How to utilize data in xml from flow monitor - ns-3

I want to use ns3 to calculate TCP throughput,and I think one way to track network status is using flow monitor.However,it gives out xml file and I do not know how to use it...Can anyone help how to use the data or how to find relative tutorials of utilizing data generated by flow monitor in ns3 document?

The data in FlowMonitor.xml can be viewed using NetAnimator.
Install NetAnim, see the requirements
Add the netanim-module libraries in your simulation code
Configure the node animations, see the example in src/netanim/examples/
std::string animFile = "grid-animation.xml";
AnimationInterface anim (animFile);
Run the simulation
Open the Netanim folder and run ./NetAnim
Open XML trace file
On the Stats tab change the IP-MAC switch to Flow-monitor
Select flow-monitor file and open
Select the flows of your interest
Ready! Good simulations!


How to add double tap detection to sample app gatt_sensordata_app?

I am developing an Android app that gets data from Movesense using the GATT profile from the sample app GATT Sensor Data App here.
I followed the tutorial available here. Building the app and getting the DFU worked fine. I can get IMU, HR and temperature data with no issues.
Now I'd like add a tap detection feature to my app. I understand that I have to subscribe to 'System/States', but first I need to be able to receive the system state data.
I understand that I need a modified DFU for that, but I don't understand what changes I should make in which files of the gatt_sensordata_app before rebuilding and generating the new DFU.
What changes should I make in order to broadcast /System/State data?
(I usually just deal with Android so apologies for the very basic question.)
I tried adding #include "system_states/resources.h" to GATTSensorDataClient.cpp but I don't know how to continue.
The normal data straming in the gatt_sensordata_app uses the sbem-encoding code that the build process generates when building the firmware. However /System/States is not among the paths that the code can serialize. Therefore the only possibility is to implement the States-support to the firmware.
Easiest way is to do as follows:
In your python app call data subscription with "/System/States/3" (3 == DOUBLE_TAP)
Add a special case to the switch in onNotify which matches the localResourceId to the WB_RES::LOCAL::SYSTEM_STATES_STATEID::LID
In that handler, return the data the way you want. Easiest is to copy paste the "default" handler but replace the code between getSbemLength() & writeToSbemBuffer(...) calls with your own serialization code
Full disclosure: I work for the Movesense team

Configure .eds file to map channels of a CANopen Client PLC

In Order use a PLC as a Client (formerly “Slave”), one has to configure the PDO channels, since the default values of the manufacturer are often not suitable. In my case, I need the PDOs so send INT valued instead of the default UNSIGNED8 (see. Picture).
Therefore my question: What kind of workflow would you recommend, to map the CANopen Client PDO channels?
I found the following workflow suitable, however I appreciate any improvements and recommendations from your side!
Start by locating the .eds file from the manufacturer. The image show this in the B&R Automation Studio Programming Environment
Open the file in a eds. Editor. I found the free Vector CANEds Editor very useful. Delete all RxPODs and RxPDO mappings that you don’t need.
Assign the needed Data Type (e.g. INTEGER16) and Channel Name (“1 Byte In (1)”).
Add the necessary PDOs and PDO mapping from the database. (This might actually be a bug, but if you just edit the PDOs without deleting and recreating them, I always receive error messages)
Map the Date to the Channels
Don't forget to write the number of channels in the first entry (in this image: 1601sub0)
Check the eds file for Errors (press F5) and copy&paste the eds file to the original location point 1.)
Add the PLC Client device in Automation Studio and you should see the correct mappings.
(PS: I couldn't make the images smaller ... any recommendations about formating this question are welcome!)

Unable to start the chipKit BasicIOShield with PIC32 using PICKIT3 programmer

I have chipKit uC32 (PIC32MX340F512H) ,chipkit BasicIOShield and PICkit3
programmer all from the Microchip.
I'm using MPLABX IDE.
Since I'm very new to this so I didn't know where to start I have searched and look at the web and find only tutorial which using MPIDE which I'm not allowed to use in my project.
I have read the Reference manual and Data sheet for and make test project but any way the uC32 Board refuse to recognize the BasicIOShield and I was unable to connect this two together.
Any tips and link would be great. Thanks in advance.
In the Basic IO shield Reference manual stated that you should follow some step in order to make the ChipKit to talk to the basic IO shield.
Power on sequence
Apply power to VDD.
Send Display Off command.
Initialize display to desired operating mode.
Clear screen.
Apply power to VBAT.
Delay 100ms.
Send Display On command.
Power off sequence
Send Display Off command.
Power off VBAT.
Delay 100ms.
Power off VDD.
The shield is using SPI2. The following registers are used
RF4, RF5, RF6 and RG9
Also you must change the jumper in the uC32 from LED4 to JP4 and JP8.
in the Appendix B of the reference manual of the basic IO shield is an example code which is useful.

noflo-ui: Load and save projects/graphs/components from external database or api

I'm trying to create a custom build of noflo-ui that is effectively only a graph editor. Don't need it to connect to any runtimes.
I'm struggling to find where I can inject this code as it appears part of noflo-ui is written in noflo itself and I cannot find the scripts for those pieces.
For example, in graphs/main.fbp, there is this line:
'user,main,project,github,runtime,context' -> ROUTES Dispatch
Three questions on this:
Where is the source behind the Dispatch component?
If I add my own interface elements to Load data from an external api, where would be the best place to inject that data?
I see a lot of event driven code, so I'm guessing I would add a new polymer element, do my ajax call, the emit or fire something. I believe this is what happens when connecting to a noflo-nodejs runtime; I've traced the connection to line 51312 in a built noflo-ui.js
return port.send({
componentDefinition: definition
... but I can't figure out where it goes past here. A port on the main.fbp graph? As per my 1st question, I cannot find the source behind these core graphs.
And this leads to my last question
The code I pasted above from noflo-ui, I cannot find this code anywhere pre-build. I even searched the entire project tree for "componentDefinition: definition". Where is this coming from?
Any pointers on this would be greatly appreciated! Thanks
The FBP runtime protocol is the primary extension point of noflo-ui. You can implement a "runtime" which just provides components and graphs (for instance from a database), without a way to run these.
A network:persist message to let the UI indicate that "this is a good point to save the graphs" has been specced but is currently not implemented. For now you can just autosave latest state.

.scr file and APDU

I am using JCard sim, java card version 2.2.2 and I want to know how the .scr file is associated with the .java file. (the java card simulator on NetBeans IDE. I am not using an actual smartcard).
If someone can provide me with some useful links on how these two files are related, I would greatly appreciate it.
I have looked through the following links, but they were not specifically helpful in illustrating how I can modify the .scr file in association with my .java file
C H A P T E R 5 - Converting Java Class Files
How to write a Java Card applet: A developer's guide - JavaWorld
Basically what I am trying to do is create a test applet (without the need of .scr files to send and receive APDUs by my other files)
- I want to be able to read APDU which contains the the parameters for a function in my process method
- That function will then create another APDU as its output, which another function will read as one of it's parameters
As far as I understand, the .scr file is used to send command APDUs that is read by the applet, but there is no way to write to the .scr file.
How can I create my own .java test file that sends and receives APDUs instead of relying on the .scr?
I can provide more details of what my code looks, if absolutely required.
You can communicate with the simulator using the method described in the quick start guide of jCardSim. It is also described how to select an Applet using the correct AID in there. The inherited process(APDU) method will receive any APDU send using the methods described in the quick start guide, starting with the SELECT by NAME APDU (INS = A4). After that it is normal APDU processing.