Is possible to use Vue.js databinding in jqGrid?
I tried to use formatter property of colModel but anything.
Is there a sample of this?
I am new in primevue. I am using the datatable with filtering. I face a problem.
I want to access the array after the filter applied. But do not find any API to do that.
Can anyone help me? Thank you.
I used a slightly different approach (using primevue 2.x). I added an event handler for the filter event. Then the filtered data is available in the event.filteredData property (this is documented in events section under the primevue Datatable documentation).
In a nutshell:
In datatable element in template, add v-on:filter="onFilter"
In code, add following handler:
onFilter: function(event) {
Filters are stored as an object in your local state. Try using the Vue.js devtools extension to see the format of that object.
Stackoverflowers, I'm a newbie of vue.js, I try to implement a binding effect which can enable the changing of binding created by v-model. To put things clear, I give an example as following:
<codemirror ref="outputCm" v-model="output" :options="cmOutputOptions"></codemirror>
Here we have a codemirror element, it's content is binded with variable output, is it possible in some place after I changed output to some-variable, its content now is binded with some-variable? I tried to use assignment, it didn't work. And I tried my best to google, but I'm still disappointed. If anybody know how to give this a shot, I'm appreciated.
yes you could make it but from your data object
data: {
output: (your logic here)? some-variable : 'some thing else'
vue-good-table allows pagination like following:
But I need pagination like below image:
Is there any way to have that pagination style using vue-good-table?
It would seem no. These are the available types.
Or you can edit the source code.
Hi I am looking for a solution for two way binding in Vue.js 2. I found a answer here about two way binding but it is in Vue.js 1. I tried to work it in Vue.js 1. But it didn't work. Can anyone help me here.
Why I want that?
A - I have a contenteditable div and a span tag inside which is shows a variable with v-html. But I want some functions to call when some edit happens. #change and #keyup don't work with span in vuejs 1. So I moved to custom directives.
To support something like this in vue2.0: as suggested by Evan You in forum here is to put these kind of functionality in a component and to reuse the same functionality on multiple components you can extract it into a shared mixin.
My suggestion is that the logic should be handled inside the component. In 2.0 v-model can work on components, e.g.
If you want to reuse the same logic on multiple components you can extract it into a shared mixin.
I know that the follwoing line used in jquery to set the property of guide_nav class.
$(".guide_nav").css("display", "none");
Like that is there any way in dojo to set the existing style property of a class.
If there please give me a solution for that.
Umm did you RTFM??? :-)
dojo.query(".guide_nav").style('display', 'none');