the jitter buffer (most WebRTC stacks doesn't have a setting for this so you might have to modify the code yourself, but it is an easy modification, because you just need to deactivate a part of the code)
WebRTC uses RTP as the underlying media transport which has only a small additional header at the beginning of the payload compared to plain UDP. This means it should be on par with what you achieve with plain UDP. RTP is heavily used in latency critical environments like real time audio and video (its the media transport in SIP, H.323, XMPP) and thus you can expect the latency to be sufficient for this purpose.

Trouble with RTMP ingest chunk stream

I am trying to build my own client RTMP library for an app that I am working on. So far everything has gone pretty successfully in that I am able to connect to the RTMP server negotiate the handshake and then send all the necessary packets (FCPublish Publish ETC) then from the server i get the onStatus message of NetStream.Publish.Start which means that I have successfully got the server to allow me to start publishing my live video broadcast. Wireshark also confirms that the information (/Data packetizing) is correct as it shows up correctly there also.
Now for where I am having some trouble is RTMP Chunking, going off the Adobe RTMP Specification on page 17 & 18 shows an example of how a message is chunked. From this example I can see that it is broken down based on the chunk size (128 bytes). For me the chunk size gets negotiated in the initial connect and exchange which is always 4096 bytes. So for when I am exchanging video data that is larger than 4096 bytes I need to chunk the message down sending the RTMP packetHeader combined with the first 4096 bytes of data then sending a small RTMP header which is 0xc4 (0xc0 | packetHeaderType (0x04)) combined with 4096 bytes of video data until the full packet specified by the header has been sent. Then a new frame comes in and the same process is repeated.
By checking other RTMP client example written in different languages this seems to be what they are all doing. Unfortunately the ingest server that I am trying to stream to is not picking up the broadcast video data, they dont close the connection on my they just never show video or any sign that the video is right. Wireshark shows that after the video atom packet is sent most packets sent are Unknown (0x0) for a little bit and then they will switch into Video Data and will sort of flip flop between showing Unknown (0x0) and Video Data. However if I restrict my payload max size to 20000 bytes Wireshark shows everything as Video Data. Obviously the ingest server will not show video in this situation as i am removing chunks of data for it to be only 20k bytes.
Trying to figure out what is going wrong I started another xcode project that allows me to spoof a RTMP server on my Lan so that I can see what the data looks like from libRTMP IOS as it comes into the server. Also with libRTMP I can make it log the packets it sends and they seem to inject the byte 0xc4 even 128 bytes even tho I have sent the Change Chunk size message as the server. When I try to replicate this in my RTMP client Library by just using a 128 chunk size even tho it has been set to 4096 bytes the server will close my connection on me. However if change libRTMP to try to go to the live RTMP server it still prints out within LibRTMP that it is sending packets in a chunk size of 128. And the server seems to be accepting it as video is showing up. When I do look at the data coming in on my RTMP server I can see that it is all their.
Anyone have any idea what could be going on?
While I haven't worked specifically with RTMP, I have worked with RTSP/RTP/RTCP pretty extensively, so, based on that experience and the bruises I picked up along the way, here are some random, possibly-applicable tips that might help/things to look for that might be causing an issue:
Does your video encoding match what you're telling the server? In other words, if your video is encoded as H.264, is that what you're specifying to the server?
Does the data match the container format that the server is expecting? For example, if the server expects to receive an MPEG-4 movie (.m4v) file but you're sending only an encoded MPEG-4 (.mp4) stream, you'll need to encapsulate the MPEG-4 video stream into an MPEG-4 movie container. Conversely, if the server is expecting only a single MPEG-4 video stream but you're sending an encapsulated MPEG-4 Movie, you'll need to de-mux the MPEG-4 stream out of its container and send only that content.
Have you taken into account the MTU of your transmission medium? Regardless of chunk size, getting an MTU mismatch between the client and server can be hard to debug (and is possibly why you're getting some packets listed as "Unknown" type and others as "Video Data" type). Much of this will be taken care of with most OS' built-in Segmentation-and-Reassembly (SAR) infrastructure so long as the MTU is consistent, but in cases where you have to do your own SAR logic it's very easy to get this wrong.
Have you tried capturing traffic in Wireshark with libRTMP iOS and your own client and comparing the packets side by side? Sometimes a "reference" packet trace can be invaluable in finding that one little bit (or many) that didn't originally seem important.
Good luck!

How Chrome/Firefox handles SRTCP report comming from WebRtc connection?

SRTCP tracks the number of sent and lost bytes and packets, last received sequence number, inter-arrival jitter for each SRTP packet, and other SRTP statistics.
Does mentioned browsers do something with SRTCP reports when dealing with audio stream, for example adjust bitrate on the fly if network conditions are changed ?
Given that Chrome does adjust bitrate and resolution of VP8 on the fly in a connection, I would assume that OPUS configurations are changed in the connection as well.
You can see the feed back on the sending audio in this image. The bitrate obviously drops slightly when using opus. However, I would imagine that video bitrate would be the first changed in a video call as changing it would have the greater effect.
Obviously, one cannot change the bitrate on a codec that only supports constant bitrates.
All the other stats are a combination of what the RTCP reports give(packetsLost, Rtt, bits sent, etc.) and googles monitoring of the inputs/outputs(audio level, echo cancellation, etc.).
NOTE: this is taken from a session created by AppRtc in chrome.