VACUUM on Redshift (AWS) after DELETE and INSERT - sql

I have a table as below (simplified example, we have over 60 fields):
CREATE TABLE "fact_table" (
"pk_a" bigint NOT NULL ENCODE lzo,
"pk_b" bigint NOT NULL ENCODE delta,
"d_1" bigint NOT NULL ENCODE runlength,
"d_2" bigint NOT NULL ENCODE lzo,
"d_3" character varying(255) NOT NULL ENCODE lzo,
"f_1" bigint NOT NULL ENCODE bytedict,
"f_2" bigint NULL ENCODE delta32k
DISTKEY ( d_1 )
SORTKEY ( pk_a, pk_b );
The table is distributed by a high-cardinality dimension.
The table is sorted by a pair of fields that increment in time order.
The table contains over 2 billion rows, and uses ~350GB of disk space, both "per node".
Our hourly house-keeping involves updating some recent records (within the last 0.1% of the table, based on the sort order) and inserting another 100k rows.
Whatever mechanism we choose, VACUUMing the table becomes overly burdensome:
- The sort step takes seconds
- The merge step takes over 6 hours
We can see from SELECT * FROM svv_vacuum_progress; that all 2billion rows are being merged. Even though the first 99.9% are completely unaffected.
Our understanding was that the merge should only affect:
1. Deleted records
2. Inserted records
3. And all the records from (1) or (2) up to the end of the table
We have tried DELETE and INSERT rather than UPDATE and that DML step is now significantly quicker. But the VACUUM still merges all 2billion rows.
DELETE FROM fact_table WHERE pk_a > X;
-- 42 seconds
INSERT INTO fact_table SELECT <blah> FROM <query> WHERE pk_a > X ORDER BY pk_a, pk_b;
-- 90 seconds
VACUUM fact_table;
-- 23645 seconds
In fact, the VACUUM merges all 2 billion records even if we just trim the last 746 rows off the end of the table.
The Question
Does anyone have any advice on how to avoid this immense VACUUM overhead, and only MERGE on the last 0.1% of the table?

How often are you VACUUMing the table? How does the long duration effect you? our load processing continues to run during VACUUM and we've never experienced any performance problems with doing that. Basically it doesn't matter how long it takes because we just keep running BAU.
I've also found that we don't need to VACUUM our big tables very often. Once a week is more than enough. Your use case may be very performance sensitive but we find the query times to be within normal variations until the table is more than, say, 90% unsorted.
If you find that there's a meaningful performance difference, have you considered using recent and history tables (inside a UNION view if needed)? That way you can VACUUM the small "recent" table quickly.

Couldn't fix it in comments section, so posting it as answer
I think right now, if the SORT keys are same across the time series tables and you have a UNION ALL view as time series view and still performance is bad, then you may want to have a time series view structure with explicit filters as
create or replace view schemaname.table_name as
select * from table_20140901 where sort_key_date = '2014-09-01' union all
select * from table_20140902 where sort_key_date = '2014-09-02' union all .......
select * from table_20140925 where sort_key_date = '2014-09-25';
Also make sure to have stats collected on all these tables on sort keys after every load and try running queries against it. It should be able to push down any filter values into the view if you are using any. End of day after load, just run a VACUUM SORT ONLY or full vacuum on the current day's table which should be much faster.
Let me know if you are still facing any issues after the above test.


