Why Google Places Autocomplete does not hide/show automatically? - react-native

I just follow and example of the repository and it did not show/hide, it just stay there, over half the screen, it is very annoying.
minLength={2} // minimum length of text to search
returnKeyType={'search'} // Can be left out for default return key https://facebook.github.io/react-native/docs/textinput.html#returnkeytype
keyboardAppearance={'light'} // Can be left out for default keyboardAppearance https://facebook.github.io/react-native/docs/textinput.html#keyboardappearance
listViewDisplayed='undefined' // true/false/undefined
renderDescription={row => row.description} // custom description render
onPress={(data, details = null) => { // 'details' is provided when fetchDetails = true
console.log(data, details);
getDefaultValue={() => ''}
// available options: https://developers.google.com/places/web-service/autocomplete
key: 'YOUR API KEY',
language: 'en', // language of the results
types: '(cities)' // default: 'geocode'
textInputContainer: {
width: '100%'
description: {
fontWeight: 'bold'
predefinedPlacesDescription: {
color: '#1faadb'
currentLocation={true} // Will add a 'Current location' button at the top of the predefined places list
currentLocationLabel="Current location"
nearbyPlacesAPI='GooglePlacesSearch' // Which API to use: GoogleReverseGeocoding or GooglePlacesSearch
// available options for GoogleReverseGeocoding API : https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/geocoding/intro
// available options for GooglePlacesSearch API : https://developers.google.com/places/web-service/search
rankby: 'distance',
type: 'cafe'
// available options for GooglePlacesDetails API : https://developers.google.com/places/web-service/details
fields: 'formatted_address',
filterReverseGeocodingByTypes={['locality', 'administrative_area_level_3']} // filter the reverse geocoding results by types - ['locality', 'administrative_area_level_3'] if you want to display only cities
predefinedPlaces={[homePlace, workPlace]}
debounce={200} // debounce the requests in ms. Set to 0 to remove debounce. By default 0ms.
renderLeftButton={() => <Image source={require('path/custom/left-icon')} />}
renderRightButton={() => <Text>Custom text after the input</Text>}
I'd like to show/hide it whenever the user choose an option of the list or touch another part of the app.
Also I'd like to know how to get the info of the choosen option to pass to a method to create routes

I see you have set listViewDisplayed to undefined.
You should set it to auto. That's it.
Hope it helps you.


React Native - Appended component in hook not responding as expected

I am working on a project that uses Google autocomplete to set locations. The project allows users to set pickup and destination location, and then they can also enter stop-by places up to additional 3, making it a total of 5.
Here's my sample code:
const placesRef = useRef([]);
const [stopspots, setStopSpots] = useState([]);
const [state, setState] = useState({
defaultPlacesInput: 'flex',
//and others
useEffect(() => {
placesRef.current = placesRef.current.slice(0, 5);
}, []);
const placesComponent = (i, placeholder) => {
return (<PlacesFrame key={i}>
ref={el => placesRef.current[i] = el}
onPress={(data, details = null) => {
setState({...state, defaultPlacesInput: 'flex'})
textInput: [styles.input1,{paddingLeft:30}],
container: [styles.autocompleteContainer,{display:placesRef.current[i]?.isFocused() ? 'flex' : state.defaultPlacesInput}],
listView: styles.listView,
listView: styles.listView,
row: styles.row,
predefinedPlacesDescription: {
color: '#1faadb',
language: profile.language,
components: 'country:' + profile.iso,
//value: '',
onChangeText: alterOtherFields
renderRow={(data) => <PlaceRow data={data} />}
const stopByLocation = () => {
var counter = stopspots.length, obj = placesComponent(counter + 2, 'Drop off location');
setStopSpots([...stopspots, {
id: counter,
place: obj
And here is how the autocomplete component is rendered
{placesComponent(0, 'Pick up location')}
{placesComponent(1, 'Drop off location')}
The output look like this
Everything works perfect when I call the placesComponent() function directly. But like I mentioned earlier, I want the users to be able to add up to 3 additional stop by locations, and because it is optional, additional fields is added by appending to hook, and then rendered. the code looks like this.
{placesComponent(0, 'Pick up location')}
{placesComponent(1, 'Drop off location')}
//This will append more placed fields
{stopspots != '' ?
stopspots.map((item : {}) => ((item.place)))
: null}
<TouchableOpacity activeOpacity={0.6} onPress={() => stopByLocation()}><AddPlaces><AntDesign name="plus" size={10} color="#444" /> Add</AddPlaces></TouchableOpacity>
The outcome looks like this
I observed that each component binded to the hooks takes the early properties, and does not effect additional changes. While the first two fields rendered by calling the function directly does.
When I make changes to state.defaultPlacesInput (observe this in styles property of GooglePlacesAutocomplete), the changes only effect on the two components called directly.
Is there a module, or a systematic way to append the renderer function call, without using useState hooks to append the 3 additional fields?
Is it possible to expose stored properties in useState hooks to respond as the other two which observe the state changes? If yes, how?
Any contribution, suggestion will be accepted

