How to migrate to gulp v4 from 3? - npm'watch', function() {
watch('./app/index.html', function() {
I want to run a task named 'html' when any changes to the file are made. It worked in the previous version of gulp for as for now it generates the following error.
gulp.start is not a function.
I can't find any way to achieve this in the newer version of the gulp. All I found that I need to change it to function, but I can't seem to find what I need to change and how?
The rest of the code is as follows
var gulp = require("gulp"),
watch = require('gulp-watch');
gulp.task('default', function(done){
console.log("You created the default task");
gulp.task('html', function(done){
console.log('modifying the html');
});'watch', function() {
watch('./app/index.html', function() {

You don't need to convert your tasks to named functions - although that is considered best practice and is easy to do.
To fix your watch task, try:'watch', function(done) {
watch('./app/index.html', gulp.series('html'));
To change to named functions:
function html(done) {
console.log('modifying the html');
function watch(done) {
watch('./app/index.html', gulp.series('html'));
exports.html= gulp.series(html);
exports.default = gulp.series(watch);
Note that now the watch task is not called as a string, i.e., 'watch', but just watch.
In exports.html, the gulp.series is not strictly needed as there is only one task there so exports.html= html; is sufficient.
And you only need to export a task if you wish to call it directly (as from the command line gulp html for example). If say the html task will only be called internally by other tasks then there is no need to export it.


Not able to add a custom command

I want to create a custom command in a typescript webdriverIO project. But no matter what I do, the command always ends up with the error :
TypeError: browser.waitAndClick is not a function.
Basically I wanted to add the same function they mentioned in webdriverIO doc. I am adding it from beforeAll() in my specs.
import { DEFAULT_TIMEOUT } from "../constants";
class CustomCommand {
private static alreadyAdded = false;
static addCommands(){
if(!this.alreadyAdded) {
browser.addCommand('waitAndClick', (el: WebdriverIO.Element) => {
el.waitForDisplayed({timeout: DEFAULT_TIMEOUT});;
}, true);
browser.addCommand('waitAndSetValue', (el: WebdriverIO.Element, text: string) => {
el.waitForDisplayed({timeout: DEFAULT_TIMEOUT});
}, true);
this.alreadyAdded = true;
export default CustomCommand;
And I am calling this addCommands() function from beforeAll() of a spec. But no luck!
One nice person from slack channel helped me to find out the exact reason. Actually I overlooked something in doc : If you register a custom command to the browser scope, the command won’t be accessible for elements. Likewise, if you register a command to the element scope, it won’t be accessible in the browser scope. Turned out this is the reason. It is resolved now.
Passing false as third parameter in addCommand() fixed it.
Welcome to stack-overflow!
Please note that there is no 'beforeAll' hook in webdriverio as per the docs here.
It should work if you call this in before hook.
based on the webdriverio docs:
Note: don't forget to wrap inside before hook as ex bellow:
before: async function (capabilities, specs) {
browser.addCommand('waitAndClick', async function (selector) {
try {
await $(selector).waitForExist();
await $(selector).click();
} catch (error) {
throw new Error(`Could not click on selector: ${selector}`);

Mocha, using this.skip() to skip tests dynamically doesn't work

I'm trying to skip tests if a condition returns true using this.skip() inside an "it", but I'm getting an error "this.skip is not a function".
this is the simple code I'm trying to check it on:
var async = require('async');
var should = require('chai').should();
var chai = require('chai'),
should = chai.should();
expect = chai.expect;
describe('Testing skip...\n', function() {
it('test1', (done) => {
it('test2', (done) => {
I installed "mocha#5.2.0 " since I saw it only works on since "mocha v3.0.0",
but I still cant get it to work, and none of the past discussions on the subject seems to fix my problem.
in order to use this in mocha, don't use arrow function. So, in your code you need to write it as
it('test1', function(done) { // use regular function here
The best practice in Mocha is to discourage arrow function as described in
Hope it helps

mocha 'after' fails saying it can't find 'app'

Ok, my mocha tests will pass if I comment out the 'before' and 'after' methods. I am sure that both of my errors are related to each other.
The 'after' method fails stating app.close isn't a function. The 'before' method fails saying it cant find 'app' on my line 7 (clearing server cache).
I am completely out of options or ideas. I would like to be able to start and stop my server at my command. This is the first time that I have attempted to include any type of 'before/after' methods to my mocha testing. working code below, but with my failing portion commented out. Any suggestions??
var request = require('supertest');
var app = require('../../server');
describe('server', function() {
before(function () {
//var app = require('../../server')();
//delete require.cache[require.resolve('app')];
after(function () {
describe('basic comms', function() {
it('responds to root route', function testSlash(done) {
.expect('Content-type', /json/)
//.expect(res.message).to.equal('Hello World!')
.expect(200, done);
it('404 everything else', function testPath(done) {
//console.log('testing 404 response');
.expect(404, done);
In before you require your app in a different way than in line 2. Why would you not use already required app?
before(function () {
// here you can use app from line 2
Regarding app.close, where did you find this function?
Check Express docs:
To close express server, you can use this approach:
how to properly close node-express server?

How can I load a module with RequireJS for testing in a testing framework like Jasmine?

I am new to JavaScript and try to test functions defined in a RequireJS Module.
That means i have some code like this:
define([...], function(...){
var ModuleName = Base.extend({
init: function(){
//some code
Now I want to test the function init().
I load the object from my spec.js, this works:
describe("ModuleName", function(){
var mod = require(['../js/app/ModuleName.js'], function(ModuleName) {});
it("exists", function(){
This passes well.
But when I add this code, it fails:
it("contains init", function(){
I don't understand why.
You're not using RequireJS properly.
The following solution needs the use of beforeAll, which can be added to Jasmine with this package. Your code could be something like this:
describe("ModuleName", function() {
var mod;
beforeAll(function (done) {
// This loads your module and saves it in `mod`.
require(['../js/app/ModuleName'], function(mod_) {
mod = _mod;
it("exists", function(){
As I recall, the return value of require called with an array of dependencies is a reference to require itself. So yes, it is defined but, no, it is not the value of the module you were trying to load. To get a module value, you have to do something like I did in the code above.
If your tests happen to be in a RequireJS module, you could also just add the module to be tested to the list of dependencies:
define([..., '../js/app/ModuleName'], function (..., mod) {
describe("ModuleName", function() {
it("exists", function(){
I've used both methods above in different circumstances.
Side note: I've removed the .js from the module name in the code above. You generally do not want to put the .js extension to module names you give to RequireJS.

Testing Ember Data

Anyone have any good examples of testing Ember data in your own app?
I'm starting to build an app using the Fixtures adapter, which is great. But I want to test my models and make sure everything works properly as I build.
I have QUnit setup and running, but I don't want to write the server side in order to verify that the Data Model makes a call. I'd like to mock out the Adapter and just see if the find method is called and return a new object from it. I'll worry about the server side implementation later.
Any ideas?
This is what I have so far (that doesn't work):
test('MyModel should call find', 1, function(){
App.TestAdapter = DS.Adapter.extend({
find: function(store, type, id){
ok(true, 'calls the find method');
console.log('find: ', type, id);
App.Store = DS.Store.extend({
adapter: 'App.TestAdapater'
myModel = App.MyModel.createRecord({
name: 'Test',
period: 0
// method that should call .find
I ended up going with Konacha.
The biggest part was:
before(function() { {
afterEach(function() { {