Reduce/Collect `List<Map<String, Set<String>` to `Map<String, Set<String>>` - kotlin

After performing a parallelStream() on a List, I end up with a List<Map<String, Set<String>. I want to unify this into a Map<String, Set<String>> (which will only keep uniques across the List of Maps).
I am unfamiliar with the collect and reduce functions, so don't have anything to go ahead with.
Existing code:
private val TYPES = listOf("string", "integer")
private fun getLinesOfEachTypeAcrossMultipleFiles(files: List<File>): Map<String, Set<String>> {
return files
.map { file ->
TYPES.associate {
it to getRelevantTypeLinesFromFile(file)
// Converted into a Stream<String, Set<String>>
// .reduce() / collect() ?
private fun getRelevantTypeLinesFromFile(it: File): Set<String> {
// Sample code
return setOf()

If you're looking for an equivalent Java code, you can stream all the entries using flatMap and then collect them as a Map with a merge function as :
Map<String, Set<String>> some(List<Map<String, Set<String>>> listOfMap) {
.flatMap(a -> a.entrySet().stream())
.collect(Collectors.toMap(Map.Entry::getKey, Map.Entry::getValue,
(s1, s2) -> {
return s1;

I figured out and implemented a Kotlin-specific solution of using the fold operator (instead of reduce or collect):
private val TYPES = listOf("string", "integer")
private fun getLinesOfEachTypeAcrossMultipleFiles(files: List<File>): Map<String, Set<String>> {
return files
.map { file ->
TYPES.associate { it to getRelevantTypeLinesFromFile(file) }
.fold(mutableMapOf<String, MutableSet<String>>()) { acc, map ->
acc.apply {
map.forEach { key, value ->
acc.getOrPut(key) { mutableSetOf() }.addAll(value)
private fun getRelevantTypeLinesFromFile(it: File): Set<String> {
// Sample code
return setOf()
A benefit of using fold is that we don't need to change the type of the data from Map to MutableMap and Set to MutableSet.


Should I get rid of big switch case?

I have a factory which includes many HTML attribute generators which returns one of them based on the type of attribute, so I wanted to see if there is a better way of doing this.
class AttributeHtmlGeneratorFactory {
fun create(property: String): AttributeHtmlGenerator {
when (property) {
"animation" -> {
return AnimationHtmlGenerator()
"left", "top" -> {
return PositionHtmlGenerator()
"scaleX" , "scaleY", ... , "direction" -> {
return UnusedAttributesHtmlGenerator()
this when switch has like 20 switch cases in it.
this is the interface which all these classes are using
interface AttributeHtmlGenerator {
fun generateHtml(member: KProperty1<HtmlComponentDataModel, *>, component: HtmlComponentDataModel ): String
and this is where and how I'm using all of these:
var result = ""
HtmlComponentDataModel::class.memberProperties.forEach { member ->
val generator = AttributeHtmlGeneratorFactory().create(
result =, component))
return result
also, this is a simple implementation of the interface:
class ButtonFillHtmlGenerator : AttributeHtmlGenerator {
override fun generateHtml(member: KProperty1<HtmlComponentDataModel, *>, component: HtmlComponentDataModel): String {
var result = ""
member.get(component)?.let {
result ="background-color:${it};")
return result
is there anyway to make this better?
If you just want to reformat the when statement, I suggest you you do like this:
fun create(property: String): AttributeHtmlGenerator = when (property)
"animation" -> AnimationHtmlGenerator()
"left", "top" -> PositionHtmlGenerator()
"scaleX", "scaleY", "direction" -> UnusedAttributesHtmlGenerator()
else -> error("No generator found for property $property")
If you want to split this logic across modules, you would use a Map.
class AttributeHtmlGeneratorFactory {
private val generatorMap = mutableMapOf<String, () -> AttributeHtmlGenerator>()
init {
assignGeneratorToProperties("animation") { AnimationHtmlGenerator() }
assignGeneratorToProperties("left", "top") { PositionHtmlGenerator() }
fun create(property: String): AttributeHtmlGenerator {
return generatorMap[property]?.invoke() ?: error("No generator found for property $property")
fun assignGeneratorToProperties(vararg properties: String, provider: () -> AttributeHtmlGenerator) {
properties.forEach {
generatorMap[it] = provider
This way you can call assignGeneratorToProperties in parts of the code and thus split the initialization logic.
Performance-wise, when/if-else statements are really performant when you have a few cases but a HashMap outperforms them for a lot of elements. You decide what to use depending on your case.

Closing (Auto)Closeables that exist only in `Either`

I currently face the problem of correctly closing resources that never leave their containing Either.
The relevant code looks something like this:
object SomeError
class MyRes : AutoCloseable { [...] }
fun createRes(): Either<SomeError, MyRes> { [...] }
fun extractData(res: MyRes): String { [...] }
fun theProblem(): Either<SomeError, String> {
return createRes()
.map { extractData(it) }
What is the most idiomatic way of closing the created MyRes? Closing it before that map prevents extractData from accessing it, and after the map I can't access it anymore via Either's operations. Closing it in extractData severely limits composability.
Currently I have an external List<AutoCloseable> that I iterate over after all the computations, but that can't be the intended way.
I am open to using Arrow Fx (e.g. Resource) if that helps, but I haven't found anything on how to combine Either and Resource in an elegant way.
It's possible to combine the either and Resource safely.
object SomeError
class MyRes : AutoCloseable { [...] }
fun createRes(): Resource<Either<SomeError, MyRes>> { [...] }
fun extractData(res: MyRes): String { [...] }
suspend fun solution(): Either<SomeError, String> = either {
createRes().use { either: Either<SomeError, MyRes> ->
val res = either.bind()
val string = extractData(res)
// call other Either code + `bind()` safely here
} // <-- MyRes will automatically close here
If in this code you encounter Either.Left and you call bind() on it the Resource will first close, because we jump outside of use, and then either will return the encountered Either.Left.
One possible solution I found was wrapping the block passed to map:
fun <B : AutoCloseable, C> andClose(f: (B) -> C): (B) -> C =
{ b: B -> b.use { f(b) } }
fun theProblemSlightlySolved(): Either<SomeError, String> {
return createRes()
.map(andClose { extractData(it) })

rxjava, how to inspect the result of a Single

using kotlin, having code
fun fetchRemoteDataApi(): Single<RemoteDataResponse> = networkApi.getData()
// it is just a retrofit
fun getData() : Single<RemoteDataResponse>
fun mergeApiWithDb(): Completable = fetchRemoteDataApi()
.flatMapCompletable { (remoteData, localData) ->
doMerge(remoteData, localData) //<== return a Completable
the code flow:
val mergeApiDbCall = mergeApiWithDb().onErrorComplete().cache() //<=== would like do some inspection at this level
.switchMap {
//merge DB with api, or local default value first then listen to DB change
.concatMapSingle { topics -> { topics to it } }
.flatMapCompletable { (topics, user) ->
// do something return Completable
}, { throwable ->
and when making the call
val mergeApiDbCall = mergeApiWithDb().onErrorComplete().cache()
the question is if would like to inspect on the Singles<RemoteDataResponse> returned from fetchRemoteDataApi() (i.e. using Log.i(...) to printout the content of RemoteDataResponse, etc.), either in got error or success case, how to do it?
/// the functions
fun listAllTopics(): Flowable<List<String>> = localRepoDao.getAllTopics()
// which a DAO:
#Query("SELECT topic FROM RemoteDataTable WHERE read = 1")
fun getAllTopics(): Flowable<List<String>>
private val remoteTopicUsers: Single<List<User>>
get() {
return Single.create {
networkApi.getTopicUsers(object : ICallback.IGetTopicUsersCallback {
override fun onSuccess(result: List<User>) = it.onSuccess(result)
override fun onError(errorCode: Int, errorMsg: String?) = it.onError(Exception(errorCode, errorMsg))
You cannot extract information about elements from the Completable. Though you can use doOnComplete() on Completable, it will not provide you any information about the element.
You can inspect elements if you call doOnSuccess() on your Single, so you need to incorporate this call earlier in your code. To inspect errors you can use doOnError() on both Completable or Single.

