WxChoice items slightly overlap in Windows 10 - wxwidgets

I am using wxWidgets 3.1.I am facing trouble with wxChoice box.The items of choiceBox slightly overlap on Window 10.I am passing the basic paramters to contruct the choicebox with style =0.


want yadcf filter multiselect options based on another filter value

I am using yadcf 0.9.3.
I have data similar to the following
I want to be able to select race (e.g., race1) with one filter, then have event filter multiselect show only appropriate events (in this case event1, event2). And when I select another race (e.g., race2) only those events are shown (in this case event3, event4)
I tried cumulative_filtering = true, but that doesn't work for my use case. First of all with cumulative_filtering = true, once I've selected race1, I can't change the selection to race2, also I have read other stackoverflow questions which noted that multiselect doesn't work well with cumulative_filtering because once the first options is chosen the others disappear.
This could work similar to datatables Editor dependent(), I suppose.
Is there any way to achieve this with the current or more recent yadcf? I reviewed 0.9.3.beta.26 (well master/latest, see https://github.com/vedmack/yadcf/blob/94a95338e697f972fa64bc79e4276fc35c8f3c40/src/jquery.dataTables.yadcf.js), and I am not sure if the new features would work (although it's possible something can be done with exRefreshColumnFilterWithDataProp -- note doc goes off the right side of the page when reviewing through github, so formatting could be improved).
If exRefreshColumnFilterWithDataProp should be used, is there a best practice to determine the values for one column (in my case events) given a filter in another (in my case races)?
UPDATE1 with codepen test case: https://codepen.io/louking/pen/VOrYjr

Cytoscape.js selecting collapsed nodes

I’ trying to build a Petri Net with Cytoscape.js, using Dagre.js layout and compound nodes for representing places witch in turns are subnets.
I’ using Expand-Collapse extension (Dagre layout) , starting with an overall collapsed network. As the net evolve, I need to update data on every node, including children of collapsed nodes witch users may decide to expand or not .
Here is the issue: I’ not able to select nodes inside collapsed ones nor I can test with IsParent() or any other function applying to compound nodes including slector like “node > node”. Any idea ?
You can't change state of elements that aren't in the graph. Modify them after you add them back (.restore()) to the graph instead.

MS CRM 2013 - Get Selected Records of a Subgrid From a Button - JAVASCRIPT

I added a button on my subgrid named "lots_associes", and I want by clicking on this button javascript recover all selected records.
I tried all the solutions proposed as http://vikramxrm.blogspot.fr/2013/11/read-subgrid-records-ms-crm-2013-using.html
But it seems that the functions "getElementById ('lots_associes')" do not work while "Xrm.Page.ui.controls.get('lots_associes')" works. I have the good name of the grid.
Do you have any ideas?
In 2011, it was the Ribbon's job: I assume 2013 would be the same (despite the different look'n'feel).
You had to use CrmParameter to have the IDs of the selected records:
// in the RibbonDiffXml
<JavaScriptFunction FunctionName="YourFunc" Library="YourLibrary">
<CrmParameter Name="MyRecordIDs" Value="SelectedControlSelectedItemIds" />
//The corresponding function would look like
function YourFunc(recordIDs){
// recordIDS will be filled with the IDs of the selected records
Here is the reference for CrmParameter (it says it applies to 2011 but there is no equivalent for 2013 so I believe this info is still valid)
On a side note, never use getElementById (it's not supported: no support from microsoft and any rollup might break your code).

ListView containing GridViews and ListViews

I have a requirement to create a xaml page with Semantic Zoom where the zoomed in view contains both GridViews and ListViews. I have started out with the basic Grid Application template.
In order to try to achieve this, I have made the Semantic Zoom control's zoomed in view show a list view, and the list view contains the ListView and GridView controls I need to actually show the data as ListViewItems. This works, up to a point - the issue is that the mouse-down or tap animations happen on the whole child control of the parent ListView instead of the child's elements. This sort of layout would be simple if I didn't need to support semantic zoom.
So, my question is is this the best way to achieve this sort of layout, or am I missing something. If this is the best way, is it possible to control the behaviour so that the child item elements have the correct animation effect on selection?
Additional Info
The choice of GridView or ListView is based on the type of the items in the collections. In this example, grp 1, 3 and 4 (to be shown in grids) are all collections of type NewsFull and the remainder (to show in Lists) are of type HeadlineOnly, both types inherit from NewsBase.
The page layout (zoomed in) should be something like this...
grp 1 grp 2 grp 3 grp 4 grp 5
[g][g][g][g] [_list item_] [g][g][g][g][g] [g][g][g] [_list_item_]
[g][g][g][g] [_list item_] [g][g][g][g][g] [g][g][g] [_list_item_]
[g][g][g][g] [_list item_] [g][g][g][g] [g][g] [_list_item_]
[g][g][g] [_list item_] [g][g][g][g] [g][g]
where [g] is a grid view item, and [_list_item_] is a list view item.
Zoomd out view is like this...
grp 1 grp 2 grp 3 grp 4 grp 5
[summary] [summary] [summary] [summary] [summary]
Perhaps you can try using the ItemContainerStyleSelector to swap out the container of the items based on the item type or similar? This way, may be you can set one group to have a wrapping layout container and another can just be a stackpanel?
the design looks reasonable to me. the issue you have is merely " is it possible to control the behaviour so that the child item elements have the correct animation effect on selection?"
the problem here is that you probably lack abstraction here regarding different levels of UI object. I would assume you wrote this big control simply using one xaml object and then messed up with the style setup. In my opinion, you will need to break your UI to these levels of components:
ZoomPage // which is essentially a list
GroupElement // which could be GRID object or list object depending on the DATACONTEXT
GroupElement // which also has a summary state.
what you specified definitely can be achieved, looks to me just the styles are not deployed properly, if indeed your control is too complex, break it down, and test them separately.
hope this helps

Ext.grid.ColumnModel is not a constructor

I am quite new to extjs..and I installed ext js4 in my server. I get the following error. Not sure what it means:
Ext.grid.ColumnModel is not a constructor
here 's my link:
Now I get Ext.grid.RowSelectionModel is not a constructor
Basically I am trying the following tutorial:
RowModel is default so in your grid configurations try this:
selModel: { mode: 'SIMPLE' },
selModel: new Ext.selection.RowModel({singleSelect:false})
although singleSelect is not a config option of RowModel, so try:
selModel: new Ext.selection.RowModel({model:SIMPLE})
From ExtJs docs:
mode : String
Mode of selection. Valid values are:
SINGLE - Only allows selecting one item at a time. Use allowDeselect to allow deselecting >that item. This is the default.
SIMPLE - Allows simple selection of multiple items one-by-one. Each click in grid will >either select or deselect an item.
MULTI - Allows complex selection of multiple items using Ctrl and Shift keys.
I looked at the code in the tutorial you mentioned and noticed that it is for ExtJs 2.x and 3.x versions. Grid changed a lot from version 3 to 4. If you want to follow that tutorial you will need to have ExtJs 4 documentation at hand.
I think the columns for PresidentsColumnModel should be Ext.grid.column.Column, not Ext.grid.ColumnModel