The established way to use TF Dataset API in Keras is to feed `` with `make_one_shot_iterator()`, But this iterator only good for one Epoch - tensorflow

To clarify why this question is different from the suggested duplicates, this SO question follows up on those suggested duplicates, on what exactly is Keras doing with the techniques described in those SO questions. The suggested duplicates specify using a dataset API make_one_shot_iterator() in, my follow up is that make_one_shot_iterator() can only go through the dataset once, however in the solutions given, several epochs are specified.
This is a follow up to these SO questions
How to Properly Combine TensorFlow's Dataset API and Keras?
Tensorflow keras with tf dataset input
Using as training input to Keras model NOT working
Where "Starting from Tensorflow 1.9, one can pass object directly into and it would act similar to fit_generator". Each example has a TF dataset one shot iterator fed into Kera's
An example is given below
# Load mnist training data
(x_train, y_train), _ = tf.keras.datasets.mnist.load_data()
training_set = tfdata_generator(x_train, y_train,is_training=True)
model = # your keras model here
steps_per_epoch=len(x_train) // 128,
verbose = 1)
However, according the the Tensorflow Dataset API guide (here ) :
A one-shot iterator is the simplest form of iterator, which only
supports iterating once through a dataset
So it's only good for 1 epoch. However, the codes in the SO questions specify several epochs, with the code example above specifying 5 epochs.
Is there any explanation for this contradiction? Does Keras somehow know that when the one shot iterator has gone through the dataset, it can re-initialize and shuffle the data?

You can simply pass dataset object to, Keras will handle iteration.
Considering one of pre-made datasets:
train, test = tf.keras.datasets.cifar10.load_data()
dataset =[0], train[1]))
This will create dataset object from training data of cifar10 dataset. In this case parse function isn't needed.
If you create dataset from path containing images of list of numpy arrays you'll need one.
dataset =, labels_path))
In case you'll need a function to load actual data from filename. Numpy array can be handled the same way just without tf.read_file
def parse_func(filename):
f = tf.read_file(filename)
image = tf.image.decode_image(f)
label = #get label from filename
return image, label
Then you can shuffle, batch, and map any parse function to this dataset. You can control how many examples will be preloaded with shuffle buffer. Repeat controls epoch count and better be left None, so it will repeat indefinitely. You can use either plain batch function or combine with
dataset = dataset.shuffle().repeat()
dataset.apply(, batch_size,num_parallel_batches))
Then dataset object can be passed to, epochs, steps_per_epoch). Note that steps_per_epoch is a necessary parameter in this case, it will define when to start new epoch. So you'll have to know epoch size in advance.


Training with Dataset API and numpy array yields completely different results

I have a CNN regression model and feature comes in (2000, 3000, 1) shape, where 2000 is total number of samples with each being a (3000, 1) 1D array. Batch size is 8, 20% of the full dataset is used for validation.
However, zip feature and label into gives completely different scores from feeding numpy arrays directly in.
The code looks like:
# Load features and labels
features = np.array(features) # shape is (2000, 3000, 1)
labels = np.array(labels) # shape is (2000,)
dataset =, labels))
dataset = dataset.shuffle(buffer_size=2000)
dataset = dataset.batch(8)
train_dataset = dataset.take(200)
val_dataset = dataset.skip(200)
# Training model, validation_data=val_dataset,
batch_size=8, epochs=1000)
The numpy code looks like:
# Load features and labels
features = np.array(features) # exactly the same as previous
labels = np.array(labels) # exactly the same as previous
# Training model, y=labels, shuffle=True, validation_split=0.2,
batch_size=8, epochs=1000)
Except for this, other code is exactly the same, for example
# Set global random seed
# No preprocessing of feature at all
# Load model (exactly the same)
model = load_model()
# Compile model
metrics=[tf.keras.metrics.mean_absolute_error, ],
The former method via API yields mean absolute error (MAE) around 10-3 on both training and validation set, which looks quite suspicious as the model doesn't have any drop-out or regularization to prevent overfitting. On the other hand, feeding numpy arrays right in gives training MAE around 0.1 and validation MAE around 1.
The low MAE of method looks super suspicious however I just couldn't figure out anything wrong with the code. Also I could confirm the number of training batches is 200 and validation batches is 50, meaning I didn't use the training set for validation.
I tried to vary the global random seed or use some different shuffle seeds, which didn't change the results much. Training was done on NVIDIA V100 GPUs, and I tried tensorflow version 2.9, 2.10, 2.11 which didn't make much difference.
The problem lies in the default behaviour of "shuffle" method of, more specificially the reshuffle_each_iteration argument which is by default True. Meaning if I implement the following code:
dataset =, labels))
dataset = dataset.shuffle(buffer_size=2000)
dataset = dataset.batch(8)
train_dataset = dataset.take(200)
val_dataset = dataset.skip(200), validation_data=val_dataset, batch_size=8, epochs=1000)
The dataset would actually be shuffle after each epoch though it might not look so apparently so. As a result, the validation data would leak into training set (in fact there would be no distinguish between these two sets as the order is shuffled every epoch).
So make sure to set reshuffle_each_iteration to False if you would like to shuffle the dataset and then do train-val split.
UPDATE: TensorFlow confirms this issue and warning would be added in future docs.
PS: It's a hard lesson for me, as I have been using the model for analysing the results for several months (as a graduating MPhil student).

