Keras Masking layer for LSTM input to mask features instead of timesteps - tensorflow

I gather that Masking layers in Keras are commonly used for handling data inputs with varying timesteps. Based on the documentation, I understand that if all of the features for a given timestep equal the mask value, then that timestep will be skipped in downstream layers.
For my problem, I am instead interested in using masking for features, where the data input shape to the network is (batch_size, num_timesteps, num_features). Essentially, I want to be able to predict a timeseries one step into the future with num_features features, but assuming that I won't always have all the features from the previous timestep to base my prediction on.
For example, one could predict RGB values one timestep into the future for a pixel in a video stream based on partial data from a previous timestep. At every timestep the output should be all RGB, but some timesteps you may get only RG, or only RB, or only BG, but you never know which partial data you'll have at each timestep to make your prediction. This is why I want to somehow be able to indicate a feature as masked during training to accommodate this kind of prediction.
It may be that Masking in Keras is not the correct mechanism to achieve this. What is the correct type of network layer that would give me this behavior?


how to generate different samples using PixelCNN?

I am trying pixelcnn, which is auto-regressive generative model. After training, the model receive an all-zero tensor and generate the next pixel form the left top coner. Now that the model parameters are fixed, does the model only can produce the same outputs starting from the same zero tensor? How to produce different samples?
Yes, you always provide an all-zero tensor. However, for PixelCNN each pixel location is represented by a distribution. So when you do the forward pass you then sample from a random distribution at the end. That is how the pixel values are different each run.
This is of course because PixelCNN is a probabilistic neural network. So the pixels, as mentioned before, are all represented by conditional probability distributions of all the layers below, not just point estimates.

What are the effects of padding a tensor?

I'm working on a problem using Keras that has been presenting me with issues:
My X data is all of shape (num_samples, 8192, 8), but my Y data is of shape (num_samples, 4), where 4 is a one-hot encoded vector.
Both X and Y data will be run through LSTM layers, but the layers are rejecting the Y data because it doesn't match the shape of the X data.
Is padding the Y data with 0s so that it matches the dimensions of the X data unreasonable? What kind of effects would that have? Is there a better solution?
Edited for clarification:
As requested, here is more information:
My Y data represents the expected output of passing the X data through my model. This is my first time working with LSTMs, so I don't have an architecture in mind, but I'd like to use an architecture that works well with classifying long (8192-length) sequences of words into one of several categories. Additionally, the dataset that I have is of an immense size when fed through an LSTM, so I'm currently using batch-training.
Technologies being used:
Keras (Tensorflow Backend)
TL;DR Is padding one tensor with zeroes in all dimensions to match another tensor's shape a bad idea? What could be a better approach?
First of all, let's make sure your representation is actually what you think it is; the input to an LSTM (or any recurrent layer, for that matter) must be of dimensionality: (timesteps, shape), i.e. if you have 1000 training samples, each consisting of 100 timesteps, with each timestep having 10 values, your input shape will be (100,10,). Therefore I assume from your question that each input sample in your X set has 8192 steps and 8 values per step. Great; a single LSTM layer can iterate over these and produce 4-dimensional representations with absolutely no problem, just like so:
myLongInput = Input(shape=(8192,8,))
myRecurrentFunction = LSTM(4)
myShortOutput = myRecurrentFunction(myLongInput)
TensorShape([Dimension(None), Dimension(4)])
I assume your problem stems from trying to apply yet another LSTM on top of the first one; the next LSTM expects a tensor that has a time dimension, but your output has none. If that is the case, you'll need to let your first LSTM also output the intermediate representations at each time step, like so:
myNewRecurrentFunction=LSTM(4, return_sequences=True)
myLongOutput = myNewRecurrentFunction(myLongInput)
TensorShape([Dimension(None), Dimension(None), Dimension(4)])
As you can see the new output is now a 3rd order tensor, with the second dimension now being the (yet unassigned) timesteps. You can repeat this process until your final output, where you usually don't need the intermediate representations but rather only the last one. (Sidenote: make sure to set the activation of your last layer to a softmax if your output is in one-hot format)
On to your original question, zero-padding has very little negative impact on your network. The network will strain itself a bit in the beginning trying to figure out the concept of the additional values you have just thrown at it, but will very soon be able to learn they're meaningless. This comes at a cost of a larger parameter space (therefore more time and memory complexity), but doesn't really affect predictive power most of the time.
I hope that was helpful.