Implementing react-hook-forms and react-select with radio buttons and multi inputs combo

Ready for a complicated one?
Using react-hook-forms and react-select using creatable (user creates multiple inputs on the fly)
I'm trying to implement a form that uses an option on 4 radio buttons, 2 of which reveal multi inputs (inputs that use react-select where the user can create multiple entries, not a dropdown) and trying to keep track of both the radio inputs and the multi inputs in the final useForm() object. I also need to be able to remove them if the user changes their mind or resets the form in total. Right now, the key values of registrationTypes changes when I change radioTwo and enter inputs. I also don't know how to remove user inputs. I'm using Controller to read the entries (although I've heard if you're using native HTML checkbox input, you have to use Register?) . Here's the code:
import styled from 'styled-components'
import Creatable from 'react-select/creatable'
import { Controller } from 'react-hook-form'
import { ErrorRow } from '../util/FormStyles'
import { FormRulesProps } from '../util/formRuleTypes'
import FormError from './FormError'
const registrationTypes = [
label: 'Allow anyone with the link to register',
value: 'radioOne',
label: 'Allow anyone with this email domain to register:',
value: 'radioTwo',
{ label: 'Allow anyone with this code to register:', value: 'radioThree' },
label: 'Define eligible users manually through eligibilty file.',
value: 'radioFour',
const RegistrationEligibilty = () => {
const {
formState: { errors },
} = useForm<any>()
const [selectedRadio, setSelectedRadio] = useState({ regType: '' })
const onSubmit = (data: any) => {
const handleSelected = (value: string) => {
setSelectedRadio({ ...selectedRadio, regType: value })
return (
<form onSubmit={handleSubmit(onSubmit)}>
{registrationTypes.map((rt) => (
render={({ field: { onChange, value } }: any) => (
// #ts-ignore
onChange={(e: any) =>
onChange(e.target.value, handleSelected(rt.value))
checked={selectedRadio.regType === rt.value}
style={{ paddingLeft: '10px' }}
{selectedRadio.regType === 'radioTwo' &&
rt.value === 'radioTwo' && (
<div style={{ width: '90%' }}>
render={({ field }) => (
placeholder="Select domains"
{selectedRadio.regType === 'radioThree' &&
rt.value === 'radioThree' && (
<div style={{ width: '90%' }}>
render={({ field }) => (
placeholder="Select codes"
export default RegistrationEligibilty
The result looks like this:
I also need to be able to remove them if the user changes their mind or resets the form in total
If the component is unmounted, the value of the component is not included in the result. Make sure your Creatable is unmounted when the relevant radio is not selected

React Native conditionally setting state

I have an array of "favorite" listings per user. I want to set a state variable depending on if it is rendering a favorite item or a regular (non-favorite) item. This is a little heart icon that is either filled or unfilled. It is incorrectly setting the state on first render. Correctly sets it after refresh.. I'm doing something wrong and have tried many things to no avail so if someone could just look at this code and tell me if you see any glaring flaws. If not then I will look elsewhere for the problem.
Behavior when app loads: I am doing console.log just after the state is set to show whether it's a favorite or not, and the contents of the favorite state variable (an image url, but in the console it shows it as either 21 for non-fav, or 22 for a fav). I can see that it is correctly pulling the array of favorites, and correctly identifying those that are and are not favorited (1 means its a favorite). It is however not setting the state variable correctly. Furthermore, it IS setting it correctly for only some of the listings. Currently I have all listings marked as a favorite, and it only messes up the first 10. After that they all set right. MORE bizarre, is upon refreshing the screen, it correctly sets all of them.
MainHeader.js (pulling data from db, setting initial array of favorite listings, and passing it to the messagesScreen component)
const [favsArray, setFavsArray] = useState("");
useEffect(() => {
.then((snapshot) => {
if (snapshot.hasChildren()) {
snapshot.forEach(function(childSnapshot) {
let favs = childSnapshot.child("favorites").val();
.catch((error) => {console.error('Error:', error)});
}, []);
return (
<View style={styles.headerContainer}>
activeTintColor: "blue",
inactiveTintColor: "black",
style: {},
tabStyle: {
width: "auto",
backgroundColor: "#e0d5f3",
borderTopWidth: 3,
borderBottomWidth: 3,
borderRightColor: "gray",
labelStyle: {
fontSize: 14,
fontWeight: "bold",
scrollEnabled: true,
<Tab.Screen name="All Deals" children={()=><MessagesScreen favsArray={favsArray} setFavsArray={setFavsArray}/>} />
MessagesScreen, receives favsArray and renders a FlatList with component Card which it feeds favsArray to.
keyExtractor={(messagesShow) => messagesShow.id.toString()}
renderItem={({ item }) => (
favsArray = {favsArray}
onRefresh={() =>
db.ref('deals').once('value', (snapshot) =>{
let testData = [];
// if (child.val().hasOwnProperty('title')){
id: child.key,
title: child.val().hasOwnProperty('title') ? child.val().title : 'NA',
currentPrice: child.val().price,
discountAmount: child.val().discAmt,
discType: child.val().discType,
promoCode: child.val().promoCode,
expiration: child.val().expDate,
postedDate: child.val().postDate,
image: { uri: child.val().imageLink},
amzLink: child.val().affLink,
category: child.val().category,
indexStore: child.val().indexStore,
store: child.val().store
// }
.catch((error) => {console.error('Error:', error)})
Card component, this is in a FlatList where favsArray is passed as a prop (correctly verified by console), along with the individual listing data. If it finds the listing in the fav array, it should set to HeartFilled (1), if not set to HeartEmpty (0).
let test = [];
test = favsArray.split(',');
let isFav = 0;
let found = test.find(function (element) {
return element == indexStore;
if (found != undefined){
isFav = 1;
const [heartFilled, setHeartFilled] = useState( isFav == 1 ? require('../assets/heartFilled.png') : require('../assets/heartEmpty.png'));
console.log(isFav + ' ' + heartFilled);
Looking at my console, you can see it correctly shows each listing as a favorite, but for the first 10 listings it sets the state to the wrong image (21, shown in red). These should all be 22.