Why changing where statement to a variable cause query to be 4 times slower

I am inserting data from one table "Tags" from "Recovery" database into another table "Tags" in "R3" database
they all live in my laptop similar SQL Server instance
I have built the insert query and because Recovery..Tags table is around 180M records I decided to break it into smaller sebsets. ( 1 million recs at the time)
Here is my query (Let's call Query A)
insert into R3..Tags (iID,DT,RepID,Tag,xmiID,iBegin,iEnd,Confidence,Polarity,Uncertainty,Conditional,Generic,HistoryOf,CodingScheme,Code,CUI,TUI,PreferredText,ValueBegin,ValueEnd,Value,Deleted,sKey,RepType)
SELECT T.iID,T.DT,T.RepID,T.Tag,T.xmiID,T.iBegin,T.iEnd,T.Confidence,T.Polarity,T.Uncertainty,T.Conditional,T.Generic,T.HistoryOf,T.CodingScheme,T.Code,T.CUI,T.TUI,T.PreferredText,T.ValueBegin,T.ValueEnd,T.Value,T.Deleted,T.sKey,R.RepType
FROM Recovery..tags T inner join Recovery..Reps R on T.RepID = R.RepID
where T.iID between 13000001 and 14000000
it takes around 2 minutes.
That is ok
To make things a bit easier for me
I put the iiD in the were statement in a variable
so my query looks like this (Let's call Query B)
declare #i int = 12
insert into R3..Tags (iID,DT,RepID,Tag,xmiID,iBegin,iEnd,Confidence,Polarity,Uncertainty,Conditional,Generic,HistoryOf,CodingScheme,Code,CUI,TUI,PreferredText,ValueBegin,ValueEnd,Value,Deleted,sKey,RepType)
SELECT T.iID,T.DT,T.RepID,T.Tag,T.xmiID,T.iBegin,T.iEnd,T.Confidence,T.Polarity,T.Uncertainty,T.Conditional,T.Generic,T.HistoryOf,T.CodingScheme,T.Code,T.CUI,T.TUI,T.PreferredText,T.ValueBegin,T.ValueEnd,T.Value,T.Deleted,T.sKey,R.RepType
FROM Recovery..tags T inner join Recovery..Reps R on T.RepID = R.RepID
where T.iID between (1000000 * #i) + 1 and (#i+1)*1000000
but that cause the insert to become so slow (around 10 min)
So what I tried query A again and gave me around 2 min
I tried query B again and gave around 8 min!!
I am attaching exec plan for each one (at a site that shows an analysis of the query plan) - Query A Plan and Query B Plan
Any idea why this is happening?
and how to fix it?
The big difference in time is due to the very different plans that are being created to join Tags and Reps.
Fundamentally, in version A, it knows how much data is being extracted (a million rows) and it can design an efficient query for that. However, because you are using variables in B to define how much data is being imported, it has to define a more generic query - one that would work for 10 rows, a million rows, or a hundred million rows.
In the plans, here are the relevant sections of the query joining Tags and Reps...
... in A
... and B
Note that in A it takes just over a minute to do the join; in B it takes 6 and a half minutes.
The key thing that appears to take the time is that it does a table scan of the Tags table which takes 5:44 to complete. The plan has this as a table scan, as the next time you run the query you may want many more than 1 million rows.
A secondary issue is that the amount of data it reads (or expects to read) from Reps is also way out of whack. In A it expected to read 2 million rows and read 1421; in B it basically read them all (even though technically it probably only needed the same 1421).
I think you have two main approaches to fix
Look at indexing, to remove the table scan on Tags - ensure the indexes match what is needed and allows the query to do a scan on that index (it appears that the index at the top of #MikePetri's answer is what you need, or similar). This way instead of doing a table scan, it can do an index scan which can start 'in the middle' of the data set (a table scan must start at either the start or end of the data set).
Separate this into two processes. The first process gets the relevant million rows from Tags, and saves it in a temporary table. The second process uses the data in the temporary table to join to Reps (also try using option (recompile) in the second query, so that it checks the temporary table's size before creating the plan).
You can even put an index or two (and/or Primary Key) on that temporary table to make it better for the next step.
The reason the first query is so much faster is it went parallel. This means the cardinality estimator knew enough about the data it had to handle, and the query was large enough to tip the threshold for parallel execution. Then, the engine passed chunks of data for different processors to handle individually, then report back and repartition the streams.
With the value as a variable, it effectively becomes a scalar function evaluation, and a query cannot go parallel with a scalar function, because the value has to determined before the cardinality estimator can figure out what to do with it. Therefore, it runs in a single thread, and is slower.
Some sort of looping mechanism might help. Create the included indexes to assist the engine in handling this request. You can probably find a better looping mechanism, since you are familiar with the identity ranges you care about, but this should get you in the right direction. Adjust for your needs.
With a loop like this, it commits the changes with each loop, so you aren't locking the table indefinitely.
USE Recovery;
ON Tags (iID)
,#StepIncrement INT = 1000000;
SELECT #RowsToProcess = (
FROM Recovery..tags AS T
FROM R3..Tags AS rt
WHERE T.iID = rt.iID
WHILE #RowsToProcess > 0
SELECT TOP (#StepIncrement)
FROM Recovery..tags AS T
INNER JOIN Recovery..Reps AS R ON T.RepID = R.RepID
FROM R3..Tags AS rt
WHERE T.iID = rt.iID
SET #RowsToProcess = #RowsToProcess - #StepIncrement;

