redis multi dbs vs single db, which one is best? - redis

i have two plan for my redis key , one for separate several db ,one for each project ,another is put the keys on a whole big db, use the key name prefix to distinct them like " db1:xxx ,db2:xxx ",which one is better ? why?

Please reference to this post: What's the Point of Multiple Redis Databases?
In my opinion, it's not good to use multiple databases in a single redis instance, as Salvatore(Author of Redis) said here:
But if just for development, both of your choice are ok.


What is keyspace in redis ?

I am new to redis, I do not know the meaning of "keyspace" and "key space" in redis terminology which I encountered in redis official website. Can someone help me to clear that? Thanks.
These terms refer to the internal dictionary that Redis manages, in which all keys are stored. The keyspace of a Redis database is managed by a single server in the case of a single instance deployment, and is divided to exclusive slot ranges managed by different nodes when using cluster mode.
In a key-value database, all keys can be in one node or divided in multiple nodes. Suppose I am storing telephone dictionary as key-value store with name as key and phone number as a value. If I store names A-L on one node and M-Z on another node, I divide my database into two key spaces. When I run query to search number of Smith, I need to search only second key space or node. This divides the query on multiple nodes and divide the work giving faster result. This could be shared-nothing model of working.

Redis keys function for match with multiple pattern

How i can find keys with multiple match pattern, for example i've keys with
foo:*, event:*, poi:* and article:* patterns.
how i find keys with redis keys function for match with foo:* or poi:* pattern, its like
find all keys with preffix foo:* or poi:*
You should not do this. KEYS is mainly a debug command. It is not supposed to be used for anything else.
Redis is not a database supporting ad-hoc queries: you are supposed to provide access paths for the data you put into Redis (using extra set or hash or zset indexes).
If you really need to run arbitrary boolean expressions on keys to select data, I would suggest to do it offline by using the rdb-redis-tools package.

Redis key matching performance

We are using Redis for key-value ordinary caching and for our thumbnail cache. In a machine which has 100+ sites Redis thumnail database has 500000 keys without distinctive prefix like:
Does using a prefix like 001,002,003,... 100 for site ids increase the performance of accessing Redis?
Because the data structure of the main dictionary is a hash table and not a tree, the general performance of Redis is not really impacted if you have plenty of keys with a common prefix.
Prefixing your keys with some discriminating data will not really improve performance.

Segmenting Redis By Database

By default, Redis is configured with 16 databases, numbered 0-15. Is this simply a form of name spacing, or are there performance implications of segregating by database ?
For example, if I use the default database (0), and I have 10 million keys, best practices suggest that using the keys command to find keys by wildcard patterns will be inefficient. But what if I store my major keys, perhaps the first 4 segments of 8 segment keys, resulting in a much smaller subset of keys in a separate database (say database 3). Will Redis see these as a smaller set of keys, or do all keys across all databases appear as one giant index of keys ?
More explicitly put, in terms of time complexity, if my databases look like this:
Database 0: 10,000,000 keys
Database 3: 10,000 keys
will the time complexity of keys calls against Database 3 be O(10m) or will it be O(10k) ?
Thanks for your time.
Redis has a separate dictionary for each database. From your example, the keys call against database 3 will be O(10K)
That said, using keys is against best practice. Additionally, using multiple databases for the same application is against best practices as well. If you want to iterate over keys, you should index them in an application specific way. A SortedSet is a good way way to build an index.
References :
The structure redisServer has an array of redisDB. See redisServer in redis.h
Each redisDB has its own dictionary object. See redisDB in redis.h
keys command operates on the dictionary for the current database

Redis: does separate database improve performance for KEYS and SORT

Does separate database improve performance for KEYS and SORT?
In case you mean that, by spreading the same number of keys across multiple databases, your KEYS and SORT operations will be faster, then the answer is yes.
This is because there are less keys to check against and the time complexity of both these operations is dependent on the number of keys.
At the same time, sorting two result sets in two different databases will be far more costly.
Redis commands - Sort
Redis commands - Keys
No. Both of those commands are run on one database. If you have 2 or more databases and wanted to run that command, then you would have to execute in each database, therefor taking twice the amount of time.