Google auto Places giving places suggestion very slow

I am making a react native application which needs the GooglePlacesSuggestion in react native. So I used a package:
And here is the code :
<View style = {{margin:10,padding:20,flex:1}}>
minLength={2} // minimum length of text to search
returnKeyType={'search'} // Can be left out for default return key https://facebook.github.io/react-native/docs/textinput.html#returnkeytype
listViewDisplayed='auto' // true/false/undefined
renderDescription={row => row.description} // custom description render
onPress={(data, details = null) => { // 'details' is provided when fetchDetails = true
// ToastAndroid.show(JSON.stringify(data),ToastAndroid.LONG)
let city = details.address_components[0].long_name
let lat = details.geometry.location.lat
let lng = details.geometry.location.lng
let full_addr= details.formatted_address
getDefaultValue={() => ''}
key: 'AIzaSyB-q60XaNf5nsz5678e1jaRg0KTs5Q1nPi2Zk',
language: 'en', // language of the results
types: 'geocode' // default: 'geocode'
textInputContainer: {
width: '100%'
description: {
fontWeight: 'bold'
nearbyPlacesAPI='GooglePlacesSearch' // Which API to use: GoogleReverseGeocoding or GooglePlacesSearch
rankby: 'distance',
types: 'food'
filterReverseGeocodingByTypes={[ 'political','administrative_area_level_3']} // filter the reverse geocoding results by types - ['locality', 'administrative_area_level_3'] if you want to display only cities
debounce={200} // debounce the requests in ms. Set to 0 to remove debounce. By default 0ms.
But there arise two problems from the above code. While typing any places I get a very slow response, I mean that after typing a character or word for places it took 2-3 second to display the result and sometimes it does not display any result why? Also if I want to search address based on road name and area name then it doesn't give me any suggestions. Why? I am stuck I both these problem kindly help me in both the issue. Thanks in advance

React Native Google Places Autocomplete radius restriction not working

I'm hoping to restrict the Google Places search results to 20 miles around my users current location.
Adding the radius parameter to the query isn't working at all. Here's my code:
// available options: https://developers.google.com/places/web-service/autocomplete
key: 'AIzaSyCMFiyTGVGJQgi1AOShIuRppi9JqcSgobw',
language: 'en', // language of the results
types: ['street_address', 'establishment'], // default: 'geocode'
components: 'country:us'
latitude: 32.795969,
longitude: -80.028863,
radius: 100
currentLocation={false} // Will add a 'Current location' button at the top of the predefined places list
currentLocationLabel="Current location"
nearbyPlacesAPI="GooglePlacesSearch" // Which API to use: GoogleReverseGeocoding or GooglePlacesSearch
// available options for GoogleReverseGeocoding API : https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/geocoding/intro
// available options for GooglePlacesSearch API : https://developers.google.com/places/web-service/search
// rankby: 'distance',
The radius you have provided is taken in metres and it should be a string
You can try this
key: '***********8',
language: 'es', // language of the results
location: '20.8840744, -100.7607736',
radius: '15000', //15 km
strictbounds: true,