Bucket count help when creating an in memory table in sql server 2016 - sql

I have some business that needs to be run on a daily basis and will be affecting all the rows in the tables. Once a record is fixed and can't change again by the logic it gets moved to an on disk table. At its max there will end up being approximately 30 million rows in the table. Its very skinny, just the linkage items to a main table and a key to a flag table. The flag key is what will be updated.
My question is when I'm preparing a table of this size which size bucket count should I be looking to use on the index?
The table will start off small with likely only a few hundred thousand rows in April, but come the end of the financial year it will ave grown to the maximum mentioned as previous years have indicated and I'm not sure if this practically empty bucket at the start will have any issues or if it is ok to have the count at the 30 million mark.
thanks in advance you comments, suggestion and help.
I've provided the code below and I've tried googling what occurs if the bucket count is high but the intial number of rows is low as the table grows over time but found nothing to help me understand if there will be a performance issue because of this.
--Line I'm not sure about


Google BigQuery clustered table not reducing query size when running query with WHERE clause on clustered field

I have a Google BigQuery table of 500,000 rows that I have setup to be partitioned by a TIMESTAMP field called Date and clustered by a STRING field called EventCategory (this is just a sample of a table that is over 500 million rows).
I have a duplicate of the table that is not partitioned and not clustered.
I run the following query on both tables:
EventCategory = "email"
There are only 2400 rows where EventCategory is "email". When I run the query on the non clustered table I get the following:
When I run the query on the clustered table I get the following:
Here is the schema of both the non clustered and the clustered table:
There is basically no difference between the two queries and how much data they look through and I can't seem to figure out why? I have confirmed that the clustered table is partitioned and clustered because in the BigQuery UI in table details it actually says so and running a query by filtering by Date greatly reduces the size of the data searched and shows the estimated query size to be much smaller.
Any help here would be greatly appreciated!
If I change the query to:
EventCategory = "ad"
I get the following result:
There are 53640 rows with EventCategory is "ad" and it looks like clustering did result in less table data being scanned, albeit not much less (529.2MB compared to 586MB).
So it looks like clustering is working but the data is not clustered properly in the table? How would I fix that? I have tried re-creating the table multiple times using DDL and even saving the table data to a JSON in GCS and then importing it into a new partitioned and clustered table but it hasn't changed anything.
Does the date partitioning sit on top of the clustering? Meaning that BigQuery first groups by date and then groups by cluster within those date groups? If so, I think that would probably explain it but it would render clustering not very useful.
If you have less than 100MB of data per day, clustering won't do much for you - you'll probably get one <=100MB cluster of data for each day.
You haven't mentioned how many days of data you have (# of partitions, as Mikhail asked), but since the total data scanned is 500MB, I'll guess that you have at least 5 days of data, and less than 100MB per day.
Hence the results you are getting seem to be the expected results.
See an example of this at work here:
How can I improve the amount of data queried with a partitioned+clustered table?
The reason clustering wasn't helping very much was specific to the table data. The table was event based data that was partitioned by day and then clustered by EventCategory (data is clustered on each day's partition). Since every day would have a large amount of rows for each EventCategory type, querying the entire table for a specific EventCategory would still have to search every single partition, which would then almost definitely have some data with that EventCategory meaning almost every cluster would have to be searched too.
The data are partitioned by day and inside that they are clustered,
the clustering works best when you load whole partitions (days) at once or export the partition (day) to Google Storage (which should be free) and import it again to another table, when we tried loading something like 4GB JSONS the difference was something like 60/10.

SQL Server : where clause performance theory?

If TableA has 1,000,000 billion rows (although it is impossible in a true environment) and the primary key increased by identity, so the max row is 1 million billion. Now I used a Random() number to match it's where statement. Like below:
Select *
from TableA a
where a.PrimaryKey = [Random Number from 1 to 1 million Billion]
If the Select statement executes 100 times, but I found it is still very fast in SQL Server.
I mean if random number is a big number, then if Select * from Table where Pk=1000000, it must be comparing with the all previous records to see if THIS number whether match the primary key column. So the performance of SQL will be very low.
It's fast because the primary key is indexed, which means the lookup of a row based on the primary key takes O(log N) time ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Big_O_notation ) if you're using a B-tree based index, which is the default in most database systems.
It's further helped by the fact the primary-key is usually the clustered-index too, which is the index that defines the physical order of rows on disk (this is a gross over-simplification, but you get the idea).
The primary key is a key. That is the database maintains a unique index on the location of every record by the key value.
The index is usually some variation on b-tree which would probably have a depth of about 10 to 20 for such a large dataset. So accessing any record via the key would involve a maximum of 10 IOs and probably much less as large parts of the B-Tree will be cached in memory.

VACUUM on Redshift (AWS) after DELETE and INSERT

I have a table as below (simplified example, we have over 60 fields):
CREATE TABLE "fact_table" (
"pk_a" bigint NOT NULL ENCODE lzo,
"pk_b" bigint NOT NULL ENCODE delta,
"d_1" bigint NOT NULL ENCODE runlength,
"d_2" bigint NOT NULL ENCODE lzo,
"d_3" character varying(255) NOT NULL ENCODE lzo,
"f_1" bigint NOT NULL ENCODE bytedict,
"f_2" bigint NULL ENCODE delta32k
DISTKEY ( d_1 )
SORTKEY ( pk_a, pk_b );
The table is distributed by a high-cardinality dimension.
The table is sorted by a pair of fields that increment in time order.
The table contains over 2 billion rows, and uses ~350GB of disk space, both "per node".
Our hourly house-keeping involves updating some recent records (within the last 0.1% of the table, based on the sort order) and inserting another 100k rows.
Whatever mechanism we choose, VACUUMing the table becomes overly burdensome:
- The sort step takes seconds
- The merge step takes over 6 hours
We can see from SELECT * FROM svv_vacuum_progress; that all 2billion rows are being merged. Even though the first 99.9% are completely unaffected.
Our understanding was that the merge should only affect:
1. Deleted records
2. Inserted records
3. And all the records from (1) or (2) up to the end of the table
We have tried DELETE and INSERT rather than UPDATE and that DML step is now significantly quicker. But the VACUUM still merges all 2billion rows.
DELETE FROM fact_table WHERE pk_a > X;
-- 42 seconds
INSERT INTO fact_table SELECT <blah> FROM <query> WHERE pk_a > X ORDER BY pk_a, pk_b;
-- 90 seconds
VACUUM fact_table;
-- 23645 seconds
In fact, the VACUUM merges all 2 billion records even if we just trim the last 746 rows off the end of the table.
The Question
Does anyone have any advice on how to avoid this immense VACUUM overhead, and only MERGE on the last 0.1% of the table?
How often are you VACUUMing the table? How does the long duration effect you? our load processing continues to run during VACUUM and we've never experienced any performance problems with doing that. Basically it doesn't matter how long it takes because we just keep running BAU.
I've also found that we don't need to VACUUM our big tables very often. Once a week is more than enough. Your use case may be very performance sensitive but we find the query times to be within normal variations until the table is more than, say, 90% unsorted.
If you find that there's a meaningful performance difference, have you considered using recent and history tables (inside a UNION view if needed)? That way you can VACUUM the small "recent" table quickly.
Couldn't fix it in comments section, so posting it as answer
I think right now, if the SORT keys are same across the time series tables and you have a UNION ALL view as time series view and still performance is bad, then you may want to have a time series view structure with explicit filters as
create or replace view schemaname.table_name as
select * from table_20140901 where sort_key_date = '2014-09-01' union all
select * from table_20140902 where sort_key_date = '2014-09-02' union all .......
select * from table_20140925 where sort_key_date = '2014-09-25';
Also make sure to have stats collected on all these tables on sort keys after every load and try running queries against it. It should be able to push down any filter values into the view if you are using any. End of day after load, just run a VACUUM SORT ONLY or full vacuum on the current day's table which should be much faster.
Let me know if you are still facing any issues after the above test.

Implement a ring buffer

We have a table logging data. It is logging at say 15K rows per second.
Question: How would we limit the table size to the 1bn newest rows?
i.e. once 1bn rows is reached, it becomes a ring buffer, deleting the oldest row when adding the newest.
Triggers might load the system too much. Here's a trigger example on SO.
We are already using a bunch of tweaks to keep the speed up (such as stored procedures, Table Parameters etc).
Edit (8 years on) :
My recent question/answer here addresses a similar issue using a time series database.
Unless there is something magic about 1 billion, I think you should consider other approaches.
The first that comes to mind is partitioning the data. Say, put one hour's worth of data into each partition. This will result in about 15,000*60*60 = 54 million records in a partition. About every 20 hours, you can remove a partition.
One big advantage of partitioning is that the insert performance should work well and you don't have to delete individual records. There can be additional overheads depending on the query load, indexes, and other factors. But, with no additional indexes and a query load that is primarily inserts, it should solve your problem better than trying to delete 15,000 records each second along with the inserts.
I don't have a complete answer but hopefully some ideas to help you get started.
I would add some sort of numeric column to the table. This value would increment by 1 until it reached the number of rows you wanted to keep. At that point the procedure would switch to update statements, overwriting the previous row instead of inserting new ones. You obviously won't be able to use this column to determine the order of the rows, so if you don't already I would also add a timestamp column so you can order them chronologically later.
In order to coordinate the counter value across transactions you could use a sequence, then perform a modulo division to get the counter value.
In order to handle any gaps in the table (e.g. someone deleted some of the rows) you may want to use a merge statement. This should perform an insert if the row is missing or an update if it exists.
Hope this helps.
Here's my suggestion:
Pre-populate the table with 1,000,000,000 rows, including a row number as the primary key.
Instead of inserting new rows, have the logger keep a counter variable that increments each time, and update the appropriate row according to the row number.
This is actually what you would do with a ring buffer in other contexts. You wouldn't keep allocating memory and deleting; you'd just overwrite the same array over and over.
Update: the update doesn't actually change the data in place, as I thought it did. So this may not be efficient.
Just an idea that is to complicated to write in a comment.
Create a few log tables, 3 as an example, Log1, Log2, Log3
,Message varchar(10) NOT NULL
,Message varchar(10) NOT NULL
,Message varchar(10) NOT NULL
Then create a partitioned view
If you are on SQL2012 you can use a sequence
And then start to insert values
INSERT INTO LogView (Id, Message)
Now you just have to truncate the logtables on some kind of schedule
If you don't have sql2012 you need to create the sequence some other way
I'm looking for something similar myself (using a table as a circular buffer) but it seems like a simpler approach (for me) will be just to periodically delete old entries (e.g. the lowest IDs or lowest create/lastmodified datetimes or entries over a certain age). It's not a circular buffer but perhaps it is a close enough approximation for some. ;)