Slow performance with small table after extreme reduction of size

I have table with approximately 10 million rows, with the id column being primary key.
Then I delete all rows where id > 10. Only 10 rows remain in the table.
Now, when I run the query SELECT id FROM tablename, execution time is approximately 1.2 - 1.5 seconds.
But SELECT id FROM tablename where id = x only takes 10 - 11 milliseconds.
Why is the first SELECT so slow for just 10 rows?
The main reason is the MVCC model of Postgres, where deleted rows are kept until the system can be sure that the transaction is not rolled back and the dead rows are not visible to any concurrent transaction any more. Only then, dead rows can be physically removed by VACUUM - or more radically VACUUM FULL.
VACUUM returning disk space to operating system
Your simple query SELECT id FROM tablename - if run immediately after the DELETE and before autovacuum can kick in - still finds 10 million rows and has to check visibility, only to rule out most of them.
Your second query SELECT id FROM tablename where id = x can use the primary key index and only needs to read a single data page from the (formerly) big table. That kind of query is largely immune to the total size of the table either way.
There may be a (much) more efficient way to delete almost all 10 million rows:
Best way to delete millions of rows by ID
Copying timestamp columns within a Postgres table
What causes large INSERT to slow down and disk usage to explode?

Copying timestamp columns within a Postgres table

I have a table with about 30 million rows in a Postgres 9.4 db. This table has 6 columns, the primary key id, 2 text, one boolean, and two timestamp. There are indices on one of the text columns, and obviously the primary key.
I want to copy the values in the first timestamp column, call it timestamp_a into the second timestamp column, call it timestamp_b. To do this, I ran the following query:
UPDATE my_table SET timestamp_b = timestamp_a;
This worked, but it took an hour and 15 minutes to complete, which seems a really long time to me considering, as far as I know, it's just copying values from one column to the next.
I ran EXPLAIN on the query and nothing seemed particularly inefficient. I then used pgtune to modify my config file, most notably it increased the shared_buffers, work_mem, and maintenance_work_mem.
I re-ran the query and it took essentially the same amount of time, actually slightly longer (an hour and 20 mins).
What else can I do to improve the speed of this update? Is this just how long it takes to write 30 million timestamps into postgres? For context I'm running this on a macbook pro, osx, quadcore, 16 gigs of ram.
The reason this is slow is that internally PostgreSQL doesn't update the field. It actually writes new rows with the new values. This usually takes a similar time to inserting that many values.
If there are indexes on any column this can further slow the update down. Even if they're not on columns being updated, because PostgreSQL has to write a new row and write new index entries to point to that row. HOT updates can help and will do so automatically if available, but that generally only helps if the table is subject to lots of small updates. It's also disabled if any of the fields being updated are indexed.
Since you're basically rewriting the table, if you don't mind locking out all concurrent users while you do it you can do it faster with:
DROP all indexes
UPDATE the table
CREATE all indexes again
PostgreSQL also has an optimisation for writes to tables that've just been TRUNCATEd, but to benefit from that you'd have to copy the data to a temp table, then TRUNCATE and copy it back. So there's no benefit.
#Craig mentioned an optimization for COPY after TRUNCATE: Postgres can skip WAL entries because if the transaction fails, nobody will ever have seen the new table anyway.
The same optimization is true for tables created with CREATE TABLE AS:
What causes large INSERT to slow down and disk usage to explode?
Details are missing in your description, but if you can afford to write a new table (no concurrent transactions get in the way, no dependencies), then the fastest way might be (except if you have big TOAST table entries - basically big columns):
LOCK TABLE my_table IN SHARE MODE; -- only for concurrent access
SET LOCAL work_mem = '???? MB'; -- just for this transaction
CREATE my_table2
SELECT ..., timestamp_a, timestamp_a AS timestamp_b
-- columns in order, timestamp_a overwrites timestamp_b
FROM my_table
ORDER BY ??; -- optionally cluster table while being at it.
DROP TABLE my_table;
ALTER TABLE my_table2 RENAME TO my_table;
ALTER TABLE my_table
, ADD CONSTRAINT my_table_id_pk PRIMARY KEY (id);
-- more constraints, indices, triggers?
-- recreate views etc. if any
The additional benefit: a pristine (optionally clustered) table without bloat. Related:
Best way to populate a new column in a large table?

how to speed up a clustered index scan while selecting all fields on range of rows or all the rows

I have a table
Books(BookId, Name, ...... , PublishedYear)
I do have about 30 fields in my Books table, where BookId is the primary key (Identity column). I have about 2 million records for this table.
I know select * is evil performance killer..
I have a situation to select range of rows or all the rows having all the columns in it.
Select * from Books;
this query takes more than 2 seconds to scan through the data page and get all the records. On checking the execution it still uses the Clustered index scan.
Obviously 2 seconds my not be that bad, however when this table has to be joined with other tables which is executed in batch is taking time over 15 minutes (There are no duplicate records though on the final result at completion as the count is matching). The join criteria is pretty simple and yields no duplication.
Excluding this table alone has the batch execution completed in sub seconds.
Is there a way to optimize this having said that I will have to select all the columns :(
Thanks in advance.
I've just run a batch against my developer instance, one SELECT specifying all Columns and one using *. There is no evidence (nor should there) that there is any difference aside from the raw parsing of my input. If I remember correctly, that old saying really means: Do not SELECT columns you are not using, they use up resources without benefit.
When you try to improve performance in your code, always check your assumptions, they might only apply to some older version (of sql server etc) or other method.

