reading and writing at Idris - idris

I am in my first steps of learing "Idris".
I am using this tutorial:
I created file called "hello.idr".
The content of the file is :
module Main
main : IO ()
main = putStrLn "Hello world"
I enterd this line at the shell prompt:"idris hello.idr -o hello"
but something unexcpeted occurred

module Main
main : IO ()
main = putStrLn "Hello world"
everything works as it should.
~$ idris hello.idr -o hello
~$ ./hello
Hello world
If it does not, you have a broken idris installation I would assume, and depending on your OS you need to follow different steps to install a binary installation.
For OS X I simply recommend brew install idris or have a look at


Read host system's environment variables build time in Singularity

When I'm building a Singularity container I'd like to read environment variables from the host system in the %post section. I've been looking online for a way to achieve this, but to no avail. I'm starting to question if this is even possible at the moment, but I can't find any mentions of it being possible/impossible.
Singularity definition file: recipe
BootStrap: docker
From: continuumio/anaconda3
On the host system / OS
export TEST_ENV_VARIABLE='foo'
sudo singularity build test.sif recipe
prints only a blank line when echoing TEST_ENV_VARIABLE.
If there is no way of reading host system's environment variables in the %post section, are there any other ways of passing arguments into the recipe that could be used build-time?
That is not currently possible, though there is an open issue for that functionality. I'm not personally a fan of dynamic build options as it makes it harder to guarantee reproducibility.
If you do want something more dynamic, you could use a template to create different definition files. A very simplistic example:
$ cat
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import sys
my_def = """BootStrap: docker
From: continuumio/anaconda3
echo This is {0}
echo This is {1}"""
$ ./ one two > Singularity.custom
$ sudo singularity build test.sif Singularity.custom

How can I run the Kotlin REPL kotlinc-jvm or kotlinc

I am completely new to Kotlin, and I am trying to run the Kotlin REPL.
Following this, and considering I am using OS X, and I have tried this:
$ /usr/local/bin/kotlinc-jvm
which is equivalent to:
$ kotlinc-jvm
Then in the following link, I found that a nicer way to run it is:
$ kotlinc
Is there any differences between this two commands, and which one should I choose?
If you look inside the kotlinc-jvm files, they actually just launch the kotlinc that's in the same folder they are in, and pass any arguments they were started with to it:
kotlinc-jvm for Unix:
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# (License here)
: ${DIR:="."}
"${DIR}"/kotlinc "$#"
kotlinc-jvm.bat for Windows:
#echo off
rem (License here)
call %~dps0kotlinc.bat %*
I'm not sure why kotlinc-jvm is there in this form, it's basically just a very simple redirect. I'd just use kotlinc.

Bash script in Mac OS X app, calling custom app from system

In my bash script i have:
condition=$(which $program 2>/dev/null | grep -v "not found" | wc -l)
if [ $condition -eq 0 ] ; then
echo "$program is not installed";
echo -n *mypass* |sudo -S gem install $program;
First of all, it installs program every time. It shows that program is not installed, but i can use it from terminal.
...then, i need to use this program in my cocoa application, for example
program --help
system([pathToFile UTF8String]);
i get:
path_to_bundle/ Permission denied // Where path is in bundle
path_to_folder/ 30: program: command not found // Where path is from other system folder
Using NSTask i get program: command not found every time.
I don't understand why this is happening. And i would like to know how i can use this program in my cocoa app.
So, i have found the solution.
When you're trying to run the custom system program from the cocoa app, you should give the full path to the binary.
The problem is in:
*program_name* should be full path to binary, in my case it was /Library/Ruby/Gems/2.0.0/gems/program-version/bin/program
For additional information about installation paths:

Nacl And Pnacl from terminal on chrome device

I've built hello world program by nacl and pnacl tools from NACL_SDK.
And now I want to test it.
I've mad a html page and js script which are working with my nexe and pexe and in browser everything is working fine.
But how can I launch my programs from console?
And how can I write stdout to file?
To run a nexe-program my-app.nexe from console and redirect output to file output.log use the following command:
$NACL_SDK/tools/ my-app.nexe > output.log is just a helper script. If you pass a --verbose option to it, you'll see a real command used to run your program. It's something like this:
$NACL_SDK/tools/nacl_helper_bootstrap_x86_64 $NACL_SDK/tools/sel_ldr_x86_64 \
--r_debug=0xXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX --reserved_at_zero=0xXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX -a \
-B $NACL_SDK/tools/irt_core_x86_64.nexe my-app.nexe

Updating files after RVM install

I have installed RVM enroute to updating and running different ruby and rails. After install I received message to update shell's loading files.
1) Place the folowing line at the end of your shell's loading files
(.bashrc or .bash_profile for bash and .zshrc for zsh),
after all PATH/variable settings:
[[ -s "/Users/eric/.rvm/scripts/rvm" ]] && source "/Users/eric/.rvm/scripts/rvm" # This loads RVM into a shell session.
You only need to add this line the first time you install rvm.
I typed [[ -s "/Users/eric/.rvm/scripts/rvm" ]] && source "/Users/eric/.rvm/scripts/rvm"
and hit enter. Does this update my files? Or do I have to open some type of file and cut and paste code?
Since I did not see any notice as stated below from part 2 of the post install, I closed the shell and opened a new one. but the RVM command does not seem to work. Part 2 of the instructions post install was:
2) Ensure that there is no 'return' from inside the ~/.bashrc file,
otherwise rvm may be prevented from working properly.
This means that if you see something like:
'[ -z "$PS1" ] && return'
then you change this line to:
if [[ -n "$PS1" ]] ; then
# ... original content that was below the '&& return' line ...
fi # <= be sure to close the if at the end of the .bashrc.
# This is a good place to source rvm v v v
[[ -s "/Users/eric/.rvm/scripts/rvm" ]] && source "/Users/eric/.rvm/scripts/rvm" # This loads RVM into a shell session.
EOF - This marks the end of the .bashrc file
Be absolutely *sure* to REMOVE the '&& return'.
If you wish to DRY up your config you can 'source ~/.bashrc' at the bottom of your .bash_profile.
Placing all non-interactive (non login) items in the .bashrc,
including the 'source' line above and any environment settings.
Thanks for the help as I am very new and trying to learn RoR but so far have not been able to get past the setup in many of the tutorials I've attempted. It seems many [
1 2 are out of date with new software or I get error messages before I can even attempt to learn the code. If someone knows of a good beginner tutorial that would be great. Thanks again!
The snippet that the installer gives you need to go in a file called the bashrc. The file lives in your home directory: /Users/eric/.bashrc
You need to edit this file and add the line from rvm and then you should be good to go.
As for getting rolling with rails I'd recommend The Pragmatic Programmers book on rails. You can find their books at
If you're on Ubuntu, my tutorial on setting rvm will get you roll all the way up to rails installation: