Testing Ember Data - ember-data

Anyone have any good examples of testing Ember data in your own app?
I'm starting to build an app using the Fixtures adapter, which is great. But I want to test my models and make sure everything works properly as I build.
I have QUnit setup and running, but I don't want to write the server side in order to verify that the Data Model makes a call. I'd like to mock out the Adapter and just see if the find method is called and return a new object from it. I'll worry about the server side implementation later.
Any ideas?
This is what I have so far (that doesn't work):
test('MyModel should call find', 1, function(){
App.TestAdapter = DS.Adapter.extend({
find: function(store, type, id){
ok(true, 'calls the find method');
console.log('find: ', type, id);
App.Store = DS.Store.extend({
adapter: 'App.TestAdapater'
myModel = App.MyModel.createRecord({
name: 'Test',
period: 0
// method that should call .find

I ended up going with Konacha.
The biggest part was:
before(function() {
Ember.run(function() {
afterEach(function() {
Ember.run(function() {


Need advice about testing using Chimp.js/Mocha in Meteor.js

I'm trying to teach myself testing with Meteor but there is so much conflicting and outdated info online it's really difficult to work out what I need to do.
My current situation it that I have an application using the latest Meteor version (and the imports folder structure).
I've installed chimp globally and have created a /tests directory.
My first test is using chimp/mocha to fill in a form and try to insert something to the database. I'm also using the xolvio/backdoor package and running chimp like so
chimp --ddp=http://localhost:3000 --mocha --path=tests
Here's my test code:
describe('Chimp Mocha', function() {
describe( 'Create a Client', function() {
it( 'should fill in add client form', function() {
browser.setValue('#clientName', 'Test')
.setValue('#clientEmail', 'test#test.com')
.selectByValue('#numberTeamMembers', '25')
it( 'should check the collections for new client data', function() {
let getClient = server.execute( function() {
return Clients.findOne({ name: 'Test' });
expect( getClient.name ).to.equal( 'Test' );
after( function() {
server.execute( function() {
let client = Clients.findOne( { name: 'Test' } );
if ( client ) {
Clients.remove( client._id );
This is throwing an error that Clients is undefined
However, if I add
import { Clients } from '/imports/api/clients/clients.js';
I get this error Error: Cannot find module '/imports/api/clients/clients.js'
What am I doing wrong? Should I be using chimp? Any help would really be appreciated because I don't find the Meteor guide very clear about this!
You need to use require like this:
See here for an example.

In cloud code seems impossible to use Parse.Config.get() with express is it correct?

Is there any way to use Parse.Config.get() inside an expressjs app hosted in cloud code?
Looks very easy to use Parse.Object and Parse.User but with Parse.Config.get() the code is not deployed using "parse deploy"
We manage to use it adding the jssdk in html and using "frontend js" but haven't find any way to use in directly in express controllers.
It seem to be related with some kind of permissions issues...
var Parse = require('parse-cloud-express').Parse;
var Util = require('util')
Parse.Cloud.define("currentConfig", function(request, response) {
console.log('Ran currentConfig cloud function.');
// why do I have to do this?
Parse.initialize(xxx, yyy);
Parse.Config.get().then(function(config) {
// never called
// ...
}, function(error) {
Ran currentConfig cloud function.
{ code: undefined, message: 'unauthorized' }
Edited code which work for me:
var Parse = require('parse-cloud-express').Parse;
var Util = require('util')
Parse.initialize("appId", "restApiKey", "masterKey");
Parse.Cloud.define("currentConfig", function(request, response) {
console.log('Ran currentConfig cloud function.');
Parse.Config.get().then(function(config) {
// never called
// ...
}, function(error) {
EDIT: Add solution :)

How to test promises in Mongo(ose)/Express app?