Query with a UNION sub-query takes a very long time

I've been having an odd problem with some queries that depend on a sub query. They run lightning fast, until I use a UNION statement in the sub query. Then they run endlessly, I've given after 10 minutes. The scenario I'm describing now isn't the original one I started with, but I think it cuts out a lot of possible problems yet yields the same problem. So even though it's a pointless query, bear with me!
I have a table:
tblUser - 100,000 rows
tblFavourites - 200,000 rows
If I execute:
FROM tblFavourites
WHERE userID NOT IN (SELECT uid FROM tblUser);
… then it runs in under a second. However, if I modify it so that the sub query has a UNION, it will run for at least 10 minutes (before I give up!)
FROM tblFavourites
A pointless change, but it should yield the same result and I don't see why it should take any longer?
Putting the sub-query into a view and calling that instead has the same effect.
Any ideas why this would be? I'm using SQL Azure.
Problem solved. See my answer below.
UNION generate unique values, so the DBMS engine makes sorts.
You can use safely UNION ALL in this case.
UNION is really doing a DISTINCT on all fields in the combined data set. It filters out dupes in the final results.
Is Uid indexed? If not it may take a long time as the query engine:
Generates the first result set
Generates the second result set
Filters out all the dupes (which is half the records) in a hash table
If duplicates aren't a concern (and using IN means they won't be) then use UNION ALL which removes the expensive Sort/Filter step.
UNION's are usually implemented via temporary in-memory tables. You're essentially copying your tblUser two times into memory, WITH NO INDEX. Then every row in tblFavourites incur a complete table scan over 200,000 rows - that's 200Kx200K=40 billion double-row scans (because the query engine must get the uid from both table rows)
If your tblUser has an index on uid (which is definitely true because all tables in SQL Azure must have a clustered index), then each row in tblFavourites incurs a very fast index lookup, resulting in only 200Kxlog(100K) =200Kx17 = 200K row scans, each with 17 b-tree index comparisons (which is much faster than reading the uid from a row on a data page), so it should equate to roughly 200Kx(3-4) or 1 million double-row scans. I believe newer versions of SQL server may also build a temp hash table containing just the uid's, so essentially it gets down to 200K row scans (assuming hash table lookup to be trivial).
You should also generate your query plan to check.
Essentially, the non-UNION query runs around 500,000 times faster if tblUser has an index (should be on SQL Azure).
It turns out the problem was due to one of the indexes ... tblFavourites contained two foreign keys to the primary key (uid) in tblUser:
both columns had the same definition and same indexes, but I discovered that swapping userId for otherUserId in the original query solved the problem.
I ran:
... and the problem went away. The query now executes almost instantly.
I don't know too much about what goes on behind the scenes in Sql Server/Azure ... but I can only imagine that it was a damaged index or something? I update statistics frequently, but that had no effect.
The above was not fully correct. It did fix the problem for around 20 minutes, then it returned. I have been in touch with Microsoft support for several days and it seems the problem is to do with the tempDB. They are working on a solution at their end.
I just ran into this problem. I have about 1million rows to go through and then I realized that some of my IDs were in another table, so I unioned to get the same information in one "NOT EXISTS." I went from the query taking about 7 sec to processing only 5000 rows after a minute or so. This seemed to help. I absolutely hate the solution, but I've tried a multitude of things that all end up w/the same extremely slow execution plan. This one got me what I needed in about 18 sec.
SELECT (columns needed)
(And yes I tried "WHERE EXISTS IN..." for the final select... inner join was faster)
Please let me say again, I personaly feel this is really ugly, but I actually use this join twice in my proc, so it's going to save me time in the long run. Hope this helps.
Doesn't it make more sense to rephrase the questions from
"UserIds that aren't on the combined list of all the Ids that apper in this table and/or that table"
"UserIds that aren't on this table AND aren't on that table either
FROM tblFavourites
AND userID NOT IN (SELECT uid FROM tblUser);