Nuxt js Google Tag Manager JQuery problem - vuejs2

I have installed #nuxtjs/google-tag-manager module and configure it. Then i start project in production and jquery stopped working. I mean no clicks and other jquery events working.
Have anyone else experienced the same issue? What did i do wrong?
I use latest version of nuxt 2.


Laravel with JetStream and LiveWire not rendering (Tailwind)

I started a new project in Laravel 8 with Jetstream and LiveWire.
It seems everything ok, but I'm not able to show correctly the auth pages.
I created a new laravel project.
I installed the jetstream package with LiveWire
This is the result of login page:
The css is not working.
After days of workaround on this issue, I found the problem.
After npm run dev, the console display the following line:
You have enabled the JIT engine which is currently in preview.
Documentation Here
For now I changed mode: 'JIT' to mode: '' in file tailwind.config.js
The project seems to work.

Vue devtools stops after refresh

I open vscode and start my development server via npm run serve. My app loads into chrome and upon inspection under the vue tab vuex I can see my store.
Now when I refresh the page under the vue tab it says "No App" and can no longer see my vuex store. Any thought on why the devtools stops working after a refresh? If i stop the server and restart the devtools work... but on refresh is stops.
I'm using vue devtools version 6.0.0 beta updated June 28, 2021, and chrome version 72.0.4515.131. My app is using vue 2.
Thanks for any help you can provide.
There is a similar open issue in Vue devtools version 6.0.0-beta.15 posted on their github. Seems like yours is a bug as well, you should add your own issue and steps to reproduce the issue. In the meanwhile you can downgrade the Vue devtools to a stable version.
Are you using the development or production version of Vue?
The solution for me was to use the latest development version of Vue.
You can find more about it in their documentation.

Vue.js devtools not detecting Vue.js in standalone installation, already allowed access to file URLs

I have a vue.js + laravel installation project on my local server where the Vue.js devtools detects Vue.js and I'm able to use it. However, when I do a standalone Vue.js installation using 'vue create', Vue.js is not detected by devtools. I already allowed access to file URLs under chrome extension but it is still not working. The devtools was detecting Vue.js in the laravel version just fine without allowing access to file URLS.
Is there something else basic that I'm missing to get Vue.js devtools to work? There must be a simple step I missed because there should be loads of people creating fresh Vue.js projects on local server and getting devtools to work.
I'm using 'npm run serve' to run Vue.js in localhost, is this supposed to be detected by Vue.js devtools by default?
solved by reinstalling Vue.js 2 instead of the Vue.js 3 preview version as of 2020-08-26.

IE11 - failed to open http://localhost:8080

I am trying to access my VueJS application running on my node server on IE11 by accessing the URL http://localhost:8080. However I cant access the same as only a blank screen appears. I have babel polyfill installed and imported in my main file and have babel presets already setup in babelrc file.
My app is currently running and is accessible on Chrome but not on IE11.
I don't get a single error message in console and have no clue what could be going wrong. Has anyone ever faced this?
You need to use polyfills. IE11 does not support ES2015, it needs to be transiled by babel. There seem to be various ways of doing this.
Please check this guide:
or here:

Trouble port PhoneGap project to Windows Phone

Porting to PhoneGap has been successful for Android and iOS, but Windows Phone (8) is causing issues.
The site works if viewed through IE, but when hosted within Cordova the Windows Phone app loads but there's issues with the functionality. We've discovered it's failing on the JavaScript "dojo.require" e.g.
It doesn't seem to matter which library is passed in, so it seems to be an issue with the dojo.require function itself.
I've found this example online - - and have followed step 3 to change the root url in dojo, but this doesn't seem to help.
Anyone have any ideas what the issue might be?
Please mention the version numbers of both Dojo and PhoneGap.
If you are not using the latest available for both, can you try upgrading?
You mentioned that you tried changing the root URL, but did you try to configure the Dojo loader in sync mode (vs async)? Say data-dojo-config="async: 0, ..." in the script tag which loads dojo.js. Does it work better?