Keras: Custom loss function with training data not directly related to model

I am trying to convert my CNN written with tensorflow layers to use the keras api in tensorflow (I am using the keras api provided by TF 1.x), and am having issue writing a custom loss function, to train the model.
According to this guide, when defining a loss function it expects the arguments (y_true, y_pred)
def basic_loss_function(y_true, y_pred):
return ...
However, in every example I have seen, y_true is somehow directly related to the model (in the simple case it is the output of the network). In my problem, this is not the case. How do implement this if my loss function depends on some training data that is unrelated to the tensors of the model?
To be concrete, here is my problem:
I am trying to learn an image embedding trained on pairs of images. My training data includes image pairs and annotations of matching points between the image pairs (image coordinates). The input feature is only the image pairs, and the network is trained in a siamese configuration.
I am able to implement this successfully with tensorflow layers and train it sucesfully with tensorflow estimators.
My current implementations builds a tf Dataset from a large database of tf Records, where the features is a dictionary containing the images and arrays of matching points. Before I could easily feed these arrays of image coordinates to the loss function, but here it is unclear how to do so.
There is a hack I often use that is to calculate the loss within the model, by means of Lambda layers. (When the loss is independent from the true data, for instance, and the model doesn't really have an output to be compared)
In a functional API model:
def loss_calc(x):
loss_input_1, loss_input_2 = x #arbirtray inputs, you choose
#according to what you gave to the Lambda layer
#here you use some external data that doesn't relate to the samples
externalData = K.constant(external_numpy_data)
#calculate the loss
return the loss
Using the outputs of the model itself (the tensor(s) that are used in your loss)
loss = Lambda(loss_calc)([model_output_1, model_output_2])
Create the model outputting the loss instead of the outputs:
model = Model(inputs, loss)
Create a dummy keras loss function for compilation:
def dummy_loss(y_true, y_pred):
return y_pred #where y_pred is the loss itself, the output of the model above
model.compile(loss = dummy_loss, ....)
Use any dummy array correctly sized regarding number of samples for training, it will be ignored:, np.zeros((number_of_samples,)), ...)
Another way of doing it, is using a custom training loop.
This is much more work, though.
Although you're using TF1, you can still turn eager execution on at the very beginning of your code and do stuff like it's done in TF2. (tf.enable_eager_execution())
Follow the tutorial for custom training loops:
Here, you calculate the gradients yourself, of any result regarding whatever you want. This means you don't need to follow Keras standards of training.
Finally, you can use the approach you suggested of model.add_loss.
In this case, you calculate the loss exaclty the same way I did in the first answer. And pass this loss tensor to add_loss.
You can probably compile a model with loss=None then (not sure), because you're going to use other losses, not the standard one.
In this case, your model's output will probably be None too, and you should fit with y=None.

