Karate API framework - Validate randomly displayed items in response - karate

I am using Karate API framework for the API automation and came across with one scenario, the scenario is when I am hitting a post call it gives me some json response and few of the items are having tags whereas few of them are showing tags as blank to get all the tags below is the feature file scenario line
* def getTags = get response.items[*].resource.tags
It is giving me response as
"tags" : "Entertainment"
"tags" : "Family"
As you can see out of 5 or 6 tags only 2 tags are having the value, so I want to capture if any tags value is showing or not. What would be the logic for the assertion considering these tags can all come as empty and sometimes with come with a string value. In above case "Family" & "Entertainment"
Thanks in advance !

* match each response.items[*].resource.tags == "##string"
This will validate that tags either doesn't exist or is a string.

I think you can use a second variable to strip out the empties, or maybe your original JsonPath should use .., you can experiment:
* def allowed = ['Music', 'Entertainment', 'Documentaries', 'Family']
* def response =
* def temp = get response..tags
* print temp
* match each temp == "#? allowed.contains(_)"


How to get contacts with hs_leads_status = Open from hubspot using Contact List API?

I want to get/pull all the contacts with hs_leads_status = Open and i am using https://api.hubapi.com/contacts/v1/lists/all/contacts/all?count=100&property=phone&property=hs_lead_status&hs_lead_status=Open but it returns hs_leads_status = Closed as well.
How to pass the parameters correctly and achieve it?
This is not possible using the v1 API. You can however use the v3 API's search for this.
Using an filter group with EQ param should satisfy your usecase.
Finally get succeeded with:
POST - https://api.hubapi.com/crm/v3/objects/contacts/search?
Body - {
"properties": [
"limit": 100,
"filterGroups": [
"filters": [
"propertyName": "hs_lead_status",
"operator": "EQ",
"value": "Open"
but the limitation is that it returns only 100 records with pagination.

Karate json key list variable assignment

New to Karate, and JSON, for that matter, but I've got a variable like:
response {
entries {
products [
names [
"Peter Parker",
"Tony Stark",
"Captain America"
names [
"Thomas Tinker",
"Jimmy Johnson",
"Mama Martha"
match each response.entries.products[*].names returns a list like:
["Peter Parker","Tony Stark","Captain America","Thomas Tinker","Jimmy Johnson","Mama Martha"]
But I'd like to assign that output to a variable, such as:
* def variable = response.entries.products[*].names
that would hold a similar value. When I use the above line, I get the following error:
Expected an operand but found *
Is it possible to achieve that, or something similar? If so, how?
Yes, there is syntax for that:
* def variable = $response.entries.products[*].names
Read the docs: https://github.com/intuit/karate#get

How to validate Nested JSON Response

I am facing issue while validate Nested JSON response in API Testing using Karate Framework.
JSON Response:
{ "item_type": "Cake" ,
"title": "Birthday Cake",
"id": "1",
"name": {
"first_name": "Rahul",
"last_name": "Goyal"
"id": "2",
"first_name": "Hitendra",
"last_name": "garg"
"title": "used by"
"item_type": "College"
{"branch": "EC"},
{"branch": "CSE"},
{"branch": "CIVIL"}
Now i need to validate response based on Item type. as we can see nested JSON is different for different item_type.
I have tried with below solution
Schema Design for Item_type value cake
def Feed_Cake_Service_name={first_name: '#string',last_name: '#string'}
def Feed_Cake_Services= {id: '#string',name:#(Feed_Cake_Service_name)}
def Feed_Cake={item_type:'#string',title: '#string',Services: '#[] Feed_Cake_Services'}
def Feed_Cake_Response= {Feed: '#[] Feed_Cake'}
Schema Design for item_type Cycle
def Feed_Cycle={item_type:'#string',title:'#string'}
Schema Design for item type College
def Feed_College_Dept_Branch={branch:'#string'}
def Feed_College={item_type:'#string',dept: '[] Feed_College_Dept_Branch'}
now if i want to verify only item type Cake then i have written match like below
match response contains Feed_Cake_Response
but here my test case is getting failed. because it is comparing for all item type.
so here i have two question
1.) How we can compare particular item type schema
2.) How we can include all item type in one match equation since any item type can come in JSON response , and i want to validate all
I'll just give you one hint. For the rest, read the documentation please:
* def item = { item_type: '#string', title: '##string', dept: '##[]', Services: '##[]' }
* match each response == item

Adding new key-value pair into json using karate

My payload looks like this :
"override_source": "DS",
"property_code": "0078099",
"stay_date": "2018-11-26T00:00:00.000000",
"sku_prices": [
"persistent_override": false
There is an array dblist ["2","3"] , it would consists of numbers from 1 to 4. Based on the elements present in the list, I want to add key-values {"sku_price":"1500","sku_code":"2"} to my payload. I am using the following code :
* eval if(contains("3",dblist)) karate.set('pushRatesFromDS.sku_prices[]','{ "sku_price": "1500","sku_code":"3" }')
When I execute my feature file, I do not get any errors but, key-values are not added to my payload. However if I move this code to a new feature file and call it, key-value pairs get added to my payload. The code in my new feature file looks like : * set pushRatesFromDS.sku_prices[] = { "sku_price": "1500","sku_code":"2" }
Try this:
* def foo =
"override_source": "DS",
"property_code": "0078099",
"stay_date": "2018-11-26T00:00:00.000000",
"sku_prices": [
"persistent_override": false
* eval karate.set('foo', '$.sku_prices[]', { foo: 'bar' })

How to assert substring in karate framework

I am getting an array of URLs as a response. I want to check that each URL from the array contains a specific word.
How can I check this in karate framework?
My response is :
response {
"title": "some title"
Now I want to check that each url field value contains word 'url'.How can I check this as match each $.response.docs.url contains 'url' does not work for me.
Please refer to the match each syntax. Here is an example:
* def response = [ 'http://url-one.com', 'http://url-two.com', ]
* match each response contains 'url'
EDIT - after question was edited. Here is your working example:
* def response =
"title":"some title"
* def urls = $response.docs[*].url
* match each urls contains '/url/'