Use Chromium depot tools to fetch a specific revision - webrtc

I've been googling about and haven't turned up anything, so here goes. I would like to use the chromium repo tools to fetch WebRTC at a specific revision rather than the head revision.
I've also been looking at the depot tool scripts including depot_tools/getch_configs/ along with the depot tools help pages but there doesn't appear to be anything revision specific in there either.
Does anyone know how I could do something like fetch webrtc # acbd123... to checkout a specific revision? Thanks in advance!


How can I get the outdated expo docs?

As our RN application based on react-native#0.61.5, so we use expo#^0.37.0 to set up local development environment. But it seems that expo doesn't supply outdated docs, could only find recent version docs
Old docs often get lost, but thankfully there are a few ways of finding the old pages.
The first option is using the Wayback Machine from The site seems to go back to late 2020. A problem might be that some pages aren't crawled and might be missing.
And because it seems that their docs are open source with some commits going back three years. So you could in theory pull an old commit and build / run the docs locally.
You can use webarchive and old URL for documentation
In your case it is but not all pages are supported:
Use github online editor to check the outdate markdown docs is an optional solution.
Such as link:

How to install stellard on a server with integrate design?

I want to install stellard on my server. I download the stellard from github directory, here is link. Now I want to install and implement the design. I want step by step procedure to install like all configuration and database setup, etc. So how can I do this?
What I already done..
I am new in this open source and need deep demonstration of its installation and implementation. I also search out google, But can't get any useful tutorial how to work on this. I see there are some commands for installation but I can't way to work. Someone who really experience in stellard can give view to work on stellard. First I want to install stellard on my local host and after that on my live server.
My review about stellard..
This is very rare use open source.I search out is solution in some programing sites but can't get any help. Even I search stellard/ripple in youtube but no tutorial available there?

What's the recommended way to get the latest sakai code to test against?

My standard route has been to go to confluence, find the docs sections, then navigate through to the install docs for the version, e.g. sakai 10:
Through one means or another I happened across the source route to this too, so starting here....
You get redirected to the latest stuff, and appended version numbers to that url gives you other docs, e.g. adding 2.8.2 or 10 to the end of the url
But the links to what I should download are quite often not there, at the time of writing the 10 tar ball and zip in the confluence links are dead and the source.sakaiproject links doesn't have the 10 docs yet (redirects to 2.9.3) presumably this is because v10 is not released yet....
So, I'd like to evaluate a new version of a sakai source install, what's the best way to do this? (considering the official documentation for install is still being formed)
Do I download the latest SVN, or the latest RC or the latest beta or??? How do I know what's best to test against without being "too" bleeding edge? Is there a recommended tar ball/zip link to test against? Is there a "latest good" SVN branch?
The latest code is always in the Sakai trunk (currently svn):
That code may very well not be stable though as it is where things are being actively developed. If you are not actively developing then you should stick to the releases as indicated on the project website here:
If you want to use something in between (say an upcoming release) then you can grab the most recent tag or maybe use a recent branch (both currently in svn, latest shown below at the time I write this):
The reality of the situation is that if you want to use something other than the release then you should really participate in the dev community for Sakai. Joining the mailing lists and the weekly calls will provide the information you are asking about and much more.

Account_asset module configuration

I want to use OpenERP to manage my assets. I downloaded the account_asset module here account_asset download. I also downloaded account_simulation which it depends on. I was able to install the module. I then decided to follow the tutorials here in order to configure my assets. Problem is that I can't see some fields that the tutorials is talking about e.g. the Depr. Expense Account field and without that field, I cannot do what I want to do. Please has anyone successfully used OpenERP for asset management? Did anyone encounter the same problem? How can I overcome this because I cannot move forward without having that field. I hope my question is clear enough
So the documentation you are using is not the good one because it's for 6.1. I do not find any links to configure assets in v6 but be careful because I heard that this module is unstable...
I think another account_asset module exists on launchpad but I can't retrieve the link, sorry.

How to browse Metacello repositories in Pharo Smalltalk?

I have downloaded Pharo 1.2.2 #12353 and wanted to install some packages in a easier way than going through Monticello Browser. I do not want to copy and paste scripts to install packages. After I opened the Menu, Tools, Configuration Browser a new window is shown with 3 ConfigurationOf...
There is no help or description of what's the purpose of the Configuration Browser. What's one supposed to do with that?
there is no way to select a repository of configurations
there is no menu option to add a ConfigurationOf
there is no way to browse the Configurations from that window
Besides, is that the right tool to browse a "Metacello Repository" like ?
There is a custom browser to Metacello? Why isn't included in the release by default?
You can give MetacelloBrowser a try. It is aimed at providing a Metacello-centric interface for managing your project. The browser is still in development, but can be used for many tasks quite nicely.
If you decide to take it for a spin, please submit any issues here. Join the Metacello mailing list if you have any questions or comments.
Please report an issue about the Configuration Browser at and post your difficulties to the Pharo list. I played with the tool too and couldn't understand it either.
and for its origins:
The ideas is that we have an own Squeaksource repo (universe) for a
specific Pharo version where we have a copy all the ConfigurationOfXXX
that are known to work in this specific Pharo version.
Since nobody (yet) mainted the one for Pharo 1.3 the browser is just empty.
I will try to find the time to fill the repo for Pharo 1.3