How to augment data in tensorflow tfrecords?

I am storing my data using tfrecords and I read them as tensors using Dataset API and then I use the Estimator API to perform training. Now, I want to do online data-augmentation on each item in the dataset, but after trying for a while I cannot find a way out to do it. I want randomly flipping, randomly rotation and other manipulators.
I am following the instructions given in this tutorial with a custom estimator which is the my CNN and I am not sure where the data augmentation step occurs.
Using TFRecords doesn't prevent you from doing data augmentation.
Following the tutorial you linked in your comment, here is what roughly happens:
You create the dataset from the TFRecords files, and parse the file to get an image and a label
dataset =
dataset =
You can now apply a new preprocessing function to do some data augmentation during training
# Only do it when we are training
if train:
dataset =
The train_preprocess function can be something like this:
def train_preprocess(image, label):
flip_image = tf.image.random_flip_left_right(image)
# Other transformations...
return flip_image, label

binarize input for pytorch

may I ask how to make data loaded in pytorch become binarized once it is loaded?
Like Tensorflow can done this through:
train_data = mnist.input_data.read_data_sets(data_directory, one_hot=True)
How can pytorch achieve the one_hot=True effect.
The data_loader I have now is:
train_loader =
datasets.MNIST('data/', train=True, download=True,
# transforms.RandomHorizontalFlip(),
batch_size=batch_size, shuffle=False)
I want to make data in train_loader be binarized.
Now what I am doing is: After loading the data,
for data,_ in train_loader:
data = Variable(data)
Use the torch.round() function. Is this correct?
The one-hot encoding idea is used for classification. It sounds like you are trying to create an autoencoder perhaps.
If you are creating an autoencoder then there is no need to round as BCELoss can handle values between 0 and 1. Note when training it is better not to apply the sigmoid and instead to use BCELossWithLogits as it provides numerical stability.
Here is an example of an autoencoder with MNIST
If instead you are attempting to do classifcation then there is no need for a one hot vector, you simply output the number of neurons equal to the number of classes i.e for MNIST output 10 neurons and then pass it to CrossEntropyLoss along with a LongTensor with corresponding expected class values
Here is an example of classification on MNIST

Feeding individual examples into TensorFlow graph trained on files?

I'm new to TensorFlow and am getting a bit tripped up on the mechanics of reading data. I set up a TensorFlow graph on the mnist data, but I'd like to modify it so that I can run one program to train it + save the model out, and run another to load said graph, make predictions, and compute test accuracy.
Where I'm getting confused is how to bypass the original I/O system in the training graph and "inject" an image to predict or an (image, label) tuple of test data for accuracy testing. To read the training data, I'm using this code:
_, input_data = util.read_examples(
feature_map = {
'label': tf.FixedLenFeature(
shape=[], dtype=tf.int64, default_value=[-1]),
'image': tf.FixedLenFeature(
shape=[NUM_PIXELS * NUM_PIXELS], dtype=tf.int64),
example = tf.parse_example(input_data, features=feature_map)
I then feed example to a convolution layer, etc. and generate the output.
Now imagine that I train my graph with that code specifying the input, save out the graph and weights, and then restore the graph and weights in another script for prediction -- I'd like to take (say) 10 images and feed them to the graph to generate predictions. How do I "inject" those 10 images so that the predictions come out the other end?
I played around with feed dictionaries and placeholders, but I'm not sure if they're the right things for me to use... it seems like they rely on having data in memory, as opposed to reading from a queue of test data, for example.
A feed dictionary with placeholders would make sense if you wanted to perform a small number of inferences/evaluations (i.e. enough to fit in memory) - e.g. if you were serving a simple model or running small eval loops.
If you specifically want to infer or evaluate large batches then you should use the same approach you've used for training, but with a different path to your test/eval/live data. e.g.
_, eval_data = util.read_examples(
paths_to_files, # CHANGE THIS BIT
You can use this as a normal python variable and set up successive, dependent steps to use this as a provided variable. e.g.
def get_example(data):
return tf.parse_example(data, features=feature_map)[get_example(path_to_your_data)])