Operator "concat" does not work properly. Kotlin+RxJava

all! I want to get data in DB at first and than call server if DB is empty. But I don't have any response when I use this way. I tried to call server at first and it was successful. Whats wrong??? This is my code:
private fun getDataFromRepository() {
val subscription =
{ cars ->
{ e ->
fun getCars(): Single<List<Car>>? {
val db = getDataFromDB()
val server = getDataFromServerFlowable()
val mock = getDataFromMock()
return Flowable.concat(db, server).first(mock)
private fun getDataFromServerFlowable(): Flowable<List<Car>> {
return carApi.getPostsFlowable()
private fun getDataFromDB(): Flowable<List<Car>> {
return RealmCar().queryAllAsFlowable() //"com.github.vicpinm:krealmextensions:2.4.0"
.map { cars -> mapper.convertListRealmCarToListCar(cars) }
.filter { car -> car.isNotEmpty()}
private fun getDataFromMock(): List<Car> {
val cars: MutableList<Car> = mutableListOf()
val car = Car(0, 0, "Test", "Test", "Test")
return cars
Server call:
fun getPostsFlowable(): Flowable<List<Car>>
Depending on your logic you should consider using merge instead of concat to interleave the elements. In your case getDataFromDB() is not emitting, so the final Flowable is waiting for it before emitting getDataFromServerFlowable(), There are plenty of good answers of merge vs concat (i.e this one)

Is there a less ugly way to return function in Kotlin?

This declaration works, but is not the most beautiful code. Is there a way to return functions less ugly? I tried (s: String) -> writer.println(s) but this didn't work.
val writeStuff: (PrintWriter) -> (String) -> Unit = {
val writer = it
val f: (String) -> Unit = {
PrintWriter("test").use { writeStuff(it)("TEST") }
EDIT: a bit more concrete example:
val writeStuff: (PrintWriter) -> (String) -> Unit = { writer ->
{ writer.println(it) }
val sendStuff: (Any) -> (String) -> Unit = { sender ->
{ sender.equals(it) }
#Test fun test1() {
val li = listOf("a", "b", "c")
val process: List<(String) -> Unit> =
listOf(writeStuff(PrintWriter("a")), sendStuff(Object())) { }
First, you can simplify your code using lambda syntax with explicit parameter and inlining val f:
val writeStuff: (PrintWriter) -> (String) -> Unit = { writer ->
{ writer.println(it) }
But since Kotlin supports local function declarations, you can even make writeStuff a local fun instead of a val.
This would lead to the following code:
fun writeStuff(writer: PrintWriter): (String) -> Unit {
return { writer.println(it) }
Or, using the single expression syntax,
fun writeStuff(writer: PrintWriter): (String) -> Unit = { writer.println(it) }
The usage, however, will be the same:
PrintWriter("...").use { writeStuff(it)("...") }
I stumbled across this question while trying to figure out how to return a Function (the java interface) in Kotlin. While this doesn't directly answer the question, hopefully it'll help someone else who has the same query:
override fun myFun(param1: Object): Function<in Object, out String?> {
if (!param1.meetsCriteria())
return Function { obj -> null }
return Function { obj ->
In this case, I was overriding a method in a java interface that required me to return a Function instance. (Note that since the param is not used in my particular implementation above, I could remove it and just have the return result. eg return Function { null })
Edit: After some research, it turns out Kotlin covers this subject with their discussion on "SAM (single abstract method) conversions" here and here, though it may not be the most intuitive thing to look up when figuring out how to return Functions.