Shape of tensor for 2D image in Keras

I am a newbie to Keras (and somehow to TF) but I have found shape definition for the input layer very confusing.
So in the examples, when we have a 1D vector of length 20 for input, shape gets defined as
And when a 2D tensor for greyscale images needs to be defined for MNIST, it is defined as:
...Input(shape=(28, 28, 1)...)
So my question is why the tensor is not defined as (20) and (28, 28)? Why in the first case a second dimension is added and left empty? Also in second, number of channels have to be defined?
I understand that it depends on the layer so Conv1D, Dense or Conv2D take different shapes but it seems the first parameter is implicit?
According to docs, Dense needs be (batch_size, ..., input_dim) but how is this related the example:
Dense(32, input_shape=(784,))
Tuples vs numbers
input_shape must be a tuple, so only (20,) can satisfy it. The number 20 is not a tuple. -- There is the parameter input_dim, to make your life easier if you have only one dimension. This parameter can take 20. (But really, I find it just confusing, I always work with input_shape and use tuples, to keep a consistent understanding).
Dense(32, input_shape=(784,)) is the same as Dense(32, input_dim=784).
Images don't have only pixels, they also have channels (red, green, blue).
A black/white image has only one channel.
So, (28pixels, 28pixels, 1channel)
But notice that there isn't any obligation to follow this shape for images everywhere. You can shape them the way you like. But some kinds of layers do demand a certain shape, otherwise they couldn't work.
Some layers demand specific shapes
It's the case of the 2D convolutional layers, which need (size1,size2,channels). They need this shape because they must apply the convolutional filters accordingly.
It's also the case of recurrent layers, which need (timeSteps,featuresPerStep) to perform their recurrent calculations.
MNIST models
Again, there isn't any obligation to shape your image in a specific way. You must do it according to which first layer you choose and what you intend to achieve. It's a free thing.
Many examples simply don't care about an image being a 2d structured thing, and they just use models that take 784 pixels. That's enough. They probably start with Dense layers, which demand shapes like (size,)
Other examples may care, and use a shape (28,28), but then these models will have to reshape the input to fit the needs of the next layer.
Convolutional layers 2D will demand (28,28,1).
The main idea is: input arrays must match input_shape or input_dim.
Tensor shapes
Be careful, though, when reading Keras error messages or working with custom / lambda layers.
All these shapes we defined before omit an important dimension: the batch size or the number of samples.
Internally all tensors will have this additional dimension as the first dimension. Keras will report it as None (a dimension that will adapt to any batch size you have).
So, input_shape=(784,) will be reported as (None,784).
And input_shape=(28,28,1) will be reported as (None,28,28,1)
And your actual input data must have a shape that matches that reported shape.

tensorflow: batches of variable-sized images

When one passes to tf.train.batch, it looks like the shape of the element has to be strictly defined, else it would complain that All shapes must be fully defined if there exist Tensors with shape Dimension(None). How, then, does one train on images of different sizes?
You could set dynamic_pad=True in the argument of tf.train.batch.
dynamic_pad: Boolean. Allow variable dimensions in input shapes. The given dimensions are padded upon dequeue so that tensors within a batch have the same shapes.
Usually, images are resized to a certain number of pixels.
Depending on your task you might be able to use other techniques in order to process images of varying sizes. For example, for face recognition and OCR, a fix sized window is used, that is then moved over the image. On other tasks, convolutional neural networks with pooling layers or recurrent neural networks can be helpful.
I see that this is quite old question, but in case someone will be searching how variable-size images can be still used in batches, I can tell what I did for Image-to-Image convolutional network (inference), which was trained for variable image size and batch 1. Why: when I tried to process images in batches using padding, the results become much worse, because signal was "spreading" inside of the network and started to influence its convolution pyramids.
So what I did is possible when you have source code and can load weights manually into convolutional layers. I modified the network in the following way: along with a batch of zero-padded images, I added additional placeholder which received a batch of binary masks with 1 where actual data was on the patch, and 0 where padding was applied. Then I multiplied signal by these masks after each convolutional layer inside the network, fighting "spreading". Multiplication isn't expensive operation, so it did not affect performance much.
The result was not deformed already, but still had some border artifacts, so I modified this approach further by adding small (2px) symmetric padding around input images (kernel size of all the layers of my CNN was 3), and kept it during propagation by using slightly bigger (+[2px,2px]) mask.
One can apply the same approach for training as well. Then some sort of "masked" loss is needed, where only the ROI on each patch is used to calculate loss. For example, for L1/L2 loss you can calculate the difference image between generated and label images and apply masks before summing up. More complicated losses might involve unstacking or iterating batch, and extracting ROI using tf.where or tf.boolean_mask.
Such training can be indeed beneficial in some cases, because you can combine small and big inputs for the network without small inputs being affected by the loss of big padded surroundings.

When predicting with an LSTM in Keras, is the hidden state still adjusted?

When I first train an LSTM in Keras on sequence data - my training data -
and then use model.predict() to make predictions with my test data as input, is the hidden state of the LSTM still being adjusted?
Basic operation of a neural network is to take an input (vector) which is connected to the output with connections and, sometimes, other layers such as context layers. These connections are modelled as matrices and vary in strength, we call these weight matrices.
This means that the only thing we do when we are feeding data into the network is to put a vector into the network, multiply the values with the weight matrix and call that the output. In special cases, like recurrent networks, we even keep some values stored in other vectors and combine this stored value with the current input.
During training we not only feed data into the network, we also compute an error value that we evaluate in a clever way so that it tells us how we should change the weight matrices we multiply our inputs (and possibly past inputs for recurrent layers) with.
Therefore: yes, of course the basic execution behavior does not change for recurrent layers. We are just not updating weights anymore.
There are layers that do behave differently during execution time because they are treated as regularisers, i.e. methods that make training the network more efficient, which are deemed as unnecessary during execution. Examples for these layers are Noise and BatchNormalization. Almost all neural network layers (including recurrent ones) include drop-out which is another form of regularisation which disables a random percentage of connections in the layer. This is also only done during training.