Fillfactor for a sequential index that is PK

Yes, fillfactor again. I spend many hours reading and I can't decide what's best for each case. I don't understand when and how fragmentation happens. I'm migrating a database from MS SQL Server to PostgreSQL 9.2.
Case 1
10-50 inserts / minute in a sequential (serial) PK, 20-50 reads / hour.
CREATE TABLE dev_transactions (
transaction_id serial NOT NULL,
transaction_type smallint NOT NULL,
moment timestamp without time zone NOT NULL,
gateway integer NOT NULL,
device integer NOT NULL,
controler smallint NOT NULL,
token integer,
et_mode character(1),
status smallint NOT NULL,
CONSTRAINT pk_dev_transactions PRIMARY KEY (transaction_id)
Case 2
Similar structure, index for serial PK, writes in blocks (one shot) of ~ 50.000 registers every 2 months, readings 10-50 / minute.
Does a 50% fillfactor mean that each insert generates a new page and moves 50% of existing rows to a newly generated page?
Does a 50% fillfactor mean frees space is allocated between physical rows in new data pages?
A new page is generated only if there is no free space left in existing pages?
As you can see I'm very confused; I would appreciate some help — maybe a good link to read about PostgreSQL and index fillfactor.
With only INSERT and SELECT you should use a FILLFACTOR of 100 for tables (which is the default anyway). There is no point in leaving wiggle room per data page if you are not going to "wiggle" with UPDATEs.
The mechanism behind FILLFACTOR is simple. INSERTs only fill data pages (usually 8 kB blocks) up to the percentage declared by the FILLFACTOR setting. Also, whenever you run VACUUM FULL or CLUSTER on the table, the same wiggle room per block is re-established. Ideally, this allows UPDATE to store new row versions in the same data page, which can provide a substantial performance boost when dealing with lots of UPDATEs. Also beneficial in combination with H.O.T. updates. See:
Redundant data in update statements
Indexes need more wiggle room by design. They have to store new entries at the right position in leaf pages. Once a page is full, a relatively costly "page split" is needed. So indexes tend to bloat more than tables. The default FILLFACTOR for a (default) B-Tree index is 90 (varies per index type). And wiggle room makes sense for just INSERTs, too. The best strategy heavily depends on write patterns.
Example: If new inserts have steadily growing values (typical case for a serial or timestamp column), then there are basically no page-splits, and you might go with FILLFACTOR = 100 (or a bit lower to allows for some noise).
For a random distribution of new values, you might go below the default 90 ...
Basic source of information: the manual for CREATE TABLE and CREATE INDEX.
Other optimization
But you can do something else - since you seem to be a sucker for optimization ... :)
CREATE TABLE dev_transactions(
transaction_id serial PRIMARY KEY
, gateway integer NOT NULL
, moment timestamp NOT NULL
, device integer NOT NULL
, transaction_type smallint NOT NULL
, status smallint NOT NULL
, controller smallint NOT NULL
, token integer
, et_mode character(1)
This optimizes your table with regard to data alignment and avoids padding for a typical 64 bit server and saves a few bytes, probably just 8 byte on average - you typically can't squeeze out much with "column tetris":
Calculating and saving space in PostgreSQL
Keep NOT NULL columns at the start of the table for a very small performance bonus.
Your table has 9 columns. The initial ("cost-free") 1-byte NULL bitmap covers 8 columns. The 9th column triggers an additional 8 bytes for the extended NULL bitmap - if there are any NULL values in the row.
If you make et_mode and token NOT NULL, all columns are NOT NULL and there is no NULL bitmap, freeing up 8 bytes per row.
This even works per row if some columns can be NULL. If all fields of the same row have values, there is no NULL bitmap for the row. In your special case, this leads to the paradox that filling in values for et_mode and token can make your storage size smaller or at least stay the same:
Do nullable columns occupy additional space in PostgreSQL?
Basic source of information: the manual on Database Physical Storage.
Compare the size of rows (filled with values) with your original table to get definitive proof:
SELECT pg_column_size(t) FROM dev_transactions t;
(Plus maybe padding between rows, as the next row starts at a multiple of 8 bytes.)