I'm using promises to wrap asynchronous (Mongo) DB ops at the end of an (expressJS) route.
I want to try and figure out how to test the following code.
userService.findOne = function (id) {
var deferred = q.defer();
User.findOne({"_id" : id})
.exec(function (error, user) {
if (error) {
} else {
return deferred.promise;
var user = function (req, res) {
var userId = req.params.id
, userService = req.load("userService");
// custom middleware that enables me to inject mocks
return userService.findOne(id)
.then(function (user) {
console.log("called then");
msg: "foo"
}).catch(function (error) {
console.log("called catch");
error: error
Here's an attempt to test the above with mocha
it("when resolved", function (done) {
var jsonSpy = sinon.spy(httpMock.res, "json")
, httpMock = require("/path/to/mock/http/object")
, serviceMock = require("/path/to/mock/service"),
, deferred = q.defer()
, findStub = sinon.stub(serviceMock, "findOne")
, loadStub = sinon.stub(httpMock.req, "load")
// trigger route
routes.user(httpMock.req, httpMock.res);
// force promise to resolve?
expect(jsonSpy.called).to.be.true; // fails
// chai as promised
retPromise = findStub.returnValues[0];
expect(retPromise).to.be.fulfilled; // passes
the http mock is just an empty object with no-ops where expressJS would normally start rendering stuff. I've added some logging inside those no-ops to get an idea on how this is hanging together.
This isn't really working out. I want to verify how the whole is integrated, to establish some sort of regression suite - but I've effectively mocked it to smithereens and I'm just testing my mocks (not entirely successfully at that).
I'm also noticing that the console logs inside my http mocks triggered by then and catch are firing twice - but the jsonSpy that is invoked inside the actual code (verified by logging out the sinon spy within the userRoute code) is not called in test.
Has anyone got some advice on integration testing strategies for express apps backed by Mongo?
It looks to me like you're not giving your promise an opportunity to fire before you check if the result has been called. You need to wait asynchronously for userService.findOne()'s promise chain to complete before jsonSpy.called will be set. Try this instead:
// start of code as normal
routes.user(httpMock.req, httpMock.res),
function() { expect(jsonSpy.called).to.be.true; }
// rest of code as normal
That should chain off the routes.user() promise and pass as expected.
One word of caution: I'm not familiar with your framework, so I don't know if it will wait patiently for all async events to go off. If it's giving you problems calling back into your defer chain, you may want to try nodeunit instead, which handles async tests very well (IMO).

EmberJS Testing reset not fully reseting or async issue

If I change the order of my Ember/Qunit tests, they pass. Why is that, or what can I do to avoid it?
Edit: I notice that the Qunit tests run in a more or less random order (whichever is ready first?), regardless, when TEST B follows TEST A, it is failing.
It seems that either App.reset() isn't fully resetting or there is some async issue I'm not seeing.
module("Integration Tests", {
setup: function() {
test("TEST A", function() {
visit("/workspaces").then(function() {
test("TEST B", function() {
visit('/workspaces/1/submissions/1').then(function() {
ok(find('li[title="Kyle Folder 1"]').length, "the folder is there");
I have both versions of the test online.
A then B, B fails
B then A, both pass
This is using the fixture adapter with a bunch of models (possibly not all the correct relations, but I still expect the tests to be consistent regardless of order)
App.reset() resets the ember application itself, it doesn't reset Ember Model/Data.
You'll need to use unloadAll for Ember Data:
For Ember Model you'll use clearCache:
Have you tried allowing the visit to resolve before running ok on test A?
test("TEST A", function() {
visit("/workspaces").then( function(){

Testing ember nested routes fails

I'm using karma with qUnit (after following this tutorial) to test my Ember application. It's mostly going well, however I've run into a problem that doesn't make sense.
Given the 2 following tests:
test('can get to products', function() {
.then(function() {
test('can get to catalogues', function() {
.then(function() {
The first will run fine. The test runner gets to /products and finds something.
However, the second test returns an error in the console:
Error: Assertion Failed: You have turned on testing mode, which disabled the run-loop's autorun. You will need to wrap any code with asynchronous side-effects in an Ember.run
I turned on transition logs, and the test runner is visiting products.catalogues.index before throwing the error.
Any ideas with this? Or is it simply a bug inside ember's testing tools?
Both are valid routes defined inside the router...
The last part of the error holds the key to how to fix this problem. You have to make sure that any code that make async calls is wrapped in Ember.run. This includes things as simple as the create and set methods.
If you have something like
App.ProductsRoute = Ember.Route.extend({
model: function() {
return [
Ember.Object.create({title: "product1"}),
Ember.Object.create({title: "product2"})
refactor it to
App.ProductsRoute = Ember.Route.extend({
model: function() {
return [
Ember.run( Ember.Object, "create", {title: "product1"} ),
Ember.run( Ember.Object, "create", {title: "product2"} )
App.ProductsRoute = Ember.Route.extend({
model: function() {
return Ember.run(function() {
return [
Ember.Object.create({title: "product1"}),
Ember.Object.create({title: "product2"})
If you posted your /products code it would be easier to give a more specific answer.